




1. Author 作者


Step 1: Log In 登陆

The login page gives you three options:

1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用户名和密码

2. Check to see if you have an existing account 确认是否已经注册过

3. Create a new account 没有就注册一个

Step 2: Enter your Author Center 进入作者中心

To begin a new submission, check a previous submission, continue a submission begun

earlier, or submit a revised manuscript, choose Author Center. 确认是新投,还是


Step 3: Inside Your Author Center 在个人的作者中心里面

Existing manuscripts are found in one of three areas: 包括三个区域(这个每个杂志


Manuscripts to be Revised 需修改稿

Partially Submitted Manuscripts 部分上传稿

Submitted Manuscripts 已上传稿

To start a NEW manuscript submission, choose “Submit First Draft of New Manuscript”

link. 开始上传新稿

Step 4: Entering Data 输入资料

The following screens ask you to enter each piece of data associated with your

manuscript. Most of this data will also be included in the text of your manuscript,

but needs to be entered in this format in order to make the system searchable by

these fields. It is used for screen display and e-mail notifications only. You cannot

enter text into the Manuscript Data Summary table – scroll down each screen to enter

the required information. 按照提示一步一步输入

Press “Save and Continue” at the bottom of each screen in order to save all of

your work. If you press the "Back" or "Forward" button on your browser your work

will not be saved. 继续时选择保存和继续,如果点击back或者forward,原来输入的内


Step 5: Upload Your Manuscript 上传文稿

The File Manager is the area where you upload your files. Click on the Save and

Continue button to get to the upload page.

Click on the Browse button in step #1. Locate your file and click on the name of

the file to place it in the box. Select a file designation that corresponds with

the file name in step 浏览选定你电脑中要上传的稿件 #2. Select file is for review

or not 选择审稿或不审稿,默认审稿- The file in the first position must be made

“yes” available for review in step #3. Click the blue upload button in step #4


Please refer to the “Author Instructions” for each specific journal to determine

the Journal preferences of format and Always view your proof carefully prior to

submitting. You will not be able to change it once it’s submitted. 一定要看请稿


Your original file will be stored and will be located under “Original Files / Files

not for review” on the right side of the screen. ManuscriptCentral will create files

and place them under “Files for review.” You can make changes in step #5 before

going to the next page. You can not make changes to your uploaded files. Click on

"Save and Continue". 如果没有选择审稿,将不会被编辑看到。

Step 5: Submit Your Manuscript 上传

Click on “View uploaded files” - always view your proof carefully prior to

submitting. You will not be able to change it once it’s submitted. Then close the

file, close the View uploaded files window and click on “Submit your manuscript”.

After you choose to submit, you will see a confirmation screen. You will also receive

an e-mail confirmation that you can save for future reference. 点击上传后,会出


2. Reviewer 审稿人

Step 1: Log In 用户登陆

Log into the website using the account information. This login information was

emailed to you when you agreed to review. If you have lost this login information

or didn't receive it you can use the "request account information" button located

on the login screen. This will resend your login information to you again.如果丢


Step 2: Enter your Reviewer Center 进入审稿中心

To begin reviewing your manuscripts click the Reviewer Center button. In your

Reviewer Center there are two tables. The first table is labeled "Manuscripts Pending

Review". This table is where manuscripts wait until they have been scored and

submitted to the journal. The second table is labeled "Submitted Reviews". This table

lists a history of all the manuscripts that you have reviewed in the past. Your

Reviewer Center should look something like the picture below. 进入后,有两个表格。




Step 3: Download or View the Manuscript Files 下载或直接查看稿件

Clicking on the title of the manuscript will open a new window. The location of the

manuscript title is shown in the picture below. From this window you can either

download or view each of the files the author has uploaded for review. 点击稿件


To view the files: Simply click on any of the file names located in the first column

of the new window. 查看。





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