1. Put pressure on someone: 对某人施加压力
- The tight deadline is putting a lot of pressure on the team.
2. Under pressure: 承受压力
- She performs well under pressure.
3. Stress out: 使某人感到紧张或有压力
- The workload is really stressing me out.
4. Crack under pressure: 在压力下垮掉
- He tends to crack under pressure and make mistakes.
5. Bear the burden: 承担压力或负担
- She has to bear the burden of being the family's primary breadwinner.
6. Feel the heat: 感到压力或受到监督
- The new manager is making everyone feel the heat to perform better.
7. Pressure cooker environment: 高压环境
- The workplace has turned into a pressure cooker environment due to the tight deadlines.
8. Breathe down someone's neck: 紧紧监督某人
- The boss is constantly breathing down our necks to finish the project.
9. Crunch time: 紧急关键时刻
- It's crunch time for the team as the project deadline approaches.
10. Weight on one's shoulders: 压力或责任
- Being the team leader, he has a lot of weight on his shoulders.