





Expressing Intentions

I’m going to… 我将要…

I intend/mean/plan to… 我打算/计划。。。

I will … 我会……

I feel like … 我感觉……

I’d like to… 我喜欢……

I’m ready to

would rather not tell you…不愿意告诉你。。。

Expressing Purposes:

to help / save …帮助/ 拯救……

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so that…目的是……

but do … 只能……

to punish those who so harm to the wildlife 。。。惩罚那些危害野生动物的人。

to protect … from … 保护……

in order to … 为了……

to teach them a lesson … 给他们个教训。


• Things You Can Do To Protect Wildlife

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."

-- Mahatma Gandhi

• 1. Protect Wildlife Habitat

• Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread

destruction of habitat. Deforestation, farming, over-grazing(放牧)and

development all result in irreversible changes—soil compaction, erosion,

desertification, and alteration of local climatic conditions. Such land use practices

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vastly alter or even eliminate wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species are

present, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction.

• By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected

together and when communities are kept intact(完美无损), less conservation

intervention is required to ensure species survival. Parks, reserves, and other

protected lands are too often the only habitats left untouched by habitat


• 2. Join a Conservation Organization

• There is a wide range of conservation organizations working to protect

endangered animals and habitats. Different organizations have different

objectives—some work to protect a small plot of land or to protect whales, others

focus on establishing good environmental policies in local government.

• If you have a specific area of interest, you can often find an organization that

is working to protect the species or habitats you're most concerned about. By

joining in, you can support well-organized, ongoing efforts to protect species and

habitats. And if you want to participate in conservation field work, you can often

get involved in specific programs within many conservation organizations that rely

to a great extent on help from volunteers.

• 3. Minimize use of Herbicides and Pesticides

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• Herbicides(除草剂) and pesticides(杀虫剂) may keep yards looking nice but

they are in fact hazardous pollutants that affect wildlife at many levels. Many

herbicides and pesticides take a long time to degrade and build up in the soils or

throughout the food chain. Some groups of animals such as amphibians(两栖动物)

are particularly vulnerable(脆弱的) to these chemical pollutants and suffer greatly

as a result of the high levels of herbicides and pesticides in their habitat.

• 4. Voice Your Concerns and Get Involved Locally

• By letting local and national governments know that you're concerned about

endangered species, you're increasing the likelihood that someone will do

something about it.

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