




一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ{{/B}}(总题数:2,分数:50.00)

1.{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}}

China's economy, once reliant on state spending in heavy industry, has increasingly looked to

the retail sector for growth. Market-oriented reforms begun in 1978 have created a growing private

sector, and much of that is concentrated in the retail trade. The state has also moved aggressively

to tap the retail market as reforms put money in the pockets of the nation's consumers. That has

created a service economy where, sometimes, the customer really is king.

Before the reforms took hold, a shopping excursion often meant a test of wills, with sleepy

attendants at state-owned stores with little incentive to sell. Goods were often shoddy and

carelessly displayed. Shortages were common and ration coupons were needed to buy anything from

rice to cloth and cooking oil. Those days are all but forgotten now.

Broadly defined, retail consumption, estimated in excess of US$450 billion, is growing by about

10% annually. With a value added tax of 17% applied to all goods, the retail trade is a major

contributor to state revenue. Since 1978, the private sector has embraced retailing in a big way.

Government-owned factories have been forced to lay off millions of workers to trim costs and start

making a profit. That has driven many of those workers into the retail sector, with a high

percentage operating privately-run corner shops, convenience stores, clothing shops, bars and

restaurants, and even beauty parlors and dry cleaners.

Foreign investors have also moved into the market in force, investing more than US$3 billion in

China since 1992. Headed by the likes of Carrefour and Wal-Mart, some 300 foreign-funded retailers

with 2,200 chain stores have been approved and the pace is certain to accelerate following China's

entry into the' WTO. While foreign-invested stores still account for only 2-4% of all retail sales,

their impact has been profound. Their presence has forced local retailers to compete by expanding

their scale of business and making their stores more attractive to customers. The new entrants

in the market have brought an array of goods. While foreign brands were once reserved for the

elite or wealthy foreigners, they are now aimed at local customers.



正确答案:(中国经济一度靠国家投资重工业来维持增长,而目前零售业已日趋成为经济的增长点。1978年开始的市场经济改革使私人经济不断扩大,而其中很大部分都集中在零售业。随着改革使消费者的收入日益提高,国家加速了零售业的发展。服务产业的形成使顾客有时也有了当“上帝”的感觉。 改革前,逛街购物通常意味着对意志的考验,国营商场里那些昏昏欲睡的售货员们卖东西的积极性不高。货物的质量往往不够好,商品的摆放也是漫不经心。缺货断货是常有的事,大米、布匹、食用油都要凭票购买。那样的日子早已一去不复返了。 广义上的零售消费额估计超过4500亿美元,并以每年10%的速度递增。加上所有商品17%的增值税,零售业已成为国家财政收入的主要来源之一。自1978年以来,私营经济大规模进入零售业。国有企业为了降低成本和赢利被迫大批裁减职工。许多下岗职工进入零售业,不少人经营小卖铺、便利店、服装店、酒吧、餐馆,甚至美容店和干洗店。 国外投资商也大举进入零售市场。自1992年以来,他们在中国的投资已超过 30亿美元。以家乐福和沃尔玛为首,约300家外资零售商获准在中国设立2200家连锁店。随着中国的人世,这一发展速度肯定还要加快。虽然外商在零售总额中只占2%~4%,但他们对市场却产生了深远的影响。外商的存在促使国内零售企业在竞争中不断扩大规模,增强对顾客的吸引力。新来者为市场带来了大量的商品,原来仅为精英人士和外国富人准备的外国名牌商品,现在也瞄准了中国本地的消费者。)

解析:[解析] 本文主要讨论中国零售业发展的情况。文章将中国市场经济改革前的情况和改革后的情况作了比较,说明中国零售业的迅速发展。文章认为国外投资商大举进入中国零售市场和中国加入世贸组织会

