He looked at me in an absent way.(adj.茫然的,恍惚的)
2.ache(熟义:v.&n.疼痛) He was aching for home.(v.渴望)
lt takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用)
4. address(熟义:n.地址v.写地址)
It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.(vt.向……发表演说)
The president should be addressed as “ Mr. President” . (被称作)
She turned to address the man on her left.(直接向……说话)
The two roads cut across each other.(prep.与…交叉,与…成十字)
He lives across the street.他住在街对面。(adv/prep到、在对面)
The river is 50 metres across. 河宽50米。(adv 宽)
6. advance(熟义:V.&n.前进,推进)
She asked for all advance on her salary.(n.预付(款))
Share prices showed significant advances today. (n.增加)
Please advise us of the arrival of the goods.(vt.通知=inform)
8. against (熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰)
The picture looks nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬)
We should be prepared against war and natural disasters.备战备荒 (防备;防御)
9. air(熟义:n.空气)
air one's views发表意见 Don’t air your troubles too often.(V.抒发;倾诉;播送)
Don't give yourself airs. 别摆架子。
10. alone(熟义:adv.单独地,一个人地)
She alone was able to answer the question. (adv.用在名词或代词之后:只有, 唯有)
The key alone will open the door. 只有这把钥匙能开这个门。
11. appreciate(熟义:v.欣赏;感激;感谢)
I appreciate that I may be wrong.(V.意识到(realize))
12. afford(熟义:担负得起费用)
I can't afford three weeks away from work. (抽得出(时间))
13. attend(熟义:v.出席;参加)
attend to the problem 处理、料理(与to 连用)
attend the very sick patients (v.看护;照顾) 重病人
attend on / upon a very sick man (侍侯,照应,与on/ upon 连用)
14.admit (熟义:承认)
His ticket admits two people to the football match. (准许进入)
be admitted to /into Beijing University被北京大学录取 (被录取)
The cinema admits about 2000 people. (接[容]纳)
The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation. (容许)
Lay down your arms or we'll fire!(n.武器) be armed to teeth 全副武装的
This diet allows you one glass 0f wine a day. (vt.使可能)
allow of no excuse不容辩解 The situations allow of no excuse. (容许(of))
We must allow for his youth. 我们应当体谅他年轻。 (体谅; 考虑到;顾及(for))
allow 15 minutes for delay 预留15分钟以防耽搁 (酌留;预计)
I've arranged with the neighbors about feeding the cats.(v.商量)
18. balance(熟义:n.&v.平衡) I must check my bank balance.(n.差额,余款)
19. bar(熟义:n.棒,条;吧间)
Poor health may be a bar to success in life.(n.障碍)
What has become of him?=What has happened to him? ( 发生……情况)
We’re of the same build.我们体型相同 a man of strong build体格健壮的人
The football player has a solid build.足球运动员体格健壮。 (n.身材、体型; 体格)
He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.(v.显示;带有)
Why was she so bitter against Mr.Smith? (adj.强烈的)
24. blanket(熟义:n.毯子)
The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.(vt.以厚层覆盖)
25. block(熟义:(大)块;(大)片;街区)
The police have blocked the road. trees that block the view【(vt)阻塞; 堵住,阻挡)】
block in the pipes 管道阻塞 to put up a road block 设置路障 (障碍物;阻塞(n))
26. business(熟义:商业, 买卖, 交易, 商店,商行)
It's a teacher's business to make children learn. (职责;本分)
Mind your own business. It’s none of your business. (事情、私事)
27.back (熟义:n.背) Many of his friends backed his plan.(vt.支持)
28.badly (熟义:坏) The boy badly wants a new bike.(adv.迫切)
Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down.
