the data server
In this information age, the data server has become the heart of a company.
This one piece of software controls the rhythm of most organizations and is used to
pump information lifeblood through the arteries of the network. Because of the
critical nature of this application, the data server is also the one of the most popular
targets for hackers. If a hacker owns this application, he can cause the company's
"heart" to suffer a fatal arrest.
Ironically, although most users are now aware of hackers, they still do not
realize how susceptible their database servers are to hack attacks. Thus, this article
presents a description of the primary methods of attacking database servers (also
known as SQL servers) and shows you how to protect yourself from these attacks.
You should note this information is not new. Many technical white papers go
into great detail about how to perform SQL attacks, and numerous vulnerabilities
have been posted to security lists that describe exactly how certain database
applications can be exploited. This article was written for the curious non-SQL
experts who do not care to know the details, and as a review to those who do use
SQL regularly.
What Is a SQL Server?
A database application is a program that provides clients with access to data.
There are many variations of this type of application, ranging from the expensive
enterprise-level Microsoft SQL Server to the free and open source mySQL.
Regardless of the flavor, most database server applications have several things in
- 1 -
First, database applications use the same general programming language
known as SQL, or Structured Query Language. This language, also known as a
fourth-level language due to its simplistic syntax, is at the core of how a client
communicates its requests to the server. Using SQL in its simplest form, a
programmer can select, add, update, and delete information in a database. However,
SQL can also be used to create and design entire databases, perform various
functions on the returned information, and even execute other programs.
To illustrate how SQL can be used, the following is an example of a simple
standard SQL query and a more powerful SQL query:
Simple: "Select * from ir"
This returns all information in the table tblChair from the database
Complex: "p_cmdshell 'dir c:'"
This short SQL command returns to the client the list of files and folders
under the c: directory of the SQL server. Note that this example uses an extended
stored procedure that is exclusive to MS SQL Server.
The second function that database server applications share is that they all
require some form of authenticated connection between client and host. Although
the SQL language is fairly easy to use, at least in its basic form, any client that
wants to perform queries must first provide some form of credentials that will
authorize the client; the client also must define the format of the request and
This connection is defined by several attributes, depending on the relative
location of the client and what operating systems are in use. We could spend a
whole article discussing various technologies such as DSN connections, DSN-less
connections, RDO, ADO, and more, but these subjects are outside the scope of this
article. If you want to learn more about them, a little Google'ing will provide you
with more than enough information. However, the following is a list of the more
- 2 -
common items included in a connection request.
Database source
Request type
User ID
Before any connection can be made, the client must define what type of
database server it is connecting to. This is handled by a software component that
provides the client with the instructions needed to create the request in the correct
format. In addition to the type of database, the request type can be used to further
define how the client's request will be handled by the server. Next comes the
database name and finally the authentication information.
All the connection information is important, but by far the weakest link is the
authentication information—or lack thereof. In a properly managed server, each
database has its own users with specifically designated permissions that control
what type of activity they can perform. For example, a user account would be set
up as read only for applications that need to only access information. Another
account should be used for inserts or updates, and maybe even a third account
would be used for deletes. This type of account control ensures that any
compromised account is limited in functionality. Unfortunately, many database
programs are set up with null or easy passwords, which leads to successful hack
Materials Management Software (MMS)
Materials Management Software (MMS) is one of the fastest growing
segments of the business software market, climbing to more than $16 billion in
annual sales since its beginnings in 1979. Although sales have slowed since Y2K,
- 3 -
some market analysts predict that the market for MMS and implementation
services could continue to grow to more than $21 billion annually. MMS offers a
single system,which links all corporate operations including planning,
manufacturing, inventory control, purchasing, sales, accounting, and human
Much of the growth of MMS implementation is fueled by "silver bullet"
promises of productivity enhancements from MMS applications. These include
inventory reduction, inventory accuracy improvements, added manufacturing
flexibility, faster customer responsiveness, better communications with suppliers
and vendors, more timely and accurate forecasting, rapid delivery of custom quotes
or special orders, and the elimination of redundant procedures. However, in
contrast to the promises, there is evidence that MMS implementations fail at a very
high rate. Some have suggested that 70 percent of implementations fail to meet
stated objectives. One $5 billion pharmaceutical company even filed bankruptcy
arguing that the primary cause of its difficulties was a failed MMS implementation
that had crippled the business.
