一、船舶推进系统与电力系统(marine propulsion & system electric system)
柴油机 diesel engine operating speed运行速度 piston speed 活塞速度
Maximum explosion pressure 最大爆炸压力
侧推进器 thruster
01方位推进器 azimuth thruster
01Contra-rotating Type Azimuth Thruster对转桨侧向推进器
02Azimuth Thruster with Nozzle nozzle 喷嘴
02隧道推进器 tunnel thruster
CPP(controllable pitch propeller)可变螺距螺旋桨
FPP(fixed pitch propeller)固定螺距螺旋桨
03可收缩推进器 retractable thruster Dia of propeller 桨径
舵 rudder
Accessories for rudder
Rudder carrier 舵承,舵托
Rudder pintle
Rudder stock
Rudder blade
Flap rudder 襟翼舵
Schilling rudder西林舵
Becker rudder 贝克舵
Flanking rudder倒车舵
导流管舵 rudder nozzle
齿轮箱 gear box
Dredger gearbox
Fire-fighting pump gearbox
Controllable pitch propeller gearbox
Fixed pitch propeller gearbox
轴系 shafting
Shaft sleeve & shaft sleeve seat
Stern tube船尾轴管
Intermediate shaft
Propeller shaft
密封件 sealing water sealing水密
Generator set 发电机组
Emergency Type Generator set 应急发电机组
General Type Generator set 通用型发电机组
配电装置 power Distribution
Motor control center
Charging and discharging panel
Shore connection box
Distribution board
Shore-to-ship power transfer device
Emergency switchboard
控制系统 controlling system
Engine room monitoring system
Cargo oil pump control console
Engine room control console
Wheelhouse(舵手室)control console
Main engine remote control system
照明设备 lighting
导航信号灯 navigation signal light
Riding light
Mast light
Starboard light
Port light
Stern light
All-round light
船用荧光灯 marine fluorescent light
Fluorescent bed light
Fluorescent mirror light
Fluorescent grille light
Fluorescent pendant light
Fluorescent ceiling light
船用白炽灯 marine incandescent light
Incandescent cargo light
Incandescent portable light
Incandescent wall light
Incandescent working light
Incandescent ceiling light
工程灯 project light
探照灯search light
防爆灯explosion-proof light
电缆 cable
日本工业标准船舶用电缆 JIS C3410
船用电力电缆 shipboard power cable
船用通信电缆 shipboard communication cable
船用控制电缆 shipboard control cable
海洋平台电缆 offshore cable (nek606)
通讯导航设备 Communication navigation equipment
二、船用甲板机械和系泊设备 marine deck machinery & mooring equipment
转舵装置steering gear
摆动气缸式舵机Oscillating cylinder type steering gear
撞杆式舵机ram type steering gear
旋叶式舵机rotary vane type steering gear
起锚机 windlass
单滚筒起锚机 single drum windlass
Hydraulic (液压的)single drum windlass
Electric single drum windlass
双滚筒起锚机 double drum windlass
Hydraulic (液压的) double drum windlass
Electric double drum windlass
起锚系泊组合机 combined windlass
Hydraulic (液压的) combined windlass
Electric combined windlass
绞盘 capstan
Hydraulic (液压的) capstan
Electric capstan
绞车 winch
绕线机 coiling & spooling machine
吊车 crane
甲板起重机deck crane
船坞起重机 dock crane
海上起重机 offshore crane
舱口盖系统 hatch cover system
Hydraulic system for hatch cover
Hatch cover
锚 Anchor
常规锚conventional anchor
大抓力锚high holding power anchor
Offshore anchor
特殊锚special anchor
锚链 anchor chain
锚链 anchor chain
链配件chain accessories
止链器 chain stopper
拖缆钩 towing hook
弹簧拖缆钩spring towing hook
快速拖缆钩quick release towing hook
系泊钩 mooring hook
导向滚轮pedestal fairlead
滚轮导缆器 roller fairlead
旋转导缆器swivel fairlead
垂直导缆器 vertical fairlead
水平导缆器 horizontal fairlead
交叉导缆器 crossover fairlead
系缆桩 Bollard
导缆孔 chock
橡胶护舷rubber fender
泡沫护弦foam fender
充气护舷 pneumatic fender )
三、船用舾装设备和五金件 marine outfitting equipment & hardware
门 Door
风雨密门weather tight door
水密门watertight door
气密门gastight door
防火门fireproof door
滑拉门sliding door
空心客舱门hollow cabin door
窗 window
矩形窗rectangular window
固定矩形窗fixed rectangular window
可开矩形窗operable rectangular window
滑动窗sliding window
舷窗side scuttle
固定舷窗fixed side scuttle
可开舷窗Open able side scuttle
小型舱口盖 Small size hatch cover
钢质小型舱口盖steel small size hatch cover
铝质小型舱口盖aluminum small size hatch cover
苏伊士运河灯舱口盖 hatch cover for Suez canal light
谷物舱口盖hatch cover for grain space
油密舱口盖oil tight hatch cover
人孔盖 Manhole
梯子 Ladder
舷梯accommodation ladder
铝合金舷梯Aluminum alloy accommodation ladder
伸缩舷梯telescopic accommodation ladder
引航员软梯pilot assist ladder
码头梯(船靠泊时临时架设在船舷和码头或他船之间的可移式桥)wharf ladder
绳梯 pilot ladder
登船梯embarkation ladder
舷墙梯bulwark ladder ;
垂直梯vertical ladder
斜梯 inclined ladder )
钢格栅steel grating
玻璃纤维格栅 fiberglass grating
