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Unit 3 vocabulary & reading
120 分钟
100 分
Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)
(Each item: 1)
Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following passage(s) by selecting suitable
words/expressions from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words/expressions
more than once.
Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.
The sign the crippled man was holding read, "Please forgive me to ask for help." I am usually
subjto give money to beggars, but this man seemed so sincere. He truly
subjneglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainsubjectedneglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainsubjectedneglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainectedasking for help. I took the 3.
subjI had shoved into
my front pocket and gave it to the man. He thanked me as I hurried on, 4.
neglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainectedto say "You're welcome." I was too 5.
subjto get to an
important meeting. Besides, I had done enough and did not want to be 6.
with unnecessary talk. Then, before I could get ten steps further, I got
neglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainectedan awful knot in my stomach. It seemed to be 7.
subjme to do more. I took
neglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainectedan apple from my backpack and 8.
subjthe man again. This time, though, I
took the time to ask, "How are you doing?" I knew I would be late, but I was no longer
neglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainectedThe man smiled and said, "I can't 9.
subjyou who truly care about others."
. Not when there are people like
neglectingbotheredhaltingregrettedurgingadmittedworthyapproachedcontenttendedreluctantchangeimpatientcomplainectedI smiled at him while admitting to myself that I was not 10.
subjpraise. "Well," I said, "I really must be going. Good luck to you."
Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.
of such
When I first saw him, he was less than a block away, but it took him ten minutes to get to me.
Pulling a wagon with magazines inside, the crippled man slowly made his way toward me.
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityedWhen he finally 11.
wonderwhere I was standing, he approached and asked,
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityed"Excuse me sir, would you like to buy a magazine?" I was 12.
wonderconfidence with which he spoke. I had felt sorry for the man and 13.
by the
what it would be like to have to move at such a slow pace. But now,
even as he clung to a handrail to keep his balance, he made me feel small. I 14.
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriositywonderedadmitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriositywonderedthat
he was better at sales than me. I didn't have the ability to tell him 'no', and it wasn't because I
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityedhis ability to relate with people. I had to 15.
wonderadmitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityed16.
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityedI do not 17.
wonderthat I bought a magazine for which I had very little use. I
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityeddo, however, wish I had taken the occasion to seek his 18.
wonderin the art of
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityedsales. Maybe it's a(n) 19.
wonderthat you just can't teach-either you have it or
admitenviedadoptcomplainedcreditpitiedregretguidanceamazedconceptmade it toattitudeclung it tocuriosityedyou don't. He had it. I watched with 20.
as he spent ten more minutes
getting to the next person 100 yards away. He was, of course, successful again.
Part 2 Cloze (with Options)
(Each item: 0.5)
Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the
Questions 21 to 40 are based on the following passage.
as thatlike thathe wayWe just don't treat each other 21.
torbutthe time, 22.
howeverI liveI live inwhere I live injustevenonlywe used to. I suppose we don't have
our lives are too difficult or something. Maybe the city 23.
is too big. People are coming and going all the time. I don't 24.
worthy itworth of itth itknow my neighbors and I can't say it would be 25.
worif I did.
beyondwithinorThey would probably just move 26.
fthe year. And, people can be impolite
pushto pushngand unwilling to share. I can't do my daily chores without someone 27.
pushicuttingpushingngat the food store or 28.
shovijustalsome off at a crossing. It's 29.
, "Me,
me," shout here, "Me, me," push there-"Me, me, me."
littlemostlittleI grew up and lived 30.
bossheadThe 31.
ownerset upset offset asideoveraroundupof my life in a small town and it wasn't like this.
of the grocery store, Mr. Turner, knew my name and would 32.
sometimesometimesimea Sunday paper for me, 33.
anytuntil Thursday. The
neighbors visited my family all the time and we sometimes had each other 34.
or even all got together for a barbecue (烧烤). When cars passed each other,
theysomeonehe drivers35.
tso slowvery slowlye slowlywould wave. They were going 36.
morthat they
could see one another's smiles.
care abouttake care ofook afterI guess I really miss the way we all seemed to 37.
lcame overcame offonthen-back there. The next-door neighbor 38.
