The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art is like a time
machine taking us back to the fascinating world of ancient
China, where math was the coolest thing since sliced bread. This
ancient math book, which scholars think dates all the way back
to the 1st century BCE, is like a treasure trove of mathematical
knowledge. It's like a box of assorted chocolates, except these
chapters cover everything from arithmetic and algebra to
geometry and measurement.
Divided into nine chapters (hence the name), each section is like
a different level of a video game, with its own unique challenges
and puzzles to solve. It's basically like the ultimate ancient
Chinese math adventure! And get this - the book has had a
huge impact not just in China, but all over the math world. It's
like the original math influencer, shaping the development of
mathematics far and wide! So, if you want to take a trip back in
time and unlock the secrets of ancient Chinese math, this book
is your golden ticket. Trust me, it's anything but your boring old
math textbook!
关于数学的九章 艺术就像时光机器 带我们回到古代我国的迷人世界
在那里数学是自切面包以来 最酷的东西 这本古老的数学书,学者们认
为它可以追溯到1世纪的BCE,就像数学知识的宝藏。 它就像一盒各
的挑战和谜题需要解决。 这基本上就像最终的我国古代数学冒险! 这
本书不仅在我国,而且在整个数学界产生了巨大影响。 这就像最初的
数学影响者,塑造了数学的远广发展! 如果你想在时光中旅行一次,
解开我国古代数学的秘密,这本书就是你们的黄金票。 相信我,除了
你那无聊的老数学教科书 什么都行!
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art is like a treasure
trove of ancient Chinese math wizardry! This awesome book
gives us a peek into the mind-boggling math skills of ancient
Chinese scholars, covering everything from arithmetic and
algebra to geometry and measurement. It's like a mathematical
rollercoaster, taking us on a wild ride through the practical and
empirical approach to math that was oh-so-characteristic of
ancient Chinese mathematicians. And hold onto your hats,
because this book is chock full of mind-bending problems and
solutions that give us a taste of the crazy mathematical
challenges those ancient geniuses faced. You won't believe the
math-tastic adventures you'll find in these pages!
关于数学的九章 艺术就像我国古代数学魔法的宝藏 这本令人惊叹的书
到几何和测量的一切。 这就像一个数学式的滚球机, 带我们通过实践
和实证的数学方法, 去走一个狂野的旅程, 数学是我国古代数学家们
的典型。 拿着你的帽子,因为这本书充满了 心灵问题和解决方案 让
我们尝尝那些古老的天才们所面临的疯狂的数学挑战 你不会相信这些
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art has totally rocked
the world of mathematics in China and beyond! This awesome
book has been a game-changer, spreading mathematical
knowledge far and wide, and influencing the development of
math in East Asia and beyond. The cool techniques and
problem-solving methods it describes have left a lasting impact
on the whole discipline of mathematics. If you're into the history
and development of math, this book is a must-read!
"数学艺术九章"彻底震撼了我国内外的数学世界! 这本很棒的书是一
个游戏的改变者, 传播数学知识, 并影响东亚和其他地区的数学发展。
的影响。 如果你进入数学的历史和发展,这本书是必读的!