introduction to food science test
一、Please explain some special words?
1、Homogenization(均化): to obtain particles with certain dimensions
2、Jam and jelly (果冻和果酱):are gelled (凝胶, 冻胶 )or thickened fruit products with a low pH.
Preserved with sugars Include fruit butters, jellies,jams and similar products
3、Gluten(麦麸)consists of two protein -Glutenin (麦醇溶蛋白) and -Gliadin (麦谷蛋白) They interact
with each other by the kneading(和面 ;揉捏和 ) of a wet dough, to form a ‘protein complex’. Gluten is
a highly elastic material
4、Maillard (梅拉德反应) ( nonenzymatic browning):When reducing sugar presence from heat damage,
certain amino acids decomposed from protain by heat, which on the high temperature condition, there
forms brown pigments, flavors .
5、Human essential amino acids:Human essential amino acids are which some of the amino acids human
can not biosynthesize must be obtained from the diet by people.
6、fermentation.:Adding yeast to sugars under anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions produces alcohol
and carbon dioxide. This is called fermentation.
7、 Cholesterol:Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that occurs naturally in all parts of the body. Your
body needs some cholesterol to work properly. But if you have too much in your blood, it can stick to the
walls of your arteries. This is called plaque. Plaque can narrow your arteries or even block them.
8、Water balance :That is total intake and losses from urine, faces, milk, saliva, sweating, and vaporization
from respiratory tissues
9、Water activity (a
W): defined as RH(Relative Humidity ), which must prevail in the surrounding
atmosphere to avoid water exchange between material and air; the ratio of the vapor pressures of pure
water and a solution
10. vitamin:A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. A
compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and
must be obtained from the diet.
rganisms:Microorganisms are tiny, mostly one-celled organisms capable of rapid reproduction
under proper growth conditions.
spoilage:Food spoilage is defined as any change in the organoleptic qualities (flavor, appearance
odor or texture) of the food that makes the food unacceptable to the consumer.
13. Shelf life: The time it takes a food product to deteriorate to an unacceptable degree under specific
storage, processing, and packaging conditions.
二、Fill in blanks
1、Thanks to food science and technology and modern food manufacturing methods, nutritional
deficiencies and inconsistent food availability can be addressed, harvests can be protected, and various
commodities can be transformed into new products having specific nutrients for better health and wellness
2、The main components in muscle are .Moisture Protein .Fat
3、. the major Factors for fruit and vegetable deterioration are :
①Enzymatic Changes; ②Chemical Changes; ③Physical Changes;
④Biological Changes
4、Enzymatic browning is usually undesirable when it occurs in foods such as apples, pears,lettuce(莴苣,
生菜 ), potatoes, etc.
5、Sensory quality of fruit and vegetable will be changed chemically for lipid oxidation; non-enzymatic
browning; colour changes; flavour changes.
6、The four major factors which affect fruit and vegetable nutrient degradation are light, oxygen
concentration, temperature and water activity.
7、Leavening Agents used to produce gas in batters that make baked products rise are steam,yeast and
baking soda and powder
8、in bread process, the dough should be avoid of over fermentation, if not, it will make cause gluen stretch,
become weak and collapse, while coarse grain & sour odor due to excess acid production and less color in
baked crust面包皮; 糕饼等的酥皮
9、Milk is the first food of young mammals. It provides a high-quality protein, a source of energy, and
vitamins and minerals.
10、Carbohydrates are chains of repeating molecules of glucose and other sugars.
11、Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. There are different amino acids in a protein.
12、Fats are made up of lipids. A lipid has a structure of three fatty acids molecules and a glycerol (甘油,丙三醇 )molecule.
13、A peptide bond is a chemical bond formed between two molecules when the carboxyl group of one
molecule reacts with the amine group of the other molecule, thereby releasing a molecule of water.
14、Protein has a very big MW(molecular weight ), thus it can form hydrophilic colloid while protein is
dissolved in water;
15、Carbohydrates include monosaccharides; disaccharides; oligosaccharides and polysaccardies
16、Natural Starch conformation is the mixture of amylose and amylopectin
17、Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not their structure.
18、Vitamin divided by the solubility. Water-soluble vitamins (dissolve easily in water) 9 water-soluble (B1, 2,
3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 and C)
19、Fat-soluble vitamins(absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids) 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E,
20、The main groups of additives are: flavourings; colourings; preservatives and antioxidants; emulsifiers
and stabilisers.