Even ifWhat ifif39.
each other back
to see what was going on.
instead of saying "Knock off that noise", he or she might say, "Do you
rather thanratherwant some help with that?" 40.
"Wow, that looks interesting!" I guess it
starts with me. I suppose I'll just have to make the first move.
Questions 41 to 60 are based on the following passage.
to eyebe eyeingngThe woman grew quite excited when she noticed her guest 41.
eyeijumpedwentgarden. She 42.
gotheshethat 43.
at the chance to change the subject and began, "They say
can tell how much love is in a person's heart by looking at what kind of
howwhichgarden he keeps. I want to be the kind of person who knows 44.
whathope you can see it in my backyard."
to care. I
startedcontinuedShe pointed to some of her plants and 45.
begandoinglookingngflowers. This one is 46.
bei, "Here are some of my
despitefromoa little down today 47.
tall of the
increasesremainseaksheat we've been having, but she'll be fine when the heat 48.
brsunrainoudsof days. I think I'll take this umbrella here and shade her from the 49.
clmadeworkeddthen." She 50.
dispeakspeakingto speakingsmelledraisedfacedbringingbringo bring53.
tsuchsuch asoin a couple
so, and then without even taking a breath she went on 51.
, "There we go, that's better, isn't it, sweetheart?" She turned and 52.
a large bush shooting skyward. "This is my rosemary (迷迭香). I remember
her home from the shop six years ago. She was 54.
little thing then. I did everything I could for her. The first night after I planted
stayedworkedaidher here, I 55.
lused to readused to readinggot used to readingI wateredthat I wateredwhen I wateredin addition todue toaccording toup all night reading children's books to her that I 56.
to my daughter. And, each day 57.
the plants, I sang a song just for her. This was 58.
the songs I sang to the other plants that she could hear. 59.
HowWhatMuchdelightedenviousshe's grown over the years! I think the others must be 60.
all the space that I give her." The gardener made her way from one plant to another as she
went on with the personal history of each plant.
Part 3 Skimming and Scanning (True/False)
(Each item: 2)
Directions:Read the following passage. Then decide whether the following statements
are True or False.
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the same passage or dialog.
Time limit: 4 minutes and 57 seconds
As my train wasn't due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time. I made my way to the
luggage (行李) office to collect the suitcase (小型旅行箱). I took out my wallet to find the receipt (收据) for my case, but the receipt was nowhere to be found. When my turn came, I explained this
situation to the assistant. The man looked at me suspiciously (怀疑地) and asked me to describe
the case. I told him that it was an old, brown object no different from the many cases I could see on
the shelves. The assistant then gave me a form and told me to make a list of the chief contents of
the case. If the list was correct, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the
articles I had hurriedly packed, and I wrote them down.
After I had done this, I went to look among shelves. There were hundreds of cases there and, for
one terrible moment, it occurred to me that if someone had picked up the receipt, he could have
easily claimed (认领) the case already. This did not happen fortunately, for after a time I found the
case lying on its side high up in a corner. After examining the articles inside, the assistant was
soon satisfied that it was mine and told me I could take the case away. Again I took out my wallet,
this time to pay. I pulled out a ten-shilling note and the "lost" receipt came out with it. I couldn't help
blushing (脸红) and looked up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say
that he had often seen this happen.
61. When the man explained the matter to an assistant, the assistant looked at him with pity.
62. The man got nervous while looking for his suitcase, as he realized anyone could take it with
the receipt.
63. The man's suitcase was laid in the corner on the ground.
64. The assistant was trying to verify what the man was saying. "To verify" means to check and
make sure of something
65. The man blushed because he felt timid and did not know what to do.
Part 4 Skimming and Scanning (Short Asnwer)
(Each item: 2)
Directions:Read the following passage. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
statements that follow the passage.
Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage.
