nternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
同样:THE International Journal ADVANCED Manufacturing Technology
2、Journal of Materials Science 一个月2期,一年4卷,一卷1800页面
3、Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 一个月2期,一
4、Engineering Fracture Mechanics 18期5500页面
5、International Journal of Solids and Structures 一月2期,4800页面
6、Journal of Materials Processing Technology 一月3期,6300页面
7、Journal of Sound and Vibration 一月3期,一年8卷,10300页面
8、Materials Science and Engineering: A 一月4期,一年29卷,7500
journal of materials processing technology一月2期,一年1卷,6200页面
0、Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 4000页面
0、Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1200页面
01、Archive of Applied Mechanics 1200页面
02、Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 2300页面
04、Computational Mechanics1500页面
05、Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures1200页面
1、International Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAM) New创刊,可关注,在新
2International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing
3、International Journal of Fracture 月刊,一期110页面
4、Journal of Engineering Mathematics 月刊,一期110页面
5、Journal of Engineering Mechanics 月刊,一期110页面
6、Computer-Aided Design 月刊,一期110页面
7、Engineering Failure Analysis 共2700页面
8、Engineering Structures 2800页面
9、Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 800页面
6、Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
7、 Journal of Structural Engineering
8、Materials and Structures 10期1750页面
9、Automatica 12期2400页面
10、International Journal of Engineering Science 1200页面
11、International Journal of Fatigue 2100页面(11月就安排1月)
12、International Journal of Impact Engineering 1300页面(11月安排1月)
13、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences(1000页面
14、 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 1300页面
15、International Journal of Plasticity 2500页面
16、International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 900页面
17、 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2000页面
18、Mechanics of Materials 13400页面
19、Mechanics Research Communications 900页面
20、 Mechanism and Machine Theory 2300页面
21、Mechatronics 1500页面
22、Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 1800页面
23、 Wear 2500页面
23、Tribology International 1500页面
全名 影响因子* 投稿难易 一审周期
materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties
microstructure and processing 1.806 容易 超快,一般1-3周
materials letters 1.748 容易 超快,一般1-3周
journal of materials science 1.181 容易 超快,一般1-3周
journal of materials processing technology 1.143 容易 超快,一
nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam
interactions with materials and atoms 0.999 容易 超快,一般1-3周
journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 1.283 容易 超快,
rare metal materials and engineering 0.162 容易 很快,2-3周
journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 0.577 容
易 很快,2-3周
materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易 很快,2-3周
applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易 很
journal of nuclear materials 1.501 容易 很快,2-3周
materials transactions 0.753 容易 较快,3-4周
materials research bulletin 1.812 容易 较快,3-4周
journal of materials science-materials in medicine 1.508 容易 较
journal of materials research 1.743 容易 较快,3-4周
computational materials science 1.549 容易 较快,3-4周
metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials
science 1.389 容易 较快,3-4周
optical materials 1.714 容易 较快,3-4周
journal of materials science-materials in electronics 1.054 容
易 一般,4-6周
inorganic materials 0.455 容易 一般,4-6周
construction and building materials 0.947 容易 一般,4-6周
materials characterization 1.225 容易 一般,4-6周
journal of electronic materials 1.283 容易 一般,4-6周
journal of inorganic materials 0.37 容易 一般,4-6周
materials & design 1.107 容易 一般,4-6周
materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular
systems 1.812 容易 一般,4-6周
smart materials & structures 1.743 容易 一般,4-6周
journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science
edition 0.424 容易 一般,4-6周
materials science and technology 0.894 容易 一般,4-6周
international journal of materials research 0.819 容易 偏慢,6-8
journal of materials science & technology 0.869 容易 偏慢,6-8
advanced engineering materials 1.506 容易 偏慢,6-8周
journal of composite materials 1.034 容易 偏慢,6-8周
reviews on advanced materials science 0.891 容易 偏慢,6-8周
materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik 0.356 容易 偏慢,6-8
bulletin of materials science 0.858 容易 偏慢,6-8周
archives of metallurgy and materials 0.23 容易 偏慢,6-8周
materials and structures 0.892 容易 偏慢,6-8周
materials and manufacturing processes 0.706 容易 偏慢,6-8周
journal of intelligent material systems and structures 1.293 容
易 偏慢,6-8周