21、Taste quality different from receptors for sweet, bitter, salty, sour, the 4 primary tastes, Cannot be
reproduced by mixing of chemicals or of any of the 4 primary tastes
22、Apart from adding flavourings to food enhances the taste , some other additives are used in food such
as Colourings; Colourings;; Colourings ; Stabilizers
23、the nutrition value of fat is that it can provide high energy , fat- soluble vitamin and essential fatty acid.
24、fat have important role for food which be as carriers of flavor, advance food smooth texture and mouth
feel, can be heat transfer.
25、The microbial world comprised of 2 cellular types: (except virus) Eukaryotic cells (真核细胞, the
Eucarya); Prokaryotic cells (原核细胞):
26、Those microorganisms important in the food industry include the bacteria, viruses, yeasts, molds,
and protozoans.
27、Microorganisms growth curve in liquid has four phase: lag phase; exponential phase: stationary phase,
decline phase:
28、Growth of microorganisms can be manipulated by controlling some factors: ①Nutrients available; ②Oxygen; ③Water; ④Temperature; ⑤ Acidity and pH; ⑥ Light; ⑦Chemicals
29、Nutrients such as carbohydrates, nitrogen source(proteins) , energy source (such as fats ), growth factor
(vitamins etc.), minerals and water, required by, mainly are also needed by microorganisms to grow.
30、Factors affecting microbial growth in food preserve are Temperature; Relative humidity; Atmosphere;
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
31、Food-borne illness (食源性病) ----The sickness resulting from eating food contaminated with either
bacterial toxins or by certain bacteria in the food, often resulting in vomiting(呕吐), diarrhea(腹泻) and
32、Food-borne diseases (食源性病) are most often caused by several species of bacteria, although
viruses, parasites(寄生生物 ), amoebas(阿米巴 ) and other biological as well as chemical agents may
be responsible.
三.please make the right choices .
1、There are three kinds of muscles, which is mainly consumed and processed?
(1) Skeletal muscles(骨骼肌 ,横纹肌), ()
(2) Smooth muscles(平滑肌),
(3) Heart muscles(心肌).
2、The main component part is protein except water to take up 18%~20%, 80% solid in meat , Muscle
Proteins can be classifild to three kinds, that is
(1)Myofibrillar proteins(肌原纤维蛋白质 )
(2)Sarcoplasmic proteins(肌浆蛋白 )
(3)Stroma proteins(肉基质蛋白质 )
3、which is not Berries?
(1) Grape (2)strawberry (3)coconut( √)
4、which is not Pip fruits(仁果类果实 )
(1) apple, (2) pear, (3)chestnut(板栗 )( √)
is not Foliar vegetables(叶菜类)?
(1) spinach(菠菜), (2)celery芹菜 (3)potato
is Floscular vegetables (花菜类)?
(1) broccoli n. 甘蓝;花椰菜( √) (2) tomato番茄 (3) mushroom
al methods of reducing fruit and vegetable deteriorate
(1)Heating (2)Cooling
(3)Lowering of water content (drying/dehydration).√
al methods of reducing fruit and vegetable deteriorate
(1)Controlled and modified atmosphere storage
(2) Irradiation(辐射 ) (3)Waxing(蜡封)of the surfa(水面 )
al Methods of reducing fruit and vegetable deteriorate
(1)Salting (2)Sugar addition (3)Canning
al Methods of reducing fruit and vegetable deteriorate
(1)Artificial acidification (2)Ethyl alcohol addition (乙醇 添加)
(3)Antiseptic substance action(防腐剂作用)
11、which are kinds of common used Flour
(1) All-purpose flour(普通面粉;家用面粉;中筋面粉)
(2) Cake flour(低筋面粉;蛋糕粉;细面粉)
(3) Instant/quick-mixing flour(快速混合面粉)
12、which are kinds of common used Flour
(1)Instant/quick-mixing flour(快速混合面粉)
(2)Self-rising flour(自发面粉----已含酵母的)
(3)Whole wheat flour(全麦面粉)
13、Fluids which do not obey Newton viscosity law are non-newtonian fluids. For example:
(1)tomato puree (2)sour milk, (3)grease.
molecules are foods made of?