Time limit: 4 minutes and 45 seconds
My holiday wish was to dance the "Nutcracker" ballet (《胡桃夹子》芭蕾舞). I was 12 years old and
attended ballet school. Several children from our class were to be chosen to perform minor roles in
a local company's holiday ballet. Everyone thought that star students like Anna or Isabella would
be chosen. I wanted it to be me.
We had four weeks before the company came. I practiced every day at home and twice a week in
class. I also read stories about famous ballerinas (芭蕾舞女). Every day I thought about the roles
in the "Nutcracker". And every night I listened to its music.
Auditions (试演) arrived in the blink (眨眼) of an eye. I danced the best I could. But finally, the
company director announced who had been chosen. I was not on the list.
A friend came over to me. "Maria, you were an inch away from being picked," she said. "But, I
think Isabella might have done a little better than you on some moves."
"Maybe next year," she said hopefully.
But I was doubtful. As I left, I turned around to stare at the girls who were chosen. They were
laughing and talking happily to each other. "I will not be jealous (嫉妒的) of them," I promised
myself as I left the building.
That night, I lay in bed re-reading a book about Sara-Anne, a famous ballerina. The last chapter
was called "Try, Try Again". It talked about how Sara-Anne became famous.
When I finished reading it, I realized I could not get upset over not getting chosen. If I tried again
and again and did not give up, I would finally get to dance in a ballet.
66. The point of the story can be best described as ________________________.
67. Before the company came, the young girl did ________________________ at home.
68. The young girl in the story felt ________________ when she discovered that she was not
69. When encouraged to compete (竞争) for the chance next year, the young girl was
70. After re-reading a book about Sara-Anne, the young girl got encouragement
Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)
(Each item: 2)
Directions:Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the
four choices marked A, B, C and D.
Questions 71 to 75 are based on the same passage or dialog.
There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world. In most cultures, animals are in
a worse position than human beings. In some cases, however, people treat their pets like
members of their families, or perhaps better. In the United States and Europe, there are special
shops that sell clothing and food for cats and dogs.
In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets. It is common for big markets in many
places to sell cat food and dog food. However, in a small town in France, there is a special
restaurant for dogs. Dogs are the only customers. There is seating for twenty of them. The dogs
choose from a variety of dishes on the menu.
Of course, in most parts of the world, pets don't live in such wealth and comfort. People treat their
pets in a more practical way. People own cats and dogs because they keep away mice and other
unwanted animals. Owners have some loving feelings for their pets, but they do not see them as
equal to family members. In most places in the world, there isn't any special clothing or fine food
for animals. There aren't any special restaurants for dogs.
Pets around the world live in a great variety of ways, just as people do.
71. According to the passage, in most cultures ______________________________.
A. animals are in a worse position than human beings
B. people treat their pets like members of their families
C. there are special shops that sell clothing for dogs and cats
D. pets such as dogs and cats are very popular
72. According to the passage, there are ______________________________.
A. clothing shops for dogs and cats in the United States and Europe
B. restaurants for dogs in every city in France
C. no dogs or cats that wear clothing
D. some people who treat their pets far better than they treat themselves
73. For many people, pets may have a more practical function because ________________.
A. pets are often useful companions for old people
B. cats and dogs can be used to keep away mice
C. pets can sometimes be sold to make money
D. some pets may show loving feelings for their owners.
74. What might you think after reading this passage?
A. Dogs and cats like to wear expensive clothing.
B. Many people visit the dog restaurant in France.
C. People in every part of the world like to buy fine clothing for their pets.
D. In some cases, animals have better food and clothing than people.
75. The main idea of this reading passage is ____________________________.
A. Dogs enjoy fine restaurants
B. A rich cat can afford to go to any restaurant
C. People treat pets in very different ways in different parts of the world
D. It is stupid to have special food and clothing for animals
Questions 76 to 80 are based on the same passage or dialog.
