一. Survive的基本含义和用法介绍
二. 与人相关的survive搭配
1. Survive + disaster/crisis/emergency (幸免于灾难/危机/紧急情况)
- During the earthquake, many people were able to survive by finding shelter.
- He managed to survive the financial crisis by making wise investments.
2. Survive + war/conflict (在战争/冲突中幸存)
- The soldier's incredible survival skills enabled him to survive multiple battles.
- In times of war, it is essential to take necessary measures to survive and protect
loved ones.
3. Survive + illness/disease (战胜疾病/疾病)
- With proper medical treatment and a positive mindset, many patients can survive
serious illnesses.
- The child was diagnosed with leukemia, but thanks to early intervention, he
managed to survive the disease.
三. 与动物和自然相关的survive搭配
1. Survive + harsh conditions/climate/natural disasters (在恶劣条件/气候/自然灾害下幸存)
- Desert plants have evolved various mechanisms to survive in arid climates.
- Animals with strong survival instincts can often outlast natural disasters and adapt
to new environments.
2. Survive + predator/prey (逃脱捕食者/成为食物来源)
- The small fish uses its agility and camouflage ability to survive in the ocean full of
- The rabbit relies on its speed and alertness to survive being preyed upon by larger
四. 与经济和社会问题相关的survive搭配
1. Survive + poverty/unemployment (从贫困/失业中生存下来)
- Many families struggle to survive in extreme poverty, lacking access to basic
- After losing his job, he relied on odd jobs to survive until he found a new source of
2. Survive + competition/challenges (在竞争/挑战中幸存)
- In the business world, only the fittest companies can survive intense competition
and come out on top.
- Elite athletes undergo rigorous training to survive the physical and mental
challenges of their respective sports.
五. 其他常见survive搭配
1. Survive + trauma/experience (经历/度过创伤/经历)
- The survivor of a car accident struggled to survive the traumatic experience and
rebuild their life.
- He survived a near-death experience, which completely changed his perspective on
2. Survive + time/era (经受时间/时代考验)
- Ancient ruins have survived for thousands of years, providing glimpses into past
- Traditional crafts and customs have managed to survive in the modern era,
preserving cultural heritage.