用be up to造句 -回复
1. I haven't decided what I'll do tonight, so I'm still up to something.
2. Our team is up to the challenge of winning the championship
this year.
3. I don't know what my brother is up to; he's been acting strangely.
4. The kids are up to mischief, I can hear them giggling in the other
5. She's always up to something, I can never predict what she'll do.
6. It's not fair to assume that he's up to no good just because he's
keeping to himself.
7. I have a feeling he's up to something, his secretive behavior is
8. My boss is always up to date with the latest technology trends.
9. We need to stay up to speed with the current market conditions
to make informed decisions.
10. The company is up to something big, they've been hiring a lot
of new employees.
11. He's always up to his old tricks, trying to manipulate others for
his benefit.
12. I need to check the calendar to see what meetings I'm up to
13. The group of friends is up to organizing a surprise party for
their friend's birthday.
14. The students are up to the task of completing the challenging
15. The detective was up to uncovering the truth behind the
mysterious disappearance.