电力常用英语 继电保护
继电保护 relay protection
继电保护装置 protective relaying equipment 继电器保证启动值 relay
must-operate value 继电器操作跳闸 relay act trip
继电器超限运行 relay overrun
电压互感器的相角差 phase-angle of voltage transformer 故障类型 fault
故障选相 fault phase selection 故障诊断 fault diagnosis
内部故障 internal fault
接地故障 earth fault
穿越故障 through- fault
永久性故障 permanent fault
瞬时性故障 temporary fault
接地故障继电器 ground fault relay
短路故障 short trouble
双相短路故障 double phase fault
金属性三相短路故障 bolted three-phase fault 逻辑短路故障 logic short
相间故障 phase to phase fault
主保护(装置) main protection;primary protection 后备保护(装置) back
up protection;reserve protection 局部后备保护 local backup
远距离后备保护 remote back-up
零序电流 zero-sequence current;residual current 零序电流继电器
residual current relay 零序电流互感器 zero sequence current transducer
零序电流补偿 zero sequence current compensation 零序保护 zero-sequence
protection 零序电压 residual voltage
零序互感的影响 mutual induction of zero sequence 零序电流构成的定子
接地保护 stator ground protection based on zero sequence current
热敏继电保护装置 thermal relay (s)
电压差动继电器 voltage differential relay 差动保护(装置)
differential protection 纵联差动保护 longitudinal differential
protection 比率差动保护装置 percentage differential protection 横差动保
护 transversal differential protection 差动保护系统 differential
protective system 方向差动保护 directional differential protection
分相电流差动保护 segregated current differential protection 自适应继
电保护 adaptive relay protection
adaptive segregated directional current differential 自适应分相方向
纵差保护 protection
逆相序保护 inverse phase sequence protection 电流保护装置 current
高频保护装置 carrier current protection;pilot protection 高频测向器
high-frequency direction finder 过负荷 overload
触点多路式继电器 contact multiplying relay 辅助触点 auxiliary
辅助继电器 auxiliary relay
时间继电器 timer relay