abbrivation 缩写 [ə,bri:vi`eifn]
absolute 绝对 absolute output 绝对最大输出 [`aebsəlu:t]
actuator 执行器
against 对比 I/O signals against PC CPU
allocate 分配 allocate the user area in buffer memory [`aeləkeit]
alter 改变
even if the output characteristic is altered by changing offset/gain setting
ambient 环境 周围 ambient operating temperature [`aembiənt]
analog 模拟 analog output [`aenəlog]
analysis 分析 the collection an and analysis of data [ə`naeləsis]
applicable 可用 the applicable CPU for the module
assign 分配
The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task. assign I/O number
back up battey 备用电池
barcode reader/ID 条形码阅读器
base unit 主基板
baud 波特 [bo:d]
beforehand 事先
binary 二进制 12 bit binary [`bainəri]
buffer memory 缓冲存储器
bus 总线
case 外壳 do not remove the module's print board from the case
characteristic 特征 I/O characterristic [`kaerəktə`ristik]
check 校验 the data link status canbe checked
child-station 子站
common terminal 公共端