对中国零售市场产生深远影响。文章使用了大量的数字统计,以使观点更具有说服力。 本文要求考查应试者对中国零售业方面基本知识的掌握情况,包括某些专门用语、具有中国特色的表达、数字单位的换算、专有名词等的掌握情况,以确定其翻译的基本素质;在此基础上,应试者还要在相当短的时间内对长难句理解并准确完整地翻译;对某些短语和单词确切理解其含义并能理解其在上下文语境中的确切用法,使全文的翻译不仅准确完整,而且符合本族语的语言习惯。 ■基本素质采分点 以下单词或短语是本文的基础知识点,包括具有中国特色的表达法、专有名词、经济术语、数字单位的换算等,需要应试者正确理解并翻译。 1.market-oriented reform 市场经济改革 2.state-owned 国有的 3.ration coupon 配额票据(这里指中国经济改革前实行凭票供应的各种票据) 4.US$450billion 4500亿美元 5.value added tax 增值税 6.lay off 下岗 7.Carrefour 家乐福(国外著名大超市连锁店名) 8.Wal-Mart 沃尔玛(国外著名大超市连锁店名) 9.WTO 世界贸易组织 ■结构理解采分点 以下各句是本文出现的长难句,需要应试者在很短时间内,判断其结构、大意并组织翻译语言,且保证信息的完整和准确。这要求在听时,应试者要注意长句的基本结构,而后补充次要结构的内容。但组织语言时,因原句信息过于庞杂,这就要求应试者不仅能用符合本族语言习惯的方式表述信息,而且要保证信息在表述过程中不会缺失或误译。 1.China's

economy,once reliant on state spending in heavy industry,has increasingly looked to the retail

sector for growth. 该句是简单句,其主要结构是China's economy...has looked to the retail sector

for growth,而once后面的reliant on形容词短语是对China's economy的修饰和补充。翻译时,可按照汉语句短的特点,将全句拆成两个句子,又因是口译,可按原句的天然顺序组合信息。因此,原句可译为“中国经济一度靠国家投资重工业来维持增长,而目前零售业已日趋成为经济的增长点。” 2.With a

value added tax of 17% applied to all goods,the retail trade is a major contributor to state

revenue. 该句是简单句,其主要结构是the retail trade is a major contributor...,该句前with表伴随状态的结构中还有applied过去分词短语修饰a value added tax,翻译时要将这个过去分词短语译为前置定语。该句主要结构中contributor to是动词词组contribute to(对……作出贡献)的变化形式,在口译时可根据上下文情景灵活翻译,因此,原句可译为“加上所有商品17%的增值税,零售业已成为国家财政收入的主要来源之一。” 3.That has driven many of those workers into the retail sector,with a high percentage operating privately-run corner shops,convenience stores,clothing shops,bars and restaurants,and even beauty parlors and dry cleaners. 该句虽然很长,但是简单句,主要结构是with短语之前的部分,with短语部分是现在分词独立主格结构做全句的状语,该部分信息量大,以并列结构形式出现,口译时,需要注意不要漏译。由于with短语部分内容庞杂,可将其加主语,译为一句话,因此,原句可译为“许多下岗职工进入零售业,不少人经营小卖铺、便利店、服装店、酒吧、餐馆,甚至美容店和干洗店。” 4.Headed by the likes of Carrefour and Wal-Mart,some 300 foreign-funded

retailers with 2,200 chain stores have been approved and the pace is certain to accelerate

following China's entry into the WTO. 该句是and连接的并列句,包含信息量大。全句主要结构是some…retailers… have been approved and the pace is certain to accelerate...。该句句首headed

by过去分词短语和句尾following现在分词短语均为句中状语成分,以使该句的信息量丰满。全句可按照自然语法单位和自然顺序,拆成三个分句,因此,原句可译为“以家乐福和沃尔玛为首,约300家外资零售商获准在中国设立2200家连锁店。随着中国的人世,这一发展速度肯定还要加快。” 5.While

foreign-invested stores still account for only 2-4% of all retail sales,their impact has been

profound。 该句是复合句,while表“虽然”引导让步状语从句。该句的翻译要点是正确理解while的含义。因此,原句可译为“虽然外商在零售总额中只占2%~4%,但他们对市场却产生了深远的影响。” ■言语表达采分点 在注意了整体表达的基础上,应试者还应该正确处理对某些重要短语或单词的理解和翻译,以使译文完整通畅。 1.take hold 主管 2.incentive 刺激,动力 3.in excess of 超过 4.state revenue

国家财政收入 5.embrace 拥抱;采取;包含(该词必须在上下文情景中翻译) 6.trim cost 降低成本 7.in

force 大量地,大批地 8.account for 占 9.an array of 一系列的 10.elite 精英人士

2.{{B}}Passage 2{{/B}}

Tight electricity supply is constraining China's economic growth--a situation likely to persist

for three to four years until new capacity comes online. The energy shortfall has not yet severely

hampered U.S. business operations in China, but this remains a distinct possibility. Shortages

have now spread to two-thirds of China's provinces, affecting Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and

other first-tier cities. Plants in China's manufacturing heartland, the Pearl River Basin and

East China now experience frequent mandatory shutdowns.

Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces have imposed electricity rationing. Many plants have installed

costly back-up diesel generators. Shanghai's demand for electricity outstrips supply by two to

four million kilowatts. The tight supply is causing price increases at the front end of the

manufacturing supply chain. High energy costs are a competitive disadvantage for China in the

world marketplace. Quality, quantity, and security of supply also are essential for China's

continued economic growth. Present restrictions on the direct sale of electricity, oil, and gas

to industrial users promote inefficiency and non-competitiveness. Much of the current concern

with the "overheating" of China's economy has been driven by the fear that the energy supply is

not keeping up with the development of major energy-consuming industries.

China's rapid economic growth, especially in the construction and manufacturing sectors, is behind

the electricity shortage. China's energy industry has doubled in absolute terms during the last

ten years, but such growth has been insufficient to meet demand. It takes five to seven years

to design, construct, and commission a major thermal power plant, seven to ten years to explore

and develop an oilfield, and five years to develop a coalmine. All require extremely large capital


Despite the fact that China has the world's second largest coal reserves and worldwide coal and

coke prices are at eight-year highs, supply has not been able to keep up with demand. Efforts

to raise electricity production in the near term have been hampered by deficient railroad capacity,

which has prevented coal from reaching power stations. While coal price cycles usually do not

coincide with oil prices, current high prices in both commodities have supply straining to meet

demand. While China only imported 0.6 percent of world oil supplies in 1995, it now imports 3

percent of the world's oil. China, like the United States, is becoming increasingly vulnerable

to disruptions in the world's supply of oil.



正确答案:(供电紧张正在制约中国的经济增长,这种情况有可能还要持续三四年,直至新的发电厂投产运营。虽然能源短缺尚未严重影响美国企业在中国的运营,这种可能性显然存在。电力短缺已蔓延到中国三分之二的省市,影响到北京、上海、广州和其他一级城市。位于中国制造业中心的珠江三角洲和华东的厂家正频繁遭遇拉闸限电。 浙江和江苏两省则开始实行配额供电。不少工厂安装了昂贵的应急柴油发电机。上海市的电力缺口已达200-400万千瓦。供电紧张引起制造业供应链上游价格上涨。高成本能源已成为中国在全球市场竞争中的一个劣势,而能源的质量、数量和供应安全对中国经济的持续增长至关重要。目前国家限制直接向工业用户出售电力、原油和天然气的作法降低了效率和竞争力。而人们对中国“经济过热”的关注很大程度上是由于担心能源不能满足主要耗能产业的发展。 中国经济的高速发展,尤其是建筑业和制造业的高速发展是电力短缺的原因所在。按绝对数字衡量,中国的能源工业较十年前翻了一番,但仍然无法满足需求。设计、建设和投产一个大型热力发电厂要5~7年时间,勘探和开发一个油田要7~10年时间,开发一个煤矿则需要5年时间,而且都需要巨额的投资。 尽管中国拥有世界第二大煤炭储量,而全球煤炭和焦碳的价格正处在8年来的新高,中国的能源供应仍未能满足需求。铁路向电厂输送燃煤的运力不足也影响到短期内提高电力生产的努力。通常,煤炭和石油的价格涨落周期不同,但目前这两种商品的价格都居高不下,使供应很难满足需求。1995年中国石油进口仅占全球石油供应量的0.6%,现在这一比例已增至3%。和美国一样,中国也日益受到世界石油市场动荡的影响。)

解析:[解析] 本文主要讨论中国的能源形势。文章通过具体事例说明中国的电力供应情况不容乐观,并深入分析了电力紧张的原因。 本文要求考查应试者对中国电力方面基本知识的掌握情况,包括某些专门用语、具有中国特色的表达、专有名词等的掌握情况,以确定其翻译的基本素质;在此基础上,应试者还要在相当短的时间内对长难句理解并准确完整地翻译;对某些短语和单词确切理解其含义并能理解其在上下文语境中的确切用法,使全文的翻译不仅准确完整,而且符合本族语的语言习惯。 ■基本素质采分点 1.energy

