Unit 6 Earn as you learn?
Section A
6-2 Text A: To work or not to work u2013 That is the question
Pre-reading activities
Pre-reading activities-1
1) A teaching assistant in kindergarten or a tutor
2) A cashier in a store
3) A waiter in a restaurant
4) A car cleaner
1) I would like to work as a teaching assistant in kindergarten. I
really enjoy spending time with small children and I am thinking
of working as a teacher in kindergarten in the future. So
working as a teaching assistant would definitely be a great
experience for me.
I would like to work in a company, whether big or small,
because in the future I plan to establish my own business.
Working part-time in a company would give me some idea of
what it is like to work in a company, how a company is run, and
what job a boss should do.
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension-1
1) To measure the impact of employment on student
2) According to the research, a heavy commitment to part-time
work undermines and significantly interferes with school
achievement and commitment.
3) About 10 hours per week or less.
4) Students become interested in study again.
5) Students may take easier classes, copy others' assignments,
cut class, or refuse to do assignments, and over time, students'
commitment to school is eroded bit by bit.
6) Students may find school less rewarding and interesting, and
it is highly possible that those who have been working long
hours will drop out of school before graduation.
7) Because teenagers working long hours frequently have more
money to spend than their peers, and they often become used
to spending their earnings on drugs and alcohol.
8) Doing part-time jobs while studying is acceptable, but
students should work no more than 10 hours a week if they
want to be successful in school.
Reading comprehension-2
1) Yes, I think early employment can definitely build character
because besides study, you have to fit yourself into the working
environment. You can learn interpersonal skills, social
responsibility and professional ethics in a working setting.
Moreover, you have to try hard to strike a balance between
work, study, and play. In this way, you will develop a strong
sense of responsibility and boost your self-confidence.
No, not necessarily. Though early employment may help
students to gain some work experience, it is not necessarily
helpful in building their character. Because they have to spend
quite a lot of time working and may become less responsible or
less committed to their study. Too much work may also lead to
alcohol and drug abuse. So, in some cases, early employment
undermines character-building rather than help it.
2) Yes, I agree. Students have so many academic tasks to
complete in college that they hardly have any extra time for
work. If they work, they will certainly have to spend less time
and energy on study, which is likely to depress their school
performance. I see many working students around me sleep in
class, skip class, or copy others' assignments. If they cannot be
responsible students when they should be, how could they
become responsible people after graduation? So, I think
students should take study as their main task instead of doing
part-time jobs.
No, I don't agree. College students should prepare themselves
for future careers, so they need not only to perform well
academically but also develop other skills because surviving in
society requires more than book knowledge. Working part-time
can expose students to the real world and help them acquire
basic interpersonal skills. Besides, by earning money to pay for
their study, college students can learn how to manage their
money and become less dependent on their parents.
3) Yes, I agree with the author that working while studying has
many negative impacts on students, such as not getting enough
rest, decreased school performance, abuse of drugs and alcohol.
As one's time and energy are limited, working, even part-time,
will affect one's study. Therefore, students should take study
seriously and it is critical not to work long hours while studying
at college.
No, I don't think there are so many negative impacts of working
while studying as mentioned by the author. I have many
classmates who are working part-time to cover their tuition.
Most of them are responsible students as they want to share
the financial burden with their parents. They also study very
hard for scholarships. At the same time, they try to make full
use of their working time. Some of them work with their
professors in the lab, so their work does not interfere with their
study. In fact, working may benefit their study because they can
apply what is learned in class in practice.
4) Yes, I think part-time jobs may help build a sense of
responsibility, which in turn may enhance students' school
performance. Because if you take part-time jobs while studying,
you have to follow the work ethics, observe the working
schedule, work up to expectations, contribute to teamwork,
and balance work and study. All these will help you to multitask,
to be more efficient, to cultivate a sense of responsibility, and
to enhance your school performance.
