jump to a conclusion的用法
一、jump to a conclusion的意思
jump to a conclusion是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“贸然断定;过早下结论”。它指的是在没有足够的信息或证
二、jump to a conclusion的用法
jump to a conclusion是一个不及物动词短语,后面可以跟一个宾语从句,表示对什么事情或人贸然断定或过早下
Don't jump to conclusions that he is guilty. You need more evidence. 不要贸然断定他有罪。你需要更多的
She jumped to the conclusion that he didn't love her anymore. 她过早地下了结论,认为他不再爱她了。
jump to a conclusion也可以和介词about或over连用,表示对什么事情或人贸然断定或过早下结论。例如:
He jumped to conclusions about her character based on her appearance. 他根据她的外表就对她的性格妄
You shouldn't jump to conclusions over one bad test score. 你不应该因为一次考试成绩不好就妄下结论。
三、jump to a conclusion的例句
下面是一些使用jump to a conclusion的例句。
I know you are angry, but don't jump to conclusions. Let's hear his side of the story first. 我知道你很生气,
She always jumps to conclusions about people without getting to know them. 她总是在不了解人的情况下
He jumped to the conclusion that she was cheating on him, but he had no proof. 他贸然断定她在欺骗他,
You can't jump to conclusions based on a rumor. You need to check the facts. 你不能根据谣言就妄下结
除了jump to a conclusion,还有一些相关的短语和词汇,表示类似的意思或反义的意思。例如:
jump to a wrong conclusion: 跳出错误的结论,表示对某个情况或人做出错误的判断或推断。
come to a conclusion: 得出结论,表示在经过充分的思考和分析后,对某个情况或人做出合理的判断或推
draw a conclusion: 作出结论,表示根据已有的信息或证据,对某个情况或人做出逻辑的判断或推断。
reach a conclusion: 达成结论,表示在经过讨论和协商后,对某个情况或人做出共同的判断或推断。
conclusion: 结论,表示对某个情况或人的最终的判断或推断。
assumption: 假设,表示对某个情况或人的未经证实的判断或推断。
inference: 推论,表示根据已知的事实或原理,对某个情况或人的逻辑的判断或推断。
judgment: 判断,表示对某个情况或人的主观的判断或评价。
下面是一些关于jump to a conclusion的练习题和答案,帮助读者检测自己对这个短语的理解和运用。
1. He _ that she was lying, but he had no evidence.
A. jumped to the conclusion
B. came to the conclusion
C. drew the conclusion
D. reached the conclusion
答案:A. jumped to the conclusion
2. They _ that the project was successful, after analyzing the data and feedback.
A. jumped to the conclusion
B. came to the conclusion
C. drew the conclusion
D. reached the conclusion
答案:B. came to the conclusion
3. She _ that he was unhappy, based on his facial expression and tone of voice.
A. jumped to the conclusion
B. came to the conclusion
C. drew the conclusion
D. reached the conclusion
答案:C. drew the conclusion
4. They _ that they would cooperate, after a long and heated discussion.
A. jumped to the conclusion
B. came to the conclusion
C. drew the conclusion
D. reached the conclusion
答案:D. reached the conclusion