English Answer:
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a widely used
theory in the field of health behavior research. It has
been successfully applied to explain and predict a wide
range of health behaviors, including those related to older
adult care.
The TPB posits that intention is the immediate
antecedent of behavior. Intention, in turn, is influenced
by three main factors:
1. Attitude: A person's overall evaluation of a
2. Subjective norm: A person's perception of the social
pressure to perform or not perform a behavior.
3. Perceived behavioral control: A person's perception
of their ability to perform a behavior.
In the context of older adult care, the TPB has been
used to understand and promote a variety of health
behaviors, such as medication adherence, physical activity,
and healthy eating. For example, a study by Armitage and
Conner (2001) found that the TPB was able to explain 40% of
the variance in medication adherence among older adults.
The TPB has also been used to develop interventions to
promote healthy behaviors among older adults. For example,
a study by Fisher et al. (2005) found that an intervention
based on the TPB was effective in increasing physical
activity among older adults.
The TPB is a valuable tool for understanding and
promoting health behaviors among older adults. It provides
a framework for understanding the factors that influence
behavior and can be used to develop effective interventions.
TPB 假设意图是行为的直接前因。反过来,意图又受到三个主
1. 态度,个人对行为的总体评价。
2. 主观规范,个人对执行或不执行行为的社会压力的看法。
3. 感知行为控制,个人对自己执行行为能力的看法。
在老年护理的背景下,TPB 已被用来理解和促进多种健康行为,
例如服药依从性、体育锻炼和健康饮食。例如,Armitage 和
Conner (2001) 的一项研究发现 TPB 能够解释 40% 的老年人服药
TPB 也被用于制定干预措施以促进老年人的健康行为。例如,
Fisher 等人 (2005) 的一项研究发现,基于 TPB 的干预措施可有
TPB 是了解和促进老年人健康行为的宝贵工具。它提供了一个