($sid) { session_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); return TRUE; } function sess_gc($maxlifetime) { global $time; $expiry = $time - $maxlifetime; $arrlist = session_find(array('last_date' => array('<' => $expiry)), array(), 1, 10000, '', array('sid', 'bigdata', 'last_date')); if (!$arrlist) return TRUE; $expiry = $time - 21600; // 超6小时未提交丢弃上传图片和附件 $sidarr = array(); foreach ($arrlist as $val) { if ($val['last_date'] > $expiry && $val['bigdata']) continue; $sidarr[] = $val['sid']; } if (empty($sidarr)) return TRUE; session_delete(array('sid' => $sidarr)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sidarr)); return TRUE; } function sess_start() { global $conf, $sid, $g_session; ini_set('session.name', $conf['cookie_pre'] . 'sid'); ini_set('session.use_cookies', TRUE); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', TRUE); ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $conf['cookie_domain']); // 为空则表示当前目录和子目录 ini_set('session.cookie_path', $conf['cookie_path']); // 打开后只有通过 https 才有效 ini_set('session.cookie_secure', FALSE); ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 8640000); // 打开后 js 获取不到 HTTP 设置的 cookie, 有效防止 XSS,对于安全很重要,除非有 BUG,否则不要关闭。 ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', TRUE); // 活动时间 ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $conf['online_hold_time']); // 垃圾回收概率 = gc_probability/gc_divisor ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); // 垃圾回收时间 5 秒,在线人数 * 10 / 每1000个请求回收一次垃圾 ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1000); session_set_save_handler('sess_open', 'sess_close', 'sess_read', 'sess_write', 'sess_destroy', 'sess_gc'); // register_shutdown_function 会丢失当前目录,需要 chdir(APP_PATH) $conf['url_rewrite_on'] > 1 and function_exists('chdir') and chdir(APP_PATH); // 这个必须有,否则 ZEND 会提前释放 $db 资源 register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); session_start(); $sid = session_id(); return $sid; } // 刷新页面清理附件缓存 废弃 function sess_clear_attach() { global $sid, $time; $arr = session_read($sid); if (!$arr || 0 == $arr['bigdata']) return TRUE; session_update($sid, array('bigdata' => 0, 'last_date' => $time)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); return TRUE; } function online_count() { return session_count(); } function online_list_cache() { static $cache = array(); $key = 'online_list'; if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $cache[$key] = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $cache[$key]) { $cache[$key] = session_find(array('uid' => array('>' => 0)), array('last_date' => -1), 1, 1000); foreach ($cache[$key] as &$online) { $user = user_read_cache($online['uid']); $online['username'] = $user['username']; $online['gid'] = $user['gid']; $online['ip_fmt'] = safe_long2ip($online['ip']); $online['last_date_fmt'] = date('Y-n-j H:i', $online['last_date']); } cache_set('online_list', $cache[$key], 300); } return $cache[$key]; } function online_user_list_cache() { static $cache = array(); $key = 'online_user_list'; if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $cache[$key] = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $cache[$key]) { $cache[$key] = session_find(array('uid' => array('>' => 0)), array(), 1, 1000, 'uid', array('uid')); cache_set('online_user_list', $cache[$key], 300); } return $cache[$key]; } ?>ESD防静电手册|江阴雨辰互联




Guangdong Whirlpool Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.

ESD Manual



1. Purpose 目的

2. Scope 范围

3. Definition 定义

4. Responsibility 职责

5. Operation Content 作业内容

5.1 ESD Control Program ESD 管制方案

5.2 ESD Control Program Mgr or Coordinator ESD 管制方案经理或协调员

5.3 Update 文件修改与更新

5.4 ESD Control Operation ESD 管制作业

5.4.1 ESD Protected Area ESD 保护区

5.4.2 Training Requirement 培训要求

5.4.3 ESD Test requirements ESD 测试要求

5.4.4 ESD Grounding System ESD 接地系统

5.4.5 ESD Floor Control ESD 地板管制

5.4.6 ESD Garment & ESD Cap Control 静电衣服&静电帽管制

5.4.7 ESD Shoe Control 静电鞋管制

5.4.8 ESD Gloves& Finger Cots Control 静电手套&指套管制

5.4.9 ESD wrist strap Control 静电手环管制

5.4.10 Equipment ESD Control 设备ESD 管制

5.4.11 Fixture& Tools Control 工治具管制

5.4.12 Work Surface control 工作台管制

5.4.13 ESD Marking ESD 标示

5.4.14 ESD Packaging Material ESD 包装材料管制

5.4.15 ESD Seating 静电座椅

5.4.16 Soldering Iron Control 铬铁静电管制

5.4.17 Air Ionizer Control 离子风机管制

5.5 Sub-contractor control 外包商管制

nce 参考文件

1. Purpose 目的

To prevent ESDS objects in manufacture, assembly, install, package, test,

inspection,preservation, transport or other operation activities from damage, and

protect electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment so as to

guarantee the product quality, so ESD protection.




2. Scope 范围

Applicable to all the related activities from ESD objects in Guangdong Whirlpool

Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.

适用于广东惠而浦家电制品有限公司所有ESD 敏感物件之相关活动作业

3. Definition 定义

3.1 ESD-Electro Static Discharge, the transfer or movement of charge between

objects that are at different electrical potentials by direct contact or induced

by electrostatic field.



3.2 Volume Resistivity – It’s used to measure and analyze the homogeneous

material, it’s measured and expressed in

体积电阻率 – 用来测量和分析均质的材料, 依欧姆·厘米为单位.

3.3 Surface Resistivity – It is used to measure and analyze the surface-finish

material. It’s measured and expressed in ohms/sq.

表面电阻率 --用来测量和分析表面处理的材料,依欧姆/平方为单位。

3.4 ESDS- Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility (Sensitivity): The ESD level

that causes component failure.


3.5 Material type 材料类型

3.5.1 Antistatic Material (Low charging material): the material that used to

prevent / inhibit the generation of the Triboelectric Charge; or the material that

only generate less than 200V Triboelectric voltage; it has no requirement about

surface resistivity and volume resistivity .

抗静电材料(低带电性材料) – 能抑制摩擦生电的材料;摩擦电压在200V 以下的材料;防


3.5.2 Static Dissipative Material - the material has enough conductivity to allow

applied electrostatic charges to dissipate providing the conductivity can not

generate electric shock hazard; surface resistivity is between 10^5 ohm/square

and 10^12 ohm/square or volume resistivity is between 10^4 and 10^11 .

静电耗散性材料- 材料具备一定的导电率以便使静电荷被耗散掉,但导电率不可大到产生

危害性电冲击的程度; 表面电阻率处于是10^5 欧姆/平方到10^12 欧姆/平方之间或体积

率电阻处于是10^4 欧姆·厘米到10^11 欧姆·厘米之间.

3.5.3 Static Shielding Material – When this material is used in the form of bag

or container ,it will create the Faraday Cage Effect which prevents external

electrostatic fields from penetrating the container or bag, and surface resistance

is less than 10^3 ohm.


防止外部静电场穿透屏蔽容器或包装袋, 表面电阻小于10^3 欧姆。

3.5.4 Conductive Material – The material whose surface resistivity is less than

10^5 ohms/square or volume resistivity is less than 10^4 .

导电性材料-表面电阻率小于10^5 欧姆/平方或体积电阻率小于10^4欧姆·厘米的材料。

3.5.5 Insulative material: the surface resistivity is more than 10^12 ohms/square

or volum resistivity is more than 10^11

绝缘材料:表面电阻率大于10^12欧姆/平方或体积电阻率大于10^11 欧姆厘米的材料.

3.5.6 ESD Sensitive Material – A part, Assembly or product that can be degraded

or damaged by static charge, e.g. components containing thin films or

insulators,including resistors, capacitors, IC and emiconductor devices. Each

segment should make a document for the most sensitive class of all ESD sensitive


静电敏感材料 – 能够被静电释放损坏或性能降级的元件组装件或产品。如电阻,电容集

成电路以及半导体装置等, 各个工厂应对静电敏感材料就最敏感程度予以文件规定。

3.5.7 Electromagnetic Shielding Materials: The material whose surface resistance

is less than 10 ohm.

