Unit 5
Part I . Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
Write T for true and F for false. (20%)
1. ( ) Classroom management is one of the lesson important factors that contribute
to the efficiency of the teaching and learning activities.
2. ( ) Making errors will lead to bad habit formation, so we should correct them
whenever they occur.
3. ( ) In course design, language can be broken down into structures, or skills, or it
can be considered from what it is intended to achieve, such as functions.
4. ( ) Knowledge of a language includes a knowledge of the appropriateness and
the functional value of the language.
5. ( ) Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions
and sentences structures so as to communicate properly in real life.
6. ( ) As a learner of English, you will be forgiven for errors of inappropriateness
if you can speak good English.
7. ( ) Language processing involves far more than the literal meaning of a text or
a speech.
8. ( ) By saying that the teacher is a controller, we mean that he controls not only
what the students do, but when they speak and what language they use.
9. ( ) Good learners never use linguistic knowledge of their mother tongue to help
learn a foreign language.
10.( ) If you first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text and then
make guesses, predictions during reading, you are using the “bottom-up” approach
Part II. Matching (20%)
Directions: In this part, you are given five questions, Each question is followed by
two columns of options. You are to match the options on the left marked 1), 2), 3), 4)
with relevant options on the right marked A, B, C ,D, Make sure each option can only
match with one another.
the learning styles on the left with the type of activities on the right.
1) Group learners. A. Cutting paper.
2) Individual learners. B. Watching videos.
3) Visual learners. C. Discussing weekend plans.
4) Tactile learners. D. Doing reading practice.
2. Match the teacher's actions on both sides.
1) S: I seed a film yesterday. T: Parden? A. Correcting the student's mistakes by
repeating the wrong sentences
2) S: I seed a film yesterday. hints that there are mistakes in his speech.
T: You SEED a film yesterday?
3) S: I seed a film yesterday. C. Encouraging others to correct the mistake.
T: You should say "saw", not "seed".
4) S: I seed a film yesterday. D. Correcting the student's mistakes directly.
T:What did he do? who can tell us?
3. Match the activities on the left with the focus of instruction on the right.
1) Complete the sentences according to the pictures. A. Listening.
2) Put the sentences in the correct order according to the pictures. B. Speaking.
3) Decide on the right pictures according to the recording. C. Reading.
4) Discuss hobbies according to the pictures. D. Writing.
4. Match the activities with the relevant classroom arrangement.
1)checking answers A. Whole class work.
2)an information gap task B. Individual work.
3)drama performance C. Pair work.
4)Doing written exercises D. Group work.
5. What is the teacher doing?
1) Now, it is your turn. A. Demonstrating the operation
2) Ok, time is up. B. Giving the start
3) Can you two show us how to act it out ? C. Checking understanding
4) We are going to do two D. Ending the activity
things today. Tom, can you tell us what they are?
Part Ⅲ:Choose the best answer for the following questions (30%)
1. When the students are doing a group–work task. The teacher joins one or two
groups for a short period of of the following roles does the teacher play?
A. An organizer. B. An assessor
C.A friend. D. A participant
2. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?
S: He have a car.
T: He HAVE a car?
A. Correcting'the student's mistake.
B. Hinting that there is a mistake.
C. Encouraging peer correction.
D. Asking the student whether he really have a car.
3. What is the teacher doing by saying "Now you are going to do this in pairs. "?
A. Setting up tasks. B. Controlling discipline.
C. Demonstrating. D. Getting feedback.
4. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take
A. Instructor B. Manager.
C. Assessor D. Participant
5. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which
subcategory of classroom management?
A. People. B. Environment.
C. Organization D. stratigies
6. Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people,
language,environment, organization and tools, which of the following elements can be
classified under environment?
A. Textbook, exercise book, teacher's' book; and blackboard
B. interaction between teacher and students
C. Arrangement of desks and chairs.
D. None of them
7. What's the teacher doing by saying"yes, but why ---?"?
A. Controlling discipline.
B. Giving prompt.
C. praising students' work.
D. drawing students’ attention to the lesson.
8. Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work?
A. Guessing game B. Story telling
C. Information-gap. D. Drama performance
9. If the class is too noisy, which of the following should you choose to settle the
A. Give the naughty students public humilation by putting them in the corner .
B. Use threats
C. Punish the whole class for the behaviour of a few .
D. Stop the class and change the activity .
10. Which of the following activities is the most suitable for pair work?
A. Guessing game B. Speech preparations
C. Dialogue reading D. Discussing a topic
Short Answer Questions (30%)
Directions: In this part there are three questions about English Teaching Methodology.
Write down your answers in brief. You will be assessed in the points you present and
the way you present them. (30 points, 10 points each)
1. What are classroom instructions? What aspects can we use classroom instructions?
what are the rules to follow for making instructions effective?
2. If some students are not directing their attention to the lesson, what might be the
reasons? What will you do to get the children's attention?
3. What might be the reason if your students misbehave in class? Mention at least 3
PartⅠ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (20%)
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7.T 8. T 9. F 10. F
PartⅡ. Matching (20%)
1. 1) -C 2)- D 3) -A 4) –B 2.1) -B 2) -A 3) -D 4)-C
3 1) - D 2) -C 3) -A 4 )-B 4.1)- A 2) -C 3) -D 4) -B
5. 1)- B 2) -D 3) -A 4) –C
Part Ⅲ:Choose the best answer for the following questions ( 30%)
1. D 2. B 3.A 4. B 5. C 6.C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. C.
Part Ⅳ. Short Answer Questions (30%)
Classroom instructions refers to the type of language teachers use to organise or guide
learning. They incliude giving directions to tasks or activities, providing explanations
to a concept or language structure, setting requirements, checking
comprehension, drawing attention, motiviating learners and assigning homework,etc.
Rules to follow for making instructions effective.
1) Use simple instructions and make them suit the students’comprehension level
2) Use body language to support your instructions
3) Use the mother- tongue only when necessary.( teaching grammar)
4) Demonstration is more effective than words , don’t speak too much.
5) Instructions must be clear and concise, otherwise students will be confused.
Reasons why students fail to direct their attention to the lesson.
1) The activities conducted in class are not motivating or interesting.
2) The way the teacher approaches the lesson may contradict with their learning
3) The lesson is too difficult, they can't follow the teacher.
4) Maybe they are just distracted by something happening outside.
5) Maybe they’re just too tired at the moment and can't concentrate on the lesson.
Ways to draw students' attention:
1) Make changes in the lesson.
2) Try to suit the lesson to students' interest and learning styles
3) Design more pair work or group work to get all the students involved in class.
4) Walk up to the noisy children and start talking to them quietly.
3. 本题只要能回答出三点即可得9分,不要求语言一致,只要主要意思说出即可。行文无语言错误,符合逻辑即可得1分。
1) The task may be too difficult or easy.
2) The task may be a little too boring or mechanical.
3) The students may have done the task before, so they have little interest.
4) Some students misbehave only to attract the teacher’s attention.
5) Some students may have home problems.