No, I don't think part-time jobs help to build a sense of
responsibility, not to mention enhancing students' school
performance because students who take part-time work,
especially those who work long hours, have to strike a balance
between work and study. To meet the demanding working
schedule, more often than not, they have to cut corners, for
example, by devoting less time to study or ignoring homework.
Moreover, they may spend more on entertainment and luxury
goods as they have more spending money. Students who work
long hours usually fail to meet the academic requirements and
have no clear plan for career development.
5) Part-time employment provides a good opportunity for
students to learn many other things other than book
knowledge. It has many positive influences:
building a sense of responsibility as you have to accomplish
your tasks;
building self-discipline as you have to manage your time well
and rely on yourself;
gaining social skills and work experience as you interact with
people outside the classroom;
broadening your vision as you learn about the workplace and
having more employment opportunities as you gain work
experience in preparation for your future career.
6-3 Text A: Language focus
Words in use
1. indicate
2. conventional
3. assess
4. decrease
5. alter
6. had undermined
7. compromise
8. controversial
9. resolved
10. abandon
Word buliding: Practice
Word buliding: Practice-1
1) representation
2) formation
3) occupy
4) solution
5) persuasion
6) transmission
7) productivity
8) originality
9) flexible
10) security
11) simplicity
12) prosperity
Word buliding: Practice-2
1. solution
2. transmission
3. prosperity
4. formation
5. flexible
6. occupied
7. originality
8. productivity
9. simplicity
10. persuasion
11. representation
12. security
Banked cloze
1) generate
2) interfering
3) schedules
4) burning
5) consistent
6) opportunity
7) decrease
8) withdraw
9) compromising
10) flexible
Expressions in use
1. cutting back on
2. interfere with
3. take a toll on
4. at risk of
5. dropped out
6. in turn
7. contribute to
8. are accustomed to
9. held on to
10. in other words
6-4 Structure analysis & writing
Structure analysis: Practice
1) work late until midnight
2) less rest
3) less healthy
4) rewarding
5) interesting
6) earn and spend money
7) drop out of school
8) drugs
9) alcohol more often
10) drugs
11) alcohol
12) disengagement
13) depress
Structured writing: Practice
参考:There are several reasons why people get fired from their
jobs. First, people may lose their jobs if they have some
dishonest behaviors, such as cheating in their job applications
or telling lies in work. Second, employees may be fired due to
poor attendance. No boss likes an employee who is often late
for or absent from work. Third, people having difficulty getting
along with their co-workers are also likely to be fired because
they may cause conflicts in the workplace. Therefore, to be a
good employee, it is important to be honest, punctual, and
6-5 Translation
参考:Since its economic reform and opening-up to the world,
China's education has gone through rapid development and
made remarkable achievements. The Chinese government gives
top priority to the development of education, persists in
revitalizing the country by science and education, and fully
advocates quality-oriented education. Meanwhile, it actively
promotes equality in education to guarantee everyone access
to education. China's achievements in education can be
reflected in two different layers: One is the popularization of
the nine-year compulsory education; the other is the realization
of mass higher education. The development of education has
made significant contributions to China's economic
development and social progress. In recent years, to satisfy the
needs of social and economic development, the Chinese
government has sped up the training of qualified personnel
urgently needed in various fields.
Section B
6-6 Reading skills
1) As the cost of attending university has soared over the last
two decades, a frank and vigorous debate is emerging over who
should pay for the cost of higher education. While in some
countries students have always been expected to absorb part or
even all of their tuition costs through work or borrowing, in
other countries the tremendous cost of attending university has
been provided by the relevant education authority or by
parents. I am proud to be in the small minority of students who
"earn as they learn" and absorb the cost of their own university
education in spite of the many obstacles. (Para. 1)
2) I am aware that my work and study choices are not popular
and that many influential studies claim to illustrate that working
while going to school negatively impacts educational
performance. They cite increased dropout rates, lower scores
and reduced lifetime earnings. Besides, these studies also give
evidence that many students exhaust much of their earnings
not on school, but on entertainment and partying while
attending school. The studies also show increased abuse of
alcohol and drugs, which leads me to question these students'
resolve and commitment to the serious side of life. (Para. 7)
6-7 Text B: Earn as you learn?