电磁屏蔽材料: 表面电阻小于10欧的材料

3.6 ESD Discharge Models(Main) 静电释放的模式(主要)

3.6.1 Human Body Model (HBM): HBM is the cause of direct transfer of Electrostatic

charge from human body to Electronic component.


3.6.2 Machine Model (MM): MM is the cause of direct transfer of Electrostatic

charge from Machine/Tools to Electronic component.


3.6.3 Charge Device Model (CDM): The transfer of charge from device, this event

occurs when a device moves across a surface or get charged-up by other




3.6.4 Field Induced Model (FIM): FIM model may occur when ESD Sensitive item is

placed near or inside electrostatic field.



3.7 RTG-Resistance To Ground


3.8 EPA- ESD Protected Area ;ESD 保护区

3.9 Triboelectric Charge – The generation of electrostatic charge when two

materials make contact or are rubbed together, then separated.

摩擦静电 – 由两种材料在接触和分离的过程中产生的静电。

3.10 Induction – One item with an electrical charge influences another item to

have a similar charge without direct contact.

感应现象 – 在没有直接接触的情况下,带电物体导致另一物体带电的现象

4. Responsibility 职责

4.1 ESD control program manager: Be responsible for monitoring ESD system

establishment, management and running and maintaining.

ESD 控制方案经理(ME Manager):负责监督ESD 体系的建立,管理,运作及维持之有效性.

4.2 ESD coordinator: Be responsible for Planning, establishing, and maintain the

ESD system, and performing the ESD protection material qualification etc.

ESD 协调员(QE): 负责规划,建立及维持ESD 体系, 以及执行ESD 防护材料之资格验证.

4.3 Industrial Engineer (IE) is responsible to schedule the ESD system set up,

verification and qualification for new or modified production line / ESD protected

area, monitor and coordinate the actual progress to ensure the ESD control system

is established&qualified per requirement.

IE 工程师负责针对新建立或更改生产线/ESD 防护区制定关于ESD 控制系统的建立,验证


4.4 Facility Department is responsible to set up, install the ESD control system

per schedule and ensure the ESD system requirement will be met per ESD

specification according to this procedure.

Facility 部负责按计划建立,安装防静电控制系统,并确保建立的ESD 系统符合本程序

内所要求的ESD 规格。

4.5 Usage and management dept. Be responsible for ESD protection material,

equipment,tools& fixtures, solder iron etc. measurement, and record retention

使用及管理单位: 负责ESD 防护材料,设备, 工治具,铬铁等之量测及记录保管.

4.6. PQC is responsible for monitoring&checking ESD daily record, maintenance

record from usage and management dept..

PQC: 负责监控和检查使用及管理单位所做的ESD量测和保养记录

5. ESD Operation Content/ ESD作业内容

5.1 ESD Control Program

ESD 控制方案要求

5.1.1 ESD control program shall include both administrative and technical

requirements as described herein, which are included in this manual are

established according to ANSI/ESD S20.20 and the related international/national

safety, technical law etc,which is the most basic requirement for the related ESD

activities in Guangdong Whirlpool Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.

ESD 控制方案包括行政要求及技术要求,本手册规定之行政要求及技术要求是依据

ANSI/ESD S20.20 标准及国家相关安全,技术法规等制订,是为广东惠而浦家电制品有限


5.1.2 Perform two ESD system internal audits at least twice annually,and the CA

and preventive action have to be closed to ensure ESD system efficiency.

每年至少进行两次ESD 系统的内部稽核,稽核缺陷之矫正及预防措施均已改善,以确保ESD


5.1.3 The specific measurement/test instrument/equipment type& brand, picture or

the corresponding specific operation addressed in this manual are just usage

reference for this type



5.2 ESD Control Program Manager or Coordinator

ESD 控制方案经理或协调员

QA manager is ESD control program control program manager shall assign

one or more person as their ESD coordinators that should be showed in their

organization; ESD control manager and coordinator are responsible for driving,

monitoring, and maintaining the ESD operation activities being implemented per

the defined procedure in their area

ESD 控制方案经理为公司ME经理, ESD 控制协调员为公司QE。ESD 控制方案经理或协调员

应负责推动,督导及保持其负责区域之相关ESD 作业活动均须符合建立之文件规定。


Update 文件修改与更新

This manual will not delete any portion from ANSI/ESD S20.20, if there are

something to delete, modify, and add some requirement because of considering cost,

operation possibility or efficiency, safety etc factors, the corresponding ESD

control program mgr/coordinator should lead to evaluate them together with ME,QE,

and PRD etc related dept, and the evaluation report will not be effective until

ESD control manager sign it together.

本手册不对ANSI/ESD S20.20 所要求之内容做任何删减,若有对方案控制项



评估报告由ESD 控制方案经理签核生效。

5.4 ESD Control Operation ESD管制作业

5.4.1 ESD Protected Area(EPAS)ESD 保护区 Handling of ESDS parts, assemblies and equipment etc without ESD

protective covering or packaging shall be performed in an EPA; an EPA can consist

of a single workstation, entire room or building; Caution signs indicating the

existence of the EPA shall be posted and clearly visible to personnel prior to

entry to the EPA( refer to below marking symbol)

处理没有ESD 保护覆盖或包装的ESDS 部件, 组件和设备等必须在EPA 内; EPA 可以是单

一的工作台,整个房间或建筑物,也可能是可移动的;EPA 之边界应设立警告标示,让进入

EPA 的人员可清楚的看到.(可参看以下ESD 标示符号) Access to EPA shall be limited to personnel who have completed appropriate

ESD training. Untrained individuals shall be escorted by trained personnel while

in an EPA。

进入EPA 的人员必须经过ESD 培训.未经培训的人员在EPA 内要有经过培训人员的陪同引

导. All nonessential insulators such as coffee cups, food wrappers and

personal items shall be removed from the workstation or any operation where

unprotected ESDS items are handled; For process-required insulators, there should

have one plan to try to eliminate it so as to reduce the CDM damage, anyway, each

department should make sure to separate the insulator from the ESD-sensitive

device by a distance of 30cm(12inch), if the field exceeds 2000 voltage/inch in

the EPA, the above separation actions is not applicable, there shall use ionization

or other charge mitigating techniques to neutralize the charge.

所有不必要的绝缘体(如: 咖啡杯,食品包装材料,个人用品等)应排除在工作区或任何处

理未保护的ESDS 产品作业的区域之外;针对过程需要的绝缘体, 应建立一计划来消除掉

来尽量减轻场感应(CDM)损坏, 总之,不管怎样,应确保使绝缘体远离ESDS 敏感器件至少

30cm(12inch), 如果EPA 环境中在静电场超过2000V/INCH的情况下, 上述隔离措施不可

行,则要采取使用离子化或其他电荷减轻技术来中和电荷. An EPA shall be established wherever ESDS products are handled, and shall

adopt some ways to establish ESD control within an EPA, the detailed ESD control

item and methods and technical requirement &administrative requirement are seen

below section, in addition, when employees are handling the non-conforming ESD

devices ,they still need ESD protection.

在处理ESDS 敏感器件产品的地方都应建立ESD 保护区, 且须采取一些方法来在EPA内建

立ESD 管制, 详细的ESD 管制项目,方法, 及技术要求&行政要求见下面章节

5.4.3-5.4.17, 此外,员工在处理不合格品之ESD 元器件时也需采取相应的ESD 防护 If handling the ESD products or components outside EPA, but this package

need to be sealed or added cover,e.g changeover case need add the cover); if

customer have the specific requirement, perform it according to customer

requirement 在EPA 之外运送ESD 产品或零组件需封闭或加盖,如周转箱加盖等);如若客


5.4.2 Training Requirement训练要求 All new employees to work in EPA will not start work until being trained

ESD knowledge and verified eligible; All personnel who are likely to contact ESDS

items should be re-trained in the regular period; and the training expiration

period is one year, during the expiration, if the situation violating ESD

requirement seriously occur , the employee should be re-trained



若有发现有严重违背ESD防护要求之情况,则需对其重新培训. ESD knowledge should at least include ESD principle& harm, basic property

of ESDS items and products, ESD protection knowledge in work area. Etc, the

training records should be kept per <>.