1. Carbohydrates 2、water 3、Vitamins.
15、What molecules are foods made of?
1. proteins 2、fats 3、minerals
16、Agents causing denaturation
1 .Temperature 2. pH strength (salts)
17. Agents causing denaturation
1. Enzymes 2. Heat 3. Oxidation
one is hydrophilic gelatum?
( ) -bean milk n(白蛋白)
19. Which one is not hydrophilic colloid?
n(白蛋白) ( ) ,
is not essential amino acid for human?
nine, ic acid ( )
is essential amino acid for human?
( ) ic acid e
22. which is disaccharides:
e麦芽糖 e ( ) e乳糖
23. Which is not monosaccharides :
e e蔗糖 ( ) 3. Galactose半乳糖
mineral is not major salt component?
ium,钾 ,钠 ( )
mineral is major salt components
, , m,钙 ( )
reasons for vitamin deficiency:
(1) Shortage of resource ( ) (2) Reduced absorption ( )
(3) Increase requirements ( )
are Water-soluble vitamins include
n A n B ( ) n C. ( )
are fat-soluble vitamins include
n D ( ) n E ( ) n B
29. Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions:
Hormones (③),
Antioxidants (④),
Mediators of cell signaling and regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (①),
Precursors for coenzymes (②)
①Vitamin A; ②Vitamin B; ③vitamin D; ④Vitamin E
Microorganisms are Eukaryotic cells
( ) ia
Microorganisms are Prokaryotic cells (原核细胞):
ia ( ) myces放线菌 酵母菌
tation selects for the growth of one or more bacteria which then inhibit the growth of harmful
microbes. Fermentation food is
, ( ) , ( ) milk ( )
fermentation foods include,
1 soy sauce, ( ) 2 alcoholic beverages, and ( ) r. ( )
四、Please answer Yes or No after each items .
1. Without fat, all meats taste almost the same! (√)
2. During Rigor Mortis process,the cells will continue to produce energy (ATP) by breaking down glycogen
reserves, which produces lactic acid, dropping the pH to 5.2-5.6. (√)
3. Waxing of the surface retards the rate of moisture loss, and maintains turgor (皮肤饱满 )and
plumpness(丰满度;肥胖度 ) and may modify the internal atmosphere(√)
ed atmosphere packaging of strawberries (carbon dioxide-enriched air delays fungal growth延迟真菌生长(√)
5 Flour composition critical (面粉成分标准)for the fermentation and physical structure of the dough and
finished bread. (√)
6 Flour- Usually “all purpose flour” used for baking breads. Main function is to give structure to the bread.
7 Almost all of the gluten forms during the kneading stage. It is important to not add too much extra flour
while kneading. This will make the dough far too stiff (硬的 ).
8、The role of milk in nature is to nourish(滋养)and provide immunological protection for the mammalian
young. (√)
ng the shapes of proteins also changes their properties. They become easier to digest and more
useful to the cells of the human body. ( √)
10. To make proteins, a cell must have all needed amino acids available simultaneously ( √ )
the diet supplies too little of any essential amino acid , protein synthesis is limited. ( √ )
ical value can be improved by feeding two or more low quality protein feeds together if they are
complimentary( √ )
eding on protein does not increase the amino acid level, starvation does not decrease it( √ )
acids will be sacrificed to provide energy and glucose if needed when glucose and fatty acids
are limited( √ )
, fruit, vegetables, meat, soups and sauces can all be dehydrated to stop them from spoiling( √ )
16. Water Activity large effect on chemical reactions and microbial growth rate( √ )
ions are necessary for regulation of blood and body fluids, transmission of nerve impulses, heart
activity, and certain metabolic functions. ( √ )
dehydration(脱水) will lead to very high blood sodium concentrations,but too rapid correction
may result in brain damage from cellular swelling. ( √ )
rganisms, like other living organisms, are dependent on their environment to provide for their
basic needs. Adverse conditions can alter their growth rate or kill them. ( √)
20. Microorganisms growth changing with temperature would gain high quality and quantity products
during process ( √)
21. A spoiled food is not necessarily unsafe to eat, but unpalatable(味道差的 ) to the consumer. Foods are
attacked in a variety of ways that are harmful to the quality of the food ( √)
五、Please give the answer for each Question.
does the course of Introduction to Food Science (UK) focus on ?