The Smith Company has a capital of $ 30.000. (资本)
capital letters 大写字母 Write your name in capitals. 【大写的(字母)】
30.civil(熟义:adj.公民的,国内的 He is a civil person.(adj.有礼貌的)
It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those
who are not. (n.等级;阶级,阶层)
The man was later contained by the police.(v.制服)
He is too excited to contain his laughter. (vt.抑制)
Careless driving cost him his life.【vt.使失去(生命、健康等)】
(1)There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers.(vt.包括)
(2)It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.(vt.有价值,重要)
(3)She was counted among the greatest dancers.(vt.以为,视为)
(4) You can count on my help. [依靠,依赖(on)]
35. cover(熟义:盖子, 封面;覆盖)
The town covers 5 square miles. 占(时间或空间)
I want to cover 100 miles by dark. 走完(一段路程)
cover fifty pages in 15 minutes 看完(多少页书)
cover a fire for a newspaper 新闻采访
These expenses are covered by the state. cover the loss 够付(费用)足以抵补
The review covered everything we learned last term. 包括;包含;论及
Don't be cross with him——after all,he meant to help.(adj.生气的)
37.cut(熟义:vt.割) His rude remarks cut me.(vt.伤(某人的)感情)
He was employed as a casual laborer.(adj.临时的)
TV must cater for many different tastes.(v.满足需要;迎合)
You may know a man by the company he keeps.(作伴;伙伴;客人(均为不可数))
He kept me company. 他陪伴我。 in the company of在...陪同下
Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby.(V.赋予…责任或义务)
The boy charged into the room. (猛冲;向前冲)
Suddenly the wild animal charged at us. (攻击)
charge a gun with powder用火药填满炮 [ (充电、装(满), 装料]
He conducted himself far better than expected.(V.举止;表现)
The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighborhood.
collect taxes collect (raise) money 【收(租, 税, 帐等); 募(捐)】
He to collect the children from school in the community.
"Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas.
45.content(熟义:n.内容, 容量, 目录, 满足(to one's heart's content心满意足
adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意)
Nothing contents her, she is always complaining. (使…满意或满足vt.)
the content of silver in a ton of ore一吨矿砂中银的含量
He claimed $7000 damages from the taxi company.
The truth began to dawn on him.(v.开始明白)
Did you have the films developed? (v:冲印)
develop a disease/a habit (v.逐渐形成)
sure enough,most of the plants developed the disease. (vt.患病;出现问题)
Teachers should try to develop students’ interest in their class. (培养兴趣)
He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.
Do you deal with Smith,the butcher? 与……做生意/来往
The book deal with the generation gap. 论及
Only education can deliver people from misery.(vt.解救;拯救;使摆脱)
Patience and determination will do wonders.(v.创造)
—Which do you prefer,coffee or tea?
—Either will do.It makes no difference for me.(将就、行、可以)
1) (拖;拉;抽) draw a curtain across a window 把窗帘拉上
draw a sword拔出刀 draw water from the well从井中把水抽出来
2) (v.获得,推断出)draw a lesson吸取教训 draw a conclusion引出、得出结论
3) (吸引) draw one's attention(to …) The street accident drew a big crowd.
4) (平局;不分胜负) The game ended in a draw. The game was drawn.
5)(提取)draw 20dollars from the bank从银行提取20美元
6)(移动) The time for final exam is drawing near.
54.due(熟义:due to …因为;由…引起;由于)
1、预定到达的、预期的Their plane is due in 15 minutes.
2、(票据等)到期的,应付给的When is the rent due? 房租应于何时支付?
3、应得的,正当的A great deal of money is due to you. 这一大笔款是你应得的。
55.enter(熟义:进入; 加入;登录,[计]回车)
(使进[加]入) enter (oneself[sb.]) for(替...)报名参加
(写下或输入) We entered our names in the guest book; 我们在来客名薄上写下姓名.
enter the data into the computer.把数据输入电脑
56. expect(熟义:期望、盼望)
The weather turns out far better than we expected.预计
57.exploit(熟义:开发, 开采) exploit every opportunity 【利用(v)】
He is accused of exploiting child labor. (剥削、压榨)
58.express(熟义:表达, 表示) 快速的(地);快递的(地)an express train
包裹寄快件 to sent the parcel express
59. easy (熟义:容易的)
Now we are leading an easy life.(adj.舒适的,安分的,轻松的)
60.employ(熟义:v雇佣) .
The police employed force to open the door.(v.利用,使用)
A personal computer engages his interest now.(vt吸引)
He is engaged in his own business now. 正做着, 正忙着
Tom is engaged to Anne. 同...订婚
(预)定(房间、座位等); 占用This seat is engaged.
Work engages much of her time.
