be lost ,get lost造句
1. I seem to be lost, can you give me directions to the nearest
gas station? 我好像迷路了,你能告诉我去最近的加油站怎么走吗?
2. Get lost! I don't want to talk to you anymore. 滚开!我不想再和你说话了。
3. Sorry officer, I didn't mean to be driving in this area, I must
have gotten lost. 对不起警官,我不是故意在这个区域开车的,可能是迷路了。
4. The hikers got lost in the woods and had to call for rescue.
5. If you don't know where you're going, you'll get lost along
the way. 如果你不知道自己要去哪里,就会在途中迷失方向。
6. My friend told me to get lost after we had an argument
about politics. 我们因政治问题发生争执后,我的朋友让我消失。
7. The tourist was so busy taking pictures that he got lost from
his group and had to ask for help from locals. 这位游客拍照太忙了,结果和他的团队走散了,并不得不向当地人求助。
8. When I told my boss that I was quitting, he told me to get
lost and never come back again. 当我告诉老板我要辞职时,他让我滚蛋并且永远不要再回来。
9. I was lost in thought and missed my bus stop. 我陷入沉思,错过了我的公交车站。
10. The team got lost on their way to the game and arrived late,
causing them to lose by default. 队伍在去比赛的路上迷路了,导致他们迟到并输掉了比赛。
11. Get lost! I don't have time for your nonsense right now. 滚开!我现在没有时间听你胡说八道。
12. The dog ran away from home and got lost for a week
before being found by animal control. 这只狗从家里跑掉了,一周后才被动物管理部门找到。
13. If you don't want to get lost, make sure you have a map or
GPS with you at all times. 如果你不想迷路,请确保随时携带地图或GPS。
14. My phone died while hiking in the mountains, leaving me
lost without any way to call for help. 我在山里徒步旅行时手机没电了,让我失去联系方式而迷路了。
15. The little boy got separated from his parents at the
amusement park and was scared because he was lost. 这个小男孩在游乐园和他的父母走散了,因为他迷路而感到害怕。
16. Get lost! You're not welcome here anymore after what you
did last time. 滚开!由于你上次做的事情,你不再受欢迎了。
17. The delivery driver got lost and ended up delivering the
package to the wrong address. 送货司机迷路了,结果把包裹送到了错误的地址。
18. I was so deep in thought that I got lost and almost missed
my flight. 我思考太深入,以至于走失了,差点错过我的航班。
19. Get lost! I don't want to hear your excuses anymore. 滚开!我不想再听你的借口了。
20. The group of friends got lost on their road trip and had to
stop for directions at a gas station. 这群朋友在公路旅行中迷路了,只能在加油站停下来问路。
21. The hiker got lost in the desert and had to use his survival
skills to find his way back to civilization. 徒步旅行者在沙漠中迷路了,只能利用他的生存技能找回文明世界。
22. Get lost! You're not qualified for this job, we'll find
someone else. 滚开!你没有资格做这份工作,我们会找其他人。
23. The family got lost on their road trip and ended up staying
at a hotel overnight until they could get back on track the next day.
24. If you're afraid of getting lost, make sure you stay with your
group at all times while hiking or camping. 如果你害怕迷路,请确保在徒步旅行或露营时始终与你的团队在一起。
25. The driver got lost in the city and had to ask for directions
from a police officer. 司机在城市中迷路了,只能向警察求助。
26. Get lost! I don't want to see your face around here ever
again. 滚开!我不想再看到你的脸了。
27. The group of tourists got lost in the maze and had to rely
on their memory and sense of direction to find the way out. 这群游客在迷宫中迷路了,只能依靠他们的记忆和方向感找到出口。
28. The little girl got lost in the department store and was
crying until her mother found her at the customer service desk. 这个小女孩在百货公司迷路了,一直哭泣直到她的母亲在客户服务台找到她。
29. Get lost! You're always causing trouble wherever you go.
30. The couple got lost on their honeymoon in a foreign
country and had to rely on locals to help them find their hotel. 这对夫妇在异国度蜜月时迷路了,并不得不依靠当地人帮助他们找到旅馆。
31. You should never tell someone who is grieving to get lost,
it's not a kind thing to do. 你不应该告诉一个正在悲痛的人滚开,这不是一件好事。
32. The hikers got lost in the fog and had to wait until it cleared
before they could find their way back to the trail. 徒步旅行者在雾中迷路了,只能等到它消散后才能找回自己的路线。
33. Get lost! I don't want to be friends with someone who lies
all the time. 滚开!我不想和一个总是说谎的人做朋友。
34. The family got lost on their road trip and had to pull over at
a rest stop to figure out where they were on the map. 这个家庭在公路旅行中迷路了,只能在休息站停下来看地图弄清楚他们在哪里。
35. If you don't know where you're going, you'll never get
there - or worse, you'll get lost along the way. 如果你不知道自己要去哪里,你永远不会到达目的地 - 或更糟糕的是,在途中迷失方向。
36. Get lost! You're not welcome in this establishment
anymore after causing so much trouble last time. 滚开!由于上次造成了这么多麻烦,你再也不受欢迎了。
37. The couple got lost in the city and decided to take a taxi
back to their hotel instead of trying to find their way on foot. 这对夫妇在城市中迷路了,决定乘出租车回到他们的旅馆,而不是试图步行找路。
38. The lost child was found by a kind stranger who took him to
the police station to reunite him with his parents. 这个迷路的孩子被一个好心的陌生人发现,并将他带到警察局与他的父母团聚。
39. Get lost! I don't want anything to do with you after what
you did to me. 滚开!由于你对我做了什么,我不想再和你有任
40. The hiker got lost in the mountains and had to build a
shelter for the night until he could find his way back down in the
morning. 徒步旅行者在山里迷路了,只能建立一个庇护所度过夜晚,在早上找到回家的路线。
41. If you're afraid of getting lost, make sure you stay on
marked trails while hiking in unfamiliar terrain. 如果你害怕迷路,请确保在陌生地形中徒步旅行时留在标记的小径上。
42. Get lost! You're not my friend anymore after lying to me
about something so important. 滚开!你欺骗我有关如此重要的事情,你不再是我的朋友了。
43. The driver got lost on his way to the airport and ended up
missing his flight as a result. 司机在去机场的途中迷路了,结果错过了他的航班。
44. The lost dog was found by its owner after wandering
around the neighborhood for hours. 这只迷路的狗在周围游荡了几个小时后被主人找到了。
45. Get lost! I don't want to hear your excuses for being late
again. 滚开!我不想再听你为迟到的借口了。
46. The group of friends got lost in the city and had to ask for
directions from a passerby. 这群朋友在城市中迷路了,只能向过路人询问方向。
47. If you're lost in the wilderness, it's important to stay calm
and try to retrace your steps to find your way back. 如果你在荒野中迷路了,保持冷静并尝试回溯自己的步伐以找到回家的路线是很重要的。
48. Get lost! I don't want to associate with someone who
treats others so poorly. 滚开!我不想和一个对待别人如此恶劣的人交往。
49. The lost hiker was found by a search and rescue team after
being missing for two days in the mountains. 这个失踪的徒步旅行者在山里失踪两天后被搜救队找到了。
50. If you're prone to getting lost, it's a good idea to carry a
whistle or other signaling device with you in case of emergency. 如果你容易迷路,最好随身携带哨子或其他信号装置以备紧急情况。