1. 两只大眼睛 two big eyes
2. 用他们看 see with them
3. 用我的耳朵听 hear with my ears
4. 用我的腿走路 walk with my legs
5. 用我的鼻子闻 smell with my nose
6. 用我的嘴巴交谈 talk with my mouth
7. 说英语和汉语 speak English and Chinese
8. 用我的小手做面条 make noodles with my small
9. 就像你一样 just like you
10. 两只大脚 two big feet
11. 玩的愉快 have fun(doing),have a
12. 想和我玩 want to play with me
13. 能够成为朋友 can be friends
14. 为我做我的作业 do my homework for me
15. 把…放进去 put…in
16. 把…拿出来 take…out
17. 听一首英文歌 listen to an English song
18. 用英语 in English
19. 用许多颜色表达我们的感情 use many colours for our
20. 生病的 be ill=be sick
21. 一个生气的孩子 a sick child
22. 不要害怕 Don’t be scared
23. 不要生气 Don’t be angry
24. 挥手 wave one’s hand
25. 差不多二十岁 almost twelve years old
26. 戴眼镜 wear glasses
27. 他/她多高 How tall is he/she
28. 他/她…米高 He/She is …metres tall
29. 有点矮 a bit short
30. 靠墙站立 stand up against the wall
31. 水平站在地上 stand flat upon the ground
32. 一米长 one metre long
33. 你怎么了? What’s the matter with
you ?what’s wrong with you ?
34. 受伤 be hurt
35. 它很疼 It hurt
36. 感到伤心 feel sad
37. 不要伤心 Don’t be sad
38. 足够的钱 enough money
39. 足够高 tall enough
40. 咱们去看医生吧 Let’s go and see a doctor
41. 我胃疼 My stomach hurts /I have a
42. 最好讲英语 had better speak English
43. 最好不要服用这药 had better not take this
44. 患感冒 have/catch a cold
45. 呆在家里 stay(at)home
46. 好好休息 have a good rest
47. 看上去不同 look different
48. 看起来一样 look the same
49. 看起来酷/可爱/滑稽/不同
50. 金色短发 short blond hair
51. 三根黑发 three black hairs