We engage him as technical adviser. 雇用, 聘
62. even(熟义:adv.甚至,更)
The road wasn't even.(adj.平的,平坦的,平滑的)
The score is now even.(adj.对等的;均等的,相等的)
The car went with an even motion.(adj.均匀的;平稳的)
She evened the edges by trimming them.(vt.使平坦;弄平;使相等)
The recent discoveries have excited new interest among doctors.(vt.激起)
He extended his hand to new employees.(V.伸展,舒展,展开(手臂或腿))
65. far from (熟义:离……远)
The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success.(远远不是)
66.fail (熟义:v.失败)
Our water supply failed.(v.不足;缺乏)
He is failing in health./His health is failing.(v.衰退,衰弱)
He failed to lend her a hand.(v.未能)
Words failed him.(不知道该说什么; 说不出话来)
He never fails to write to his mother every month.(忘记)
67. fair(熟义:公平的/地)
fair skin 白皙的皮肤 fair hair金发 fair skies晴朗的天空
village fair农村集市 trade fair商品交易会
68.fast(熟义:adj.& adv.快的、地)
His tears fell fast.(adv.接连不断地;快速不断地).
He's fast asleep.(He has a heavy sleep.) (adv.完全地)
69. figure(数字, 人像、人影;雕塑; 图、图表)
人物 the great figures of history 历史上的伟大人物
算出、想出;弄明白、理解We must figure out how to solve the problem.
I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.
推测, 判断, 估计I figure he'll be back soon.
There's a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words.(adj.微妙的)
The man will get a fine if he parks the car there.(n.罚款)
71.fix(熟义:v.固定,安装,修理) The extraordinary man fixed our attention(vt.吸引)
72. flood (熟义:洪水)I received a flood of letters this morning.(n.大量的东西)
Sunlight floods the room .(vt.大量而来,充满)
Fond parents will spoil their child.(adj.溺爱的)
The subject is foreign to me.(adj.不熟悉的)
Telling lies is foreign to her nature.(adj.和……格格不入的)
75.freeze(熟义:v.结冰,凝固) Freeze! Or I'll shoot.(v.不许动)
76.fresh(熟义:adj.新鲜的) She is quite fresh to office work.(adj.无经验的)
Don't worry.My watch gains.We still have time.(v.(钟表)快)
The ear gained speed gradually.(vt.增加(速度,重量))
78. get away with(熟义:带着……逃跑)
The child ought to be punished.You shouldn't let him get away with telling lies.
Greens are vital to our health.( (复数n.) 绿色蔬菜
She is a green hand in the office. (没有经验的、生手)
80.ground(熟义:n.地面) He has strong grounds for more money(n.理由 、根据)
The film Hero is quite a hit of this year.(n.成功;红极一时的人或事)
82.hold (熟义:vt.握住,抓住,抱住;召开,举行)
His promise still holds. (vi:适用,有效)
The room can hold twenty people.(容纳;装)
hold an important position at the bank占有;占据;坚守
My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter." 认为,以为
"Hold the line, please." Do you think the good weather can hold? 保持;继续
hold one's breath 屏住气 (抑制;控制)
We're waiting for the hot news on the election results.(adj.最新的)
Please hunt the cat away from the garden.(vt.驱赶)
It's no good speaking ill of others. (adj.&adv.坏的/地)
Is there a post office in the immediate neighborhood?(adj.最接近的)
87. industry(熟义:n.工业;产业) His Success was due t0 industry.(n.努力;勤勉)
Our family has an interest in the business.(n.利益;股份)
89. introduce(熟义:v.介绍)
The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.
He introduced his speech with a joke. (v.以……开始)
Don't leave the window open—it's inviting thieves to enter.(V.吸引;招引)
The dishes are really inviting.(adj.诱人的)
One can't identify happiness with wealth.(v.认为某事物等同于)
He impressed the importance 0f their work on them.