In an implementation failure, problems tend to increase the closer you get to
value-adding operations. Ask an MMS user if the system really supports
manufacturing operations. Then ask why the answer to this question is often
different in the accounting department than it is in the manufacturing department.
The answers may be found in the beginnings of MMS.
The initial goal of MMS systems was not the improvement of manufacturing
operations, but the reduction of the effort invested in managing data entry and
paperwork. Early systems (such as the first MMS system, SAP R/2) simply
integrated operational and financial data into a single database. They were
designed by finance and accounting people with help from the computer staff. The
net result was that the MMS system serviced the data needs of the finance and
accounting departments, while manufacturing and operations serviced the data
needs of the MMS system. This is still largely the case for many MMS
implementations. Consider this: of the five largest MMS consulting firms
- 4 -
(Anderson Consulting, Ernst & Young, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte &
Touche, and IBM Global Services), all but one has grown out of the accounting
industry, and that one is a computer firm.
A manufacturing operation marches on its shop-floor operations. Failure to
recognize this causes MMS implementers to favor accounting and finance needs at
the expense of manufacturing, so what is seen as a tool at the corporate office is
seen as a burden on the shop floor. One consumer products manufacturer installed
an MMS system with a component that collected machine down-time from the
shop floor. Operators were required to input data describing the nature of all
down-time. The system then took this data and transmitted it to the corporate
accounting department three states away instead of providing feedback to the shop.
Worse still, this information was later used to attack unarmed manufacturing
The good news is that an MMS system does not have to be an either/or tool
for the corporate office or the shop floor. Most systems capture the information
needed to support both or can be modified to do so. The key is to understand what
data is required where and when to drive operations, then providing systems to
supply this data. The shop floor requires a lower level of operational data at a
higher frequency than the front office. How they did last month is of little use to an
operator; he or she needs to know how they are doing right now.
Using the MMS system to support manufacturing operations requires three
things. First, a thorough understanding of the manufacturing operations and shop
floor data needs should precede the selection of an MMS package. Manufacturing
will need quick operational feedback and visual controls to improve efficiency. If
the package comes with the functionality to support your operations, it will cut
down on software customization or operational compromises. Flow charting shop
floor operations-both materials and information flow-is the best place to start
understanding the requirements for an MMS implementation or evaluate
improvements to an existing MMS system.
Second, involving manufacturing personnel in the MMS development or
- 5 -
improvement effort will promote acceptance and use of the system, greatly
increase your probability of a successful implementation, and allow the creation of
a shop floor tool instead of a shop floor burden. Only through the involvement of
manufacturing personnel can you produce a system that does something for them
instead of to them.
Finally, choose a consultant carefully. An MMS consultant (or system
integrator) will lead you through the system implementation or modification
process. It has been said that if your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a
nail. The same applies to consultants who follow an MMS script instead of really
understanding your operations. If you are a manufacturer, find a consultant who
understands manufacturing. You can't expect the makeup counter at Parisian to
overhaul your transmission. IT and finance knowledge are important, but by
themselves they won't help much in getting your MMS system to support the shop
If you compete through manufacturing, installing an MMS system that doesn't
support the shop floor is like putting a $2,000 stereo into your car but never
changing the oil. Don't stop with a system that simply reduces paperwork and
speeds the preparation of financial statements. Timely, accurate, and pertinent
information in the hands of shop floor personnel will improve your operations and
might be just what is needed to awaken a sleeping giant.
Is ERP a Silver Bullet?
J. Palmer Brown
Enterprise resources planning (ERP) is one of the fastest growing segments of
the business software market, climbing to more than $16 billion in annual sales
since its beginnings in 1979. Although sales have slowed since Y2K, some market
analysts predict that the market for ERP software and implementation services
could continue to grow to more than $21 billion annually. ERP offers a single
system, which links all corporate operations including planning, manufacturing,
inventory control, purchasing, sales, accounting, and human resources.
- 6 -
Much of the growth of ERP implementation is fueled by "silver bullet"
promises of productivity enhancements from ERP applications. These include
inventory reduction, inventory accuracy improvements, added manufacturing
flexibility, faster customer responsiveness, better communications with suppliers
and vendors, more timely and accurate forecasting, rapid delivery of custom quotes
or special orders, and the elimination of redundant procedures. However, in
contrast to the promises, there is evidence that ERP implementations fail at a very
high rate. Some have suggested that 70 percent of implementations fail to meet
stated objectives. One $5 billion pharmaceutical company even filed bankruptcy
arguing that the primary cause of its difficulties was a failed ERP implementation
that had crippled the business.
