What is the adjective
Included below are past participle and present participle forms for
the verbs empower, empowre, impower and impowre which
may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.
1. Having been given the power to make choices relevant to
one's situation.- 有权根据自己的情况做出选择。
2. Acting with confidence.-有权做某事,自信做某事。
3. Synonyms: 同义词
accredited, authorised, authorized, official, approved, li
cenced, licensed, certified, recognised, recognized, sa
nctioned, legal, endorsed, warranted, appointed, comm
issioned, qualified, deputed, guaranteed, ascribed, attri
buted, credited, deputised, deputized, vouched
for, officially
recognized, okayed, accepted, allowed, confirmed, per
mitted, eligible, entitled, chartered, franchised, okay, ko
sher, privileged, legit, ratified, lawful, legitimate, licit, val
idated, valid, signed and sealed, correct, bona
fide, proper, documented … more
empowering -授权
1. present participle of empower
2. Synonyms:同义词
authorising, authorizing, commissioning, licensing, san
ctioning, permitting, warranting, allowing, enabling, enti
tling, qualifying, accrediting, delegating, certifying, chart
ering, equipping, letting, licencing, capacitating, investi
ng, vesting, charging, endowing, entrusting, granting, le
gitimising, legitimizing, okaying, privileging, giving
permission, OKing, giving authority to, giving means
to, giving power to, giving someone the authority, giving
the go-ahead to, giving the means to, giving the power
to, investing with power, giving the green light to, giving
the thumbs up to, giving the OK
to, freeing, emancipating, liberating, unfettering, unsha
ckling, enfranchising, unyoking, disenthralling … more
1. simple past tense and past participle of impower
1. present participle of impower
1. present participle of impowre