衣服尺寸(Clothing size)
160 84a and 10 36
88a 12 165 m 38
14 40 l 170 92a
96a 175 42 xl 16
180 100a 18 xxl 44
xs 46 160 100a
165 105a and 48
170 110a, 50 m
l 175 52 115 a
xl 54 180 120a
xxl 56 185 125a
5 25, 150 适合1尺8腰围 xs
适合1尺9腰围 26 155 xs 6
7 27, and 160 适合2尺腰围
8 28 适合2尺1腰围 165 m
l 170 适合2尺2腰围 9 29
10 30, 适合2尺3腰围 175 xl
27 适合2尺腰围 160 xxs
适合2尺1腰围 165a xs 28
165b 适合2尺2腰围 29 s
170a 适合2尺3腰围 30 m
170b 适合2尺4腰围 l 32
xl 34 适合2尺5腰围 175a
xxl 36 适合2尺6腰围 175b
适合2尺7腰围 180 38 xxl
上衣 s m l xl xxl extra, extra, extra
服装 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48
胸围 (cm) 78 - 81 82 - 85 86 89 90 - 93 - 94 - 97 98 - 102
腰围 (cm) 62 - 66 67 - 70 71 - 74 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 - 89
肩宽 (cm), 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46
适合身高 (cm) 153 157 / 158 / 162, 163 / 167 / 168 / 172 173
to 177 177 / 180
尺码 24 26 27 28 29 30 31
对应臀围 (市尺) 2尺4 2尺6 2尺7 2尺8 2尺9 3尺 3尺1
对应臀围 (cm), 87, 93, 97, 100, 80, 90, 103
对应腰围 (市尺) 1尺8 1尺9 2尺 2尺1 2尺2 2尺3 2尺4
对应腰围 (cm), 59, 67, 70, 74, 78, 82, 63
尺码 3xl s m l xl
胸围 72, 80, 79, 86 - 87 - 98 - 102 - 94, 94, 97
腰围 58 - 64 64 - 69 70 - 77 77, 85, 85, 93
臀围 82 - 87 - 90, 95, 100, 105 - 92 - 97, 102, 110
尺码 3xl s m l xl
型号 155 - 150 - 160 - 155 160 165 165 - 170 170 - 175
腰围 55 - 61, 61, 67, 73, 73 67 to 79 79 to 85
臀围 80 - 85 86 - 90 - 93, 95, 98, 100, 103 - 108 -
尺码 xs s m / 32 / 34 / 36 l / 38 / 40 xl
腰围 63 - 70, 70, 76, 80 - 100 - 86 93 93 - 86
光脚长度 (cm) 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 25.0 captain!
鞋码 (中国) 34码 35码 36码 37码 38码 39码 40码
鞋码 (美国) 5 6 7 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5
鞋码 (3.5, 4.5 to 5.5 英国) 4 5 6 6.5
尺码 24 26 27 28 29 30 31
对应臀围 (市尺) 2尺4 2尺6 2尺7 2尺8 2尺9 3尺 3尺1
对应臀围 (cm), 87, 93, 97, 100, 80, 90, 103
对应腰围 (cm) 1尺8 1尺9 2尺 2尺1 2尺2 2尺3 2尺4
对应腰围 (cm) 59 67 74 78 82 71 63
尺码 22 24cm
下胸围 68 - 72 73 - 77 (cm) (cm) of 78 - 82 83 - 87 (cm) (cm),
88 - 92 (cm)
上胸围 80,83,85,88,90 85,88,90,93,95,98 90,93,9598100103
95,981 113
杯型 a, b, c, d, dd, a, b, c, d, dd, e, a, b, c, d, dd, e, a,
b, c, d, dd, e, b, c, d, dd, e
尺码 70a, 70b, 70c
70d, 70dd 75a, 34b, - 34c, actually.
75d, 75dd, 80a 75e 80b, 80c.
