Some languages resist the introduction of new words. Others, like English, seem to welcome them.
Robert MacNeil looks at the history of English and comes to the conclusion that its tolerance for
change represents deeply rooted ideas of freedom.
The Glorious Messiness of English
Robert MacNeil
1 The story of our English language is typically one of massive stealing from other
languages. That is why English today has an estimated vocabulary of over one million words,
while other major languages have far fewer.
2 French, for example, has only about 75,000 words, and that includes English expressions
like snack bar and hit parade. The French, however, do not like borrowing foreign words because
they think it corrupts their language. The government tries to ban words from English and declares
that Walkman is not desirable; so they invent a word, balladeur, which French kids are supposed to
say instead -- but they don't.
例如,法语只有约75,000个单词,其中还包括像snack bar(快餐店)和 hit parade(流
3 Walkman is fascinating because it isn't even English. Strictly speaking, it was invented by
the Japanese manufacturers who put two simple English words together to name their product.
That doesn't bother us, but it does bother the French. Such is the glorious messiness of English.
That happy tolerance, that willingness to accept words from anywhere, explains the richness of
English and why it has become, to a very real extent, the first truly global language.
4 How did the language of a small island off the coast of Europe become the language of the
planet -- more widely spoken and written than any other has ever been? The history of English is
present in the first words a child learns about identity (I, me, you); possession (mine, yours); the
body (eye, nose, mouth); size (tall, short); and necessities (food, water). These words all come
from Old English or Anglo-Saxon English, the core of our language. Usually short and direct,
these are words we still use today for the things that really matter to us.
me, you)、所属关系(mine, yours)、身体部位(eye, nose, mouth)、大小高矮(tall, short),
以及生活必需品(food, water)的词汇当中。这些词都来自英语的核心部分古英语或盎格鲁
5 Great speakers often use Old English to arouse our emotions. For example, during World
War II, Winston Churchill made this speech, stirring the courage of his people against Hitler's
armies positioned to cross the English Channel: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on
the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We
shall never surrender." 伟大的演说家常常用古英语来激发我们的情感。例如,在二战
6 Virtually every one of those words came from Old English, except the last -- surrender,
which came from Norman French. Churchill could have said, "We shall never give in," but it is
one of the lovely -- and powerful -- opportunities of English that a writer can mix, for effect,
different words from different backgrounds. Yet there is something direct to the heart that speaks
to us from the earliest words in our language.
这段文字中几乎每个词都来自古英语,只有最后一个词——surrender 是个例外,来
自诺曼法语。丘吉尔原本可以说:“We shall never give in,”但这正是英语迷人之处和活力所
7 When Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 B.C., English did not exist. The Celts, who
inhabited the land, spoke languages that survive today mainly as Welsh. Where those languages
came from is still a mystery, but there is a theory.
8 Two centuries ago an English judge in India noticed that several words in Sanskrit closely
resembled some words in Greek and Latin. A systematic study revealed that many modern
languages descended from a common parent language, lost to us because nothing was written
9 Identifying similar words, linguists have come up with what they call an Indo-European
parent language, spoken until 3500 to 2000 B.C. These people had common words for snow, bee
and wolf but no word for sea. So some scholars assume they lived somewhere in north-central
Europe, where it was cold. Traveling east, some established the languages of India and Pakistan,