93. iron (熟义:铁)
Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.(n.&v.熨斗;用熨斗烫)
He jammed four apples in his pocket.(Vt.塞进)
The accident jammed the main road for2 hours. (vt.堵塞)
There are traffic jams every day on this road. (n. 塞车)
95.job(熟义:n.工作) Removing the table is quite a job. (n.费力的事)
He iobbed his son into the position.(vt.做零工;假公济私)
Last week the price 0f goods jumped.(n/ v.大幅度上涨)
97.just(熟义:adv.正好;恰好) You are a just person.(adj.公正的)
98. keep (熟义:保持,保留)
Her grandfather kept a hair dresser's shop.(v.经营;开设)
He needs more money to keep his wife and children.(养活)
Keeping pets is not allowed in the community. (饲养)
Everyone must keep the law.人人得遵守法律。(遵守)
We keep the Spring Festival at home.(庆祝)
The swimmer has a strong kick.(兴致勃勃)(n.劲头;味道;乐趣)
She gets a kick out of driving a car at high speed.驾驶汽车飞奔,她感到很刺激。
100.kid(熟义:n.小孩) Take it easy.I'm just kidding.(v.开玩笑;欺骗)
That guy fools around all day long,killing time.(V.消磨(时间))
It kills him to admit he is wrong.(使难受之极)
His joke killed the audience.(使笑得死去活来)
He is always quick to know his friends and enemies.(vt.辨别,认出)
He landed a contract for building a factory.(vt.获得)
She missed her late husband very much.(adj.已故的)
the late president 前任的总统
feel better of late 最近感觉好多了 (of late近来)
联想:latest 最后的(late的最高级);最近的、最新的latest news
at (the ) latest至迟、最迟 later (on) 以后、后来
105. lecture(熟义:v./n.讲课;演讲) Do stop lecturing me.(V.训斥;教训)
The couple decided to let off the smaller flat at a low price.(v.出租)
107. level(熟义:n.水平,水平线;强度)
Not all the parts of our long life journey are level.(adj.水平的,平坦的;同一水准的)
108.library(熟义:n.图书馆) Pro. Lin has a large library of books.(n.收藏,收藏量)
109. leave(熟义:离开, 动身; 留下)
留下,把…(落)遗忘在某地Oh! I’ve left my key in the door.
使…处于某种状态: leave the work undone丢下工作不干
leave him an orphan 使他成为孤儿
leave him sad 使他伤心
leave the raincoat hanging behind the door 让雨衣挂在门后
leave sb. in the dark 不让某人知道
听任: leave him there让他呆在那里吧。 leave it as it is让它保持原样。
I will leave you to do as you like. 你爱做什么就做什么。
准[休]假, 假期: ask for leave请假 be on leave 在度假;在假期中
ask for two days’ leave(take two days off)请两天假
grant / give sb a leave准某人的假(此处冠词为特殊用法)
把…交付(委托)给: You can leave your case with me.
110.lift(熟义:拾高;电梯) Can you give me a lift? (n.搭便车)
His report gave us a lift.(n.鼓舞)
111. line(熟义:绳;线,路线,线路; 排,列;(使)排列,排队)
运输公司an airline航空公司 a shipping line 海运公司
(pl) 台词spend the weekend learning her lines.
短信;便条I'll drop you a line.
Please hurry! My watch loses 10 minutes.(vi.(钟表)慢 (与gain相对))
It is difficult for us to find a parking lot outside some shopping centers.
114. lay(熟义:vt.放置;产卵;下蛋)
The foundations 0fthe house are being laid today.(v.铺;铺设)
the last man I want to see(最不期望的) the last man for the job. (最不合适的)
He is the last person to tell a lie.(极不可能的)
The food will last(us)(for)three weeks.延续,够用(多久)
116. lively(熟义:adj.生动活泼的)
The room is lively with children singing and dancing.(adj.生气勃勃的)
117. life(熟义:生活)
The children are full of life.这些孩子们充满了活力。【n.活力,劲头】
118. long(熟义:长,长久)
We are longing for him to come back as soon as possible.(盼望)
119. march(熟义:三月)
行军、前进 Long March was the turning point of the Chinese Revolution.
120. mass(熟义:块;团;堆大多数, 大量)a mass of = masses of)许多/大量
群众;群众的, 大规模的the masses群众, 民众 mass education大众教育;
mass production.大规模生产
121. make(熟义:制造,使…)
We can make 10 more kilometres by nightfall.(vt.前进)
Make one’s way前进
122. mean(熟义:v.意思是,意味着; 意欲/想要)
自私的,卑鄙的,吝啬的It's mean of you to eat up all the apples.
a mean motive.卑鄙的动机be mean with money花钱小气
(因能力、命运等)注定I believe he is meant to be a soldier.