shortfall 能源短缺 2.first-tier cities 一级城市 3.Pearl River Basin 珠江三角洲 4.kilowatt 千瓦 5.mandatory shutdown 拉闸限电 6.electricity rationing 配额供电 ■结构理解采分点 1.Tight

electricity supply is constraining China's economic growth—a situation likely to persist for

three to four years until new capacity comes online. 该句是简单句,破折号后面的名词性短语部分修饰该符号前的句子主干成分。该句可按中文句特点按自然顺序拆成两个中文句,破折号后面部分自成一句,但注意其中表抽象的单词capacity应根据上下文具体化为发电厂,因此,原句可译为“供电紧张正在制约中国的经济增长,这种情况有可能还要持续三四年,直至新的发电厂投产运营。” 2.Present

restrictions on the direct sale of electricity,oil,and gas to industrial users promote

inefficiency and non—competitiveness. 该句可根据原文自然语法顺序翻译,但需根据汉语惯用法,采取反语表达,如将promote,inefficiency 和 non-competitiveness反译,使整个译文通顺流畅。因此,原句可译为“目前国家限制直接向工业用户出售电力、原油和天然气的作法降低了效率和竞争力。”

3.Much of the current concern with the “overheating” of China's economy has been driven by

the fear that the energy supply is not keeping up with the development of major energy-consuming

industries. 该句可按其正常语法结构顺序翻译,但要注意句中be driven by(为……所驱动)实际上表原因,这可以在译文中体现。因此,原句可译为“而人们对中国‘经济过热’的关注很大程度上是由于担心能源不能满足主要耗能产业的发展。” 4.It takes five to seven years to design,construct,and

commission a major thermal power plant,seven to ten years to explore and develop an oilfield,and five years to develop a coalmine.All require extremely large capital investment. 该句主要结构是It takes+时间+to do,翻译按套路译便可,需要注意的是要正确理解并翻译文中的动词。因此,原句可译为“设计、建设和投产一个大型热力发电厂要5-7年时间,勘探和开发一个油田要7-10年时间,开发一个煤矿则需要5年时间,而且都需要巨额的投资。” 5.China,like the United States,is becoming

increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in the world's supply of oil. 本句译文要求按汉语习惯,先表达次要部分,再传递主要部分的含义,因此需要重组原句句子结构。原句可译为“和美国一样,中国也日益受到世界石油市场动荡的影响。” ■言语表达采分点 1.come online 投产运营 2.hamper 防碍

3.back-up diesel generator 应急柴油发电机 4.outstrip 超过,超越(文中在上下文背景下译作名词“缺口”) 5.be behind... 是……的原因所在 6.commission 投产 7.coal reserves 煤炭储量 8.

in the near term 短期内 9. coincide with 与......吻 10. straining 压

二、{{B}}Part Ⅱ{{/B}}(总题数:2,分数:50.00)

3.{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}}









正确答案:(The Chinese have always placed considerable value on education, even more so since

the introduction of the one-child policy. The average Chinese household spends 15 percent of its

income on education, and a study by the China Social Survey Institute found 43 percent of families

have set up special bank accounts to cover the cost of their children's education. Private

education has been embraced in China in recent years, and schools and parents are encouraged to

raise funds to cover costs. About a third of the cost of educating a schoolchild today comes from

non-government sources. Competition for university places in China is intense and increasing

numbers travel overseas for their tertiary education, especially in Britain. More Chinese students

are now educated in Britain than any other country in the West. There are now more than 65,000

Chinese students in the UK, according to the Chinese Embassy in London. Chinese students contribute

250 million pounds in fees each year to Britain's universities. The country has made great strides

in the 55 years since the founding of the People's Republic. According to the United Nations,

illiteracy levels have fallen from 80 percent in 1949 to under 15 percent in 2002. Even so, it

recognizes that more resources are necessary to improve on its UN ranking of 100 out of 129 nations

in terms of per-capita education spending. To improve its performance further, the Chinese

government plans to spend 4 percent of its GDP on education by 2010, up from 2.6 percent at the

start of the decade.)

