AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
1. □Select the correct answer for the following questions. Refer to the “Examination Book
of Where are the definitions associated with welding as per AWS D1.1 to be found ? (在AWS
a. ANSI/AWS A2.4
b. ANSI/AWS A3.0
c. Annex B (附录B)
d. b and c above (上述的b和c)
e. All of the above (上述所有的)
1.1 Safety precautions to be observed during welding to AWS D1.1 are found in (有关在焊接
过程中的安全警示在AWS D1.1的哪一章节中?)
a. Annex J (附录J)
b. ANSI Z49.1
c. Annex K (附录K)
d. a and b above (上述的a和b)
e. All of the above (上述所有的)
1.2 What does the nonstandard term “downhand” mean ? (非标准术语“平焊”表示什么意
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
a. Welding vertically downward (垂直的从上往下焊)
b. Welding in the flat position (在平面位置焊)
c. The pause during electrode changes (在换焊条时的停顿)
d. The pause of welding during deslagging (在清除焊渣时的焊接停顿)
e. None of the above (无上述任何一个)
1.3 In what year was the first bridge welding specification published by the AWS ? (AWS在
a. 1928
b. 1934
c. 1936
d. 1972
e. 1988
1.4 Which of the following steels are intended to be used in work convered by D1.1 ? (下列
a. All alloy steels with a yield strength of 97,000 psi or less (屈服强度等于或小于97,000psi 的
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
b. Low carbon steels, 5/32in. thick (5/32in厚的低碳钢)
c. Low alloy steel with a yield strength of 970 Mpa (屈服强度为970Mpa的低合金钢)
d. Low carbon stainless steels (低碳不锈钢)
e. None of the above (无上述任何一个)
2.1 In contract documents, welding symbols without dimensions to indicate groove weld
details, are (在合同文件中,指明坡口焊缝细节的没有尺寸的焊接符号是:)
a. Mandatory (强制的)
b. Recommended (推荐的)
c. Not recommended (不推荐)
d. Only to be used when reinforcement is required (只有当有加强要求是使用)
e. Only required when joint will be cyclically loaded (只有当接头周期载荷时要求)
2.2 Fillet welds on the opposite side of a common plane of contact are required to be (在一
a. Continuous all around (连续全焊)
b. Interrupted at the ends of members (在焊件的端部中断)
c. Interrupted at common corners (在共同角处中断)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
d. Boxed (returned) at common corners (在共同角处分隔)
e. None of the above (无上述任何一个)
2.3 What is the maximum size of the fillet welds of a lap joint of member 3/8in. thick ? (焊件
a. 3/16 in
b. 1/4 in
c. 5/16 in
d. 3/8 in
e. Any size at designer’s option except if cyclically loaded (除了如果是循环载荷,设计者可
以 选任何尺寸)
2.4 How are transitions in thickness of a groove joint to be made ? (坡口接头的过渡厚度是:)
a. Chamfering the thicker member after welding (在焊接后对较厚件进行倒角)
b. By chamfering the thicker member before welding on one side only (在焊接前仅对较厚件
c. By chamfering the thicker member before welding on both sides only (在焊接前仅对较厚
d. By sloping the weld surface(s) (把焊缝表面加工成斜面过渡)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
e. All of the above (上述所有的)
2.5 What is the maximum allowable stress for CJP groove weld metal splicing two ASTM
A-36 steel non-redundant members of equal thickness and width, subject to loading of 2×10
life time stress reversals, assuming the weld reinforcement remains and all such joints are to be
radiographed ? (对于连续两个同样厚度和宽度的ASTM A-36钢的非超静定焊接件,假定保持焊缝加
a. 7500 psi
b. 10,000 psi
c. 13,500 psi
d. 16,000 psi
e. 18,000 psi
3.1 What is the minimum tensile strength of steel conforming to ASTM A572, grade 65 ? (符
合ASTM A572,65级钢的最小拉伸强度?)
