



Lesson Seven Ace in the Hole埃斯身陷困境

By John Updike ] 约翰?厄普代克


No sooner did his car touch the boulevard heading home

than Ace flicked on the radio .


He needed the radio , especially today . In the seconds before

the tubes warmed up , he said aloud , doing it just to hear a

human voice , ― Jesus . She ?ll pop her lid . ―


His voice , though familiar , irked him ; it sounded thin and

scratchy .


In a deeper register Ace added , ― She‘ll murder me . ― Then

the radio came on , warm and strong , so he stopped worrying .


The five Kings were doing ― Blueberry Hill ― ;


to hear them made Ace feel so sure inside that from the pack

pinched between the car roof and the sun shield he plucked a

cigarette ,


hung it on his lower lip , snapped a match across the rusty

place on the dash .


He rolled down the window and snapped the match so it

spun end-over-end into the gutter . ― Two points , ― he said ,


and cocked the cigarette toward the roof of the car , sucked

powerfully , and exhaled two plumes through his nostrils .


He was beginning to feel like himself , Ace Anderson , for the

first time that whole day , a bad day .


He beat time on the accelerator . The car jerked crazily .


Ace decided to stop at his mother‘s place and pick up the

baby , instead of waiting for Evey to do it . 埃斯决定先到母亲那儿接孩子,而不是等着埃维去接。

His mother must have seen him drive up . She came out on

the porch holding a plastic spoon and smelling of cake .


―You‘re out early , ― she told him .


―Friedman fired me , ― Ace told her .


―Good for you , ― his mother said . ―I always said he never

treated you right . ― she brought a cigarette out of her apron

pocket and tucked it deep into one corner of her mouth , the way

she did when something pleased her .



Ace lighted it for her . ― Friedman was O.K. personally , ― he

said .‖ He just Wanted too much for his money . I didn‘t mind

working Saturdays , but until eleven , twelve Friday nights was

too much . Everybody has a right to some leisure . ―



― Well , I don‘t dare think that Evey will say , but I , for one .

thank dear God you had the brains to get out of it . I always said

that job had no future to it ----no future of any kind , Freddy . ―


― I guess , ― Ace admitted . ― But I wanted to keep at it , for

the family ?s sake . ―


― Now , I know I shouldn‘t be saying this , but any time Evey

----this is just between us


any time Evey thinks she can do better , there‘s room for

you and Bonnie right in your father‘s house . ―


She pinched her lips together . He could almost hear the old

lady think . There , I‘ve said it .



― Look , Mom , Evey tries awfully hard , and anyway you know

she can‘t work

that way . Not that that ---I mean , she‘s a realist , too ….‖


He let the rest of the thought fade as he watched a kid across

the street dribbling a basketball around a telephone pole that

had a backboard and net nailed on it .


― Evey‘s a wonderful girl of her own kind .But I ?ve always

said , and your father agrees , Roman Catholics ought to marry

among themselves . Now I know I‘ve said it before , but when

they get out in the greater world ----―


― No , Mom . ―


She frowned , smoothed herself , and said , ― Your name was

in the paper today . ―


Ace chose to let that go by . He kept watching the kid with

the basketball .


― Did you hear ?‖his mother asked


―Sure , but so what ?‖ Ace said . His mother‘s lower lip was

coming at him , so he changed the subject . ― I guess I ?ll take

Bonnie . ―


His mother went into the house and brought back his

daughter , wrapped in a blue blanket .


The baby looked dopey . ― She fussed all day , ― his mother

complained .


― I said to your father , ?Bonnie is a dear little girl , but without

a doubt she‘s her mother ?s daughter . You were the best –natured boy . ―。


― Well I had everything , ― Ace said with an impatience that

made his mother blink .


At the door of his car , it seemed stupid to him to drive the

measly half block

home .


His old coach , Bob Behn , used to say never to ride where

you could walk .


cars were the death of legs . Ace left the ignition keys in his

pocket and ran along the pavement with Bonnie laughing an

bouncing at his chest .


The run must have tuned Bonnie up .


When they got back home , as soon as he lowered her into

the crib , she began to shout and wave her arms .


He didn‘t want to play with her . He tossed some blocks

and rattle into the crib and walked into the bathroom , where he

turned on the hot water and began to comb his hair .


He ran the comb straight back on both sides of his head ,

then mussed the hair in front enough for one little lock to droop

over his forehead .


It made the temple seem lower than it was . Every day , his

hair-line looked higher . He had observed all around him how

blond men went bald first .


He remembered reading somewhere , though , that baldness

shows virility .。


He found a can of beer in the refrigerator behind some

brownish lettuce and those hot dogs Evey never got around to

cooking .


She ?d be home any time . The clock said 5:12 . She ?d pop

her lid .


Ace didn‘t see what he could do but try and reason with

her .


―Evey , ― he‘d say , ― you ought to thank God I got out of it .


It had no future to it at all . ― He hoped she wouldn‘t get

too mad , because when she was mad he wondered if he should

have married her , and doubting that made him feel crowded .


It was bad enough , his mother always crowding him .


He hope Evey wouldn‘t say anything that couldn‘t be

forgotten .


What women didn‘t seem to realize was that there were

things you knew but shouldn‘t say .


Ace balanced the beer on a corner where two rails of the crib

met and looked under the chairs for the morning paper .


He had trouble finding his name , because it was at the

bottom of a column on

an inside sports page , in a small article about the country

basketball statistics :


― Dusty ― Tremwick , Grosvenor Park‘s sure-fingered center

copped the individual scoring honors with a season‘s grand

( and we do mean grand ) total of 376points .