静电防护知识至少包括静电原理与危害,ESDS 元件和产品的基本特性,工作场所ESD防护


5.4.3 ESD Test requirements /ESD 测试要求 Test equipment introduce and use requirements

测试设备介绍及使用要求 or equivalent

兆欧表或相似功能器仪(Refer figure 1/参照图 1)

Figure 1/图 1

a> Measurement values from 1x10^4

to 1x10^11

ohms with 10/100v test voltage


到1x10^11并具有10V/100V 测试电压

b> Measurement accuracy ±10% 精度要求±10%

c> Two cylindrical Electrodes 2.27kg±.06kg (5 pound ± 2oz)两个圆柱形电极重量


2.27 公斤±0.06 公斤(5 磅± 2 盎斯)

d> If test resistances value above 11010


the test voltage use the 100V; otherwise

use the 10V test voltage


应使用100V 测试电压,否则使用10V 测试电压

e> If the test electrodes is not clean, use the above 70% Isopropanol-water

solution clean the electrodes 如果电极不干净, 则使用70%以上的酒精溶液进行清洗

f> Record the data after the meter stable 数据稳定后才能读数 Field meter or similar function tester (Refer to figure 3)电场表或者

相似功能的仪器(参照图 2)

Figure 2/图 2

a> Measurement accuracy 10V 精度要求10V

b> Zeroing before Use 使用前先确认调零 Multimeter or similar function tester (Refer to Figure-4)


Figure 4/图 4

a> Measurement values from 0.1 ohm to 1Mega ohm

量程为0.1 欧姆到 1M 欧姆

b> Measurement accuracy 0.1 ohm 精度要求0.1 欧姆

c> Zeroing before Use 使用前先确认调零

d> Record the data after the meter stable 数据稳定后才能读数 Test condition requirements 环境要求

The test will be done in operation environments and record the test condition.


Condition Spec 环境规格:RH/相对湿度30%-70% Test equipment calibration requirements 设备校验要求

All test equipment should be calibrated and the calibration result should be

confirmed by equipment user.测试设备必须有校验,并且校验的结果必须由使用者确认

5.4.4 ESD Grounding System: 防静电接地系统

(Reference standard 标准: ANSI/ESD S6.1) Test equipment /测试设备

a> Earthing Resistance Measure Meter 接地电阻测量仪。

b> Multimeter 万用表 Technical parameter as below: 技术参数如下

ESD main ground pole is hidden in the concrete and designed ESD port box on 1F

for resistance measuring; ESD ground trunk is Annular grounding sub-system on each

floor.防静电主接地极指隐蔽在建筑物内的部分, 一般在首层配电房内保留监测用的端

子盒. 防静电干线指各层天花内分布井型接地铜线网络. Test method 测试方法 ESD Main Ground System test method

a> Check if the Grounding Resistance Measure Meter is in the period of validity.


b> Hammer 2 stakes of the meter into earth. The 2 stakes and the bus ground point

are distributed as regular trigon. And the stakes are 10 miles away from the meter.



c> Connect stakes and ground bus with the meter.


d> The measuring needs two personnel. One changes the function switch and

adjusts the galvanometer to stabilize at “0”. Another pins the meter and rotates

thehandle by 120r/min.

测试由两人同时进行,其中一人调节档位开关和检流计的调节旋钮使检流计稳定在0 的位

置,另一人同时用左手压住仪器右手以120 转/分的速度匀速摇动测试仪的摇把。

e> Read the value on galvanometer and function switch. The result of multiplying

two values is the ground resistance.


f> Record the data and tidy the meter and appendix.

做好测试记录收好测试仪器及其附件. ESD brush ground joint


a> Check if the Multimeter is in the period of validity.


b> Turn the power switch to “ON” and select the “ohm” function.

打开万用表电源开关,选择ohm 档。

c> Connect the two probes of Multi-meter to ESD ground trunk and ground electrode

of AC receptacle respectively to measure the resistance to ground.



d> Record the data after the reading is stabilized.

待万用表的读数稳定后记录下最终读数。 According to products requirements for ESD, in order to prevent

electrostatic the accumulation of equipment and people from reaching the potential

danger level, Flex uses the anti-static floor in the anti-static related

production areas; in order to eliminate static electricity effectively, Flex

grounds equipments which generate electrostatic.



有会产生静电的设备采取可靠接地的方式。 Networks of copper wires were designed in the material of anti-static

floors and buildings. All metal networks connect and form a static electrical

conduction pathway, so that the electrostatic can be released quickly and

effectively to the earth following the static electrical pathway and grounding

fittings underground.



物的地下接地装置,达到快速有效释放静电的目的. ESD Ground System is a grounding system for Electro Static Discharge, which

is independent in existence and function of AC (Alternating Current) System from

system design to operation. All ESD equipotential points in each building should

connect to ESD Ground System, not AC (Alternating Current) System.

从设计到最终使用, 防静电接地系统和交流 (AC)接地系统是两个独立的系统, 不能共用.

各厂房所有的防静电等电势接地点要接入这个防静电接地系统内. Design, Construction & Acceptance of ESD Grounding System:


Flex entrusted with reliable quality of design and construction companies, to

complete the design, construction, supervision and final acceptance, according

to the relevant national and international standards for ESD Grounding System.


监督建设,并完成最终验收。 FE is responsible for monitoring and maintaining ESD main ground pole (once

per six months), ESD ground trunk (once per six months), then record the result.

If there are out of control, FE should check if the joints are loose and tighten

to ensure the ESD ground system is normal.

FE 负责监测和维护各厂房防静电接地系统, 其中对防静电主接地极和干线网络, 每半年

检测一次, 并记录监测结果. 当监测结果超出标准范围时, 应检查连接处是否松散并紧


5.4.5 ESD Floor Control/ESD 地板管制(Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI/ESD

S7.1 )5 Test equipment 测试设备:

Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent /兆欧表或相似功能的器仪 Administrative& Technical requirement 行政及技术要求 Technical parameter for ESD packing material as below: 技术参数如下 Test method requirements(测试方法要求) Point-to-Point Resistance test ESD 地板点对点测试

a> Place the sample on an insulative test surface. 将样品放在绝缘的测试平台上

b> Place a electrode on common positioned 将一个测试电极放于公共点上(Refer to

figure 6/参照图 6)

c> Place another electrode on position A 将另一个电极放于A 点(Refer to figure 6/

参照图 6)

d> Repeat above step change the A to be B, C.D position to test 重复上述步骤分

别将A 点改为B,C,D 点分别进行测试(Refer to figure 6/参照图 6)

Figure 6/图 6 Resistance to ground qualification test /表面对地电阻认证测试

Test method reference the figure 7 /测试方法参考图7

a> Wear the ESD shoes and stands on the grounded test floor


b> Hand the one of test electrode and adjust the test voltage 10V

手拿其中一个电极,并调整测试电压为10 伏.

c> another one electrode connect with the common ground point.


d> Press the test button and record the data


Figure 7 / 图7 Resistance to ground test 对地测试(After installation 安装后)

a> Place a electrode on common ground point 将一个测试电极插入公共接地点上(Refer

to figure 8/参照图 8)

b> Place another electrode on floor 将另一个电极放于地板上


Figure 8/ 图 8 Supplier requirements 供应商要求 Sample qualification is required if new vendor is phased in or the ESD

floor material is changed, FE, QA and relative department will join the audit


当引入新的供应商或者供应商的ESD 材料变更时需要做样品认证时FE ,QA 以及更多相关

部门 将参与供应商的审核。 ESD supplier should warrant that the ESD floor will be maintained their

usefulness within 12 month from the installation day. FE and QA will track the

quality in the required period. Once the ESD floor testing result is out of

acceptance limit, supplier

must replace the ESD floor material in time.