In an implementation failure, problems tend to increase the closer you get to
value-adding operations. Ask an ERP user if the system really supports
manufacturing operations. Then ask why the answer to this question is often
different in the accounting department than it is in the manufacturing department.
The answers may be found in the beginnings of ERP.
The initial goal of ERP systems was not the improvement of manufacturing
operations, but the reduction of the effort invested in managing data entry and
paperwork. Early systems (such as the first ERP system, SAP R/2) simply
integrated operational and financial data into a single database. They were
designed by finance and accounting people with help from the computer staff. The
net result was that the ERP system serviced the data needs of the finance and
accounting departments, while manufacturing and operations serviced the data
needs of the ERP system. This is still largely the case for many ERP
implementations. Consider this: of the five largest ERP consulting firms (Anderson
Consulting, Ernst & Young, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche, and
IBM Global Services), all but one has grown out of the accounting industry, and
that one is a computer firm.
A manufacturing operation marches on its shop-floor operations. Failure to
recognize this causes ERP implementers to favor accounting and finance needs at
- 7 -
the expense of manufacturing, so what is seen as a tool at the corporate office is
seen floor. One consumer products manufacturer installed an ERP system with a
component that collected machine down-time from the shop floor. Operators were
required to input data describing the nature of all down-time. The system then took
this data and transmitted it to the corporate accounting department three states
away instead of providing feedback to the shop. Worse still, this information was
later used to attack unarmed manufacturing supervisors.
The good news is that an ERP system does not have to be an either/or tool for
the corporate office or the shop floor. Most systems capture the information needed
to support both or can be modified to do so. The key is to understand what data is
required where and when to drive operations, then providing systems to supply this
data. The shop floor requires a lower level of operational data at a higher frequency
than the front office. How they did last month is of little use to an operator; he or
she needs to know how they are doing right now.
Using the ERP system to support manufacturing operations requires three
things. First, a thorough understanding of the manufacturing operations and shop
floor data needs should precede the selection of an ERP package. Manufacturing
will need quick operational feedback and visual controls to improve efficiency. If
the package comes with the functionality to support your operations, it will cut
down on software customization or operational compromises. Flow charting shop
floor operations-both materials and information flow-is the best place to start
understanding the requirements for an ERP implementation or evaluate
improvements to an existing ERP system.
Second, involving manufacturing personnel in the ERP development or
improvement effort will promote acceptance and use of the system, greatly
increase your probability of a successful implementation, and allow the creation of
a shop floor tool instead of a shop floor burden. Only through the involvement of
manufacturing personnel can you produce a system that does something for them
instead of to them.
Finally, choose a consultant carefully. An ERP consultant (or system
- 8 -
integrator) will lead you through the system implementation or modification
process. It has been said that if your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a
nail. The same applies to consultants who as a burden on the shop
follow an ERP script instead of really understanding your operations. If you
are a manufacturer, find a consultant who understands manufacturing. You can't
expect the makeup counter at Parisian to overhaul your transmission. IT and
finance knowledge are important, but by themselves they won't help much in
getting your ERP system to support the shop floor.
If you compete through manufacturing, installing an ERP system that doesn't
support the shop floor is like putting a $2,000 stereo into your car but never
changing the oil. Don't stop with a system that simply reduces paperwork and
speeds the preparation of financial statements. Timely, accurate, and pertinent
information in the hands of shop floor personnel will improve your operations and
might be just what is needed to awaken a sleeping giant.
- 9 -
简单的:"Select * from ir"
复杂的:"p_cmdshell 'dir c:'"
这是一个短的命令SQL返回到客户SQL服务器 c: directory之下的文件,要注意的是这个例子使用了以MS SQL 服务器独家的一个扩展存储。
- 10 -
任何的连接在连接之前,客户要连接到什么类型的服务器. 这被一个提供被需要在正确的格式中产生请求的指令给客户的软件成份处理. 除了数据库的类型,请求类型能用来比较进一步定义客户的请求将会如何被数据库处理. 下一个来数据库名字和最后证明数据.
所有的连接信息都很重要,但是显然最弱的联编是关于证明数据或缺乏. 在适当地处理了伺候器,每个数据库明确地用有它的自己使用者指定了控制他们能运行什麽类型的活动许可. 举例来说,一个使用者帐户会是建立如申请所只有读哪一对唯一的通路数据需要.
