再代理人 subagent
早婚 early marriage
债的担保 guarantee of obligation
债的分类 obligatio; obligation
债的履行 performance of obligation
债权 jus in personam; right to give or procure; claim;
creditor’s right
债权人 creditor
债券 bond
债务 debt; liability; obligation
债务的偿还 payment of debt
债务的偿清 discharge of debt
债务的担保 guarantee of debt
债务的给付日期 debt maturity
债务的合并 consolidation of debt
债务的免除 exemption of debt
债务人 debtor
占有权 dominium utile; equitable ownership
贞操权 virginity right
正当防卫 justifiable right; ligitimate defence
证券 securities
支配权 right of dominion
知识产权 intellectual property
知识产权国际保护 international protection of intellectual
直系血亲 lineal descent
指定代理人 designated agent
制定法 statute
质权 hypotheque; pledge; right of pledge
智力成果 intellectual property
中华人民共和国专利局 patent office of the people’s republic
of china
中外合资企业 sino-foreign joint venture enterprise
中外合作企业 sino-foreign contractual enterprise
终止权 right of termination
种类之债 indefinite obligation
重播权 right of rebroadcasting
重大误解 gross misunderstanding
重婚 bigamy
主民事法律行为 principal civil legal act
主债 prime/principal obligation
住所 domicile
注册商标使用许可 licensing of registered trademark
注册商标转让 assignment of registered trademark
著作财产权 property right in work
著作邻接权 neighboring right of copyright
著作权 copyright
著作权人 copyright owner
著作人格权 right of personality of copyright
专利代理 patent agency
专利公告 patent gazette
专利权 patent right
专利申请 patent application
专利事务所 patent office
专利许可协议 patent licensing agreement
专利续展费 renewal fee of patent
专利异议 objection to a patent
专利证书 certificate of patent
专有技术 know-how
专属权 exclusive right
转代理人 subagent
转继承 subsuccession
准禁治产人 quasi-interdicted person
准民事法律行为 quasi-civil legal act
孳息 fruits
自动保护原则 doctrine of automatic protection
自费出版 publish a book at the author’s own expense
自然法 natural law
自然继承 natural succession
自然人 natural person
自然血亲 natural blood relation
自为行为 self-conducting act
自物权 jus in re propria; right of full ownership
自由权 right of freedom
自愿原则 principle of free will
自治产人 minor who is capable of administering his own
自助行为 act of self-help
作品 opus; product; work
作为 act