供应商必须保证地板在自安装完成之日起12 个月之内静电防护功能依然有效。FE 和QA

将在此12 个月内跟进地板的质量情况。一旦出现检测数据超标 ,供应商将立即更换所有

不符合的地板。 ESD Floor Qualification requirements /防静电地板的认证要求 Department colleague should notice QA auditor to qualify the

status after the ESD floor has been installed.

当防静电地板安装完成后,公用设备部的负责同事应通知QA 的稽查员对地板的安装情况

进行验收。 The ESD floor grounding system must be coincident below conditions:


a> The ESD floor should be installed actinic and has no concavo-convex;


b> The ESD floor surface should be kept same color.

防静电地板表面要保持同一颜色。 Measure the tiles ‘conductive specialty after installed. At least 2

tests are taken per 100 square meters and the test points should be distributed

uniformly as possible. The floor should be cleaned before measure. And use the

special ESD grounding points.

测试时要求每100 平方米至少测试2 点,而且应做到取点尽可能平均分布。测试时先将防

静电地板测试点擦拭干净,接地点应选择防静电专用接地点. If ESD Floor to grounding resistance was found out of limit during the

routine audit by QA, QA will notice FE to follow up the issues; the re-audit should

be conducted after the issues have been solved by FE.

如在日常的检查中发现防静电地板不合格,QA 将及时通知FE 部门进行处理,当问题改进

后,QA 将重新进行验证.

5.4.6 ESD Garment Control & ESD Cap Control / ESD 工作服&静电帽管制

(Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI/ESD STM2.1) Test equipment and requirements 测试设备和要求:

Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent 兆欧表或相似功能的器仪 Test method requirements(测试方法要求) Qualification step need to launder the samples with wash powder for 20

minutes. Repeat same cycle for 3 times.

样品认证时,样品需要在使用漂洗, 飘洗时间为20 分钟,如此循环3 次. to point & Sleeve to sleeve Resistance test method 点对点及袖对


a> Put ESD garment on the insulative surface. / 将工衣平放在绝缘板面上.

b> Point to point resistance test for ESD garment, refer to Figure -9/点对点的



c> Sleeve to sleeve resistance test for garments, refer to figure-10/ 袖对袖的

电阻测试如图-10 所示

Figure-10/图-10 ESD Garment Profile requirements / 防静电工衣款式要求 The conductive fibers of the ESD smock should be woven in a chain-link

design throughout the material, providing continuous and consistent charge

fiber strip is not acceptable. (Refer to Figure-11)


的导电纤维设计的防静电工衣是不可接受的. (如图-11) All of the seams in the garment should be designed to maintain electrical

continuity from point to point and from sleeve to sleeve in accordance with the

ESD Association Garment Standard, ESD-STM2.1. Refer to Figure-12

防静电工衣的缝合口必须遵守ESD防静电协会工衣标准ESD-STM2.1 要求保证点对点及袖

对袖导通(如图-12) The elastic in sleeve end should be designed to provide contact of

conductive fabric with user’s skin to provide path to ground.(refer to figure-13)


Figure-11 /图-11 Figure-12 /图-12 Figure-13 /图-13 ESD garment should be fastened by button. Metal part or slide fastener

is not allowed. Refer to figure-11

工衣要用钮扣;金属件或者拉链不可接受.(如图-11) Manufacturing date and serial number should be printed on the garment

as the picture shown in Figure-14 garment should have one unique serial number

for identification. Serial number definition as below,

生产日期和衣服的序列号必须按照图14 所示打印在衣服上.每件工衣要求有唯一的序列

号以便识别. 序列号定义方式如下:


(1) (2) (3)

(1) Vendor code 用两个字母表示供应商, 如AB 代表AB 公司

(2) Manufacturing Date 月/年, 如012008 代表2008 年1 月生产

(3) Serial number 以0000 开头, 9999 结束, 生产日期变更时S/N 自动复位到0 Whirlpool Logo on ESD garment should be in place as shown below.

This is roped in orange color. Refer to figure-15

防静电工衣Whirlpool 标记如图-15 橙色框内所示 The pocket should have two layers. Inside layer for personal items

loadingand the outside layer for employee badge. This is roped in light blue color.

Refer tofigure-15

口袋要有两层内层用于装员工的个人物品,外层装厂牌 标记 如图-15 淡蓝色框内所示 Reserve pocket on top left corner of left sleeve of ESD garment for

stationery items loading, e.g. pen etc. Refer to figure-16


Figure-14/图-14 Figure-16/图-16 Vendor Requirement (供应商要求) As ESD garments may lose their ESD protective quality after a few

washings, vendor need warrant that the smocks will maintain their usefulness and

effectiveness for a minimum of 1 year.

由于静电衣服在经过一定次数的洗涤后静电保护功能会有所损失, 供应商需要保证静电

工衣在最少一年内工衣静电防护功能依然存在. Also ESD garment vendor need warrant that for a period of one year from

the date of purchase, garment should be free of defects in material and

the warranty period, a garment should be replaced free of

charge. The express warranty will not apply to defects or damage due to accidents,

neglect, misuse,alterations, operator error, or failure to properly maintain,

clean or repair products.


的缺陷. 在保证期内如果有品质问题,要求供应商免费更换. 注意此质量保证不适用于因


服的损坏. ESD garment vendors should have their own factory and have good quality

control system. Necessary technical support and related testing from vendors are



持和相关的测试. ESD Cap Control 静电帽管制

For ESD cap technical requirement, follow above ESD garment technical requirement

and test method. The only difference is that sleeve to sleeve resistance is not

applicable for ESD cap.

对静电工帽的技术要求遵照上述ESD 静电工衣条款要求.唯一的不同是袖对袖电阻不适用


5.4.7 ESD Shoe Control 静电鞋管制

(Reference standard 参考标准:ANSI/ESD STM 9.1; ANSI/ESD STM97.1;

ANSI/ESD STM97.2) Resistance Test Equipment and Requirement /电阻测试设备及要求

a> Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent 兆欧表或相似功能的器仪

b> ESD access control system (Turnstile) test range is ±10% measurement accuracy

/防静电门禁控制系统(十字转门) ohms ±10% 测试精度


c> Test requirement (测试要求) Test method requirements(测试方法要求) Point to point Resistance /表面电阻测试

Use the Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent/使用兆欧表或相似功能的器仪

The shoe should be on the insulator work surface, direct place the two electrodes

on the shoe surface and test it,

鞋需放置在绝缘的工作台面上测试,将两个测试电极放置在鞋表面进行测试 Resistance to ground test /对地电阻测试

Use the ESD footwear test / 使用防静电鞋测试仪

a> Stands on the plate of ESD footwear test with ESD shoes on


b> Press the test button for 2~3 seconds

按测试按钮2~3 秒

c> If resistance is within spec, the tester will show pass

如果电阻在规格之间,测试仪将显示通过 Human voltage test /人体电压测试

Use the ESD footwear test / 使用防静电鞋测试仪

a> Stands on the grounded test floor wear ESD footwear test with ESD shoes on test

ESD floor./ 测试人站穿静电鞋站在测试地板上

b> Run the CPM in the monitor plate voltage status and hand on the CPM plate and

follow the figure 18 to move/启动CPM 处于监控面板电压状态下,测试人员手按在

CPM 面板上并按照图18 进行移动

Figure 18 /图18

c> record the maximum data when the test person moving

移动过程中随时监控电压并记录下最大值 ESD Shoe Vendor requirement 对静电鞋厂商要求

a > Vendors should have their own factory and have good quality control system.