关系重大;重要My friends mean a lot to me.
方法、手段(means,单复数同形)Every means has been tried.
All means have been tried.
by means of ….
123.might(熟义:modal v.或许)
I use all my might to open the door.(n.力量,权威)
124. mix(熟义:vt.混合)
He mixes very little with his wife's friends.(vt.交往,来往)
125. monitor(熟义:班长)
监视器, 监控器; 〈计〉显示器;监控(v):air monitor空气监测器
monitor an examination监考
126. matter(熟义:事件, 问题)
1、物质(不可数) Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
2、[pl.]事态,情况That’s how matters stand.目前情况就是这样。
3、有关系, 有重要性,要紧(vi)Does it matter?
What matters most is that you should have confidence in yourself.
补充:as a matter of fact事实上 ; a matter of time时间的问题
127. narrow(熟义:狭窄的;狭隘的vi变窄vt.使变狭窄, 使缩小)
勉强的;险胜的a narrow victory 险胜 a narrow escape 死里逃生/侥幸逃脱
128.note(熟义:n.笔记、注释;短笺、便条; 纸币、钞票;音调、音符; 口气、调子)
Learn the notes by heart.(n.台词)
I noted that her hands were dirty.(v.注意,特别指出,提及)
名望, 显要a man of note有名望的人, 名人 noted adj.著名的
compare notes交流经验;交换意见; 对笔记
Job-sharing is still a novel concept. (ad.新颖的)
130. nature(熟义:自然, 自然界)
本性, 天性; 特性good nature好心肠, 温和的性格, 好脾气 human nature人性
131. open(熟义:v.开aaj.开着,打开的)
They left the matter open.(adj.(问题,议事等)未解决的)
132. object(熟义:物体, 目标, 宾语, 对象)
反对(与to连用) strongly object to developing private cars.强烈反对发展私人小汽车
133. order(熟义:命令; 吩咐;次序; 秩序;整齐,有条不紊)
定购;预定order sth by mail place an order for… 预购…
点(菜);叫(菜) What drinks shall we order?
134. owe(熟义:欠, 欠债)
感恩、感激;归功于(常与to连用)We owe our parents a lot. 我们十分感激父母。
The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement.
135. observe (熟义:看、观察)
The traffic rules should be observed strictly,otherwise you will get into trouble.遵循
Do you observe Christmas Day in your country? 庆祝(节日等)
Mr. Wang refused to observe on the situation. 评论、说
He observed that it was a lovely day. 评论、说
136. part(熟义:n.部分;零件,角色)
In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.
137. perform(熟义:表演) 表现He performs well.他表现很好。
履行, 执行,完成 perform one's duties/contract履行职责/合同
138.plant(熟义:n.植物;种植 )
工厂chemical plant 化工厂power plant 发电厂ship-building plant 造船厂
139. plain(熟义:平原;旷野)
平坦的 the plain field 平野 简单的、朴素的the plain food/meal/living/clothes
清楚的;明白的in plain English讲简单的英语
坦率的;实话实说的 in plain words坦白地说 plain talk开诚布公的交谈
140. pool(熟义:n.水池;水塘)
Let’s pool our money to buy a car. (v集中使用, 合资)
Ride your bike or carpool whenever possible. (拼车)
141. produce(熟义:v.生产)
Please produce your ticket for inspection.(v.拿出;出示)
The dark clouds promise rain.(v.有…的希望;使…有可能)
The judge pronounced against her appeal.(v.宣称;宣布;判决)
144. put up(熟义:举起;搭建;张贴 Could you put me up for the night? (留某人住宿)
145. possess(熟义:拥有)
A violent anger possessed him.(vt.(感情,情绪等)支配;控制)
146. post(熟义:邮寄,邮政;投寄; 邮报)
贴出;张贴(海报)The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.
柱子、桩子a row of fence posts一排篱笆桩
岗位、职务、哨所leave / quit one’s post离开岗位stick to one’s post坚守岗位
147. practice【熟义:练习; 实践(n / v)】
惯例,习惯做法a common practice 通常做法 an international practice 国际惯例
习惯 the practice of going to bed late ……的习惯
the practice to do sth做某事的习惯
148. press(熟义:v.压)
He pressed her guests to stay a little longer.(催促;催逼;强迫;(极力)劝说)
挤向前,奋力前进Many people pressed forward to shake hands with him.
