1. 作名词时,treat指的是款待或招待某人或某物。例如,He gave us a treat by
taking us to the amusement park.(他带我们去游乐园招待了我们。)
2. 作动词时,treat有多个常见用法,如下所示:
a. 表示对待,处理某人或某物。例如,The doctor treated the patient with care
and compassion.(医生对患者进行了细心和同情的治疗。)
b. 表示治疗疾病或症状。例如,The medicine treated her cough effectively.(这种药有效地治疗了她的咳嗽。)
c. 表示给予特殊款待或礼遇。例如,She treated herself to a spa weekend after a
long week of work.(经过一周的工作之后,她给自己安排了一个温泉周末假期。)
d. 表示提供特殊食品或饮料享用。例如,“Let's treat ourselves to ice cream!”
he said excitedly.(“让我们自己吃冰淇淋吧!”他兴奋地说道。)
3. 此外,treat还可用作名词形式(复数为treats),表示小吃、零食或甜点等美味的东西。例如,The children were excited to receive Halloween treats.(孩子们很兴奋地拿到了万圣节的小点心。)
1. treat作动词时,常与以下词组共同使用:
a. treat someone/something as: 将某人/某物视为
例句:We should always treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.(我们应该对待他人如同对待自己一样。)
b. treat someone/something with respect/care/kindness: 以尊重/关心/友善的方式对待某人/某物
例句:He always treats his employees with respect and never raises his voice at
c. treat someone/something for (an illness): 对(疾病)进行治疗
例句:The doctor treated her for the flu and advised her to get plenty of rest.(医生为她治疗了流感,并建议她多休息。)
d. treat oneself to: 给予自己特殊庆祝、款待或礼遇
例句:After a long day of work, she decided to treat herself to a bubble bath and
a glass of wine.(工作了一整天之后,她决定给自己一个泡泡浴和一杯葡萄酒作为奖赏。)
2. treat作名词时,常见搭配包括:
a. a special treat: 一次特殊的款待/礼遇
例句:Getting flowers delivered to her office was a special treat on her birthday.(生日当天,让鲜花送到办公室是一个特殊的礼遇。)
b. an unexpected treat: 意外的惊喜
例句:Finding her favorite book in the library was an unexpected treat for her.(在图书馆找到自己最喜欢的书对她来说是个意外之喜。)
c. a sweet treat: 甜点/甜食
例句:After dinner, they enjoyed a delicious sweet treat of chocolate cake and
ice cream.(晚餐后,他们品尝了一份美味的巧克力蛋糕和冰淇淋。)
1. 当treat用作名词时:
a. [Subject] gave [someone] a treat by [action].
例句:The host gave the guests a treat by serving them champagne and
b. [Subject] received [an unexpected/special] treat when [event/action].
例句:She received an unexpected treat when she won tickets to her favorite
2. 当treat用作动词时:
a. The doctor treated the patient with [care/respect/kindness].
例句:The doctor treated the patient with care and compassion.
b. After a long day, [subject] decided to treat themselves to [activity/food/drink].
例句:After a long day, she decided to treat herself to a relaxing bath and a glass
of wine.