解析:[解析] 本文主要讨论中国目前的教育状况,具体情况涉及家庭教育费用的支出、学校形式的多样化、就学途径的多样化和中国政府在教育方面的投资和努力等方面。 本题要求应试者在较短时间内将文章各部分中译英。这需要应试者迅速对涉及该议题的术语、专有名词和复杂的数字单位作出反应,即考查应试者的基本素质情况。该文也要求应试者在听到某一中文句子时,迅速考虑使用何种符合英文习惯的句型结构或如何将若干中文句合并为一个英文句。在解决句子主要结构的基础上,该文还要求考查应试者对具体单词或短语的理解和翻译,如何使之通顺流畅。 ■基本素质采分点 1.“独生子女”政策 the one-child

policy 2.中国社会调查所 China Social Survey Institute 3.中国驻英使馆 Chinese Embassy in London

4.2.5亿英镑 250 million pounds 5.联合国 the United Nations (UN) 6.国内生产总值 GDP ■结构理解采分点 1.中国家庭的平均教育支出约占其收入的15%,而据中国社会调查所的一项研究成果显示,有43%的家庭都设立了专门账户,用来支付孩子的教育费用。原句中连缀前后两句的“而”,实际并不表示意思的转折,因此,译文要选用相应连词and。句子其它部分结构因与英文表达相近,可按原有顺序翻译。因此,原句可译为“The average Chinese household spends 15 percent of its income on education,and a study by the China Social Survey Institute found 43 percent of families have set up special

bank accounts to cover the cost of their children's education.” 2.近年来,私立学校也开始在中国流行起来。这些学校鼓励校方和家长共同为学校募集办学资金。 中译英时,有时可考虑将内容相关的若干句子合并,以使结构紧凑。该句前后内容都涉及私立学校,因此,可把这两部分用连词and连缀,原句可译为“Private education has been embraced in China in recent years,and schools and parents

are encouraged to raise funds to cover costs.” 3.这些学生每年为英国大学带来高达2.5亿英镑的学费收入。该句要求将“为……带来……”采用恰当的符合上下文的翻译,即便是口译,也要求译者在正确传递信息的基础上,使译文地道、精彩;此外,要求应试者迅速对文中大额数字作出反应。因此,原句可译为“Chinese students contribute 250 million pounds in fees each year to Britain's

universities.” 4.尽管如此,据联合国统计,中国的人均教育经费在129个国家里仅名列第100名。中国政府意识到,要提高这一世界排名,还需要投入更多的资源。翻译时,要注意是否可以将若干句合并的同时,还应重新估量原句的主次顺序,按英文习惯将主要内容放在句首。该句后面一句其实是主要议题,所以,应放在句首。因此,原句可译为“Even so,it recognizes that more resources are necessary to

improve on its UN ranking of 100 out of 129 nations in terms of per-capita education spending.”

5.为了进一步提高教育水平,中国政府计划到2010年将教育经费增加到占国内生产总值4%的水平。而在10年前,教育经费只占当年国内生产总值的2.6%。该句根据内在逻辑结构可合并为一句,将其中一句变为短语形式,分情况可变为介词短语、名词短语非谓语动词等形式。该句根据上下文关系,是表数值上升的变量,因此可使用up from介词短语形式;此外还要注意变量的表达法,如“上升/下降了(by),上升/下降到(to)”等是非常不一样的。因此,原句可译为“To improve its performance further,the Chinese

government plans to spend 4 percent of its GDP on education by 2010,up from 2.6 percent at the

start of the decade.” ■言语表达采分点 1.重视教育 place considerable value on education 2.中国家庭 Chinese household 3.专门账户 special bank account 4.教育费用 the cost of education 5.在……流行 be embraced in… 6.深造 tertiary education 7.取得巨大的进步 make great strides 8.文盲率 illiteracy level 9.排名 ranking 10.人均教育经费 per-capita education spending

4.{{B}}Passage 2{{/B}}








正确答案:(When we describe someone as smart, we mean to say that he is intelligent, has a powerful

memory and can quickly understand things. It is good to be smart, as it is an asset that we can

put to good use, such as achieving progress, acquiring knowledge, serving the country and the

people, and making life better for ourselves and others as well. We have to admit that people

are different from one another, and some are really smart. Zhou Enlai, for example, was a smart

person. When he was still very young, one of his peers said that Zhou was every inch a genius.