紧迫Time presses and we must get back to work.
149. present【熟义:(给)礼物、现在)
出席的、在场的The people present at the meeting put forward a lot of useful suggestions.
颁发、授予 The mayor presented him with a gold medal.
呈现、展示、陈述 We presented three options for discussion.
介绍、引见 Fox presented his wife to the friends.
150. passage【熟义:(演讲、文章、音乐等的)一节,一段】
通行;通过The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries.
(狭窄的)通道;走廊wait in the passage air passage气路, 空气道
I didn't read mother's thougllts at that time.(v.理解;领会)
(显示)The thermometer reads 80 degrees Fahrenheit.温度计显示华氏80度。
152.rest (熟义:v.&n.休息)
She rested her head on his shoulder.(v.把……倚靠在)
Its success rested on the labor 0f half a million slaves.(v.依靠;依赖)
153.round(熟义:环绕,围着; 圆形的)
We are losing the game in the last round.(n.回合;局;轮)
The shepherd is rounding up the sheep. (round up 聚拢)
He has no respect for the feelings of others.(重视;尊重;维护; 关心, 考虑)
着眼点, 方面I think you are wrong in every respect.
in all respects (=in every respect) 无论在哪方面,在各方面
155. raise(熟义:提高,提升;)
raise funds筹集资金 raise a question提出问题 raise children抚养孩子
raise chickens and corn 养鸡和种植玉蜀黍
raise a laugh引起一阵大笑 raise doubts引起怀疑
156. reach(熟义:到达(vt); 伸出(将身体的一部分))
联系I've been trying all day to reach him on the telephone.(reach=get through to)
延伸, 达到(to, into) The speaker’s voice didn’t reach to the back of the hall.
The garden reaches down to the lake. 花园一直延伸到湖边。
流域 the upper/lower reaches of a river 河的上游/ 下游
157. reduce(熟义:减少[小, 轻]; 缩减、降低(价格等))
使变成, 使成为be reduced to a shadow骨瘦如柴
使处于某种状态be reduced to despair陷入绝望The poor woman is reduced to begging.
158. refer【熟义:谈[涉, 提]及, 提到, 指(的是);参考、查阅(与to 连用)】
提交, 委托refer a question to an expert把问题提交给专家(处理)
The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers. 商店把投诉转交给制造商。
向...打听[查询](与to 连用)refer to sb. for information 向某人打听消息
159. regard(熟义:把...视为, 看作)
尊重, 尊敬regard sb. highly尊重某人 pay regard to public opinion重视舆论
out of regard for出于对...的重视, 出于对...的考虑
问候, 致意[pl. ] with best regards谨致问候
Please give my regards to your mother.
= remember me to sb. 代向某人问好
160. rough粗糙的,崎岖不平的; 粗鲁的; 狂暴的,汹涌的; 未经加工的
She passed the needle through the rough cloth, back and forth.
A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.
A hand roughly pushed him aside.
I'm afraid the maths problem is too rough for me to work out.困难的
161. save(熟义:解救、节省、储蓄、保存、保全、) save one's face保全面子
免除,避免save me much trouble 免去我很多麻烦
saved the tourist from being cheated使旅游者免于受骗
save sb. from从...救出某人, 使免于[不致, 不受]...
Say that war breaks out,what will you do? (vt.假定)
Her passport says she is nineteen.(vt.提供信息;指示)
163. seat(熟义:座位) 可容纳;为…提供座位The big table can seat 20 guests.
We can seat 300 in the auditorium.
使或帮助…坐下seat sb/oneself
seat the members of the bride's family引导新娘的家人就座
be seated ; find sb. seated at the back of the room;the people seated in the front
164. second(熟义:第二)
Mr. Smith proposed the vote of thanks,and Mr.Jones seconded.(v.随声附和)
He raised a proposal that is seconded by few.(v.赞成)
This century has seen two world wars.(vt.有……的经验,经历,体验)
166. seize(熟义:vt.抓住,强夺)
I couldn't seize tho meaning of his remarks.(vt.掌握,把握)
167. sense(熟义:官能, 感觉;……感) the sense of touch a sense of humor
意义 in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说
make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理 make sense of理解;懂;明白
There is a lot of sense in what he says.他的话颇有道理。
感觉;觉察,意识到(v)Sense the danger察觉到危险
He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome.