Necessary technical support and related testing from vendors are required.



b> ESD shoes vendor need warrant that the shoes will maintain their usefulness

andeffectiveness within one year from the purchasing date.


c> Also ESD shoes vendor need warrant that for a period of one year from the date

ofpurchase, ESD shoes should be free of defects in material and workmanship. Within

the warranty period, new shoes should be replaced, free of charge. The express

warranty will not apply to defects or damage due to accidents, neglect, misuse,

alterations, operator error, or failure to properly maintain, clean or repair


供应商必须保证在自采购日期一年之内防静电鞋没有材料上的不良及工艺上的缺陷. 在

保证期内如果有品质问题,要求供应商免费更换. 注意此质量保证不适用于因为意外事故,


e> Manufacturing date code should be printed on the shoes for traceability.

Date-code definition is as below


(1) ESD logo ESD 标记

(2) MONTH 如1 月为”01”, 2 月为”02”

(2) YEAR 如2008 年标识为”2008”, 2009 年标识为”2009”

f> Vendor mark should be designed in the sole of shoes.


g> Each lot of ESD shoes received must have either a Certificate of Analysis (C

of A) or a Certificate of Compliance (C of C).It contains resistance testing data.

每批次收到的鞋供应商需提供COC 或者COA 报告,包含电阻测试值.

5.4.8 ESD Gloves &Fingers Cots Control 静电手套&指套管制

(Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI/ESD SP15.1 & ESD TR15.0.01-99 ) Test Equipment 测试设备

a> Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent 兆欧表或相似功能的仪器

b> Surface Resistivity Tester or equivalent/表面电阻率测试仪或者相似功能的仪器

c> Field meter or equivalent /电场表或者相似功能的仪器 Administrative& Technical requirement 行政及技术要求 Technical parameter for ESD packing material as below: 技术参数如下 Test method requirements(测试方法要求) Surface resistance/ Surface Resistivity test 表面电阻/表面电阻率测

a> Glove surface resistivity test /手套表面电阻率测试

Put ESD gloves on a as figure-19. Place the surface resistivity tester horizontally

onthe material any surface. Read the surface resistivity when the displayed value


手套如图19 放置 在绝缘平面上进行测试.将表面电阻测试仪水平的放置在被测物体


b> Finger cot surface resistance test /手指套表面电阻测试

To slip two tips of the finger cot with 3M701 as below picture shown. Press the

testbutton to read the surface resistance when the displayed value is stable, as

Figure-19 用3M701 的两个夹子夹住手指套的两端,按下测试按钮, 待读数稳定后读出


Figure -19 / 图 –19 Tribocharge test 摩擦带电量测试

a> Press “Power” button to turn on or off tester and Press “Zero” button

按Power 键开机并按Zero 键,进行归零

b> Hand holds the dry and clean cotton cloth or glove to exert the applicable

pressure( 2~4 kg) by 120 times/minutes, rub the waiting test subject surface just

in one direction, and the friction times is 20 times

手持干燥和干净的棉布或手套以每分钟120 次的速度,施加适当的压力(2~4 千克

力),单向摩擦待测物品表面,摩擦次数为20 次

c> Aim at rubbing point with tester and read and record largest number after the

two beams of light form concentric cycles. Testing distance is 25mm260.5mm.

Pressing “Hold” button can hold the reading.

将仪器对准正摩擦部分,待两个光束变为同心圆时,记下数据最大数. 测试距离为

25mm260.5mm.可按下Hold 键以保留读数. PE is responsible for assessing the necessity of wearing ESD glove or

finger cot by workstation, if need, PE shall specify it in TQCI. For the workstation

of staff required to wear wrist strap must make sure it is wear properly. The

washing methods refer to smock washing instruction and no wash need for finger

since it is one-off.

PE 负责评估各工位是否需要佩戴防静电手套和手指套,若需要,PE 将在TQCI 中定义.



5.4.9 ESD Wrist Strap Control 静电手环管制

(Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI/ESD S1.1) Test equipments/测试设备

a> Wrist strap tester 手腕带测试仪

b> Mulitmeter 万用表 Administrative& Technical requirement 行政及技术要求 parameter for turnstile as below: 技术参数如下 At the sample qualification step, Supplier is responsible for providing

test report for wrist strap cord resistance, wrist strap cord bending life, wrist

strap cuff interior resistance, and wrist strap cuff exterior resistance from the



party; these test method follow the standard ANSI ESD S1.1; And sample

qualification should review the test report and test the wrist strap cord

resistance for consistent with the report and test the total wrist strap system

meet the requirements or not. For wrist strap cord bending life report just as

a reference data, we did not request it spec for qualification for bending life

but the daily test will ensure that the wrist strap is functional


腕带线弯曲寿命,手腕带护腕内部电阻,手腕带护腕外部电阻.测试方法按照ANSI ESD

S1.1 进行,样品认证时需评审样品测试报告,并同时按照要求测试腕线的电阻与报告一


保生产线每天检查手腕带功能情况下,不需要定义其规格 Wrist strap cord resistance test method: Use the multimeter direct test

the wrist strap cord resistance

手腕线电阻值测试:使用万用表直接测试手腕线电阻值. Total wrist strap system resistance test: Place the cuff on the user’

s wrist,attach the ground cord to the cuff, and attach the ground cord to the

integrated the body contact area on the checker with the hand closest

to the cuff, and activate the checker to measure system resistance. (See figure



人体接触部分进行测试.( 参考图20)

Figure 20 / 图20 User is responsible for daily fully coverage check of total wrist strap

system resistance before starting production every shift,

使用者负责在每班次生产前进行日常全检手腕带系统电阻 Any wrist strap test Fail is not allowed to wear or use continually,

bad ones shall be replaced by good ones.

任何测试不合格的手腕带是不允许继续使用,坏的手腕带必须用好的替代. When operator are seated at ESD protective workstation, they must wear

the wrist strip and connect to ground, if the ESD floor and ESD shoe spec can meet

this manual spec and requirements, for standing operator have no requirement wear

the wrist strip, except customer have the requirements for it. For the workstation

of staff required to wear wrist strap must make sure it is tightened with skin

to get a fine connection ,and take a self-check if the grounding socket is under

normal function that any malfunction shall report to FE for repairing at once.

Any behavior such as non-wear, loosely is prohibited .MBU production line leader

has to take effective monitor to make sure every staff in the right wearing status.

当操作人员在ESD 保护工作台坐着进行作业时,必须佩戴手腕带接地. 除非客户要求,

当ESD 鞋和ESD 地板系统符合本手册要求时,对于站着的人员则没有必要佩戴手腕带,


行自我检查接地插座是否在正常功能,若有任何异常,应立即报告FE 进行维修.任何类

似以下行为:不佩戴和带松手腕带是不允许的.MBU 产线领班应采取有效监控措施确保每

个员工正切佩戴手腕带. Monthly full testing the grounding resistance for socket, control

specification is less than 1.1M _.for failed ones, shall take corrective action

to adjust them into good status



5.4.10 Equipment Control 设备静电管制

(Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI/ESD S6.1) Test equipment /测试设备

a> Multimeter or equivalent tester /万用表或者相似功能的仪器

b> Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent /兆欧表或相似功能的器仪 Technical Specification / 技术规格 Grounding method and testing method / 接地方法和测试方法 All equipments (including screen printer, placement machine, reflow

machine,wave solder machine, tester, mini-wave, oven, dry cabinet and etc.) should

be grounded through the ground wire from AC receptacle. Please refer to figure



干燥柜及其它)需通过交流插座的地线接地. 请参考图21 和22;

Figure 21/图21 Figure 22/图22 Testing Method / 测试方法

a. Turn the resistance range to the _ status.

将万用表量程拨杆拨至电阻量程_ 档;

b. Connect the two probes of Multi-meter to common grounding spot of the metal

equipment and ground electrode of AC receptacle respectively, see figure 23 and

24.将万用表的两表笔分别跨接于金属设备公共接地点和三相插座的地线极上, 如图23


c. Read the result indicated by the viewing screen on the Multi-meter when the

viewing screen is stable;


d. Record the date of the viewing screen.


Figure 23/图23 Figure 24/图24 equipments can’t be grounded through ground wire, auxiliary

grounding method should be adapted, such as add ESD mat and ground through ESD

wire for microscope and magnifier with base.