另外的一个帐户应该作为插入物或更新,而且也许甚至一个第三帐户会是使用过的因为划除. 帐户控制的这个类型确定那个任何的被妥协处理的帐户在功能性中被限制. 不幸地,许多数据库计画是建立由于无效力的或容易的密码, 导致成功的劈攻击.
物资管理软件( MMS)
物资管理软件MMS是软件市场增长最迅速的部分之一,自1979 年问世以来,其年销售额已经攀升到160多亿美元。尽管销售从2000年起已经变慢了,但是一些市场分析家预言 MMS软件和实施服务市场能持续增长到每年销售额超过210亿美元。 ERP 提供一个单独的系统,它连接包括计划、生产、存货控制、 购买、出售、财务和人力资源在内的全部协同操作。
大部分MMS实施的增长动力来自应用MMS软件会使生产力提高的"银子弹"承诺,这包括存货减少,存货清单精确度改进,增加生产灵活性,更快的用户响应性,更好的与供应者和卖主联系,更及时和准确的预测,迅速发送报价或者特别订货单, 并且能够消除多余的程序。 但是,和那些诺言形成对比, MMS的实施中明显存在一个非常高的失败比率。 一些数据表明70%的预期目标不能实现。 一家50亿美元的医药公司甚至申请破产,声明主要原因是失败的MMS实施已经严重削弱了生意。
在MMS的失败案例中,问题倾向于增加你的增值业务。问一个MMS用户系统是否真的支持生产流程, 然后问为什么这个问题的答案在财务部门和生产部门经常是不同的。答案可能会在ERP开始的过程中发现。
MMS系统的最初目标不是生产操作的改进,而是减少在管理数据条目和文书工作方面的投资。 早期的系统( 例如第一个MMS 系统,SAP R/2) 仅仅把操作和金融数据整合到一个单一的数据库中,是由金融、会计人员在计算机人员帮助下一起设计的。最终结果 - 11 -
是MMS 系统为金融和财务处需要的数据服务,而生产和操作为MMS系统所需要的数据服务。这仍然是很多MMS系统实施的状况。考虑一下: 5家最大的MMS咨询公司(Anderson
Consulting, Ernst & Young, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche, and IBM Global
一个制造企业的运转在它的生产车间里进行。 如果认识不到这一点,MMS实施支持金融和会计的需要将以生产为代价,因此在综合办公室作为一件工具的MMS 被看作车间的一个负担。 一个消费产品制造商安装了一个MMS系统,收集车间机器的停工期,操作者被要求输入数据描述每次停工期,然后系统读取这些数据并且传送到3个州以外的财务处,代替给车间提供反馈单。更糟糕的是,这些信息过后还会被用来攻击毫无准备的生产监督人。
好在MMS系统并非是要么支持综合办公室要么支持车间的工具。 大多数系统俘获的信息二者都能够支持,或者可以改进成这样。 关键是理解什么数据是必需的,什么时候在哪里驱动操作,然后规定系统提供这些数据。与前台的办公室相比,车间需要的操作数据要求更低而频率更高。他们上个月怎样做的对一位操作者用处不大,他或者她只需要知道他们现在正怎样做
首先,在选择ERP软件之前应该彻底了解生产运转过程和车间的数据需要,制造业需要快速的操作反馈和直观的控制来提高效率。 如果软件包有支持你生产操作的功能,将减少软件用户化或者操作妥协。要理解一个MMS系统必需的条件或评价一个现有的MMS系统,用流程图表示车间操作----包括物料流和信息流是一个最好的起点。
其次,使生产人员参与MMS发展或者改进努力将促进系统的接受和使用价值, 大大增加你实施成功的可能性,并且可以创造一件车间工具而不是一个车间负担。 仅仅通过生产人员的介入,你将生成一个系统为他们做某些事情的,而不是去指挥他们。
最后,仔细选择一个顾问。 一个MMS顾问( 或者系统综合者) 将指导你通过系统实施或者流程改造的全过程。 人们常说,如果你唯一的工具是一把铁锤,那么所有的东西看起来都象一根钉子。 对于只遵循一个MMS原本而不了解你的操作的顾问也是一样。 如果你是一个制造商,就找一个了解生产的顾问。 你不能期望巴黎的化妆品柜台来检查你的输送,信息技术和金融知识是重要的,但是在使你的MMS系统支持生产车间方面,它们本身起不了多大作用。
