do not power down your system翻译是:不要关机,不要关闭您
1. 无论发生什么,都不要关机。 No matter what happens, do
not power down your system.
2. 如果你的电脑停止工作,不要着急关机。 If your computer
stops working, don't rush to power down your system.
3. 调整系统设置之前,请不要关机! Please do not power
down your system before adjusting the system settings!
4. 如果更新失败,不要关机。 If the update fails, do not
power down your system.
5. 无论如何,都不要关机。 No matter what, do not power
down your system.
6. 即使出现意外情况也不要关闭系统。 Do not power down
your system even in case of emergency.
7. 即使出现崩溃也不要关机。 Do not power down your system
even if crashes appear.
8. 如果处理器卡住,也不要关机。 Do not power down your
system even if the processor is stuck.
9. 如果正在运行任务,不要关机! Do not power down your
system if there is an active task running!
10. 如果显示器没有反应,不要关机。 Do not power down your
system if the screen doesn't respond.