168. sentence(熟义:句子)
判决, 宣判(v / n) sentence sb. to death sentence sb. to 5 years in prison
a life sentence无期徒刑,终身监禁
169. serve【熟义:服务(vt), 服役(vi)】serve the people serve in the army
提供,准备(如食物); 上(菜); 斟(酒) serve breakfast供应早餐
serve coffee hot把咖啡趁热端上来 serve tea.上茶
可做;适于This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.
担任职务serve as an interpreter担任译员
补充:It serves him right.他活该。
170. service(熟义:服务;服役)at your service听您吩咐;随时供您使用
服务机构、部门China Travel Service中国旅行社The US Customs Service美国海关总署
仪式;宗教仪式Morning service will be at 11 o'clock.
公共设施、服务行业the telephone service 电话设施
171. sharp【熟义:锐利的,尖的;(目光)敏锐的;(思维)敏捷的;(言词)尖刻的)】
be sharp in thought思维敏捷
准时地;整(adv)at seven o'clock sharp 七点整
突然的;急剧的a sharp decline急剧下降 a sharp turn急转弯
a sharp pain.剧痛 a sharp picture 清晰图像
172. sign(熟义:标记, 符号,牌子,告示;征兆, 迹象;签名; 签署)
There are no signs of life about the house.
sign in签到 sign out签名登记外出 sign up for military service 报名从军
手势;做手势示意 He made a sign for me to follow him.
He signed to me to be quiet. 他做手势要我安静。
173. shoot(熟义:v.射击;射中)
The trees give out new shoots in spring.(n.嫩芽;新枝)
174. solid(熟义:固体, 立体(n).固体的, 实心的, 坚固的, 结实的)
不间断的;连续的two solid hours足足两个小时
可靠的, 理由充分的a solid friend可靠的朋友 solid arguments理由充分的论点
175.soul (熟义:n.灵魂) Hardly a soul is seen in the village.(n.人)
完好的;健全的A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健全的身体。
get home safe and sound平安到家
彻底,完全My wife is a sound sleeper. a sound sleep 酣睡
177. spare(熟义:adj.多余的;空余的;备用的 a spare tire 备用轮胎)
饶恕;放过He spared the thief.
节约, 吝惜(用于否定) spare no efforts [pains]不遗余力spare no expense不惜工本
免除;使省去He did the work to spare you the trouble.
抽出,匀出;让与Can you spare me this book for a while?
Can you spare the time to help me?你能抽出这段时间帮我吗?
剩余;多余We paid our bills and had money to spare.我们付帐后还有节余.
178. spring(熟义:n.春天;泉水)
Fast food restaurants are spring up all over the city.(v.猛然跳起;涌出)
有弹性的; 弹簧的a spring mattress.弹簧垫子
179. stamp(熟义:n.邮票)
He stamped(his feet)in anger.(v.跺脚,顿足)
180. stand(熟义:站立; 座落, 屹立于)
架; 台; 摊a fruit stand水果摊a music stand乐谱架a launching stand(火箭)发射台
181. start(熟义:v.开始;发动;开创)
He started up from his seat.(V.猛然跳起;突然移动)
182. state(熟义:国家, 政府, 州;国有的, 州的;状态)in a state of disorder
声明, 陈述, 规定The police report stated that he was arrested for abusing his wife.
183. stick(熟义:棍, 棒;枝条)
stick to粘住,坚持,忠于stick a stamp to an envelope
stick to basic principles stick to one’s own opinion
伸出(v) Stick out your tongue.伸出舌头 stick out of the water 伸出水面
卡住、困住He was stuck by the question. The key stuck in the lock.
刺, 戳Some punk stuck a knife in her last night.有个小流氓昨晚扎了她一刀。
184. strength(熟义:n.力气) Maths is not my strength.(n.强项)
185. strike (熟义:打, 打击; 打动) Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁;趁机行事。
划燃strike a match.划燃火柴
(钟)敲响报(时)The clock struck nine.钟敲了九下。
(疾病、地震、洪水等)侵袭;袭击The earthquake struck the city in the night.
突然想到An idea suddenly struck me.