如果你在生产领域竞争,安装一个不支持生产车间的MMS系统就象在你的小汽车里安装一台2,000 美元立体音响但是从不加油。 不要满足于仅仅降低文书工作和加快财务报表的准备工作。 车间人员掌握的及时、准确的信息将改进你的经营,而且很可能正好可以用来唤醒一个沉睡的巨人。
- 12 -
企业资源计划( ERP) 是生意软件市场增长最迅速的部分之一,自1979 年问世以来,其年销售额已经攀升到160多亿美元。尽管销售从2000年起已经变慢了,但是一些市场分析家预言ERP 软件和实施服务市场能持续增长到每年销售额超过210亿美元。 ERP
提供一个单独的系统,它连接包括计划、生产、存货控制、 购买、出售、财务和人力资源在内的全部协同操作。
大部分ERP 实施的增长动力来自应用ERP软件会使生产力提高的"银子弹"承诺,这包括存货减少,存货清单精确度改进,增加生产灵活性,更快的用户响应性,更好的与供应者和卖主联系,更及时和准确的预测,迅速发送报价或者特别订货单, 并且能够消除多余的程序。 但是,和那些诺言形成对比, ERP的实施中明显存在一个非常高的失败比率。 一些数据表明70%的预期目标不能实现。 一家50亿美元的医药公司甚至申请破产,声明主要原因是失败的ERP实施已经严重削弱了生意。
在ERP的失败案例中,问题倾向于增加你的增值业务。问一个ERP用户系统是否真的支持生产流程, 然后问为什么这个问题的答案在财务部门和生产部门经常是不同的。答案可能会在ERP开,SAP R/2) 仅仅把操作和金融数据整合到一个单一的数据库中,是由金融、会计人员在计算机人员帮助下一起设计的。最终结果是ERP 系统为金融和财务处需要的数据服务,而始的过程中发现。
ERP系统的最初目标不是生产操作的改进,而是减少在管理数据条目和文书工作方面的投资。 早期的系统( 例如第一个ERP 系统生产和操作为ERP系统所需要的数据服务。这仍然是很多ERP系统实施的状况。考虑一下: 5家最大的ERP咨询公司(Anderson
Consulting, Ernst & Young, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche, and IBM Global
一个制造企业的运转在它的生产车间里进行。 如果认识不到这一点,ERP实施支持金融和会计的需要将以生产为代价,因此在综合办公室作为一件工具的ERP 被看作车间的一个负担。 一个消费产品制造商安装了一个ERP系统,收集车间机器的停工期,操作者被要求输入数据描述每次停工期,然后系统读取这些数据并且传送到3个州以外的财务处,代替给车间提供反馈单。更糟糕的是,这些信息过后还会被用来攻击毫无准备的生产监督人。
好在ERP系统并非是要么支持综合办公室要么支持车间的工具。 大多数系统俘获的信息二者都能够支持,或者可以改进成这样。 关键是理解什么数据是必需的,什么时候 - 13 -
首先,在选择ERP软件之前应该彻底了解生产运转过程和车间的数据需要,制造业需要快速的操作反馈和直观的控制来提高效率。 如果软件包有支持你生产操作的功能,将减少软件用户化或者操作妥协。要理解一个ERP系统必需的条件或评价一个现有的ERP系统,用流程图表示车间操作----包括物料流和信息流是一个最好的起点。
其次,使生产人员参与ERP 发展或者改进努力将促进系统的接受和使用价值, 大大增加你实施成功的可能性,并且可以创造一件车间工具而不是一个车间负担。 仅仅通过生产人员的介入,你将生成一个系统为他们做某些事情的,而不是去指挥他们。
最后,仔细选择一个顾问。 一个ERP 顾问( 或者系统综合者) 将指导你通过系统实施或者流程改造的全过程。 人们常说,如果你唯一的工具是一把铁锤,那么所有的东西看起来都象一根钉子。 对于只遵循一个ERP原本而不了解你的操作的顾问也是一样。
如果你是一个制造商,就找一个了解生产的顾问。 你不能期望巴黎的化妆品柜台来检查你的输送,信息技术和金融知识是重要的,但是在使你的ERP 系统支持生产车间方面,它们本身起不了多大作用。
如果你在生产领域竞争,安装一个不支持生产车间的ERP系统就象在你的小汽车里安装一台2,000 美元立体音响但是从不加油。 不要满足于仅仅降低文书工作和加快财务报表的准备工作。 车间人员掌握的及时、准确的信息将改进你的经营,而且很可能正好可以用来唤醒一个沉睡的巨人。
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