Introduction to Food Science (UK) is the required course for food science and engineering major ,
mainly Introducting and reviewing to food ingredients, processing, package, market and storage and their
complex relationship in bilingual language (English and Chinese ), while it is explored that how these factors
affect the quality and safety of food.
is the request for students after course ?
after the course, students should understand and master the basic components of food and the most
commonly process , technology and equipment used in food processing , integrating the professional
talent necessary to develop advanced products basing on the professional theory and professional English,
which is the basis for students entering the higher grades to learn more advanced theory and more
specialized knowledge.
the concepts of food science and technology ?
Food Science is the discipline in which the engineering, biological, and physical sciences are used
to study the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration, the principles underlying food processing, and
the improvement of foods for the consuming public.
Food Technology is the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing,
packaging, distribution, and use of safe, nutritious, and whole some practice, the terms food
science and food technology are often used interchangeably.
important is fat in food?
fat has some nutrition value as essential fatty acids to provide high energy, which be adventage for
fat-soluble vitamin. Fat is good for carriers of flavor, smooth texture and mouth feel, while it is heat transfer
5、what are requirements on varieties used for processing?
(1)To consider of the yield, supply period, storage time, edible part ratio, physical quality, chemical
compositions and sensory quality when choosing fruits and vegetables
(2)The texture, chemical composition, yield, processing characteristics and harvesting time are closely
related to the variety of fruits and vegetables
(3)The fruits used for processing should follow the requirements below: high acid,adequate ratio of
sugar to acid, small core and stone, rich pulp(果肉 ), tight and micromesh(细致的 ) texture, strong heat
endurance, bigger percentage of edible part, and with good color, aroma and taste.
(4)The vegetables used for processing should be rich in pulp( 果肉 ), have tender and micromesh
texture, less crude fiber, much edible part and good color.
6. The standards for a good variety of fruit and vegetable:
① Stable and yield.
② Long period’s supply.
③ Convenient to mechanized farming and harvesting
④ Strong resistance to plant diseases and insect pets,long storage time,good adaptability.
⑤ Sensory quality meets there quirements of processing.
are the Enzymic Changes for fruit and vegetable ?
Oxidation of phenolic substances (苯酚 ) by phenolase (苯酚酶 ) (leading to enzymatic browning酶促褐变 );
• Sugar - starch conversion by amylases(淀粉酶);
• Post-harvest demethylation(脱甲基化 ) of pectic substances (果胶物质 )
are the principles thof Preservation that sugar used in jam and jelly can prevent the growth of
Add sugar to increase osmotic pressure(渗透压)to prevent microorganism development.
In food preservation with sugar, water activity can’t be reduced < 0.845 --- sufficient for bacteria and
yeast inhibition, but does not prevent mold attack.
is gluten and How about is it in bread process?
Gluten consists of two protein: -Glutenin (麦醇溶蛋白) and -Gliadin (麦谷蛋白) • They interact with
each other by the kneading(和面 ;揉捏和 ) of a wet dough, to form a ‘protein complex
• Gluten is a highly elastic material
–Protein complex gives bread structure and elasticity and essential doe the leavening process
–Poorly formed or absent in nonwheat flours
–Most commercial breads contain some wheat
10、How does baking powder make cakes rise?
Baking powder contains:
sodium hydrogencarbonate (碳酸氢钠 ). When this is heated during cooking it breaks down into sodium
carbonate, carbon dioxide gas and water.---It is the carbon dioxide gas that makes the cakes rise.
11、Yeast makes bread rise?!
is a type of fungus. It is used to make bread rise. Bread is usually made from wheat flour. As
yeast digests the carbohydrates in flour it produces carbon dioxide.
bread from yeast is an aerobic reaction. This means it needs oxygen.
the yeast has been added, the uncooked dough is left to rise.
12、What is the chemistry of milk?
The principal constituents of milk are water, fat, proteins, lactose (milk sugar) and minerals (salts). Milk
also contains trace amounts of other substances such as pigments, enzymes, vitamins, phospholipids
(substances with fatlike properties), and gases.
Cows’ milk consists of about 87% water and 13% dry substance. The dry substance is suspended or
dissolved in the water.
