My Plant Friend the Sunflower
Do you have a best friend that is a plant? I do! Her name is
Sunny and she is a big, beautiful sunflower. Sunny lives on my
family's balcony in a pot of soil. We've been best friends for a
whole year now!
When I first planted Sunny's seed last spring, I wasn't sure if
anything would happen. But after just a few days, a tiny green
sprout poked up from the dirt. I watched her grow taller and
taller each week, reaching up towards the warm sun. Her stem
got thicker and her leaves unfurled, bright green and shaped like
After a couple of months, a bigflower bud formed at the top
of the stem. It just looked like a green lump at first, but then it
started opening up. The petals emerged one by one, a vibrant
sunshiny yellow all around a big chocolate brown center. Sunny
was finally a sunflower!
Sunny makes me so happy every morning when I see her
bright, cheery face glowing on the balcony. I like to gently touch
her soft petals and tell her about my day. I think she enjoys
listening! Sunny reminds me to always look on the bright side
and be positive, just like how she naturally faces the sun.
I make sure to water Sunny regularly and my dad helps me
put plant food in her soil sometimes. I can't wait until next spring
when I get to plant her seeds again and watch new sunflower
friends bloom. Sunny has taught me so much about being
patient, optimistic and appreciating the beauty in nature. Plants
really can be great friends!