如果设备不能通过地线接地, 可以采纳辅助接地, 比如加防静电皮并通过防静电线给带

底座的显微镜和放大镜接地等. auxiliary grounding Testing Method / 辅助接地测试方法

a. Put one tester weight on ESD mat over base, put another one electricity polarity

on ESD ground point;


b. Turn on/off switch to 100V;


c. Press red tester button, then record the reading after the value is stable;

用手指按住红色测试按钮, 待数值稳定后记下读数;

d. Please refer to figure 25.请参考图25.

Figure 25/图 25 Routine verification / 常规验证 Each responsible department should make routine testing plan, test them

and keep records regularly well to comply with the controlled specification.

各责任部门应制定ESD 日常测试计划, 定期测试并保持好记录, 确保设备符合控制要求。 ESD auditor does sampling test basing on segment separate instruction

and check each responsible department’s compliance control.

ESD 稽查员按照事业部另行规定的操作指引进行抽测,并对责任部门的符合性控制进行

查核. If there is non-conformance occurred, responsible department should

check the grounding circuit and take corrective and preventive actions




5.4.11 Fixture/Tool Control 工治具静电管制 Test equipment and requirement /测试设备

a> Multimeter or similar function tester 万用表或者相似功能的仪器

b> Surface resistivity tester/表面电阻率测试仪

c> Field meter or similar function tester /电场表或者相似功能的仪器 Administrative& Technical requirement 行政及技术要求 Technical parameter for ESD packing material as below: 技术参数如下 Test Method / 测试方法

a> Power consuming tool & metal conductive fixture refer to figure-26 / 用电工



b> Non power consuming tool or fixture refer to figure-27 / 非用电工夹具的测试



Figure-27/图-27 AC-powered Tools or Fixtures / 交流用电设备

The equipment can get grounded through the ground wire from AC receptacle.

(Such as screw driver) (Refer to figure-28)

设备本身三项接地插座自带测试夹具接地.(例如, 电批)(参照图-28)

Figure-28/图-28 DC- powered Tools or Fixtures& metal conductive fixture / 直流用电


Connect tools or fixtures to ESD ground by wires, and make the sure the RTG

(Resistance to ground) after grounding is in compliance with specification. (Refer

to figure-29)

为将工夹具接上接地线,保证测试设备或夹具符合要求 (参照图-29)

Figure-29 Grounding for DC powered tools/fixtures/图-29 直流用电测试夹具的接地

Notes for Grounding/ 接地注意事项:

1) The grounding wire must be yellow-green wire


2) Tools or Fixture must be grounded in parallel, but not in series. (E.g.



Figure-30 series grounding /图-30 接地线串联 Non power consuming tools or fixtures 非用电工夹具

Non power consuming tools or fixtures can’t be grounded by electrical connection,

so the tools or fixtures must be dissipative material and or antistatic material


5.4.12 ESD Work Surface Control/ ESD 工作台管制

(ESD Work surface include the Including Mobile equipment work surface, shelving

work surface etc. ESD 工作台包括移动设备工作表面,货架工作表面

等 Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI/ESD S4.1) Test equipment /测试设备:

Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent/ 兆欧表或相似功能的器仪 Technical parameter for turnstile as below: 技术参数如下: ESD work surface materials detailed test method as below

防静电工作台面材料的测试方法 Resistance to ground point 接地测试(Qualification/样品认证):

a> Place the sample on a insulative test surface;sample should be cleaned twice

by minimum 70% isopropanol-watersolution。


b> Insert one probe of the Megohmmeter into grounding point (Figure 31), place

electrode at position A, 将兆欧表的一极插入接地插孔中,(如图31 所示)另一极


c> Read the resistance to ground when the displayed value is stable.


d> Repeat entire procedure for electrode positions B,C,D,E.

利用接地点对位置 B,C,D,E 进行同样的操作

Figure 31 / 图31 Resistance to ground point 接地测试( Verification/过程验证)

a> Insert one probe of the Megohmmeter into common grounding point ; place

electrode at work surface(Figure 32), 将兆欧表的一极接连至接地点,另一极放在工

作台面(如图32 所示)

b> Read the resistance to ground when the displayed value is stable.


Figure 32 / 图32 Point to point resistance test 点对点测试:

a> Place the sample on a insulative test surface


b> Set the voltage switch of megohmmeter to 100V/将兆欧表电压测试档旋至100伏的


c> place the electrode at the sample surface as below figure 33,

将测试电极如图33 放置样品表面,

d>read the resistance to ground when the displayed value is stable.


Figure 33 / 图33 ESD work surface should be tested during initial installations and

monthly fully coverage check for system resistance

防静电工作台面起始应进行安装检测且每月对静电工作台系统电阻进行全检 MBU checks the link of ESD worktable whether is broke and inform FE to

maintain it timely.

生产部每班负责检查各防静电工作台的连接是否断开及对松脱的接点通知FE 及时维修, All ESD mat should be labeled with a dedicated NO. The responsible

department depends on the actual operation of all segments.


情况由相关部门完成. Any ESD workstations failed is not allowed to use, bad ones shall be

repaired by FE. Any dispute for test result shall be analyzed and clarified by


任何测试不合格的静电工作台不允许继续使用,不合格的静电工作台必须由FE 进行修复

至合格才可续用。关于测试结果的任何争议,由QA 进行最终分析和澄清. All nonessential insulator may cause electrostatic such as plastic cup,

plastic bag, personal items should be removed from the ESD workstation or any

operation where unprotected ESDS items are handled.


ESD 工作台面或其它处理未保护的ESDS 物件的操作区域。 Handling of process-required insulators 流程所必需的绝缘体的处理

If the field exceeds 2,000 volts/inch, steps shall be taken either:

在静电场超过2000 volts/inch 的情况下,必须采取下列任何一种措施:

a> Separate the insulator from the ESD-sensitive device by a distance of 30cm(12

inches)使绝缘体(如: 显示器,文件夹)离ESDS 产品超过30cm (12 inches),

b> To use ionization or other charge mitigating techniques to neutralize the charge

使用离子化或其他电荷减轻技术来中和电荷 If their worksurface will be put ESD products or components to handle

or storage etc, mobile equipment (e.g.: changeover vehicle etc.) and storage

equipment (e.g. shelving etc.) should be grounding well (may make use of wheel,

or grounding chain or

specific line etc.), and their surface grounding spec and frequency should be in

accordance with the above worksurface control requirement.

移动设备(如:周转车等)及存储设备(如:货架等)原则上其表面如要放置ESD 产品或零组

件来转运或储存等则需进行良好接地(可通过轮子或接地链或专用固定接地线等), 其表


5.4.13 ESD Marking /ESD 标示. ESD Susceptibility Symbol ESD敏感符号說明

It is a triangle with a line crossing a hand to show that the item is extremely

sensitive to electrostatic and marked as ESDS items. It is labeled on the

package or storage area of sensitive items( such as IC, transistor, diode,

crystal oscillator)



体,二极体,晶振等)包装上或放置区标示. ESD Protective Symbol ESD敏感防护符号说明

It is triangle with a hand in the side and an arc outside to show the item

possesses ESDP ability after special designing and is marked as ESDP

subject; this symbol is widely used on mats, chairs, wrist straps, and

packaging materials. It may also be used on hand tools, handlers,

workstations, or other equipment that has been especially designed or

modified to provide ESD control.

静电防护符号, 呈三角形, 在三角形周边有一个弧圈, 在三角形内手上的一道痕

没有了, 用来表示该物体经过专门设计具有静电防护能力.其标示经识别该物体

为ESD 防护物; 此符号广泛用于标识ESD 席, ESD 座椅, ESD 手链以及其它

ESD 包装材料等; 同时该标志也应用于工具, 工作台以及其它ESD 提供防护的

设备等物品. floor tape (Refer to figure 34) 防静电地板胶(如图34)

a> Standard Size: width 8CM; Font Arial / 标准尺寸: 宽8CM ;字体Arial

b> Purpose : identify EPA area / 目的:用于标识静电保护区域

Figure 34/图 34 ESD warning marking (Refer to figure 35) 防静电警示标识(如图35)

a> Size: can be adjusted according to actual situation

尺寸: 可根据实际情况调整

b> Use area : hang in the entrance of EPA area / 使用区域: 挂在静电保护区域入

Figure 35/图 35 grounding point label

a> Stick label for all ESD common grounding points, refer to figure 36 &

公共接地点贴纸, 如图36 和37.