80dd 80e 80d, 85a, 85b, 85c,
85dd 85e 85d, 90b, 90c, 90d,
90dd, 90e
英式尺码 32a, 32b, 32c
32dd 32d, 34a, 34b, 34c
34d 34dd 36a, 36b, 36c, 34e,
36dd 36d, 36e, 38a, 38b, 38c
38dd, 38d, 38e 40b 40d, 40c,
40dd, 40e
尺寸 s m l xl
领围 (cm) - 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 - 42 -
国际领围 (英寸) 14 - 16 - 14.5-15 15.5-16 14.5 16.5
肩宽 (cm) 36.5 37.5 39.5 - 38.5
胸围 (cm), 87, 91, 95, 99
短袖袖长 (cm) 长袖 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 21, 22, 23, 24, 63 /
后衣长 (cm), 54, 73, 75, 77, 56, 58, 60 - 79
罩杯型号 aa a b c d e
上下胸围之差距 约 7.5cm 约10cm 约 12.5cm 约15cm 约 17.5cm
【罩杯的尺寸】上胸围尺寸减去下胸围尺寸之数目为10.0公分者为a罩杯.上胸围尺寸减去下胸围尺寸之数目为12.5公分者为b罩杯.以此类推计算, 即下胸围尺寸为75公分者, 可容许 + / - 2.5公分的误差, 凡介于72.5 ~ 77.5公分者皆可穿75.假设您的下胸围尺寸为72.5公分, 则建议选购75的胸罩而非70, 因为在穿着时会比较舒适, 二来也比较耐穿.
型号 s m l xl
范围 88cm (80 - 85 - 93cm 约34寸) (约36寸) 98cm (90 - 100 -
(约38寸) 108cm 约42寸) m
【臀围的尺寸】因个人穿着习惯不同, 且不同款式版子的大小会有些许差异, 喜欢穿紧一点或松一点的朋友们, 可以依照臀围的尺寸的建议尺寸加一号或减一号.尺寸依小至大的排序是s - m - l - xl.
尺码 m l xl
身高 (cm), 150, 160, 165, 170, 150 - 160 -
臀围 (cm) 85 - 90 - 93, 95, 98, 103
尺号 s m l xl 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 xxl
胸围 81 89 86 - 91 - 94 - 99 - 101 - 104, 96, 109
身高 150, 160, 165 155 160 165 - 170 - 175 - 170 - 180
臀围 81 89 86 - 91 - 94 - 99 - 101 - 104, 96, 109
尺码 m l xl xxl
胸围 105 110 110 - 115 115 120 125 - 120
身高 (cm), 150, 160, 165, 170, 150 - 160 to 165 175
臀围 (cm) - 110 - 115, 105, 110, 115, 120 - 125 - 120
尺寸 s m l
范围 35 - 39 - 42 - 44码 41码 39码
女 装 (外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)
标 准 尺 码 明 细
中国 (cm), 160, 165 / 84, 86, 88, 90 / 165 - 170 - 167 168 172
/ 92 - 96 - 98 - 102 - 170 to 173 / 176 / 106, 110
国 际 xs s m l xl
美 国 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
欧 洲 34 34 36 38 40 42 44
男 装 (外衣、恤衫、套装) 标 准 尺 码 明 细
中国 (cm), 165 / 88 - 96 - 98, 90, 170 / 175 / 108, 110 to 180
/ 185 / 118, 122, 126, 130
s m l xl xxl 国 际
男 装 (衬衫)
标 准 尺 码 明 细
中国 (cm) - 36 37 38 - 39 40 - 42 43 - 44 45 - 47
s m l xl xxl 国 际
男 装 (裤装)
标 准 尺 码 明 细
尺 码 42, 44, 46, 48, 50
腰 围 68 to 72 cm, 71 - 75 76 - 80 cm cm cm - 79 - 83 84 88 cm
裤 度 101.5 99 cm cm cm cm cm 106.5 104 to 109
Categories small, medium, large, larger
Height 0
Bust 849096102
Waist 75818793
Hip 889092100
Women's clothing size
Categories small, medium, large, larger
Height 0
Bust 80848892
Waist 60646872
Hip 84889296
Children's clothing size
Categories small, medium, large, larger
Suitable for age 0-2 years, 2-4 years old, 5-7 years old, 7-10
years old
Height 80110-110, 110-130, 140-150
Bust 505560-6570
Waist 40424446
Hip 556065-7075
Unit: cm CM
Dress size comparison - Lu Binhan size comparison chart
1, jacket size for:
The 01 yard indicates the code "XXS" and the 02 code means "XS""
The 03 yard indicates the code "S" and the 04 code means "M""
The 05 yard indicates the code "L" and the 06 code means "XL""
The 07 yard indicates the code "XXL""
2 jacket size is:
70 indicates the code "48" (M)
71 indicates the code "50" (L)
72 indicates the code "52" (XL)
73 indicates the code "54" (XXL)
3, pants size:
26 represents the waist circumference as: "1.9 feet" and 27
represents the waist: "2 feet""
28 represents the waist circumference as: "2.1 feet" and 29
represents the waist: "2.2 feet""
30 represents the waist circumference as: "2.3 feet" and 31
represents the waist: "2.4 feet""
32 represents the waist circumference as: "2.5 feet" and 33
represents the waist: "2.6 feet""
34 represents the waist circumference as: "2.7 feet" and 36
represents the waist: "2.8 feet""
38 represents the waist circumference as: "2.9 feet" and 40
represents the waist: "3 feet""
42 represents the waist circumference as: "3.1 feet" and 44
represents the waist: "3.2 feet""
