A chain of command 命令链
Regular joe 平常人
If I may interject
Promiscuity 滥交
Dopamine 多巴胺
Camouflage crap
Camouflage 伪装
Genital pennies
Aesthetically pleasing
Wine glasses should have handles 一醉解千愁
Freak out 使害怕 使崩溃
Screw up 搞砸
Have a shot with
Subtlety is not her strong suit
Maddening 闹心
caption the obvious
emotional upheaval 情绪低落
buck up 振作
I am too rock and roll to be tied down
Mutiny 兵变 叛乱
Propose a toast
Suck at acting
Blow it way out of proportion 吹牛
Doodles=dumb ass
Buttercup 女服务员 小毛孩
Gist= key point
Stream a movie 下载电影
Ritualistic 固定的 惯例的
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive 强迫观念与行为的
Dip in cholera
Cholera is water-borne 霍乱是水传播的
Malaria 疟疾
Provenance 出处 起源
Psychotic 疯子 神经病
Leopard-spotted secret 独家小秘密
Leopard-spotted 豹纹
Episode 插曲 电视剧的一集
Wind up 使结束
She wind up her speech with a quotation
Shagging 使杂乱
Randy 饥渴
Intricate system of pulley 复杂的轮滑系统
Prefrontal cortex 前额皮质
Refer to sth as
Buck up 振作
Ridge 山脊 山脉
Morsel 一口食物
Ambiance 环境
Sterilize 消毒 杀菌 使 绝育
When I rise to power, those people will be sterilized
Snickerdoodles 曲奇饼干
Aligns the lumbar, cradles the coccyx, balance the buttocks
Lumbar 腰椎
Cyber nasty
Lice 虱子 louse
Running commentary 实时报道
Overstay my welcome
Gynecologist 妇科医生
I am like a possum我是个夜猫子
Possum 负鼠
Amy has a Beckoning pelvis
Corsage 胸花
Spray-painting a lightning bolt on my brief case 驴唇不对马嘴
Spray 浪花 喷雾器
Hymen 处女膜
Spine 脊柱
Cop a feel 意思意思
When you are done copping a feel
Trophy 战利品
Wearing whorish makeup
Splashdown 在海中降落
Bitch about sth
Excel at
On pay cable
Chinese sweatshop
Street smarts
Sworn enemy = mortal enemy
Sworn followers