各位来宾、各位朋友,女士们,先生们:distinguished guests ,ladies and gentlemen:
I'm very delighted to attend the first annual congress of the Boao forum in Asia.I’d like to get together with u to discuss the problem of the regional cooperation and development of Asia.
亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口。资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。上个世纪中 ,亚洲的巨变和崛起,谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志。展望新世纪,曾经拥有光辉灿烂历史的亚洲,必将创造出更加绚丽多彩的文明 。
Asia is the biggest continent of the world with its population counting for 60% of the globe. It’s resource is abundant ,history is long and the culture is deep. The great changes and expanding of Asia last centuary has turned glorious pages for its development ,and has become an obvious mark of the progress of the human being .looking forward to the future,with its glorious past ,Asia must continue to create richer
and more brilliant culture.
近年来,在亚洲国家共同努力下,包容、平等和渐进的地区合作意识日益增强,开放、健康和互利的合作局面正在形成。亚太经合组织不断发展,东亚区域合作方兴未艾,“上海合作组织”顺利运转。去年11月,我国与东盟国家一致同意今后10年内逐步建立中国-东盟自由贸易区,有关方面正就启动谈判进行接触。这些将为亚洲国家和地区扩大交流、深化合作,提供重要渠道和机制。但是,与欧洲和北美区域合作相比,亚洲区域合作相对落后。一段时间以来,许多方面对亚洲区域合作的发展方向提出不少独到见解。这里,我谈几点看法: In recent years ,with concerted efforts of Asian country, a tolerant ,equal ,and progressing awareness of regional cooperation is increasing, a situation of open healthy and benefiting for each other is taking shape. APEC is stagrringly growing, Regional cooperation of east Asia is in the ascendant .the shanghai organization of cooperation is going well. Last year in November I agreed with EU countries that we’ll
build a free-trading zone of China-EU ,gradually , the parties concerned are talking to each other for starting the negotiation , all of those will provide important machnism for Asian countries and regions to intensify cooperation ,increase exchanges. But compare to Europe and north American regional cooperation ,ours fall behind relatively. For recent some time, many thoughts were came up with for the direction of Asia’s regional cooperation ,by the way ,I’d like to express my view:
First one: make the economic cooperation top priority,further intensify comprehensive cooperation .it’s the first priority for every country to develop
economy. From the actual need and practical perspective, we could take the trade, traffic, agriculture, information,energy as the prior zone of cooperation, Expanding to other areas gradually.
第二,立足现有合作渠道,不断扩大合作范围。东亚、 南亚、西亚和中亚地理上相对独立,经济发展各有特色。从便利性和有效性看,应首先加强次区域合作,在此基础上,积极探索泛亚合作的途径。
The second: standing from the present channel, gradually expand cooperation area. east asia,south asia ,west asia and central asia ,each of them has an independent position in geography, economy develops with their own characters. from the convenience and effectivity, we shuld strengthen sub-region cooperation,based on that to explore new ways to pan-asia’s cooperation.
The third one: further intensify two way cooperation, consolidate the
foundation of regional cooperation.. it’s benefit to promote the development of regional cooperation to intensify two way trade cooperation. Regional
cooperation is also benefit to open up a broader space for two sides. They can promote each other’s development.
第四,实行开放式地区合作。开放是亚洲文化的传统, 合作不可能自我封闭,更不应形成排他性集团。亚洲国家应通过APEC、Asia-和东亚-拉美合作论坛等渠道,进一步加强与各大洲国家的合作。
The fourth: implement an open regional cooperation. It is our tradition to implement reform and opening up. And it can not be done by oneself, also it should not exclude others. Asian countries should further intensify cooperation with countries from other continents through APEC, Asia-Europe meeting and East
Asia - Latin America Cooperation Forum
China is a member of asia. In the past 20 years, china has unswervingly maintain the policy of reform and opening up to accelerate the development of our economy and improve people’s livelihood. With the coming of the new centuray, the modernization drive has come into a new stage, and national economy will continue to increase by the rate of 7% every year. The new leaping development of china’s reform and opening-up and modernization drive will not only benefit our people tremendously ,but also offer great
opportunity to open grand space for the economic cooperation between aisa and the world.
加入世贸组织,是中国对外开放的新起点。我们将在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。中国将进一步向亚洲和世界开放,向各国的企业家投资者开放。我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,取消非关税壁垒。我们也将不断完善法治, 创造更加公平、透明和可预见的市场环境。同时,我们还将大力实施“走出去”战略,鼓励中国各种所有制企业走向世界。
It is a new beginning for china’s opening up to join the WTO. We’ll
continue to widely and deeply join the economic cooperation and competition of the globe. We’ll further open up to asia and the world as well as business man and investor from other countries. A promise is a promise, we’ll decrease tariff and clear non-tariff barriers , also we’ll improve our leagal system to create a market environment that is more equal ,clear and predictive. At the same time ,we’ll carry out the the strategy of going out, encourage the ownership enterprises to go out to the world.
We Chinese people love peace, china’s development needs peace. China’s economic development is not
and never will be a threat to any other country and region. China is playing an important role to safeguard world peace and promote common development, no matter now or in the future. 亚洲人民勤劳智慧,自强不息,这是亚洲过去取得辉煌成就和创造灿烂明天的重要法宝。中国人民愿与亚洲各国人民一道,携手共创新世纪亚洲的美好未来。 with diligent work and sustained efforts, the asian people has made great achievement in the past and will also creat a bright future for themselves. Chinese people are willing to work together with friends from other asian country to build a glorious future for asia in the new centuary.