必修3 Unit1 Nature in the balance
Reading :The Amazon rainforest a natural treasure
Welcome to the jungle,a huge sea of green alive with the sounds of is the Amazon
the largest rainforest in the world, it plays a significant role in maintaining the fine
balance of the Earths ecosystem.
1. a huge sea of green绿色海洋
2. the fine balance of the Earths ecosystem.地球生态微妙的平衡
The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries,including Brazil and Peru,and one overseas
region of France,all on the South American continent. With an area of around 6 million square
kilometres,the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of Amazon River, from
which the rainforest gets its name, is close to 6400 kilometres in length—roughly 100 kilometres
longer than the Yangtze River. On its journey from the mountains to the ocean, the river supports
many different give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth : one in ten
known species in the world can be found here.
3. The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries,including Brazil and Peru,and one
overseas region of France,all on the South American continent.亚马孙雨林穿过包括巴西、秘
4. Roughly≈approximately≈around
5. the richest biodiversity最丰富的生物多样性
Of the 390000 plant species known to us,more than 40000 can be found in the Amazon. This tall
and ancient brazil nut tree produces nuts that we can eat; these water lilies are big enough to lie
down forest’s different levels support an unbelievable variety of wildlife. At the bottom,
there is a system of roots beneath the ground. Above that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark
forest next level is made up of shorter plants with large there are the
towering ancient hardwoods, and finally the tops of the tallest trees many metres above the
ground. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of living things.
6. At the bottom,there is a system of roots beneath the ground. Above that is the mass of leaf
litter on the dark forest next level is made up of shorter plants with large
there are the towering ancient hardwoods, and finally the tops of the tallest trees many metres
above the ground. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of
living things.最底层是地下的根系,往上是阴暗森林地表屋买的落叶层,再往上一层由低矮
的暖叶相物组 成,然后是商耸、古老的阔叶树,最后是那些离地数米之高的大树的树冠,
雨林的每一层都自成一个小世 界,成为各种生物的家园。
More than 1300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals hide among the jungle's plant
jaguar is one has a yellowish-brown coat with black spots. While a significant
number of jaguars survive here, they are only one element of this forests food feed on
at least 87 species, including frogs, in turn,feed on insects which eat leaves and fruit.
When a jaguar dies, a tiny army of microorganisms helps break down its body and return the
nutrients to the earth.
7. a yellowish-brown coat with black spots棕色的毛皮,布满黑点
8. When a jaguar dies, a tiny army of microorganisms helps break down its body and return the
nutrients to the earth.美洲豹死后,一小支微生物军队会助力其尸体的分解,让营养素重回
The Amazon rainforest breathes life into the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per
cent of all the Earth’s , it is often known as “the lungs of the planet”.Moreover, the
Amazon rainforest is a treasure house of species that can be used for food or medicine. Yet there
is one major danger to these irreplaceable plants and animals: the past 50 years about 17
per cent of the rainforest has disappeared due to human activities such as agriculture and cattle
farming. As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of
extinction becomes longer, we are left with a question:can we afford to damage the “lungs of the
9. a treasure house of species物种的宝库
10. irreplaceable 无可取代的
11. As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of
extinction becomes longer, we are left with a question:can we afford to damage the “lungs of
the planet”?随着人类活动影响不断增加,濒危物种的名单越来越长,这留给我们一个问题:
Grammar Usage
Jack: Hi, Henry! Did you watch the documentary about environmental protection on TV
Henry: No, I didn't.
Jack: What a pity! I highly recommend it. You can watch it online if you want to. It's about some of
the worst environmental problems were facing today Global warming,for example, is a major
problem caused by greenhouse may lead to extreme weather events:droughts,heatwaves
and so on.I felt worried when watching the documentary.
Henry: Does it also talk about solutions to these problems?
Jack: Yes. It includes interviews with more than 20 of the worlds leading experts on environmental
of them come up with creative ideas on how to solve these call for the
application of modern technology,and others a change of lifestyle.
Henry: I wish we could also do something to help. Got any ideas?
Jack: What about making a brochure about environmental problems?
Henry: Sounds great!Let's get started after lunch.
12. highly recommend高度推荐
13. Global warming全球变暖
14. greenhouse gases温室气体
15. drought干旱
16. heatwave热浪
Extended reading: News that Matters: pollution in Norgate
HOST:Good evening and welcome to News that Matters. Our topic today is pollution in Norgate.
Joining us in the studio tonight are James Smith a local resident; Vincent Brown,senior manager
of a local factory; and Julie Archer,chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee
Norgate's rapid development has had significant environmental costs. Mr Smith,you've lived in
this city for over 20 would you describe the effects of pollution over that time?
17. significant environmental cost高昂的环境代价
SMITH: It’s been awful really. When I first moved here the air was fresh, the grass green and the
water heavy industry factories moved in and things became entirely different.I don’t
enjoy outdoor activities any more. The river is dirty and smog in the air has coloured
the sky a smoky grey; it’s also given me a cough that I can't get rid health and safety
reasons alone heavy industry has to go.
18. heavy industry factory重工业
HOST:Mr Smith protested against heavy Brown,would you like to respond?
19. protest against反对
BROWN:Well,I'm sorry you feel that way, Mr tend to connect factories with pictures
of clouds of dirty smoke and irresponsible businessmen eager to make huge defence of
the factories, however,I'd like to point out that we also try to control the amount of pollution we
produce.I think I speak for all factory managers when, I say were deeply concerned about the
’ve been taking various measures, including the use of new technologies to
reduce pollution in the production process even though these measures raise our production
costs. I'd also like to draw your attention to the economic benefits factories have brought to
Norgate. We’ve created many jobs for local residents and helped the city’s economy grow.
20. tend to 趋向于
21. irresponsible businessmen不负责任的商人
22. Be eager to想要
23. make huge profit获取巨大利润
24. In defence of 为...辩护
HOST:Thank you,Mr pollution levels on the rise the Norgate. Environmental
Protection Committee is searching for ways to fight the problem. Mrs Archer,what are your
thoughts on how to deal with pollution?
ARCHER: Well, our committee has a major role to play in maintaining air and water
have to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic ’ve
made environmental policies for businesses to observe,like strict clean-up requirements. We also
work hand in hand with other branches of government to ensure that development strategies are
followed in an environmentally friendly way. However,fighting pollution isn't just a task for
factories and the has to be a community-wide effort and everyone can help by
following the golden rule reduce, reuse and example, you can save energy by taking
the bus or the subway, or using the bike-sharing system.
25. Observe≈follow
26. strict clean-up requirement严格的净化要求
27. a community-wide effort 全社会通力合作
HOST:Thank you,Mrs Archer and thanks again to all of our guests.A former UN official once
said“Saving our planet lifting people out of poverty advancing economic growth… these are one
and the same fight.”The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparable. It’s our
duty to protect the environment while we aim for economic ’s our duty to leave a
better,cleaner and healthier planet to our our duty to build a human community with
a shared future.
28. Saving our planet lifting people out of poverty advancing economic growth… these are one
and the same fight.”The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparable. It’s our
duty to protect the environment while we aim for economic ’s our duty to leave
a better,cleaner and healthier planet to our our duty to build a human community
with a shared future.“拯救我们的地球, 让人们摆脱贫困,实现经济增长.,"这是同一场战
斗。”我们的环境与经济的命运休戚与共,在追求经济发 展的同时保护环境,这是我们的
责任。将一个更美好、更清洁、更健康的星球留给我们的后人,这是我们 的责任。构建人