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension-1
1) B
2) C
3) C
4) D
5) B
6) C
7) B
8) C
Reading comprehension-2
1) It is no easy task for a working student to strike a balance
between work and study. The following tips may help:
good time management: Plan your time wisely and you can
make the best out of it.
modest working hours: Working too long can weaken your
health and affect your school performance.
efficiency in work and study: Learn to work and study more
efficiently because higher efficiency saves your time and
good health: Get good sleep and do some exercise. After all,
you can neither work nor study well if you are sick.
2) I admire the students who work to pay their own tuition as
long as they are still performing well academically because they
are independent, responsible, and self-motivated. They have to
work harder on fewer hours of sleep, but certainly they will find
it rewarding as they have made full use of their time in college.
What's more, the skills they learn from their part-time work will
put them in a more advantageous position when seeking
employment after graduation. They also share the financial
burden with their parents by paying their own tuition.
Therefore, I think we should learn from them.
I feel pity for the working students as they are not able to fully
enjoy their college life like many other students. They have less
time to study or to do other fun activities. They may have fewer
true friends as they are busy making money. Though they can
gain some work experience, that may not be helpful for their
future careers because part-time work usually involves labor
work rather than professional work. They may feel regretful
after graduation because only by then will they know what they
have missed as college students.
3) Yes, working part-time definitely helps students learn to
prioritize and become more efficient. To balance work and
study, working students often encounter time conflicts and
approaching deadlines. So they have to know which is the most
urgent and important under different circumstances. They can
be frustrated in the beginning. But once they learn how to
prioritize, they can work and study more efficiently than others
because they can multitask.
No, not necessarily. Working students often have to give
priority to their work when their study conflicts with their work.
If they fail to go to work as scheduled, they may lose their job
and the income it brings about. They surely don't want that to
happen. As a result, they may skip class or fail to turn in their
assignments. Moreover, since working students have to study
and work at the same time, they are more likely to get tired and
may thus become more stressful and less efficient in their
4) No, not necessarily. Though paying tuition is a sign of being
independent, there are other ways to show our independence.
For example:
helping parents with housework to show that we contribute to
the family;
helping other students in need to show that we care for others;
doing volunteer work and contributing to society to share social
being excellent in academic study to show that we can prioritize
and know what is most important to us.
5) The advantages of studying full-time without working
part-time are obvious. By studying full-time, students will have
more time to:
focus on study and do well academically;
rest and relax, thus leading a more colorful college life;
have fun and be more optimistic about life;
stay with their families and build a better relationship with their
visit with friends and build friendships, which may benefit them
for lifetime; and
sample widely and get prepared for future careers.
6-8 Text B: Language focus
Words in use
1. advanced
2. tremendous
3. claim
4. endure
5. relieve
6. ensure
7. relevant
8. convinced
9. illustrate
10. soared
Expressions in use
1) In spite of
2) catch a glimpse of,get a glimpse of,have a glimpse of
3) are in the minority,are in a minority
4) relieves
5) of
6) a matter of
7) As for
8) is envious of
9) look back
Sentence structure
Sentence structure-1
1) Whereas my friend was dressed in a black hat and coat, I was
dressed in jeans and sneakers.
2) Whereas having meals at home can cost as little as two or
three dollars, eating out at a restaurant is always more
3) Whereas Asian people do not look into each other's eyes as
they talk, in the Western world it is polite to maintain eye
contact during a conversation.
Sentence structure-2
1. Given that you had very little help
2. Given that students had learned how to do the experiment in
3. given that nearly 90% of adult smokers began smoking at or
before the age of 18
6-9 Collocation
1) formal
2) education
3) working
4) students
5) educational
6) funding
7) non-working
8) students
9) educational
10) experience
11) school
12) engagement
13) school
14) commitment
15) school
16) performance
17) commitment
18) educational
19) aspirations
20) undergraduate
21) students
22) school
23) careers