50 represents the waist circumference as: "3.4 feet" and 52
represents the waist: "3.5 feet""
54 for the waist: 3.6 feet"
4, Western clothing size for:
80 indicates the code is "145" and "81", which means "150""
82 indicates the code is "155" and "83", which means "160""
84 indicates the code is "165" and "85", which means "170""
86 indicates the code is "175" and "87", which means "180""
88 indicates the code "185""
5. The size of the shirt is:
60 indicates the code is "38" and "61", which means "39""
62 indicates the code is "40" and "63", which means "41""
64 indicates the code is "42" and "65", which means "43""
66 indicates the code is "44" and "67", which means "45""
68 indicates the code "46""
1, jacket size for:
The 01 yard indicates the code "XXS" and the 02 code means "XS""
The 03 yard indicates the code "S" and the 04 code means "M""
The 05 yard indicates the code "L" and the 06 code means "XL""
The 07 yard indicates the code "XXL""
2 jacket size is:
70 indicates the code "48" (M)
71 indicates the code "50" (L)
72 indicates the code "52" (XL)
73 indicates the code "54" (XXL)
3, pants size:
26 represents the waist circumference as: "1.9 feet" and 27
represents the waist: "2 feet""
28 represents the waist circumference as: "2.1 feet" and 29
represents the waist: "2.2 feet""
30 represents the waist circumference as: "2.3 feet" and 31
represents the waist: "2.4 feet""
32 represents the waist circumference as: "2.5 feet" and 33
represents the waist: "2.6 feet""
34 represents the waist circumference as: "2.7 feet" and 36
represents the waist: "2.8 feet""
38 represents waist circumference: "2."
"9 feet" 40 stands for the waist: "3 feet""
42 represents the waist circumference as: "3.1 feet" and 44
represents the waist: "3.2 feet""
50 represents the waist circumference as: "3.4 feet" and 52
represents the waist: "3.5 feet""
54 for the waist: 3.6 feet"
4, Western clothing size for:
80 indicates the code is "145" and "81", which means "150""
82 indicates the code is "155" and "83", which means "160""
84 indicates the code is "165" and "85", which means "170""
86 indicates the code is "175" and "87", which means "180""
88 indicates the code "185""
5. The size of the shirt is:
60 indicates the code is "38" and "61", which means "39""
62 indicates the code is "40" and "63", which means "41""
64 indicates the code is "42" and "65", which means "43""
66 indicates the code is "44" and "67", which means "45""
68 indicates the code "46""
Japanese shoes code and Chinese shoes code comparison table
22/34 22.5/35 23/36
23.5/37 24/38 24.5/39
25/39.5 25.5/40 26/40.5
26.5/41 27/42 27.5/43
28/44 28.5/45
Simple calculation method: Japanese code X2 - 12= Chinese code
Women’s Wear
Coats, skirts, dresses and suits are available in "Ladies Size"
(the "regular size") and "girls size". "Lady size" with even
numbers as the label, such as No. 6, No. 8, No. 10, No. 12......
Wait。 "Girl size" is singular, such as No. 5, 7, 9, 11......
Wait。 The size of a girl's size is often shorter than a woman's
size and a smaller waistline. Generally speaking, girls aged
13 to 19 are better suited to clothing in this size than to
children's wear.
Sweater and Blouse Size sometimes only marked bust size (inch),
such as 32 or 36, all with. The size of the same slip under the
bust size, and most can be divided according to the length of
a "long" and "in" and "short". Therefore, you buy a petticoat
size is often with a number and a length of label, such as "32
short" or "long 36". Because the size difference of different
manufacturers of a large, you'd better try it on before you buy
it, to see if appropriate.