This is within eighteen points of the all-time rocord of 394

racked up in the 1949-1950 season by Olinger High‘s Fred

Anderson .


Ace angrily sailed the paper into an armchair . Now it was

Fred Anderson ; it used to be Ace .


He hated being called Fred , especially in print , but then the

sportswriters were all office boys anyways , Behn used to say .


Ace went into the kitchen , without knowing what he wanted

there . He wasn‘t hungry ; his stomach was tight .


A key scratched at the door lock . Ace decided to stay in the

kitchen . Let her find him .


Her heels clicked on the floor for a step or two ;


then the television set went off . Bonnie began to cry . ― Shut

up , honey , ― Evey said . There was a silence .


―I‘m home , ― Ace called .


― No kidding . I thought Bonnie got the beer by herself . ―


Ace laughed . She was in a sarcastic mood thinking she was

Lauren Bacall . That was all right , just so she kept funny .


Still smiling , Ace eased into the living room and got hit with ,


― What are you smirking about ? Another question : What‘s

the idea running up the street with Bonnie like she was a

football ?‖


― You saw that ?‖


― Your mother told me . ―


― You saw her ?‖


― Of course I saw her . I dropped by to pick up Bonnie. What

the hell do you think ---- I read her tiny mind ?‖


― Take it easy , ― Ace said , wondering if Mom had told her

about Friedman .


― Take it easy ? Don‘t coach me . Another question : Why ?s

the car out in front of her place ? you give the car to her ?‖


― Look , I parked it there to pick up Bonnie ., and I thought

I ?d leave it there . ―


― Why ?‖―为什么?‖

― Whaddeya mean , why ? I just did . I just thought I ?d walk .

It‘s not that far , you know . ―


― no , I don‘t know . If you ?d been on your feet all day a

block would look like one hell of a long way . ―


―Okay . I‘m sorry . ――好吧。对不起。‖

She hung up her coat and stepped out of her shoes and

walked around the room picking up things She stuck the

newspaper in the wastebasket .


Ace said , ― My name was in the paper today . ―


― They spell it right ?‖ She shoved the paper deep into the

basket with her foot . There was no doubt ; she knew about

Friedman . `


― They called me Fred . ―


― Isn‘t that your name ? What is your name anyway ? Hero

J. Great ?‖


There wasn‘t any answer , so Ace didn‘t try any . He sat

down on the sofa , lighted a cigarette , and waited .


Evey picked up Bonnie . ― Poor thing stinks . What does your

mother do , scrub out the toilet with her ?‖


― Can‘t you take it easy ? I know you‘re tired . ―


― You should . I‘m always tired . ―


Evey and Bonnie went into the bathroom ; when they came

out Bonnie was clean and Evey was calm .


Evey sat down in an easy chair beside Ace and rested her

stocking feet on his knees .


― Hit me , ― she said , twiddling(捻動) her fingers for the

cigarette .


The baby crawled up (爬)to her chair and tried to stand to

see what he gave her .


Leaning over close to Bonnie‘s nose , Evey grinned , smoke

leaking through her teeth , and said , ― Only for grownups ,

honey . ―


― Eve, ― Ace began , ― there was no future in that job . Working

all Saturday , and then Friday nights on top of it .


― I know . Your mother told me all that , too . All I want from

you is what happened . ―


She was going to take it like a sport , then . He tried to

remember how it did happen .


― It wasn‘t my fault , ― he said .


― Friedman told me to back this ‘51 Chevvy into the line that

faces Church Street .


He just bought it from an old guy this morning who said it

only had thirteen thousand on it


So in I jump and start her up . There was a knock in the

engine like a machine gun .


I almost told Friedman he‘d bought a squirrel , but you

know I cut that smart stuff out ever since Palotta laid me off . ―



― You told me that story . What happens in this one ?‖


― Look , Eve . I am telling ya . Do you want me to go out to a

movie or something ?‘


― Suit yourself . ―


― So I jump in the Chevvy and snap it back in line , and there

was a kind of scrape and thump .


I get out the look and Friedman‘s running over , his arms

going like this‖


―Ace whirled his own arms and laughed ----―


and here was the whole back fender(防護檔)of a ‘49 Merc

mashed in . Just looked like somebody took a planer (刨子)and

shaved off the bulge凸出, you know , there at the back . ―


He tried to show her with his hands . ― The Chevvy , though ,

didn‘t have a dent . It even gained some paint . but Friedman ,

to hear him ----Boy , they can rave when their pocket ---book‘s

hit . He said ― ----Ace laughed again -----― never mind . ―



Evey said , ― you‘re proud of yourself . ―


― No, listen. I‘m not happy about it . But there wasn‘t a

thing I could do .


It wasn‘t my driving at all . I looked over on the other side ,

and there was just two or three inches between the Chevvy and

a Buick . ―

这不是我开车的问题。我小心地看着另一边,在雪韦和别克车中间只有两三英寸的距离。‖She said , ― you could have looked . ―


― There just wasn‘t the space . Friedman said stick it in ; I

stuck it in . ―


― But you could have looked and moved the other cars to

make more room . ――但你应该先看一下,把其他的车移一下,这样就可以有更多的地方了。‖

― I guess that would have been the smart thing. ―


― I guess , too . Now what ?‖


― What do you mean ? ―


― I mean now what ? Are you going to give up ? Go back to

the army ? Your mother? Be a basketball pro ? What ?





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