But, what made him a man of many great achievements? He became such a man with his hard work,

strenuous efforts, complete devotion and dedication to the last breath, and his boundless love

and loyalty to the country, the Party and the people he served. Given China's vast expanse and

huge population, there must be persons who are smarter than Zhou Enlai. Yet how many of them have

left a profound memory in people's hearts and minds as Zhou Enlai? It would be best if a smart

person could complement his smartness with hard work, which is the surest path to success. But

those who can do this often do not regard themselves as smart. On the contrary, they feel that

they are not nearly as smart and still need to work really hard. New inventions have invariably

come out of the strenuous research of the smart people who summarized their experience, tried

repeatedly and thought deeply. And none of them has grown naturally and effortlessly out of pure

smartness. Without hard work, even a smart person cannot accomplish anything. Not trying to work

hard is in itself not a smart thing to do. Success lies, first and foremost, in hard work, not

smartness. After all, where does smartness come from? One cannot deny the hereditary element.

But if a smart boy should be denied of schooling, and all the training that he would have as he

grows up, I am afraid his smartness would not last long. In most circumstances, however, a person's

smartness is acquired through his hard work.)

解析:[解析] 本文讨论什么是真正的聪明,文章从聪明的优势谈起,以举例和对比的方法深化主题,最后文章的落脚点是本文最后一句话,即人的聪明是经过后天的努力培育出来的。 本文是一篇议论文,谈论的主题也是较为普通常见的,因此不涉及专门术语,只需有普通常识即可,但本文要求考查应试者在短时间内使用恰当英文结构和地道英文词汇的能力。总之,此文的翻译将显示口译者的英文功底。 ■基本素质采分点 1.聪明 Smartness 2.获取知识 acquire knowledge 3.总结实践经验 summarize our experience

4.遗传的因素 hereditary element ■结构理解采分点 1.聪明的人,智力发达、记忆和理解能力也强。

原文的表达非常简练。英文翻译在注意保持这一特点的同时,还应补充适当的主语,以使英文句义完整,符合逻辑。因此,原文可译为“When we describe someone as smart,we mean to say that he is intelligent,has a powerful memory and can quickly understand things.” 2.聪明是好事,是财富,应好好利用,用于进步,用于获取知识,用于为祖国为人民做好事,为大家也为自己好。 原文表达简练,但各部分结构松散。在翻译时,应尽量找出其逻辑关系,确定哪部分可用作英文句的主干部分,哪些部分是从属成分,使用什么引导词来表现其逻辑关系,此外,还应考虑采用固定句型,如“It is good to…”,以使译文更

为地道。因此,原句可译为“It is good to be smart,as it is an asset that we can put to good use,such as achieving progress,acquiring knowledge,serving the country and the people,and making

life better for ourselves and others as well.” 3.中国之大,人口之多,相信比周恩来聪明的人大有人在,但有几个能像周恩来那样永远留在人民心中呢? 该句信息量大,与前题相似,翻译该句时需确定各部分之间内在的逻辑关系,考虑采用固定句型,如“given”的使用,使译文精彩地道。因此,原句可译为“Given China's vast expanse and huge population,there must be persons who are smarter than

Zhou Enlai.Yet how many of them have left a profound memory in people's hearts and minds as Zhou

Enlai?” 4.新的发明创造无不是聪明人总结实践经验,进行反复验证,经过苦思冥想,刻苦钻研出来的,而不是不费气力地依赖聪明自然而然地长出来的。 该句仍考查译者如何理解句中逻辑关系,定出主次结构;此外,译者还要考虑“无不是”采用什么地道的英文表达。因此,原句可译为“New inventions have

invariably come out of the strenuous research of the smart people who summarized their experience,tried repeatedly and thought deeply.And none of them has grown naturally and effortlessly out

of pure smartness.” 5.由此可见,成功秘诀的首要一点还是努力而不是聪明。 该句内容比较简单,要求译者尽量翻译的地道。根据句子主干部分“首要一点”可意译为符合英文表达习惯的“lie…in”,其它部分的翻译就此结构而定。因此,原句可译为“Success lies,first and foremost,in hard work,not smartness.” ■言语表达采分点 1.同龄人 peer 2.浑身都是聪明 every inch a genius 3.刻苦

strenuous effort 4.呕心沥血,鞠躬尽瘁 complete devotion and dedication to the last breath 5.无限忠诚 boundless love and loyalty 6.聪明还很不够 be not nearly as smart 7.再说 after all 8.一事无成 cannot accomplish anything 9.就绝大多数情况来说 in most circumstances 10.经过后天的努力培育出来 be acquired through one's hard work





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