


户口尚未解决 residence account in the city not yet properly arranged

华侨事务委员会 Oversea Chinese Affairs Commission

淮南市 Huainan Municipality

缓期执行 suspension of execution

缓刑 suspended sentence

患精神病 mentally ill, psychologically ill

恢复 resume

恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty

挥霍浪费 spendthrift

挥霍浪费 waste

徽章 honour

回报 return

回报 payoff

回报率 rate of return

回避 withdrawal

回购协议 repurchase agreement

回扣 commit

悔改 remorse

悔改 repent

悔罪 repentance

汇票 draft

贿赂 bribery

惠州市 Huizhou Municipality

婚外性关系 sexual relations outside marriage

婚姻登记所 Marriage Registration Office

婚姻法 marriage law

婚姻基础 basis for marriage

婚姻授产协议 marriage settlement

混合饲料 mixed provender

货证 bill of lading

获得 procurement

机部机械设备成套总局 General Office of Complete Set of Machinery of the First

Machinery Industry Ministry of the State Construction Commission

机械工业委员会 Machinery Industry Commission

基本法 Basic Law

基本法律 basic statute

基本权利和义务 fundamental rights and duties

基本人权 fundamental human rights

基本性国家法律 overriding national law

基本政策 fundamental policies

基层公安机关 grassroots public security agencies

基层人民法院 Basic People's Court

基层人民法院副院长 Basic People's Court vice-president

基层人民法院院长 Basic People's Court president

缉私 anti-smuggling

及时 promptness

即此函达尚希见复为荷 respectfully submitted for clearance

极刑 capital punishment

集会结社 assembly and association

集体企业 collectively owned enterprise

集体所有 collective ownership

集体所有制单位 unit under collective ownership

集体土地 collective-owned land

计划经济 planned economy

计划生育 family planning

技术产权交易所 technology equity market

济南市 Jinan Municipality

济宁市 Jining Municipality

继承 in succession

继承纠纷 succession dispute

继承权 right in succession

继承人 successor

继承人多 many successors and beneficiaries and not suitable for division

继承遗产 take as a beneficiary under an estate

继父母 step parent

继续进行 to proceed

继子女 step-child

寄递 consignment

寄养子女 foster child

寄运 consignment

加权平均值 weighted average

加重刑罚 Aggravate Punishment

佳木斯市 Kiamusze Municipality

家庭财产分割协议 marriage settlement

家庭成员 family members

家庭法 family law

家庭副业 family sideline production

假冒商标 passing of trademark

假冒商标罪 crime of passing off trademarks

假释 parole

假证据 false evidence

奸淫幼女罪 crime of having sexual intercourse with a minor

坚决要求 firmly demanded

间接法 indirect rule

兼容性 compatibility

监察部 Ministry of Supervision

监察局 Supervisory Bureau

监督 supervise





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