京剧脸谱(Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas)
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas, is a special feature of
national cosmetic. As each historical figure or a certain type of
person has an approximate spectral type, like sing, play music to the
music, so called “types of facial makeup in operas”. On the types of
facial makeup in operas sources, the general view is from mask.
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas are based on certain
personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the
use of certain colors. Red has expressed his Warriors of strong types of
makeup in operas such as Guan Yu, concubines Victoria, regular
book; Black said the types of facial makeup in operas ming criticized
people, integrity, bravery and even reckless, such as Zheng and Zhang
Fei, Li; Yellow types of facial makeup in operas that vicious brutality, such
as Yu Chengdu, and Dian Wei. Blue or green types of facial makeup in
operas that some of the figures represented irritable, such as Dou
Ambassador, Ma Wu; General treacherous court official said the types of
facial makeup in operas white, bad guys, such as Cao Cao, Zhao higher.
Beijing opera types of facial makeup in operas of color painting
methods, basically divided into three categories : rub face, face towel,
different faces. Types of facial makeup in operas initial role is
exaggerated her role with striking places and face the veins, using
exaggerated by the performance of dramatis personae of personality,
psychological and physiological
characteristics, and using this to the entire drama circumstances, but
Later types of facial makeup in operas by Kan to complex, from rough to
the small, Youbiaojili, from shallow to deep, itself becoming a nation of
characteristics, to the facial expression means for the pictorial arts.
二胡 (èr hú) – a two stringed violin type instrument that is used to
expressed sadness and to imitate birds and singing.
古筝 (gǔ zhēng) – an 18-23 stringed instrument that is plucked
horizontally. It is usually played solo, by a female musician at an opera or
琵琶 (pí pa) – 4 stringed instrument, similar to a medieval lute. The
instrument was popular in Chengdu, the capital during the Tang Dynasty
and is now most commonly seen in performances.
笛子 (dí zi) – a flute made from bamboo with around 6 finger holes.
One hole was covered with paper to create a raspy noise.
中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) : "Chinese Style" Music
中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) means "China Wind" in literally. Zhongguo
feng mixes elements of traditional Chinese music, Chinese opera and
poetry with modern pop music. 中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) comes from
中国风格的 (zhōng guó fēng gé de)meaning ‘Chinese Style’and was
first seen in 2003, when Jay Chou 周杰伦 (zhōu jié lún), the Taiwanese
Pop star released ‘East Wind Breaks’ 东风破 (dōng fēng pò). The song
is a modern R&B song with the traditional instruments of the 二胡 (èr h
ú) and 琵琶 (pí pa). ‘East Wind Breaks’ uses a traditional element of
Chinese music, known as the pentatonic scale. A pentatonic scale has 5
notes per octave, as oppose to a heptatonic scale that has 7. Heptatonic
scales are more commonly found in western style music.
东风破 (dōng fēng pò) (East Wind Breaks)
Actually, Jay Chou周杰伦 (zhōu jié lún) and song writer Vincent Fang
方文山 (fāng wén shān), had been creating many traditionally influenced
songs apart from ‘East Wind Breaks’ 东风破 (dōng fēng pò)..
When interviewed about ‘zhong guo feng’, 方文山 (fāng wén shā
n) said he was
always concerned about the subjects about nation, tradition and
culture. When this cultural consciousness is combined with music, lyrics
with so called “China Wind” element are naturally created.