Figure 36/图 36 Figure 37/图 37

b> Round shape and size can be adapted according to the actual situation. 圆形,

尺寸可根据实际情况做调整. All the ESD labels and marking should be intact and legible. 所有ESD 标

签或标识需完整而清晰. All the package containing the ESD products or components need have the

ESD susceptibility symbol or ESD protective symbol of marking described above,

which shown the packaged products or components are ESD sensitivity body (major

for the package containing incoming ESD material or shipping products ),or ESD

protective body( major for the package used to handle the ESD material or products

in process); the marking that the product or component body need to have shall

be defined according to the customer requirement, and all the new purchased ESD

package should have the above required ESD marking ,but they must be legible

所有包含ESD 产品或零组件的包装,需具有以上所要求之”静电敏感”或”静电防护”要


包装或出货给客户包装), 或此包装是ESD 防护物(主要针对移转用之ESD 包装);.对ESD

敏感产品或零组件本体之ESD 标志,依客户要求为准,所有新购之ESD 包装需确保有以上

要求之ESD 标示,但必须清楚可见)

5.4.14 ESD Packaging Material/ESD 包装类材料

(Reference standard 参考标准: ANSI ESD S541; ESD ADV11.2;)

ESD protective packaging shall be in accordance with the contract, purchase order,

drawing or other documentation(customer requirements). When not specified by

the above documentation. The ESD coordinator should follow the below guideline

to define the ESD protective packaging requirements, both inside and outside the


ESD 保护包装必须与合同,采购单,设计图纸和其他文件中的规定(客户要求)一致,如果

没有上述文件规定,ESD 协调员将按照以下方针定义在EPA 内,外的ESD 保护包装要求 ESD Packaging Material define method/ESD 包装材料定义方法

a> Inside the EPA /在EPA 内

ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or conductive & Antistatic material /静


b> Outside the EPA/在EPA 外

Use the Antistatic and Static Shielding material


c> If the material not use for pack the ESDS but will very near the product in

process,recommend it be Antistatic material 如该材料不用于产品包装,只是在生产

过程中会接近产品,推荐为抗静电材料 Equipment/测试设备

a> Surface Resistivity Tester or equivalent/表面电阻率测试仪或者相似功能的仪器

b> Mega-ohmmeter or equivalent 兆欧表或相似功能的器仪

c> Field meter or equivalent /电场表或者相似功能的仪器

d> Charge Plate Monitor (CPM) 充放电监控仪或者相似功能的仪器 Technical Specification and requirement/ 技术规范及要求 Technical Spec definition, 技术规格定义 Test method guideline 测试方法方针

a> Surface Resistivity test 表面电阻率测试

Direct test the test surface as below figure 38 直接测试被测试面如图38

Figure 38/ 图38

b> Surface Resistance test 表面电阻测试

Place the sample on a insulative test surface;place the electrode at the sample

surface as below figure-39, read the resistance to ground when the displayed value

is stable. 将样品放在绝缘的测试平台上;将测试电极如图39 放置样品表面,;待读数稳


Figure 39/ 图39

c> Tribocharge test method requirement 摩擦电压测试方法要求

Hand holds the dry and clean cotton cloth or glove to exert the applicable

pressure( 2~4 kg) by 120 times/minutes, rub the waiting test subject surface just

in one direction, and the friction times is 20 times, then test the static voltage

as below figure 40

手持干燥和干净的棉布或手套以每分钟120 次的速度,施加适当的压力(2~4 千克力),

单向摩擦待测物品表面,摩擦次数为20 次, 再用测试仪测其静电压如图40

Figure 40/ 图40 Detail requirements 具体要求 ESD packing bag / 防静电包装袋

a> ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or conductive & Antistatic material /


b> Inside and outside surface of ESD packing bag should be tested

防静电包装袋内表面和外表面均需测试. ESD document envelope / 防静电文件袋

a> Antistatic material 抗静电材料 ESD sponge / 防静电海绵

ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or conductive & Antistatic material / 静

电耗散性&抗静电材料或导电&抗静电材料 ESD tape/防静电胶纸

a> ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or conductive & Antistatic material /


b> At the qualification step if the tape need to use on PCBA golden finger or ESDS,

the unwind voltage and removal voltage should be tested; if the tape no need to

use on PCBA golden finger or ESDS, Only test the unwind voltage.

在样品认证阶段如果胶带直接使用在ESD 敏感元件或金手指,伸展和剥离电压都需要

进行测试。如胶带不接触ESD 敏感元件或金手指,只需要做伸展电压

c> Tape Surface resistance test method as figure 41


Figure 41 / 图41

d>Unwind voltage test method requirement 拉伸电压测试方法要求


Test personal put on wrist strap and connect to ground before start the test; Zero

the field meter and setup it as Figure-5; strip several outside wraps of tape from

the roll and discard before starting the tests(approximately 1m of

tape) ;Briskly(Briskly speed is approximately) unwind a sample of tape from the

roll which is approximately 30 to 45 longer; rapidly bring the tape on the top

of field meter with approximately 1 inch spacing; record the maximum voltage

absorbed by the field meter ;repeat above step with each roll tape strip

approximately 1m


的外层胶带(约1 米),拉开胶带(速度约为30cm/秒)约30-45 cm 长度并迅速将其

放于场强计约1 英寸位置,并记录下出现的最大值

Figure 42 / 图42

e> Removal voltage test method requirement 剥离电压测试方法要求


Test personal put on wrist strap and connect to ground before start the test;

strip several outside wraps of tape from the roll and discard before starting the

tests(approximately about 1m of tape);remove approximately 30cm of tape from the

roll and apply it to the surface of the charge plate monitor with stick on it fully;

be sure to leave a tail of approximately 15cm extending past one edge of the charge

plate;Grasp the tail of the tape and hold it about 60 degree angle. pull at a

brisk rate(30cm/sec) to remove the tape from the surface of the charge plate while

maintaining the 60 degree angle;record the maximum voltage abserved by the

charge plate monitor;repeat above step with each roll tape strip approximately

about 1m

测试前测试人员带上手腕带并接地,剥离并废弃部分的外层胶带(约1 米),撕开30cm

胶带贴到CPM 面板上,保留15cm 的胶带在面板边缘,抓住该胶带以约60 度的角度


弃部分的外层胶带(约1 米)

Figure 43 / 图43 ESD changeover box and tray /防静电周转箱和托盘

a> ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or conductive & Antistatic material /


b> Manufacturing date code should be printed on the longer side surface of

changeover box and tray for traceability. Date-code definition is as below:

为保证追溯性, 生产日期必须印刷在周转箱和托盘较长边的侧板上,生产日期格式定义


(1) ESD logo /mark (may print, also etch etc)/ ESD 标记(可印刷,也可蚀刻等)

(2) MONTH/月 如1 月为”01”, 2 月为”02”/ e.g.: Jan is “01”, Feb is “02”

(3) YEAR/年 如2008 年标识为” 2008”, 2009 年标识为”2009”/ e.g.: Year 2008 is

marked “2008”,year 2009 is marked “2009”

(4) Lot No/批号,供应商应确保不同批次之静电周转箱或托盤之批号不可重复/The

supplier shall make sure that the different lot of changeover box or tray can’

t have the same lot number.

Remark: a.>The warranty period shall at least one year, if they are checked fail

in the in the production process warranty period, they will be returned to supplier

by the sampling check entire lot, the supplier should bear the result..



b.> Supplier logo can also be printed, which depends on customer’s

requirement. 供应商LOGO 也可以印刷上去, 根据客户要求决定.

c> Two pullers are necessary for boxes and trays in order to easily handling.


d> Pullers and edge should be ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or

conductive & Antistatic material


e> After adding cover, changeover box or tray corner should have definite

height distance in order to pile more layers. Refer to figure 44.

