对“il y a”的阐释是贯穿在布朗肖整个文学生涯中的一条重要思想线索,而这一概念
继承自好友列维纳斯。列维纳斯将“il y a”定义为“先于存在的存在”、“无世界的实存”,
“另一种夜”的说法对其阐释,指出两者之间的贯通之处。不仅如此,由于“il y a”揭示出
y a”所蕴含的对主体的否定意味之上。
布朗肖的叙事性演绎,使得“il y a”概念中所蕴含的消解主体的力量得以充分展现。
对于布朗肖而言,在“il y a”影响下所形成的这种消解式写作观具有更加深远的意义。
“il y a”所造成的主体之死,使布朗肖开始挖掘主体和他者之间的关系,他认为,死亡具
永不可逆转的,布朗肖将这种关系定义为“中性”。 不同于列维纳斯从“il y a”中找到了
“il y a”所具有的“中性”特性,他借助“il y a”对主体的统治地位进行罢黜,对写作中
莫里斯·布朗肖;列维纳斯;“il y a”(有);中性;文学空间
Throughout Maurice Blanchot's literary pursuits, the interpretation of "il y a" acts as an
important concept which cannot be ignored. It emerged from the idea of Emmanuel Levinas who
defined "il y a" as "existence prior to existence" or "existence without existents" as opposed to the
concept of "Being" proposed by Martin Heidegger. Blanchot introduces this philosophical concept
to the realm of literature, expounds it with his "the other night" theory, and points out the
connections between these two. Moreover, because "il y a" reveals the relationship between subject
and existence, it guides Blanchot to rethink about the relationship between writing and subject and
exerts a profound influence on his outlook of writing. Blanchot's notion on literary works,
language and narrative takes root in il y a’s negation of subject.
The distinctive features exemplified by Blanchet’s literary fictions are illustrative of his writing
outlook. Through the alienation of time and space, shift of narrative voices and erasure of images,
the materiality of the text itself are further manifested. With Blanchet’s narration techniques, the
power of destroying subject contained by "il y a" can be fully displayed.
For Blanchot, the negative writing conception under the influence of "il y a" has a further
significance. The death of subject caused by "il y a" leads Blanchot to discover the relationship
between the subject and the other. He believes that death which is an interruption of subjectivity
means an absolute impossibility. Based on this, the relationship between the subject and the other
must be double unbalanced and irreversible, which is defined by Blanchot as "neuter". Different
from Levinas's finding a sacred transcendental path going towards the other from "il y a" and
completely deviating from "neuter", what Blanchot insists instead is "neuter" of "il y a". Blanchot
relies on "il y a" to expel the subject in reality and negates the subject in writing in order to
construct the space of literature and restore the ontological status of literature.
Key Words:
Maurice Blanchot, Levinas, “il y a”, neuter, the space of literature