a. 60,000 psi
b. 65,000 psi
c. 70,000 psi
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
d. 75,000 psi
e. 80,000 psi
3.2 What is the required minimum preheat and interpass temperature for 1 in. thick API 5L
grade B steel welded with flux cored arc welding ? (对于用药芯电弧焊接厚度为1in的API 5L, B级
a. 150℉
b. 100℉
c. 50℉
d. None (无)
e. None except if ambient temperature is ≦ 50℉ (无,除非如果大气温度小于等于50℉)
3.3 May a groove preparation detailed for SMAW be used unchanged for FACW
prequalified WPSs (是否用于SMAW坡口详细准备可以用于FCAW免除评定的WPS而不作任何改
a. Yes (可以)
b. No (不可以)
c. Only if FCAW is used in DCEP mode (只有当药芯焊丝气体保护焊为直流反接时)
d. Only when welding group I or group II steels are being welded (只有第I和II组别的钢材焊
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
e. Only at designers option except if joints are statically loaded (设计人员选择,除非接头是静
3.4 What is the range of groove angles for joint designation BC-P8, as fit up ? (BC-P8焊接接
a. 45° to 55°
b. 40° to 55°
c. 35° to 50°
d. 30° to 45°
e. 25° to 40°
3.5 What is the maximum depth of bevel S
for joint designation B-U3c-S when welding
3-12 in. plate ? (3-1/2英寸厚的板材B-U3c-S形式的接头坡口深度S
a. 1-1/4 in.
b. 1-1/8 in.
c. 1 in.
d. 7/8 in.
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
e. 3/4 in.
4.1 Plug and slot tests welded in the horizontal position qualify a WPS in what position(s) ?
a. All (所有的位置)
b. Flat and horizontal (平焊和横焊位置)
c. All except overhead (除了仰焊以外的其它位置)
d. Horizontal (横焊)
e. None of the above (以上都不对)
4.2 A groove weld qualification on 1/2 in. plate qualifies a procedure for what range of
thicknesses ? (在1/2英寸板材上进行的坡口焊接工艺评定覆盖的板材厚度范围?)
a. 0 to 1 in.
b. 0 to 3/4 in.
c. 1/8 in. to 1 in.
d. 1/8 in. to 3/4 in.
e. None of the above (以上都不对)
4.3 What diameters of electrodes are qualified by a procedure test using a 5/64 in. FCAW
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
electrode ? (用5/64英寸药芯焊丝进行的工艺评定可以覆盖的焊丝直径是多少?)
a. All diameters (所有直径的焊丝)
b. 5/64 in. only (只有5/64英寸直径的焊丝)
c. 5/64 in. and smaller (5/64英寸直径及以下的焊丝)
d. 5/64 in. and larger (5/64英寸直径及以上的焊丝)
e. none of the above (以上答案都不对)
4.4 May a qualified WPS for a CJP groove weld be used to weld PJP grooves ? (某坡口焊缝完
a. Yes (可以)
b. No (不可以)
c. Only when used for T-groove joints with a superimposed fillet weld (只有用于T型接头坡
d. Only if designated weld size is demonstrated by three Macro sections (只有达到指定尺寸
e. Only if designated weld size is checked by on-job macro sections (只有达到指定尺寸的焊
4.5 The minimum length of a T-joint weld test coupon for welder performance qualification
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
is (用于评定焊工的T型接头角焊缝试样的最小尺寸是多少?)
a. 6in.
b. 7in.
c. ≧6in.
d. ≧15in.
e. 8 in. minimum (最小8英寸)
5.1 How many times may low hydrogen electrodes be rebaked ? (低氢焊条最多可以重新烘干
a. Once (一次)
b. Twice (两次)
c. Not limited (没有限制)
d. Not limited , except if coating is damaged (除非药皮被破坏了)
e. Not specified (没有要求)
5.2 What grade or grades of steel should be used for spacers ? (什么级别的钢材可以用做嵌
a. Any approved (Table 3.1 or Annex M) base metal (所有在表3.1或附录M被认可的母材)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
b. Only steels of the 60 ksi class (只有60ksi级别的钢材)
c. Any approved steel matching the weld metal (任何被认可的与母材匹配的钢材)
d. The same as the base metal (与母材相同的钢材)
e. Any grade of steel, as the spacer will be gouged out during welding (任何级别的钢材。因
为 嵌条在清根时会被刨掉)
5.3 What is the allowable deviation from straightness for a 40 foot long primary truss
member ? (对40英寸长的主珩架构件允许的直线度偏差是多少?)
a. 1/2 in.
b. 7/16 in.
c. 3/8 in.
d. 5/16 in.
e. 1/4 in.