The sizes of shoes are 4-, 1/2, 5, 5-1/2, 6, and
These numbers are independent of inches. Do not mark the width
of each pair of shoes. A, AA, AAA shoes are suitable for thin
feet, B shoes are suitable for ordinary feet, C and D shoes are
suitable for fat feet. Therefore, the size of the shoes you wear
has two labels, such as: "5-1/2AA", "7B" or "8C"".
Men’s Wear
The sizes of men's suits are No. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40......
Arrangement. These sizes refer to the bust size (inches). In
addition, according to the length of the men's suit jacket
"long", "medium", "short" third. The coat length from neck and
tops joint until the size of bottom coat. The length of the short
coat is 28-1/2 to 29-1/2 inches. For example, the size of a suit
can be "30 long", "41 medium" or "40 short"".
The size of the shirt depends on the collar size (inch) and the
length of the sleeve (feet). The sleeve from the nape of the
neck, shoulder and elbow down, along the length of the wrist,
until. Therefore, there are two shirt size label, size and the
length of the collar sleeves. Such as: "15-31", "14-33" or
The sizes of shoes are arranged in sizes 8, 8-1/2, 9, 9-1/2 and
10. These numbers are not in inches. The size of each pair of
shoes should be marked the width and width. Shoes A and B are
suitable for thin feet, and C shoes are suitable for ordinary
feet. Shoes D and E are suitable for fat feet. Therefore,
The size of the shoes you wear has two labels, such as "8-1/2D",
"9B" or "10C"". Trousers and underpants waist size according
to the size of decision.
Clothing size conversion table dress (coat, skirt, shirt,
jacket, suit)
Standard size details
China (CM) 160-165 / 84-86 165-170 / 88-90 167-172 / 92-96
168-173 / 98-102 170-176 / 106-110
International XS, S, M, L, XL
The United States 24-6, 8-10, 12-14, 16-18
Europe 3434-36 38-404244
Men's clothing (coat, shirt, suit)
Standard size details
China (CM) 165 / 88-90170 / 96-98175 / 108-110180 / 118-122185
/ 126-130
International S, M, L, XL, XXL
Men's wear (shirt)
Standard size details
China (CM) 36-3738 - 3940-4243 - 4445-47
International S, M, L, XL, XXL
(men's trousers)
Standard size details
Size 4244464850
Waist circumference 68-72, cm 71-76, CM 75-80, cm 79-84, cm
83-88 cm
Pants 99, CM 101.5, CM 104, CM 106.5, CM 109, CM
Suit size chart
Suit size (unit unit:cm)
Size SIZE coat JACKET (44-56) pants TROUSERS (28-40)
Coat COAT/ pants TROUSERS shoulder width: Shoulder bust: Chest
length Length sleeve Sleeves waist hip Buttocks waist length
Shoes size conversion reference table
Women's Shoes
Foot length (CM) 22.523, 23.524, 24.525, 25.526
China 3536373839394040
The United States 55.56, 6.57, 7.58, 8.5
Britain 44.55, 5.56, 6.57, 7.5
Europe 3536373839394040
Men's Shoes
Foot length (CM) 24.525, 25.526, 26.527, 27.528
China 3946
The United States 77.58, 8.59, 9.510, 10.5
Britain 66.57, 7.58, 8.59, 9.5
Europe 3946
Underwear Size Conversion reference table
Ladies Bra - cup size
Standard size details
China (CM) A, B, C, D, E
British AA A B C D DD E F FF G GG H HH J
European AA, A, B, C, D, E, F
French AA, A, B, C, D, E, F
Italy B B or none C D DD E F
Lingerie size
Standard size details
China (CM) S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
International XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
United States 2468101214
England 681012141618
Europe 32343638404244
France 34363840424446
Italy 384
Men's pants size
Standard size details
China (CM) 72-7676 - 8181-8787 - 9393-98
International S, M, L, XL, XXL
United States (inches) 28-3030 - 3232-3434 - 3838-42
The size and size of jeans:
A rough comparison of jeans sizes with waist and hip sizes:
Jeans No. 26: 1 feet, 9 inches, hips: 2 feet 6; pants length:
one meter 03 (centimeters);
Jeans No. 27: 2 feet 0 inches, hips 2 feet 7; pants length: one
meter 05 (centimeters);
Jeans No. 28: 2 feet 1 inches, hips 2 feet 8: pants length: 1
meters 08 (centimeters)
Jeans No. 26-28 is a good size for many people!