周转箱或托盘盖上盖后, 弯角需有一定高度空间以便堆叠多箱, 如图44.

Figure 44/图 44

f> Two semicircular holes need add in middle of both short sides for box cover.

Refer to figure 45.

需在箱盖短边两端中间处加半圆形手抠孔. 如图45

Figure 45/图 45

g> Usage life should meet 2 years in normal condition.


h> Surface resistance and resistance to ground should be tested. Test method

as figure 46 and 47

表面电阻和对地电阻需测试. 测试方法如图46 和47

Figure 46/图 46 Figure 47/图 47 ESD material box/防静电物料盒

a> ESD dissipative & Antistatic material or conductive & Antistatic material /

静电耗散性&抗静电材料或导电&抗静电材料 Incoming control 来料控制

a> All ESD Materials which have P/N or BOM request should pass IQC inspection,

such as ESD high temperature tape/document envelope/packing bag/sponge etc.

所有有料号的防静电材料和BOM 所要求的防静电材料需要经过IQC 检验员验收,例如


b> Need to notify ESD team member to verify when ESD materials were sent to

workshop directly without inspection by IQC.

Such as: ESD changeover box, tray and material box and other packing materials.

如部门接收到相关的防静电材料且未经过IQC 验收而直接进入生产车间时, 须通知ESD

团队进行验收,例如: 防静电套板/周转箱/托盘/物料盒和其它的包装材料.

c> Sampling 5 pcs per lot goods 每批抽5pcs

d> If there is any defect found, notify buyer and run MRB process.

若发现有不合格, 通知采购并运行MRB 流程.

5.4.15 ESD Seating 静电座椅

(Reference 参考标准: ANSI ESD STM12.1) Tester /测试设备: Megohmmeteror equivalent 兆欧表或相似功能的仪器 Technical parameter for turnstile as below: 技术参数如下: Test method 测试方法: Qualification test method 样品认证测试方法:

Place one electrode on the chair ,another electrode to the surface of metal

plate(the bottom of metal plate must be insulative) to touch with foot of

chair .attach two leads into tester ,and then press “TEST” button to

measure .illustration see figure 48:放置一



Figure 48/图48 Incoming and verification test method:

Place the chair on the ESD floor and place one electrode on the chair, another

electrode connect with the ground point. Attach two leads into tester ,and then

press “TEST” button to measure. Illustration see figure 49:放置一个电极在静


住“TEST”按钮进行测量. 具体测试如图49

Figure 49/图49

5.4.16 Soldering Iron Control 铬铁静电管制

(Reference standard 参考标准: ESD STM 13.1) Test equipment /测试设备:

Resistance meter or equivalent tester 电阻表或者相似功能的仪器 Technical parameter for turnstile as below: 技术参数如下 Test methods: Connect tester to ground via leads and press the “OHM”

switch, turn on the power of solder iron, Place soldering iron tip on the tester

sensor. Test illustrations see below:



5.4.17 Air Ionizer Control 离子风机管制

(Reference standard ANSI/STM 3.1;ANSI/ESD SP3.3-2006) equipment requirement /测试设备

Charge Plate Monitor (CPM)充放电监控仪或者相似功能的仪器 Technical parameter for air ionizers as below: 技术参数如下 Test condition 测试条件

a> Test should be conducted in the ionization environment of EPA .Test staff should

follow all requirements of EPA. 测试应该在EPA 区里的离子化环境中进行。 测试人

员必须穿好ESD 衣服鞋子等。

b> Test staff should follow safety rules and not touch the plate as below figure

1 shown.

测试中注意安全,禁止接触量测仪的顶部金属平面,如下图50 所示。

Figure 50/图50 CPM bacic operation/ CPM 基本操作方法

a> Choose low or high speed of ionizer, both should be checked. Connect to the

proper power source (button 9 .Power On)and press “i” on the power switch to

apply instrument power. The displays will indicate that power is on. (Button

4 .HVON).

设置离子风机低速或高速运转,两种速度都要测量 。再连接电源 (button 9 .Power

on), 当电源接通时, 显示器将会有红灯显示 (button 4 .HVON).

b> Select a polarity. Both positive and negative polarity need to be checked. Press

the button TY pushbutton in to switch.

选择一个极性.正负两极都要测试. 按下10 按钮POLARITY 来切换正负极.

c> Release the 5kV/2kV pushbutton under the PLATE VOLTAGE meter.

按下PLATE VOLTAGE 显示框下面的6 按钮5kV/2kV. 选择一个电压范围1K.

d> Select NORMAL mode by releasing the NORM/PK pushbutton7 (under the meter).


e> Zero the plate by pressing the ZERO buttons. This removes all voltage from the

plate.按下ZERO 按钮13 以归零

f> Charge the plate. Press the CHARGE button. The HV light indicates that the high

voltage is on. The PLATE VOLTAGE meter will indicate some voltage. Adjust the

voltage by Minus and Plus buttons.

按下CHARGE 按钮11 充电,同时HV 指示灯亮. 可通过 Minus5 和Plus3 按钮进行


g> Allow the plate to decay. Press the DECAY pushbutton 12. In the absence of ions,

the plate will decay very, very slowly. In a balanced ion field, the plate will

decay at a more rapid rate.

按下DECAY 按钮12 开始衰减,同时HV 指示灯亮. 如果在非离子化环境中衰减会非

常慢 .在离子化环境下则会很快.

h> As the plate voltage crosses the 1k voltage level, the timer will start. As

the plate crosses the 100 voltage level, the timer will stop and indicate the

elapsed time interval between these two levels. And the offset voltage will be

record in the Plate Voltage timer. Whenever the plate is recharged, the timer will

be reset for the next test.

当电压到达1 千伏时, 计时开始衰减, 当电压到达100 伏时,计时结束, 衰减时间就会

显示在计时器1 上.同时残余电压也会显示在右边的显示器2 Plate Voltage 上.每一次


Figure 51 CPM / 图51 CPM

1. Timer; 2 Plate Voltage; 3. Plus; 4. HV ON (light when power on); 5. Minus; 6.

5kv2kv; Peak; 8. No need to use; 9. Power; ty; ; 12

Decay; ; 14. 1kv 100v Qualification test requirements 样品认证测试要求:

The detail test point (TP) QTY will base on use requirement to defined


a> Bench top(include Horizontal) ionizer/桌面型(包括卧式)离子风机:

Figure 52 Side view / 图52 侧视

Figure 53 Top view/ / 图53 俯视

b> Overhead ionizer/悬挂式离子风机:

Figure 54 Side view / 图54 侧视

Figure 55 Top view/ / 图55 俯视

c> Ionizer gun or Ionizer snake/离子风枪或离子风蛇:

Figure 56 / 图56 Incoming and Process Verification test requirements: Measurements should

be made at the location where ESD sensitive items are to be ionized(detail can

reference the ANSI/ESD SP3.3-2006)

来料及日常验证测试:测试点在ESD 敏感元件被离子化的位置(详细的可以参考ANSI/ESD

SP3.3-2006) Any air ionizer test Fail is not allowed to use continually, bad ones

shall be replaced by good ones. Any dispute for test result shall be analyzed and

clarified by QA.

任何测试不合格的离子发生器不允许继续使用.关于测试结果的任何争议由QA 进行最终


5.5 Sub-contactor control 外包商管制

If segments have some ESD products or material which need to be products or

inspection by sub-contractor, the sub-contractor shall establish the ESD system

per ESD S20.20, and perform the qualification audit, the sub-contractor will not

be allowed to perform the operation until qualification audit pass

若某SEGMENT 有ESD 产品或物料外包生产或检验,外包商需依ESD S20.20 之要求建立相

应之ESD 体系, 并对其进行ESD 审核,审核通过后方可进行外包作业.





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