5.4 What is the allowable variation between the center lines of the web and flange of a 30
feet long built-up I-bean ? (30英寸长的组装工字梁的腹板中心线和翼板中心线间的允许变化值是多
a. 1/2 in.
b. 7/16 in.
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
c. 3/8 in.
d. 5/16 in.
e. 1/4 in.
5.5 What is allowable misalignment between members of a butt joint, under any
circumstances ? (在任何情况下,对接焊缝的错边允许多少?)
a. No misalignment permitted (不允许错边)
b. 1/8 in.
c. 10% of the thickness of the thinner member (较薄件厚度的10%)
d. 10% of the thickness of the thicker member (较薄件厚度的10%)
e. 3/16 in.
6.1 Who is responsible to ensure that welding equipment conforms to the provisions of
5.11 ? (谁负责保证焊接设备符合5.11条的规定)
a. The contractor (承包商)
b. The engineer (工程师)
c. The welder (焊工)
d. The welding inspector (焊接检验员)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
e. Not specified (没有规定)
6.2 What maximum depth of undercut is permitted in transverse splices of primary
members ? (在主要构件中,横向接缝的咬边最大允许多深?)
a. 0.01 in.
b. 1/32 in.
c. 1/16 in.
d. None permitted (不允许)
e. Not specified (没有要求)
6.3 Except for stiffener-to web joints, the maximum diameter of piping porosity in fillet
welds is (除了腹板加强筋的接头,角焊缝的管状气孔直径最大允许多少?)
a. 1/32 in.
b. 1/16 in.
c. 3/32 in.
d. 1/8 in.
e. None of the above (以上答案都不对)
6.4 For a groove welded tension member in 3/4 in. plate, what is the maximum size of
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
fusion discontinuity permitted in a statically loaded member ? (对于3/4英寸板材的受拉构件坡口
a. 1/2 in.
b. 7/16 in.
c. 3/8 in.
d. 5/16 in.
e. 1/4 in.
6.5 For the joint in Question 6.4, what designation hole type IQI should be used ? (对于问题
a. 10
b. 12
c. 15
d. 17
e. 20
6.6 In what circumstances, if any, can a CWI whose certification has-expired, accept D1.1
work ? (在什么情况下一个证书已经过期的CWI可以接受按照D1.1做的工作?)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
a. Not permitted due to expiry of certification (不允许,因为证书已过期)
b. Requires engineer approval (需要工程师批准)
c. Permitted with a current visual acuity test (需要视觉灵敏度测试)
d. Permitted with current visual acuity test and engineer approval (需要视觉灵敏度测试和工
e. May only work as a CAWI (只能作为助理焊接检验员工作)
6.7 What is the essential wire diameter (of wire type IQI) for the joint in Question 6.4 ? (在
a. 0.010 in.
b. 0.013 in.
c. 0.016 in.
d. 0.020 in.
e. 0.025 in.
7.1 What action is required if a crack 1/4 in. long is observed in a standard 5/8 in. stud
head ? (如果5/8英寸的螺柱头部发现一条1/4英寸长的裂纹,则采取什么行动:)
a. No action, use as is (照常使用)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
b. Repair crack and use (修复裂纹后使用)
c. Do not use , replace stud (不能使用,替换螺柱)
d. Suitable only for concrete encased studs (只能用做水泥包住的螺柱)
e. Notify stud manufacturer (通知螺柱制造商)
7.2 Through what angle are the daily start up test studs to be bent, assuming 360° flash ?
a. Bend test not requested with 360° flash (飞边为360°时不要求弯曲试验)
b. 30°
c. 15°
d. 10°
e. ±10°
8.1 Which of the following is not a recommended method of cyclic loading improvement ?
a. Toe grinding with a carbide burr or pencil grinder (用笔状磨头或砂轮打磨焊趾)
b. Toe grinding plus hammer peening (打磨焊趾外加锤击)
c. Toe grinding plus shot peening of the weld toes (打磨焊趾外加焊趾表面喷丸)
AWS D1.1 Code Clinic Exercise Questions
d. Reshaping of weld toes by TIG welding (TIG修整)
e. Hammer peening of weld toes (锤击焊趾)