船舶用胶合板marine plywood
护墙板wall panel
顶棚镶板ceiling panel
角落面板corner panel
内菱角面板inside corner panel
角落面板outside corner panel
防潮板moisture-proof panel )
浮式地板floating floor
橡胶地板rubber floor
塑胶PVC地板PVC floor
家具 furniture
卫生单元Sanitary unit
带浴缸的卫生单位sanitary unit with bathtub
个人卫生单位sanitary unit for individual
公用卫生单位sanitary unit for sharing )
日本工业标准JIS valve
中国国标GB valve
德国工业标准DIN valve ;
英国标准BS valve
美国国家标准学会ANSI/API valve
Steel pipe 钢管
Stainless pipe 不锈钢管
Aluminum pipe
Copper pipe 铝管
Brass pipe 黄铜管
PE pipe 聚乙烯管
Alloy pipe合金钢管
管道配件 pipe fitting
Strainer & filter
Simplex strainer单层粗滤器
Duplex strainer
Y type strainer
T type strainer
Basket strainer
Can water strainer
Mud box
Flange 凸缘
JIS flange
DIN flange
Pipe tee T型管
Reducer 渐缩管
Pipe coupling导管接头,直管接
钢丝绳 Wire rope
集装箱紧固件Container securing fitting
网罩 net
四、船舶辅助机械 marine auxiliary equipment
离心泵centrifugal pump
卧式离心泵horizontal centrifugal pump
立式离心泵vertical centrifugal pump
喷射泵injection pump
螺旋泵(螺杆泵)screw pump
单螺旋杆泵single-screw pump
双螺旋杆泵double-screw pump
三螺旋杆泵three-screw pump
消防泵fire pump
潜水泵submersible pump
旋涡泵vortex pump
粉碎泵crushing pump
热水循环泵hot water circulating pump
手动泵hand pump
水箱Water tank
压力水箱pressure water tank
加热水箱 heating hot water tank
储气罐Air container
空气压缩机Air compressor
低压空气压缩机low pressure air compressor
中压空气压缩机medium pressure air compressor
空气冷却介质空气压缩机air cooling medium pressure air compressor
水冷却介质压water cooling medium pressure compressor
高压空气压缩机high pressure air compressor
应急空气压缩机emergency air compressor
暖气 通风 空气调节设备Heating, ventilation &air conditioning(HVAC)
油水分离器Oily water separator
废气锅炉exhaust gas boiler
辅助锅炉 auxiliary boiler
燃油锅炉oil fired boiler
混合式锅炉composite boiler
压载水处理系统Ballast water management system
油水界面探测器Oil water interface detector
航洋淡水系统Marine fresh water system
海水淡化处理器seawater desalination plant
蒸馏海水淡化装置distillation seawater desalination plant
反渗透海水淡化装置reverse osmosis seawater desalination plant
饮用水处理装置drinking water treatment plant
污水处理装置Sewage treatment plant
膜污水处理装置membrane sewage treatment plant
生化污水处理装置biochemical sewage treatment plant
五、船舶救生和消防设备 life saving &fire fighting equipment
救生艇Life boat
自由落体救生艇free-fall lifeboat
Tanker version free-fall lifeboat
Cargo ship version free-fall lifeboat
全封闭式救生艇totally enclosed lifeboat
部分封闭式救生艇partially enclosed lifeboat
开放式救生艇open type lifeboat
救生筏Life raft
Open reversible inflatable life raft
Self-righting & davit-launched inflatable life raft
Throw-over inflatable life raft for yacht
Throw-over inflatable life raft
Davit-launched inflatable life raft
Self-righting inflatable life raft
救援艇Rescue boat
充气橡皮船Inflatable boat
下水设备Launching appliance
近海平台吊艇柱offshore platform davit
自由落体游艇吊柱free-fall lifeboat davit
单臂吊艇柱single arm davit
重力式吊艇架gravity type davit
救助艇绞车 rescue boat winch
救生艇吊机life boat winch
平台绞车platform winch
救生圈Lifebuoy buoyancy
Lifebuoy for swimming
U type lifebuoy
5556 type lifebuoy
5555 type lifebuoy
5553 type lifebuoy
救生衣Life jacket
Immersion suit
Inflatable life jacket
Fishing life jacket
Water sports life jacket
Work life jacket
Marine child life jacket
Marine life jacket
救生浮具Life float
呼救信号distress signal
昼间信号day signal
火灾探测和警报装置Fire detection & alarm system
模拟寻址火灾探测报警系统analogue addressable fire detection& alarm system
传统火灾探测报警系统conventional fire detection &alarm system
灭火系统Fire suppression system
喷水灭火系统water fire extinguishing system
气体灭火系统gaseous fire extinguishing system
干粉灭火系统dry powder fire extinguishing system
泡沫灭火系统foam fire extinguishing system
泡沫炮foam monitor
气泡发生器air foam generator
灭火器泡沫的给水栓foam hydrant
泡沫泵foam pump
泡沫发生舱foam tank
fire extinguishing system
轻便式灭火器portable extinguisher
推车式灭火器wheeled extinguisher
消防龙头fire monitor
消防水龙带fire hose
消防水带rubber lining fire hose
合成橡胶衬里水带EPDM lining fire hose
聚氨酯衬里消防水带 PU lining fire hose
PVC衬里消防水带PVC lining fire hose
TPR衬里消防水带TPR lining fire hose
水带接头和接合器hose coupling & adaptor
国际通用结头 international shore connector
消防员设备Firefighter equipment
消防员装备fireman’s outfit (full set )
呼吸面具breathing apparatus
消防服firefighter clothing
消防鞋 firefighter boots
消防手套firefighter gloves
消防罩firefighter hood
消防头盔 firefighter helmet