



Practical Standard Text

2014 ___

Unit 1

Anyone / '___

Anywhere / 'eniweə (r) / adv。Anywhere

Wonderful / 'wʌndə (r) fl / adj。Wonderful。excellent

Few / fju: / adj。& pron。Not many。very few

Quite a few - quite a lot。many (followed by a countable


Most / məʊst / adj。adv。& pron。Most。the majority

Something / 'sʌmθɪŋ / ___。something

___) / 'nʌθɪŋ / pron.

There is nothing。there is nothing

Everyone / '___。everyone。everyone

Of course / əvkɔ: s / of course。naturally

Myself / maɪ'self / pron。I myself。I myself

Yourself / jɔ: 'self / pron。You yourself。yourself


Pig / pɪg / n。Pig

Seem / si: m / vi。It seems。it seems。it seems

Bored / bɔ: d / adj。Bored。bored

___ / 'sʌmwʌn / ___

Diary / 'daɪəri / n。Diary。diary (keep a diary)

Enjoyable / 'ɪn'dʒɔɪəbl / adj。Fun。enjoyable

Activity / æk'tɪvəti / n。Activity

Decide / dɪ'saɪd / v。Decide。choose

Decide to do ___.)

Try / traɪ / v。Try。try。try

Try to do sth。/ try doing sth.)

Paragliding / 'pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ / n。Hang gliding

___ - feel。feel

Bird / bɜ: d / n。Bird

Bicycle / 'baɪsɪkl / n。Bicycle。pedal

Building / 'bɪldɪŋ / n。Building。house

Trader / 'treɪdə (r) / n。Merchant

Wonder / 'wʌndə (r) / v。I wonder。polish

Difference / 'dɪfrəns / n。Difference。difference

Top / tɒp / n。Top。surface

Wait / weɪt / v。Wait。wait

Wait for)

___ / ʌm'brelə / n。Umbrella。umbrella


Because of - because

Unit 2

___ part of daily life。It's something that needs to be done to

keep a home clean and ___。hardly ever do people enjoy doing

housework。It's seen as a chore。a task that needs to be ___。

Once or twice a week。it's important to do a deep clean of the

house。This means cleaning the floors。wiping down surfaces。and doing laundry。It's a full day's work。but it's necessary to

keep the house in good n。

On the weekends。it's nice to have some free time to swing

dance。go to the movies。or maybe just relax。At least once a

month。it's important to take a break from the daily routine and do

something fun。

When it comes to food。it'___ may be tempting。but it's not

good for the body。Instead。opt for ___ that will give enough

energy to get through the day。

In n。housework may not be enjoyable。but it's necessary。Take breaks when ___ to keep the body energized.

___ is essential in any n。whether it be in a personal or nal

setting。Winning people over with your words is important。though it can be ___。it ___ about the message you are conveying

and the people you are ___.

___ used to check one's appearance。but they can also be

used as a tool for self-___。It can also be helpful to see yourself as

a kid。with all of the hopes and dreams that come with youth。As

long as you are willing to put in the necessary work。you can

bring out your inner child and ___.

Grades are often seen as a measure of success。but they

should not be the only focus。Both personal growth and academic

success are important。and they can both be ___ success is not the

same as n。and it is okay to make mistakes along the way。As the

saying goes。"reach for the stars。but keep your feet on the


___。it can break down ___ trying to connect with someone。it is ___ finding common ground can help you build ___.

___ and ideas with others can be a loud and intimidating

process。but it is ___。Listening to others and being open to new

perspectives ___ is unique。we all share similar ___。By being

open to others。you may find that you have more in common than

you ___.

Primary school is a time of learning and growth。both ___ n

is not the only thing that matters。social skills and ___ of

development。The theater can be a great tool for learning and n。and it can also be a place to connect with others and build ___ in

your own skin and being willing to take risks can lead to great

personal growth and success.

Seats are available in the front row。and the screen is large

and clear。As the show is about to start。the ___ cheaply priced。making it ___。The DJ chooses the music carefully。ensuring that

the audience has a great time。The reporter so far has given a

fresh and positive review of the show.

The ___。and the service is pretty good。The menu offers all

kinds of food。and the ___。and the ___ has something in

common。which is the love for entertainment.

At the end of the show。the winner is announced。and they

___ happy.









___。Cover it with gravy and sprinkle some pepper on top for

extra flavor。Serve it hot and enjoy!

If you're preparing for an exam。make sure to go to the

doctor if you catch the flu。It's important to take care of yourself

and be available for the test。If you can't make it。try to ___.

Hang out with friends and catch up on old times。Invite them

over or accept their ___ out。If you need to refuse。do ___.

If you receive an ___。don't turn it down without a good

reason。Always reply and let the host know if you can make it or

not。If you need to forward the ___ else。make sure to delete any

personal n before printing it out.

Saying goodbye is never easy。but sometimes we have to

take a trip and move on。Be glad for the memories and the

experiences you had。and don't be afraid to ask for help out if you

need it.

n is key in any n。Make sure to have all the tools and glue

you need before starting any project。And remember。even if

things don't go as planned。it's never too late to start over.

Unit 10: Social Events

Social events are a great way to spend time with friends and

family。Without them。life would be quite boring。When I

received an ___ housewarming party。I was ___'t heard from the

hosts in a while。so it was nice to be invited to their new home。

___ was a big event in our town。The headmaster of the local

school was the guest of honor and many people attended the

concert。The calendar was full of ___。

At a recent meeting。___ winner would receive a prize and

their video would be shown at an ing event。We also discussed

providing ___

I was upset when I realized I had left my wallet in the taxi。I

asked for advice from an agent at the taxi company and they were

very ___。

It'___ traveling。especially if you're not familiar with the

area。Unless you're an expert。it's best to keep to yourself and not

draw n to yourself。And certainly。___.


As a writer。it'___ with your words。One mistake can ruin

an entire piece。If you find yourself ___ paragraph。take a step

back and advise yourself on how to solve the problem.

Trust your experience and use it to your advantage。If you're

having trouble getting started。try breaking the task into smaller

steps。This can help you stay focused and motivated.

In half of the cases。the n is halfway there。Don't give up。keep pushing forward and you'll ___。___.





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