罢(工、课等)Staff at the hospital went on (a)strike in protest at the incidents.
They shouldn't be striking for more money.
给…印象; 打动;把…迷住He struck me as a very serious but friendly person.
What struck me about the firm is how genuinely it is.
186. succeed(熟义:v.成功)
He will succeed Foley as speaker of the House.(v.继任, 接替)
Jim has just succeeded a huge fortune from his uncle.(v.继承)
succeed sb. as继某人出任(某职) succeed sb. in 继某人接掌(某职权)
succeed to继承 succeed to a fortune 继承大笔遗产
It is simply wonderful to see you. (adv.(强调某说法)确实,简直)
The child is subject to colds.(adj.易遭受…的)
(be) subject to服从, 以...为条件, 受...支配的, 附属的subject to the law受法律的管制
189. term (熟义:学期)
期限,特定的期间He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year.
in the long term从长远的观点看 in the short term从眼前的观点看
(pl) 合同或协议书的条件、条款、细则
If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you.
come to terms with 与…达成协议 in terms of以…的观点;就…而说
on good terms好的关系 on bad terms坏的关系
名词;术语technical terms 专门名词,术语
They tied with the visiting team in the game.(vi.打成平手)
It is tied to the event that happened last week.(与……有联系)
191. tight(熟义:紧的, 绷紧的)
(比赛)势均力敌的A tight race / game 不分胜负的赛跑/比赛
棘手的,麻烦的,困难的in a tight corner/ place / spot处境困难
不漏水(不透气)的 a tight boat
Her son’s visits are a great treat for her.(n.(难得的)乐事)
It's my treat this time.(n.款待;请客)
The river twisted toward the east (v.(道路,河流等)曲折;蜿蜒)
194.uniform(熟义:n.制服) The boxes are uniform in weight.(adj.相同的,一致的)
I can't undertake that you will make a profit.(v.承诺;允诺;答应)
She is vain of her beauty.(adj.自负的;自视过高的)
197. voice(熟义:声音, 嗓音[语法]语态)
发言权 have a voice in this matter 对这件事有发言权
vt.表达, 吐露He voiced different opinions about it对此发表不同的看法。
He voiced the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。
补充:with one voice异口同声;一致地
Our group rejected the proposal with one voice.我们小组一致反对提议
198.walk(熟义:v.&n.行走;步行) He is walking his dog.(vt.遛狗)
This society welcomes people from all walks of life.(n.行业(walk of life))
Don't wander from the point.(v.离开原处或正道)
Her thoughts wandered back to her.youth.(V.走神;神志恍惚;思想开小差)
The girl always wears a happy smile.(vt.表露)
(被磨损、被用旧) The inscription on the stone has worn away.
Machines soon wear out under rough usage.
201.weigh(熟义:v.称……的重量;重达) This box weighs five kilos.
weigh the matter seriously认真考虑这件事
Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this! (考虑, 斟酌; 衡量)
How much weight will be attached to his decision? (n.分量,重要性)
203. when(熟义:当……时候)
虽然,尽管He stopped when she ought to have continued.
Why use wood when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料, 为什么还要用木料?
204. while 【当…时;一会儿;然而(表对比性转折)) 】
尽管,虽然While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.
While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.
205. wide(熟义:宽的)
全部地,充分地The children were still wide awake at midnight. ( 完全醒着)
open one’s eyes wide睁大眼睛
206.Will (熟义:modal v.表将来或意愿)
Where there is a will, there is a way. (n.意志力;意愿)
What did it say in the will? (n.遗嘱)
207. wind(熟义:风)
蜿蜒前进wind one’s way The path winds through the woods. 这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。
把…上紧,旋紧;绕, 缠 wind a clock 给表上紧发条
wind the line off the reel 把线从线轴上解开来
208. word(熟义:字, 词, 话) 诺言keep one’s word break one’s word
消息Word came that they failed again.
209. workshop(熟义:n.车间;工场)
I attended a theater workshop not long ago.(n.研讨班,讲习班)
210. work(熟义:) (pl) 工厂a gas works 煤气厂
(pl) 工事defense works防御工事
著作,作品Shakespeare's works 莎士比亚著作 a work of art 一件艺术品
奏效;起作用Does this method work? 这种方法有效吗?