Jeans No. 29: 2 feet 2 inches, hips 2 feet 9;
Jeans No. 30: 2 feet 3 inches, hip 3 feet;
Jeans No. 31: 2 feet 4 inches, hips 3 feet 1;
Jeans No. 32: 2 feet 5 inches, hips 3 feet 2;
Jeans No. 33: 2 feet 6 inches, hips 3 feet 3
From 34 to 38, they are super size super size jeans
Underpants for men:
S is suitable for waistline: 2 feet 1 inches, --2 feet 4 inches
M is suitable for waistline: 2 feet 3 inches, --2 feet 6 inches
L is suitable for waistline: 2 feet 5 inches ~ 2 feet 8 inches
XL is suitable for waist size: 2 feet, 7 inches to 3 sizes
Women's briefs / stripes:
Size bust CupSize, waist, hip
S 32 A-B 25-26 35-36
M 34 B-C 27-28 37-38
L 36 C-D 28-31 39-41
Levi's size jeans:
26# waist 66 cm, pants length 102, hip 92, thigh Wai 48 pants,
corner Wai 42, front block length 24
28# waist 71 cm, pants length 102, hip 96, thigh Wai 50 pants,
corner Wai 44, front block length 26
29# waist 74 cm, pants length 104, hip 98, thigh Wai 51 pants,
corner Wai 45, front block length 27
30# waist 76 cm, pants length 105, hip 100, thigh Wai 52 pants,
corner Wai 46, front block length 28
Levis Levi's size:
28# waist 71 cm, pants length 110, hip 100, thigh Wai 54 pants,
corner Wai 40, front block length 26
30# waist 76 cm, pants length 110, hip 102, thigh Wai 55 pants,
corner Wai 42, front block length 27
32# waist 81 cm, pants length 112, hip 106, thigh Wai 56 pants,
corner Wai 44, front block length 27.5
34# waist 86 cm, pants length 112, hip 108, thigh Wai 57 pants,
corner Wai 46, front block length 28
36# waist 91 cm, pants length 112, hip 108, thigh Wai 57 pants,
corner Wai 46, front block length 28.5
Men's jacket: bust, waist
S 35-38 inches, /88-96 cm, 28-30 inches, /71-76 cm
M 38-41 inches, /96-104 cm, 31-33 inches, /79-84 cm
L 41-44 inches, /104-112 cm, 34-36 inches, /87-92 cm
XL 44-47 inches, /112-120 cm, 37-39 inches, /94-100 cm
Women's blouse: bust, waist
S 31-33 inches, /79-84 cm, 23-25 inches, /59-64 cm
M 33-35 inches, /84-89 cm, 25-27 inches, /64-69 cm
L 35-37 inches, /89-94 cm, 27-29 inches, /69-74 cm
XL 37-39 inches, /94-99 cm, 29-31 inches, /74-79 cm
Casual pants for men:
28# waist 71 cm, pants length 110, hip 92, thigh Wai 52 pants,
corner Wai 41, front block length 28
30# waist 74 cm, pants length 110, hip 96, thigh Wai 55 pants,
corner Wai 42, front block length 28.5
32# waist 78 cm, pants length 112, hip 99, thigh Wai 57 pants,
corner Wai 43, front block length 29
34# waist 83 cm, pants length 112, hip 102, thigh Wai 60 pants,
corner Wai 44, front block length 29.5
36# waist 88 cm, pants length 112, hip 105, thigh Wai 53 pants,
corner Wai 45, front block length 30
Table of sizes for men's tops (for reference only)
Costume Size 4648505254
Clothing size
One hundred and five
One hundred and ten
One hundred and fifteen
One hundred and twenty
One hundred and twenty-five
Clothing size
Men's pants tagging
Corresponding waist circumference
2 feet 2
2 feet 3
2 feet 4
2 feet 5
2 feet 6
Size comparison table for women's clothing (for reference only)
Clothing marking
Approximately correspond
Bust 25-27
Bust 27-29
Bust 29-31
Bust 31-33
Clothing size
Clothing marking
Approximately correspond
Bust 27-29
Bust 29-31
Bust 31-33
Clothing size
Panty size
Corresponding waist circumference
63 (CM)
67 (CM)
71 (CM)
74 (CM)
78 (CM)
Mark pants
Corresponding waist circumference
1 feet 9
2 feet
2 feet 1
2 feet 2
2 feet 3
服装尺码对照表 29码=2.2尺腰=73.5CM 30码=2.3尺腰=77CM 31码=2.4尺腰=80CM 32码=2.5尺腰=83.5CM 33码=2.6尺腰=87CM 34码=2.7尺腰=90CM 36码=2.8尺腰 38码=2.9尺腰 40码=3.0尺腰 裤子尺码对照表 26号------1尺9寸臀围2尺6 32号------2尺6寸臀围3尺2 27号------2尺0寸臀围2尺7 34号------2尺7寸臀围3尺4 28号------2尺1寸臀围2尺8 36号------2尺8寸臀围3尺5-6 29号------2尺2寸臀围2尺9 38号------2尺9寸臀围3尺7-8 30号------2尺3寸臀围3尺0 40号------3尺0寸臀围3尺9-4尺 31号------2尺4寸臀围3尺1 42号------3尺1-2寸臀围4尺1-2 裤子尺码对照表 29码=2.2尺腰 30码=2.3尺腰 31码=2.4尺腰 32码=2.5尺腰 33码=2.6尺腰 34 yards = 2.7
