Group 1
1. allergicadj. 过敏的
2. achevi. &n. 疼痛
3. appetiten. 食欲,胃口
4. appropriateadj. 合适的,恰当的
5. balancen. 平衡
6. benefitn. &v. 利益,受益
7. bleedvi. 出血,流血
8. cafeterian. 自助餐厅
9. candy n. 糖果
10. canteen n. 餐厅;食堂
Group 2
1. comfortableadj. 舒服的,安逸的
2. curen. &vt. 治疗;治好
3. deliciousadj. 美味的,可口的
4. desperateadj. 绝望的,拼命的
5. dietn. 日常饮食;vi. 节食
6. diseasen. 疾病
7. dizzyadj. 头晕目眩的
8. energyn. 精力;活力
9. harmn. &v. 伤害;损伤
harmfuladj. 有害的;致伤的
harmlessadj. 无害的;不致伤的
10. healthn. 健康,卫生
healthyadj. 健康的,健壮的
Group 3
1. injurevt. 伤害,损害
2. necessaryadj. 必需的,必要的
3. nutritionn. 营养,滋养
4. operatev. 做手术,运转;实施,经营,管理
operationn. 手术,操作
5. overweightadj. 太胖的,超重的
6. painfuladj. 痛苦的
7. patientn. 病人
8. physiciann. 内科医生
9. poisonn. 毒药
10. prescriptionn. 处方
Group 4
1. raisevt. 使升高;饲养;筹集
2. randomadj. 随意,未经事先考虑的
3. rangen. &v. 变化,变动,排序
4. recipen. 烹饪法,食谱
5. recognizevt. 认出
6. recovervi. 痊愈;恢复
7. reducevt. 减少,缩减
8. refreshv. (使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复
9. reliefn. 轻松,解脱,缓和,救济
10. reservationn. 预订
reserven. &v. 储备;预订
Group 5
1. servevt. 招待(顾客等),服务
servicen. 服务
2. snackn. 小吃
3. stomachn. 胃,胃部
stomachachen. 胃疼
4. strengthn. 强项,长处;力量
5. supplyvt. &n. 供给,供应
6. symptomn. 症状
7. tasten. 品尝,味道
vt. 品尝,品味
tastelessadj. 无滋味的
tastyadj. 味道好的
8. unhealthyadj. 不健康的,不卫生的
9. virusn. 病毒
10. vitaminn. 维生素
Group 1
1. acquire a good habit 养成好习惯
2. be good/bad for对……有益/有害
3. be worried about对……担心/焦虑
4. be in good health身体健康
5. be rich in富含
6. be high/low in含……高/低
7. be on a diet节食
8. build up one’s body 增强某人的体质
9. break down(身体)垮掉
10. cure sb. of. . . 治愈某人……
Group 2
1. die from由于……而死
2. get overweight变得肥胖
3. have a pain in某处疼痛
4. keep fit保持健康
5. keep a balanced diet保持均衡的饮食
6. lose weight减肥
7. put on weight增加体重
8. recover from从……中恢复
9. suffer from遭受,患上
10. take exercise进行运动,锻炼
1. Worried about my health, I tried many different kinds of diets.
2. There were also signs that I was heading down the right path.
3. I am writing to say something about food safety, which has
caused great concern among the public.
4. Exercise is beneficial to our health.
5. Healthy foods are more and more popular among the aged.
6. Healthy foods don’t include most snacks as they are high in sugar.
7. One of the effective means of reducing our pressure is taking
exercise including having PE classes.
8. Getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is an
important way to keep healthy.
9. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as
important as life itself.
10. Happiness lies first of all in health.
11. We believe taking exercise can keep us healthier and more
energetic to improve our grades.
12. Nothing is more precious than you keep fit.
13. As long as you stop eating that much every day, you can lose
some weight.
14. People who eat breakfast are more likely to keep up a healthy
15. The better eating habits we get into, the happier our life
16. We ought to eat healthy food such as vegetables, fruit and milk.
17. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we
hope for in our career.
18. We should focus on a balanced diet, which assures us the
necessary nutrition.我们应该重点关注饮食平衡,这能保证我们所必需的营养。
19. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far
away from it.
20. Tips for keeping healthy are:work regularly and rest adequately,
keep good hours and have a healthy diet.
内容:1. 政府应该做的事情;
2. 个人应该做的事情;
3. 你的看法。
Nowadays there exists an increasingly serious social problem—food safety. Recently, our class had a heated discussion on it.
Some students say that a single person can have little effect on
such a big problem. It is the government’s duty to punish those
dishonourable businessmen. However, some people don’t agree
with the idea. They think everyone can make a difference. We do
not have to put up with the fake goods.
As for me, I think it is our responsibility to say no to such
unhealthy food and keep away from them. Without profit, there is
no market. Such kind of problem will be solved if we are responsible
for what we have done. What’s more, prompt and strict measures
should be taken by the government to turn back this evil trend. I am
firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound
to enjoy safer food in the days ahead.