13. Why do eggs look different before or after cooked?
Eggs are a protein food and so are made up of amino acids. When eggs are cooked they become firmer.
This is because cooking eggs changes the shape of the amino acids chains. This is called denaturing.
is the protain isoelectric point ?
At isoelectric point (specific for each protein),
positive charges = negative charges → total charge = 0
No charge – no repulsion – clotting of protein – e.g. production of dairy products (milk
isoelectric point at pH 4.5)
about is the results after that enzymes act on protein ?
lytic enzymes (pepsin(胃蛋白酶), rennin(凝乳酶), trypsin(胰蛋白酶)) hydrolyze peptide bonds
of protein → can lead to large changes in structure & function
ble & undesirable changes during processing & storage of proteins
to changes in peptide side chains, make some amino acids unavailable, indigestible
16、what is the most common food proteins in our daily food?
Egg white, blood usually contain albumin白蛋白, but myofibrillar protein(肌纤维蛋白)is from Actin,
myosin(肌球蛋白) in muscles. Gluten(谷蛋白、麸质或面精)in wheat can make dough good structure
for bread making. most Connective tissue in
Ligaments(韧带), fibrous contains much more collagen(胶原蛋白), while milk protein mainly is casein(酪蛋白).
17、What is the physiological functions of proteins & amino acids?
Composition of body, improve growth
• Composition of enzymes and hormone, regulate biological function
• Form antibody, improve the immune-activity of body
• Regulate osmotic pressure, otherwise protein-energy malnutrition.
• Supplement of energy
• Keep the flexible of skin
• Transport fat, iron, oxygen and CO2
18、What is Physiologic roles of Lipids and Fats?
(1).Source of energy (during sustained activity)
1 g food lipid can produce 37.7kJ (9kcal) energy in body.
(2). Structure of cell membrane.
(3). maintain body temperature normally.
(4). Protect viscera (脏器 ) from harmful.
(5).Play some role in endocrine(内分泌作用).
(6).Offer essential fatty acid. Such as linolie acid亚油酸, linolenic acid -亚麻酸。
(7).offer Fat-soluble Vitamins(Vit:A、D、E、K etc.)
(8).sterols is one of the most important active substrates in our body such as gall fel(胆汁), sex
hormone , adrenalin (肾上腺素),vitD etc.
(9).increase satiety (饱腹感),becouse peristalsis(蠕动)of the stomach and intestine will be depressed when
the fat stimulate duodenum(十二指肠) to produce neurotension(胃抑素) .
(10).Improve sensory characteristics ,change food color, aroma, taste and appearance.
is Physiologic roles of phospholipids?
(1).Important in cell membrane
(2). Phospholipids can soluble in water, which could be high efficient emulsification during fat absorption.
(3).it can advances lipometabolism(脂肪代谢)and has adventage for nerve conduction, preventing
people from having fatty liver or hepatic steatosis (脂肪肝) , promotes brain activities,
margarine healthier than butter?
Research suggests that the unsaturated fats in plant oils are healthier than saturated fat found in
butter. This is because they are less likely to clog up the arteries of the heart.
However, some margarines can be bad for you. Hydrogenating plant oils can change the position of
double bonds in the fatty acid, forming trans fats.
The body finds it hard to break down the trans fats and they can clog the arteries of the
margarines and spreads are now made in a way that stops the formation of trans fats
health effects do plant oils have?
Some plant oils contain essential fatty acids(EFA). Essential fatty acids are need by the body but it
cannot produce them. For the body to work properly, essential fatty acids have to be eaten as part of a
balanced diet.
Some research has shown that essential fatty acids can help lower blood pressure and decrease the
risk of blood clots.
There are two main types of EFAs that the body cannot make:omega-3亚麻酸[C18,Δ8,9,12]omega-6亚油酸[C18,Δ9,10] .
22. What are flavourings? What is Flavor influenced by ?
Flavour is an important part of food. If food tastes bad, it is less likely to be eaten. There are five basic
flavours: sweet, sour, bitter, salt and savoury . Combinations of these produce different tastes.
23. What is Flavor influenced by ?
Flavor influenced by:
– Texture (smoothness, roughness, granularity, viscosity), hotness, spiciness, coolness (menthol), fullness of
certain amino acids,umami. 鲜味
– flavor enhancer by amino glutamic acid (MSG)
many types of flavourings used in food ?
