Family Upbringing XXX
Gender: ____ Age: ____
XXX until the age of ____.
Is your father still alive。Yes/No (or did he pass away when
you were ____ years old)
XXX。Yes/No (or did she pass away when you were ____
years old)
Did your parents divorce。Yes/No (or did they divorce when
you were ____ years old)
XXX: University (including above XXX)。Technical school
(including high school)。r high school。Elementary school
XXX'XXX: Worker。Farmer。Intellectual。Cadre
XXX: University (including above XXX)。Technical school
(including high school)。r high school。Elementary school
XXX: Worker。Farmer。Intellectual。Cadre
Guidance: Parents' upbringing style has XXX is to ask you to
try to recall the XXX。
The nnaire has many n groups。and each n has four levels of
answers。Please mark "○" on the most XXX' upbringing style
may be the same or different。Please XXX.
If one of your parents was not present during your childhood。
you can answer only one column for your father or mother。If you
are an only child without siblings。you can skip related XXX。