Yukio is a twenty-four year old Japanese businessman. A few months ago, his company sent him
to work at its New York City office for half a year. This was his first experience living in the United
Yukio thought New York City was very exciting, but he also found it very strange. It was difficult for
him to get used to it. He found it strange to be with people from so many different races. He
sometimes found American people very direct, open, and honest-though he still couldn't
understand them. He wished he could become friends with some Americans, but he wasn't sure
how to get along with them. Most of the time, he felt very lonely and missed Japan.
But soon some sunshine came into his life. A new clerk came to work in his office part-time. She
was American, as were most of the clerks in his office. Her name was Cindy. She was very clever,
friendly, and good-looking. Cindy was also a student studying business. Cindy and Yukio got along
very well. They talked together whenever possible. Cindy told Yukio her dreams of having a
successful business. She said she was not really interested in getting married or having children.
She wanted to use all of her energy for business. Yukio found Cindy very interesting and very
different from the women he knew before. In a similar way, Cindy found Yukio unique among all
the men that she knew. Soon the two fell in love and they were both very happy.
But now it is almost time for Yukio to return to Japan. Yukio wants Cindy to return to Japan with
him and marry him. But Cindy doesn't speak any Japanese. She fears that Yukio wants her to
become an ordinary wife and have children right away. Cindy wants Yukio to stay in New York
They feel very bad, not knowing what they should do. Should they stay in New York? Should they
go to Japan? Sometimes they think they should separate, but they also feel they cannot live
without each other.
76. A few months ago, Yukio ____________________________________.
A. was sent to New York City by his company
B. went to New York City for a meeting
C. was told to open a new office for his company in New York City
D. met his former girlfriend Cindy in New York City
77. According to the reading passage, Cindy ______________________________.
A. didn't like Japan
B. was a student and a businesswoman
C. was a student and a clerk
D. was dreaming of something not possible
78. Cindy was not concerned about getting married because _________________.
A. Yukio didn't want to stay in New York City
B. Cindy doesn't speak any Japanese
C. Yukio and Cindy didn't get along well sometimes
D. Cindy wanted a successful business
79. According to your opinion based on the reading passage, which of the following statements is
A. Yukio thought people in New York were the same as people in Japan.
B. Cindy was Yukio's first American girlfriend
C. Cindy had many other Japanese boyfriends before Yukio
D. Yukio spoke very little English
80. The main idea of the passage is _________________________________.
A. there can be difficulties in falling in love with a person from another culture
B. American people and Japanese people cannot understand each other
C. a man misses his country
D. a businessman and his clerk often fall in love with each other
Questions 81 to 85 are based on the same passage or dialog.
Friends play an important part in our lives. And while we may get along well with a number of
people, we can only be friends with very few. The average student, for example, has about 6
Most people spend time with others they like, but still the degree of intimacy between them and the
reasons for their shared interest vary enormously. As we get to know people, we take into account
things like age, race, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors
are not of prime importance, it is more difficult to get along with people when there is a marked
difference in age and background.
Many friends avoid argument. It is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs. They
have attitudes and interests in common that they often talk about and they might think of
themselves being "on the same wavelength". It generally takes time to reach this point however.
And the more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another for favors and
to keep promises. Also, friends have to learn to put up with annoying habits and to tolerate
differences of opinion.
In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association
between two people. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared
experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful bond, which can overcome differences
in background, and break down barriers of age, class, or race.
81. What is True according to the first paragraph?
A. A person can only have a few real friends.
B. We should put things such as age, race, economic conditions, social positions, and
intelligence in the first place when making friends.
C. People whom we can get along well with are our friends.
D. A student has six friends at most.
82. In Paragraph 3, "being on the same wavelength" means ______.
A. talking as fast as others
B. having the same topic as others
C. having attitudes and interests in common
D. having the same experiences and emotions
83. The word " intimately" in Paragraph 3 perhaps means______.
A. far away
B. closely
C. well
D. in distance
84. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Even friends may have difference of opinion.
B. Friends never argue with each other.
C. It takes time to become good friends.
D. Shared experiences can make for a strong friendship.
85. To strengthen friendly relationships, people______.
A. should have the same age, class, and race