雅思口语话题:Public Event
Describe an enjoyable public event that you went to
You should say:
what the event was
when you went there
who you went there with
and explain why you enjoyed this event.
I visited New York City with my family in 2022 and joined the
city’s annual Halloween Parade down the 6th Avenue. It was quite
a spectacle. People got all gussied up for the spookiest of the
holidays. In fact, there were two ways one can enjoy the event,
either as a participant or as an onlooker. If you dressed up in a
costume, you can participate in the parade and march down the route.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have any costume, I could only watch. As
an onlooker, I stood among the packed crowd behind the
policebarricades. Some eager fellow on-lookers climbed up trees for
a better view. A few even jumped over the barricades when the police
turned round. Creepy ghouls and giantpuppets were marching down the
street and everyone was cheering. It was so fun and we enjoyed a
great deal. Looking back, among all other public events that I went
to, this one left the deepest impression. I think the reasons are
two folds. One, we did not have this kind of festivity here in China.
It felt so strange to a Chinese guy to watch people dressed as
corpses and monsters and even toilets and at the same time enjoy
themselves. To the more conservative Chinese minds, the party
seemed to be the greatest “cultural shock“. Second, I was amazed
by the creative designs of the costume. I also felt the worry-free
fun and happiness from the people all around me. I will never forget
the New Yorkers’ creativity and the “in the moment” attitude.
Maybe this is why New York City is so great.
1. annual (adj.): happening once a year 一年一度的
2. parade (n.): a line of people moving along so that other
people can watch them *
3. spectacle (n.): a very impressive show or scene 景象、壮
It was quite a spectacle. (or: It was quite an event) 场面很
4. get gussied up: 细心装扮
5. spooky (adj.): strange or frightening in a way that makes
you think of ghosts. 幽灵般的
6. onlooker (n.): 观众
7. packed (adj.): extremely full of people. 拥挤的
8. barricade (n.):路障
9. creepy ghoul:令人毛骨悚然的鬼怪
10. puppet (n.): 木偶、人偶、玩偶
11. festivity (n.): 庆祝
12. corpse (n.): the dead body of a person. 尸体
13. conservative (adj.): 保守的
14. worry-free fun (n.): 无忧无虑的欢乐
15. “in the moment” attitude: 准时行乐的态度