materials science-poland 0.368 容易 偏慢,6-8周
journal of materials engineering and performance 0.403 容
易 偏慢,6-8周
materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced
technology 1.577 较易 偏慢,6-8周
jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 容
易 偏慢,6-8周
jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 容
易 偏慢,6-8周
materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion 0.639 容易 偏
international journal of materials & product technology 0.157 容
易 较慢,8周-12周
journal of porous materials 0.959 容易 较慢,8周-12周
macromolecular materials and engineering 1.925 较易 较慢,8
fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 0.934 容
易 较慢,8周-12周
science and technology of advanced materials 1.267 容易 较慢,
metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials
processing science 0.798 容易 较慢,8周-12周
materials world 0.122 容易 较慢,8周-12周
journal of materials in civil engineering 0.526 容易 较慢,8周-12
international journal of refractory metals & hard materials 1.221 容
易 较慢,8周-12周
materials science 0.226 容易 较慢,8周-12周
advanced materials & processes 0.129 容易 较慢,8周-12周
ieee transactions on device and materials reliability 1.278 容
易 较慢,8周-12周
materiale plastice 0.873 容易 较慢,8周-12周
materials performance 0.074 容易 较慢,8周-12周
indian journal of engineering and materials sciences 0.197 容
易 较慢,8周-12周
modelling and simulation in materials science and
engineering 1.388 容易 较慢,8周-12周
aci materials journal 0.568 容易 较慢,8周-12周
materials evaluation 0.21 容易 较慢,8周-12周
mechanics of composite materials 0.453 容易 较慢,8周-12周
journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the
asme 0.938 容易 较慢,8周-12周
bio-medical materials and engineering 0.446 容易 较慢,8周-12
mechanics of advanced materials and structures 0.857 容易 较
materials research innovations 0.54 容易 12周以上或约稿
magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and
medicine 1.844 较易 12周以上或约稿
road materials and pavement design 0.162 容易 12周以上或约
anti-corrosion methods and materials 0.514 容易 12周以上或约
materiales de construccion 0.603 容易 12周以上或约稿
sensors and materials 0.395 容易 12周以上或约稿
materials technology 0.288 容易 12周以上或约稿
journal of new materials for electrochemical systems 0.67 容
易 12周以上或约稿
journal of biomaterials applications 1.635 较易 12周以上或约稿
journal of thermoplastic composite materials 0.486 容易 12周以
journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易 12周以上或约稿
materials at high temperatures 0.323 容易 12周以上或约稿
journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易 12周以上或约稿
fire and materials 0.96 容易 12周以上或约稿
advanced composite materials 0.404 容易 12周以上或约稿
science and engineering of composite materials 0.098 容易 12
cmc-computers materials & continua 1.695 较易 12周以上或约
high temperature materials and processes 0.268 容易 12周以上
materialprufung 0.123 容易 12周以上或约稿
mechanics of time-dependent materials 0.95 容易 12周以上或
informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and
materials 0.154 容易 12周以上或约稿
applied composite materials 0.712 容易 12周以上或约稿
journal of sandwich structures & materials 0.646 容易 12周以上
high temperature material processes 0.34 容易 12周以上或约稿
journal of energetic materials 0.516 容易 12周以上或约稿
materials science in semiconductor processing 1.158 容易 12周
progress in structural engineering and materials 0.667 容易 12
jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material
engineering 0.291 容易 12周以上或约稿
journal of computer-aided materials design 0.605 容易 12周以
journal of hazardous materials 2.975 容易 超快,一般1-2周
chemistry of materials 5.046 较易 超快,一般1-2周
advanced materials 8.191 较难 很快,2-3周
journal of materials chemistry 4.646 较易 很快,2-3周
microporous and mesoporous materials 2.555 容易 很快,2-3周
acta materialia 3.729 较易 很快,2-3周
scripta materialia 2.887 容易 很快,2-3周
biomaterials 6.646 较难 很快,2-3周
journal of biomedical materials research part a 2.706 容易 较快,
advanced functional materials 6.808 较难 较快,3-4周
diamond and related materials 2.092 容易 较快,3-4周
journal of biomedical materials research part b-applied
biomaterials 2.03 容易 一般,4-6周
solar energy materials and solar cells 2.788 容易 一般,4-6周
dental materials 2.941 容易 一般,4-6周
NATURE MATERIALS 23.132 极难 偏慢,6-8周
journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 2.158 较易 偏
mechanics of materials 2.374 较易 较慢,8周-12周
annual review of materials research 7.947 约稿形式 可能是约稿,
materials science & engineering r-reports 12.619 很难 可能是约
international materials reviews 3.462 一般 12周以上或约稿
progress in materials science 18.132 很难 可能是约稿,周期不定
soft materials 2.519 较易 12周以上或约稿
critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences 6.3 较难 可
progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 2.129 较
易 12周以上或约稿
current opinion in solid state & materials science 2.976 较易 12