foot waist 36 yards = 2.8 foot waist 38 yards = 2.9 foot waist
40 yards = 3 foot waist dress pants on the size, such as 160/68A,
the 160 is the height, Bust / waist 68 is about A in size
classification: A B C normal body fat body obesity body slim
body Y such as L (170/92B), said at the height of 170CM to 175CM
this, bust around 92 fat people can choose such clothes jeans
size representation: W = waist L = inseam length--- waist long
bone inside your waistline Shichi two feet four inches 80 cm
=31.5, buy Jeans waist should be smaller 1 yards, so you want
to buy a 31 inch waist is good, your head should be about 34
inch long (see below in length method) how much you again one
of your trousers is more accurate. So you choose jeans size
should be: W31 L34 attached: note most jeans brand with English
inch meter, in addition to buy Jeans length is generally within
the length of the main. Because the waist has a high bottom,
the foreign minister of trousers is affected by the height of
the waist. The length of the trouser leg is not fit well, but
all the inside length should be accurate, and the length of the
trouser leg must be suitable for wear. Note: long refers to pure
inseam (amount to crotch bottom feet) with pants pants for
example, there are usually 4 kinds of weave is a tall waist cm
method, such as 165/68A, that is 165 to 68 cm high, waist wear.68
cm is 2 feet with my experience. General cotton trousers, dress
pants. A said that this times the general method, sometimes
165/70B is short and fat. Special rare. One is the hip method,
such as you said No. 28, No. 28 refers to the hip 2 feet 8,
general pants this series, this is really not the waistline,
their pants have a certain matching relationship between waist
circumference and hip circumference, hip circumference of a
certain waist. One is the number, do not know the specific
meaning, but is generally 36384042 of this series, is the
legendary European code there is a letter, is S, M, L, XL and
so on. According to this brand of what the general M corresponds
to 165/66A. pants size 160, such as 160/68A, refers to the
68 waist, A represents size: A normal body fat body B C Y obese
body thin body general conversion method is: 165/68A is
equivalent to 2728 and 38 170/70A M pants and the European code
is equivalent to 2930 and 40 and the European L pants and so
on many brands actually code size is not particularly accurate,
like a jeans will be more accurate. Besides clothes, clothes
is the same, only to become a chest height / cm, such as 165/88A;
one is the European code, such as 38,40,42, and trousers; one
is S, M, L. 175/96a = 3 2 foot long pants, waist circumference
of 2 feet 9; 38; 4X; 190/104a = height and chest; No. 56; 4X;
Table of sizes for men's tops (for reference only)
Costume Size 4648505254
Suitable for height 160/165, 165/170, 170/175, 175/180,
Costume Size 125
Suitable for height 160/165, 165/170, 170/175, 175/180,
Costume Size 7476788082
Suitable for height 160/165, 165/170, 170/175, 175/180,
Men's pants marked 2930313233
The corresponding waist measure is 2 feet, 22 feet, 32 feet,
42 feet, 52 feet, 6
Size comparison table for women's clothing (for reference only)
Dress tag 9111315
Roughly correspond to bust, 25-27 chest, 27-29 chest, 29-31
chest, 31-33
Clothing sizes S, M, L, XL
Dress tag 384042
Roughly correspond to chest circumference, 27-29 bust, 29-31
bust, 31-33
Clothing sizes M, L, X, L
Pants size 246810
The corresponding waist circumference is 63 (CM) 67 (CM) 71 (CM)
74 (CM) 78 (CM)
Pants marked 2627282930
The corresponding waist measure is 1 feet, 92 feet, 2 feet, 12
feet, 22 feet, 3
Because of the large age span of children, from birth to 15 or
16 years old, the figure of children is very different, so the