There are three types of flavourings used in food:①natural – herbs and spices;②natural identical –
chemically the same as products from nature but made in a laboratory and ③artificial – man-made and
not found in nature.
are the benefits of using additives?
(1)Additives can be used to help food keep for longer and to provide tasty, visually appealing products at a
low price.
(2)It can be cheaper to chemically make flavourings. For example, natural identical vanillin (香兰素 )is
much cheaper than using natural vanilla as a flavouring.
(3)The flavouring monosodium glutamate (MSG) can be added to savoury foods, like meat, to enhance the
(4)Beefburgers with added MSG can be made using less meat. They will cost less because meat is an
expensive ingredient
26. What is Physiologic Function of Carbohydrates?
(1). they offer energy , 1 glucuronic molecular can produce 32 ATP by TCA cycle,while it only produce 2 ATP
through anaerobic glycolysis (anaerobic glycolysis )
(2). the are composition for glycolipid(糖脂),glycoprotein(糖蛋白)and ribose(核糖)。
(3). they can save protein
(4). Ketogenic amino acids can produced ketones when energy sources are ydrates can offer
oxaloacetic acid (草酰乙酸) to get into the Krebs cycle in case of excessive ketones for harmful body.
(5).They can detoxication because glucuronic acid(葡萄糖醛酸) in liver can combine some chemical to
discharge from our body.
27、what is the sporulation of Bacteria ?
Under adverse conditions, certain bacteria can protect the cell’s genetic material by producing
spores. These are extremely resistant capsules of genetic materials.
Though there are no discernible life processes in the spore, under proper sporulation conditions, a
viable, reproducing cell will germinate from it
28. How are molds important to the food industry.?
Among their many contributions are the flavor and color they add to cheeses and the making of soy
They also play a role in the making of such chemicals as citric and lactic acid and many enzymes.
29. Can molds also cause problems in foods.?
Certain kinds can produce poisons called mycotoxins(真菌毒素 ). Mycotoxins have only recently been
discovered and little is known about what causes molds to produce them
30、 How many types of food spoilage?
Types of food spoilage fall into two major categories, according to the cause of the spoilage:
(1) Microbial spoilage is caused by microorganisms and their products;
(2) Non-microbial spoilage can be caused by foreign material in the foodstuff or by enzymes that occur in
the foodstuff naturally.
六、Please write process technology.
1、Sausage technology (香肠技术)
Deforzen cutting triming cutting formulation curing
chopping vaccum mixing stuffing cooking smorking
cooling refrigrating
2、Technology compound unit operations(复合单元操作技术)
Meat cut cure formulate chopping mixing stuffing
cooking refrigrating smorking
3、Major Steps for clear Juices process. 果汁生产过程主要步骤。
(1)Washing and sorting
(2)Enzyme treatment
–optional step
– improve extraction
(3) Heating
– facilitate(促进;促使 ) pressing and color fixing(固色,固色作用 )
– protein coagulation(蛋白质凝固) takes place
(4) Pressing to extract juice
– Crushing(破碎 ) for grapes and berries;
– Grinding(研磨 ) for apples, pears;
– Disintegration(瓦解;崩溃 ) for tomatoes, peaches, mangoes(芒果 ), apricots(杏 )
(5) Juice clarifying
– Removal of excess pulp by centrifugation or enzymes treatment.(如:果胶酶)
– Removal of pectin(果胶 ), starch, gums(胶质物 ), proteins which otherwise cause haze(迷蒙 ,失光) before or after preservation
(6) Pasteurization(巴斯德杀菌)
Rapid pasteurization at about 80℃, followed by cooling for storage
4、Processing for cloudy Juices混浊果汁加工
Washed→ sorted(分类的;分选的 )→ crushed→ preheated→extracted→ Homogenized→Pasteurized→ storage
5、Fruit Jam Processing果酱的加工
Fruit selection→ Washing → heating → crushing→Cooking and quality testing → storing →
6、烘烤技术General Manufacturing Principles
Weigh and mix dough
Portioned and
Bake Cool
slice package
7、Yoghout Processing
Ingredient mix pasteurization homogenetion inoculation fermentation
sizing packaging refrigerated.