The Golden Touch (Minas)Midas,was a King of Macedonian Bromium, where he ruled over the Brigians
and planted his famous rose gardens.
One day,the old hero Silenus,Dionysus' former teacher, was found sleeping and
drunken in the rose gardens.The gardeners tied him and led him before Midas.
Then Silenus told some wonderful tales to Midas. Midas enjoyed the tales very
much and entertained Silenus for five days and nights, and then ordered a guide
to lead him to Dionysus' headquarters.
Dionysus,who had been worrying about Silenus,was glad to see him back and
asked how Midas wished to be rewarded.He replied without
hesitation:‘Please turn all I touch into gold. ' However, not only stones, flowers
and the furniture of his house turned to gold. Midas was delighted at first then
he found the water he want to drink and the food he want to eat turned to gold
too. Midas soon begged to be freed from his wish, because he was fast dying of
hunger and thirst. Dionysus told him to visit the source of the river Pactolus and
there wash himself. He obeyed, and was at once freed from the golden touch, but
the sands of the river Pactolusare bright with gold to this day.
Baucis and Philemon
Zeus and Hermes like visiting the world in disguise.One day they came to a
village.At a thousand houses they knocked,and a thousand times they were
refused.At last they arrived at a humble cottage,where the old couple Baucis
and her husband Philemon lived.Although they were poor,they made the best
to offer them . They offered their guests their best seat,and immediately set
about preparing dinner for them.Moved at the hospitality of the house,the
gods told their true identity.“We are gods”,said Zeus.“While the neighbors
would pays the penalty for their wickedness you shall be free from
misfortune.Coming along with us”.When they were near the top of the
hill,Bancis and Phile mon looked back and saw all the village below covered by
amarsh ,and that among the general ruin and destruction their old cottage
alone survived,changed into a grand temple.At their request they were made
the guardians of the sacred place of Zeus.After they died, they turned into an
ash and linden,standing side by side in front of the temple.
Marpessa was the only daughter of King Evenus.She was noble and
graceful.The king proposed that whoever can beat him in a carriage race
would win his daughter. Death would be the penalty for the loser. The king was
sure of his victory,for his horses came from Ares' stables. Many young princes
lost their lives.
Last came Idas,prince of Messenia. He was confident,because he had
Poseidon on his side.He borrowed horses from Poseidon and then win the king.
Then the King Evenus drowned himself in a river cause he lose his daughter.
Idas and Marpessa arrived at a spent the night in a temple
nearby.When morning came,Idas found that Marpessa had been stolen by
Apollo, who was attracted by her beauty. Idas decided to fight die for his
love.Apollo held his arrows .Idas drew his sword.The duel was about to
start when suddenly they heard a thunderbolt round about,and Zeus himself
arrived to stop the unequal contest.He gave Marpessa the choice between
immorality and eternal glory on one side and on the other a mortal life of faithful
love mixed with endless care sand grieves. Marpessa turned down the sweet
promises of Apollo and chose Idas. Apollo left with disappointment.
Theseus’s father, Aegues, was king of Athens and his mother a princess of
Troezen.When he was still an infant his father left him and went back to his
own kingdom.Before he left,Aegeus buried his sword under a huge stone. At
the age of sixteen he became a strong young man,Theseus take the sword from
under the rock,and then set out to look for his father.It was a journey of
adventures,But he arrived his father’s kingdom at last.
King Aegeus had recently married Medea,a bad woman.She was anxious to
have the Athenian throne for her own child. She wanted to poisoned Theseus.
But the king found her plan and saved Theseus. Medea killed herself .
At this time the city of Athens needed to offer sacrifices to King Minos of Crete.
They needed to send seven boys and seven girls to Crete every year to feed the
half man,half bull Minotaur.Theseus decided to set out to kill the Minotaur.
Before he left he promised his father that if he succeeded he would change the
black sails of his ships to white ones.With the help of princess Ariadne of
Crete,he killed the Minotaur and won the love of Princess.But when he
neared Athens he forgot to put up the promised white sails,and his anxious
father, saw the black sails,threw himself down into the sea in
despair.Theseus was so shocked and regretful by his father’s death when he
heard last, Theseus became the king of Athens.特修斯
国王埃尔忒斯新近娶了梅底。梅底是个心地歹毒的女人。她一心想让自己的孩子继承雅典王国的王位。她试图毒死特修斯,但是被国王发现。 梅底只好自杀。那段时间,雅典城一直要向克里特国王米诺斯进贡,每年须向克里特王国进贡七对童男童女来喂养半人半牛的怪物。特修斯决定去杀死怪物。临行前,他向父亲保证,一旦成功,他将把船上的黑帆换成白帆。在克里特公主阿瑞安得妮的帮助下,他完成了任务并赢得了克里特公主的爱。但在快到雅典时,他忘记换约定好的白帆。他焦虑的父亲看到黑帆,以为儿子死了,就绝望地跳海自尽了。特修斯知道此事懊悔万分。
Eros And PsycheThere was a king who had three very beautiful daughters and the beauty of the
youngest named Psyche was so wonderful that no words could express.
Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was jealous. She provoked her son, Eros, to
punish Psyche. But when he saw Psyche, he was amazed by her beauty and loved
her immediately. He decided to get marry with Psyche secretly. One day, Psyche
got lost in the forest and discovered a magnificent palace. Then she met Eros and
fell in love with him. Eros treated her so well but never let her know what he
looks like. He told Psyche that he couldn’t tell her who he is but his love was true.
Psyche believed him and felt so happy. She invited her two sisters to the palace,
However, Psyche’s luxurious life caused her sisters’ envy. After they had known
that Psyche had never seen her husband’s looks, they told Psyche the inhabitants
in the valley said her husband was a monster. They gave Psyche a knife and let
her cut off her husband’s head. When Eros had fallen asleep, Psyche lighten the
lamp and held the knife. Suddenly, she found her husband was so gorgeous
instead of an ugly monster. She was regret but it was late cause Eros opened the
eyes and found everything. “O foolish Psyche, is it thus you repay my love? After
having disobeyed my mother’s commands and made you my wife, will you think
me a monster and cut off my head?” So saying, he fled away, leaving poor
Psyche lying on the ground with tears.厄洛斯和普绪卡有一个国王,他有三个美丽的女儿。其中,最小的那个,普绪卡,长得是最漂亮的,她的美,无法用语言形容。安佛洛狄忒,真正的美神,得知以后很嫉妒。她指使她的儿子,厄洛斯,去惩罚她。可是当厄洛斯,看到普绪卡的时候,惊异于她的美貌并立即爱上了她。他决定偷偷背着他的母亲和普绪卡结婚。有一天,普绪卡在森林里迷路并发现了一座豪华的宫殿。接着,她遇到了厄洛斯并爱上了他。厄洛斯对她非常好但从来不让她看到自己的样子。他告诉普绪卡他现在不能够告诉她他是谁但是他的爱是真的。普绪卡相信了并很快乐的生活,还邀请她的两个姐姐到宫殿里来做客。然而,她的姐姐们看到妹妹有如此奢华的生活,很嫉妒。当她们得知妹妹并不知道丈夫的样子时,她们告诉普绪卡,附近的村民说她的丈夫是一个魔鬼,并给了她一把特别的刀,让她砍掉厄洛斯的头。在厄洛斯熟睡以后,普绪卡点亮灯并拿着刀来到丈夫床边。忽然,她发现自己丈夫居然如此迷人。但是太晚了,厄洛斯已经醒来并发现了一切。“愚蠢的普绪卡,你就是这样报答我对你的爱的么?我违背了我母亲的命令并娶了你,而你却认为我是魔鬼要杀我?”说完这个,厄罗斯便飞走了,留下普绪卡倒在地上,痛哭流涕。
Pandora’s BoxPrometheus was a Titan. He and his brother, Epimetheus created men with
mixed mud and water. They taught men some skills also. To help men,
Prometheus stole the fire from Zeus. This gifts allowed men to make weapons
subdue the other animals, cultivate the earth, cook, warm their homes… Zeus
burst in to anger and punished Prometheus.
Zeus made a woman named Pandora—— The first woman in the world. She,
along with a mysterious box, was then presented to Epimetheus, who gladly
accepted her, though his brother cautioned him to beware of Zeus and his gifts.
Pandora was warmed not to open the box. But she could not control her curiosity.
One day, she slipped off the cover and looked in, thousands of tiny monsters
escaping from the box——envy, revenge, ill, disaster, death…. They were
running and flying out of the box in all directions, spreading out into the world.
Pandora hastened to replace the lid! But the whole contents of the box had
escaped, only one thing excepted. After a minute, she heard a small voice cry out,
"Please open the lid of the box. I'm not like the others, I can help to fix what you
have done; I can reduce the pain and suffering of mankind. " Pandora opened
the box again, the last thing left was “hope”.From that day on, people began to get sick, grow old, and die. But they would
always have Hope to help them. This was the punishment of Zeus upon men for
taking fire from the gods.潘多拉宝盒普洛米修斯是一个泰坦神,他和他的弟弟厄庇墨透斯用泥土和谁创造了人类,但只有男人。并教会他们各种技能,为了帮助人类,普洛米修斯甚至去盗窃了宙斯的圣火,从而使得人们可以抗击动物袭击,耕种,做饭,温暖房屋。宙斯知道以后勃然大怒并惩罚了普洛米修斯。宙斯制作了世界上第一个女人叫潘多拉。并把她以及一个神秘的盒子送给了厄庇墨透斯作为礼物。尽管被兄长警告要小心,但厄庇墨透斯很喜欢潘多拉。潘多拉被警告不要打开盒子,但她无法控制她的好奇心。一天,她轻轻掀开盒子,于是危害人类的大量天灾降临人间——嫉妒,报复,疾病,灾难,死亡等。潘多拉立即合上盖子,但几乎所有的灾难都已经散播开来——除了一样。这时,她听到盒子里有一个微弱的声音——“请打开盒子,我和其他人不一样,我能帮助人类,能够弥补的过失,减轻他们的痛苦”潘多拉再次打开盒子——最后剩在盒子里的是希望。于是从那一天起,人们的生活有了疾病,衰老,死亡的困扰。但由于有希望的存在,人们依然坚强的生活下去。这一切,就是宙斯因为人类盗取圣火,而给人类的惩罚。