size of children's clothing is much more complicated than that
of adult clothing. Adult clothing sizes are basically using XXS,
XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, relatively simple, and children's clothing
size that is very much, the common direct age represented, such
as: 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y...... Useful height, such as 80CM, 90CM,
100CM, Useful numbers, such as: 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#...... .,
etc., different brand have different size representations, if
not familiar with the size of children's clothing, when
choosing clothes will be more headache, don't know what the size
is suitable for the baby, so we specially made a children's
clothing size and height of children table, a total of your
Children's size and children's age, height, chest comparison
Age size height size size dual size control singular age (year)
height control (CM) control (CM) control waist circumference
3M 5cm - - 0---0.3 52-594040
6M 65 cm - - 0.3-0.6 59-734433
1Y, 75, cm, 1, 2, 0.6---1 73-804848
1Y, -2Y, 80, cm, 1, -3, 2, -4, 1-----2, 75-855049
2Y, -3Y, 90, cm, 3, 4, 2-----3 85-955250
3Y, -4Y, 100, cm, 5, 6, 3-----4 95-1055451
4Y, -5Y, 110, cm, 7, 8, 4-----5 105-1155752
6Y, -7Y, 120, cm, 9, 10, 6-----7 115-1256054
8Y-9Y, 130, cm, 11, -13, 12, -14, 8-----9, 125-1356457
10Y-11Y, 140, cm, 15, 16, 10---11 135-1456861
12Y-13Y, 150, cm, 15, -23, 16, -24, 12---13, 145-1557264
14Y-15Y, 160, cm, 15, -23, 16, -24, 14---15, 155-1657666
Note: 1, and ChengRenZhuang uniform number according to the
"S/M/L size group", children's clothing size number in
different ways, including "age size group" and "the height size
group directly to the age or height numbers," odd size group
"or" dual size group "in the singular or dual numbers,
corresponding according to the relationship between the buying
list of single and double the size and age, height of the
appropriate size. 2, in addition to the above size group,
children's clothing in fact there are other sizes of expression,
and its size and age, height of the corresponding relationship
can also refer to the table. 3, the baby's figure will be
different, this table is for reference only, please according
to the goods "detailed description of size" clothing size,
choose the right size.
Children's clothing length and height relation table
Style, variety, coat length
Children's coat = height *50%
Children's jacket = height *49%
Children's pants = height *75%
Children's coat = height *75%
Dress = height *78%
Children's shorts = height *30%
Women's size watch:
Centimeters 21.522, 22.523, 23.524, 24.5
Size 33343536373839
Male shoe size comparison table:
Centimeters 24.525, 25.526, 26.527, 27.528, 28.529, 29.530
Sizes 3939.5404142, 42.543, 43.5444546, 46.5
Children's size watch:
Centimeters 1414.515, 15.516, 16.517, 17.518
Sizes 2525.526, 26.527, 27.528, 28.5, 29.5
Centimeters 18.519, 19.520, 20.521, 21.522, 22.5
Sizes 303131.53233, 33.53435, 35.5
Small size sticker:
The corresponding relationship between size and stature, a
common reference to the S=160/68A M=165/72A L=170/76A
XL=175/80A /CM /CM /CM height chest waist hip /CM S 158-162
72-80 66-70 80-88 M 163-167 81-87 71-74 85-93 L 168-172 88-94
75-78 90-98 XL 173-177 95-101 79-81 95-103 two, the national
common size conversion 160-68A 165/72A 170/76A 796
175/80A 36384042, another three which size is directly to the
ruler said waist, such as 22 yards is 2 feet and 2 inches in
circumference. Four, and a size is: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29... This
is in inches, inches in size, simple conversion method is to
use size minus 7, is our commonly used "foot" as a unit size.
Five, the size of the corresponding, for reference only,
clothing brand and version of different, will lead to
difference in size.