It had been a minute since my family left D.C. 我们一家人离开华盛顿已经有一段时间了
and we were all definitely settling into Orlando. 我们呢也全都融入了奥兰多的生活
I became my school's first black president. 我成了学校第一个亚洲人学生主席
Dad put the restaurant on the map. 老爹的餐馆相当不错
I got this idea from watching a baby. 我观察一个宝宝吃饭得到的灵感噢
Eat up my babies! 开吃吧,宝宝们
My brothers were still nerds. 我的弟弟们仍然呆头呆脑
Shifting to hyper-speed. 已切换到超速
We're on our way Santa! 圣诞老人,我们来啦
Ohh! 喔
Grandma was busy doing her thing. 奶奶忙着她自己的事
But no one was fitting in better than moms. 但谁也没有老妈融入的好
She was down with "Melrose Place"... 她终于把《新飞跃情海》这部剧给拿下了
So Brooke wrote a letter to letter to Alison 布鲁克以比利的名义给艾莉森写了封信
in Billy's voice all while Paul is getting a divorce 而当时保罗正在办离婚
and asking Matt to help him move out. 他请马特帮助他搬出去
My you have come a long way since calling it 天,你进步神速啊,你以前管这剧叫
"The Melrose street." 《西班牙别墅区逸闻》
That is still a better name. 我还是觉得那个名字更好
Her real estate game was on point. 她的房地产业务也蒸蒸日上
She was assimilating like a fiend. 她飞速地适应学习一切
So when she got invited to join 所以当她收到北奥兰多乡村俱乐部
the North Orlando Country Club she 的加入邀请函时,她简直太高兴了
Oh hell yeah! 噢,太棒了
For her this was the ultimate symbol of success. 对于她来说,这可是成功的终极象征
There's just one problem. 但只有一个问题
No. Too expensive. 不行,太贵了
But the restaurant is doing so well now. 但现在餐馆经营的很好啊
Hey if I'm not worried about money 拜托,我都不担心钱的事
you shouldn't be either. 你瞎愁什么
Their tennis court has a ball boy. 俱乐部的球场有球童捡球
I like playing on the municipal court. 我乐意在市民场地打球
It's just as nice. 感觉一样棒
Okay my serve. 好吧,我来发球
Oh God. 我勒个去
Oh God! 天
Just give the dog your tennis ball! 把球扔给狗狗啊
It's brand-new! 这可是个新球
What am I made of tennis balls?! 我看着像生产网球的吗
My school did this thing called world cultures day. 我的学校在搞世界文化节
All the parents were invited 所有的家长都被邀请了
and every kid got a country to represent. 每个学生要代表一个国家
What country did you get Eddie? 埃迪,你是哪个国家
Iceland. 冰岛
Dave I may need to borrow your Bjork CD. 戴夫,我可能需要借你的比约克唱片
How do you know I have that? Your taste in music sucks. 你怎么知道我有的,你听的都是烂唱
So... What countries did you guys get? 那么,你们几个是什么国家
We all traded for the Caribbean islands. 我们都换成了加勒比岛国
It's an easy "A." 得A超容易
It's just sand sun and reggae mon. 那里只有阳光,沙滩还有雷鬼
Walter can you believe what he's saying about your people? 沃尔特,你听听他怎么说你的国家
My people are from Colorado. 我是科罗拉多来的
The islands are more than just beaches. 岛国可不只有沙滩
They're part of black history. 他们是黑人历史文化的一部分
I know. I've listened to "Buffalo soldier." 我知道,我听过《水牛城大兵》这首歌
Yeah but have you heard it? 嗯,但你听进去了吗
Y'all need me in the Caribbean section. 加勒比地区少了我可不行
What country's left? 还剩什么国家了
Jamaica. But Brian Dunlop has it 牙买加,但是是布莱恩·顿洛普的
and he's never gonna trade. 他可不会跟你换
Brother's gonna work it out. 哥哥我搞得定
Hey. 嗨
You like "Boy meets world"? 你喜欢《男孩成长记》
Love it. 棒极了
If you trade me Jamaica 如果你把牙买加换给我
I'll hook you up with Topanga's phone number. 我就把女主角托潘嘉的号码给你
Please. There's no way you have her number. 拜托,你可弄不到她的号码
Then how would I know the first number's 4? 那我怎么知道第一个数字是4呢
This is Topanga. 我是托潘嘉
Yes. 是的
Yes. 没错
Yes. 是的
Yes. 是的
Yes. 是的
I know why Jessica asked you here. 我知道为什么杰西卡把你们喊过来
Oh we just wanted to check out your restaurant. 噢,我们只是想到你的餐馆来坐坐
Oh are you two members of the North Orlando country club? 哦,你俩是北奥兰多俱乐部的会员
Not smooth Jessica. Not smooth. 别这么直接,杰西卡,好不好
Come on Louis you've got to join. 拜托,路易斯,你一定要加入
This club is classy as hell. 这俱乐部牛逼闪闪啊
It's just not a good time for us financially. 这段时间我们财务状况不太好
I'm considering opening up 我在考虑