第一节 STCW公约的有关内容
0243. A lookout can leave his station ___C___.[134]
A.At the end of the watch 当班时间结束后B.At any time 任何时候
C.ONLY when properly relieved 只有当被适当接替后
D.15 minutes before the end of the watch 当班时间结束前15分钟
0263. A qualified deck officer should be ____A__ the watch.
A.In charge of 负责B.Arranged 安排C.Decided to 决定D.The depth of 水深
0265. If at any time the officer in charge of the navigational watch is to be relieved when a
manoeuvre or other action to avoid any hazard is taking place,___C___.
A.the relief of that officer shall be made prior to such action has been completed
B.the relief of that officer shall never be made 永远不要接替该驾驶员
C.the relief of that officer shall be deferred until such action has been completed 应推迟接替该驾驶员,直至该行动结束
D.the relief of that officer shall be made by the captain 应由船长接替该驾驶员
0266. If in any doubt as to the pilot's actions or intentions,the officer in charge of the
navigational watch shall ___D___.
A.notify the master immediately 应即通知船长
B.take whatever action is necessary before the master arrives 在船长到达之前,采取任何必要的措施
C.take necessary actions at his/her discretion 据他/她自已的意愿采取必要的行动
D.seek clarification from the pilot 向引航员确认
0267. In determining that the ___B___ of the navigational watch is adequate to ensure that a
proper look-out can continuously be maintained,the master shall take into account all
relevant factors.
A.disposition 配置B.composition 组成C.reposition 重新安排D.position位置,地点
0268. In terms of vessel manning,a watch is the ___A___.[729]
A.Direct performance of deck or engine operations in a scheduled and fixed rotation
B.Performance of maintenance work necessary for the vessel's safe operation,on a daily
C.Performance of lookout duties 执行了望职责
D.Direct performance of cargo loading and discharge operations only 仅指执行货物装卸工作
0269. It is the responsibility of the Master or person in charge of a ship to ensure that
A.the Muster List(“Station Bill”)is posted in each compartment 应变部署表被张贴在每个舱室
B.temporary personnel and visitors are advised of emergency stations 向临时人员或参观者介绍应急位置(岗位)
C.names of crew members are listed on the Muster List(“Station Bill”) 船员的名字被列在应变部署表中
D.no changes are made to the Muster List(“Station Bill”)应变部署表没有改变
0270. Maritime Administration personnel may be allowed in the pilothouse upon the
responsibility of the ____D__.
A.Chief Officer 大付B.Navigator 航海士
C.Most senior person present from the Maritime Administration 海事局的大多数资深人员
D.Officer in charge of the watch 值班驾驶员
0271. No person whose license has been revoked shall be issued another license except upon
A.approval of the Commandant 获得指挥官的批准
B.taking a new examination 参加新的考试
C.approval of the Officer-in-Charge,Marine Inspection 获得进行海事检查的负责人的批准
D.approval of an administrative law judge 获得行政法律法官的批准
0273. Prior to each voyage the master of every ship shall ensure that the intended route from
the port of departure to ___A___ is planned using adequate and appropriate charts and
other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage.
A.the first port of call 第一个停靠港B.any port of call 任何停靠港
C.the last port of call 上一个停靠港D.the destination 终点
0281. The Master to prosecute all voyages with the utmost ___D_____ and to render
customary assistance with the Vessel's Crew.
0282. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not hand over the watch to the
relieving officer if ____A__.
A.there is reason to believe that the latter is not capable of carrying out the watchkeeping
duties effectively 有正当理由认为后者不能有效地执行值班职责。
B.the ship is fitted with automatic steering 船舶配有自动操舵系统
C.there is daylight or darkness 在白天或黑夜
D.at no time shall the bridge be left unattended如驾驶台无人看管,任何时候都不行
0283. The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of
gear take place and are logged ____A__.
A.when a new Master assumes command 当新的船长接任时
B.daily,at 0800 local zone time 当地时间每天的0800时
C.weekly,before 2400 Saturday 每周的星期六晚上2400前
D.immediately after assuming the watch 每次开始值班后立即进行
0284. The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that all tests and inspections of
gear take place and are logged ___B___.
A.On each watch,immediately before being relieved 值班时,每次交班前
B.Before embarking on a voyage of more than 24 hours 如航行时间超过24小时,每次开航前
C.Daily,at 1200 local zone time 每天的当地时间1200时
D.Weekly,before 0000 Sunday 每周周日0000时之前
0296. While the Pilot is maneuvering the vessel to a dock,what is the PRIMARY
responsibility of the watch officer ____A____.
A.Insure that helm and throttle orders油门given by the Pilot are correctly executed
B.Judge the appropriateness of the Pilot's orders and countermand them if necessary
C.Supervise the signaling and flag etiquette 监督管理各种信号及礼节旗
D.Record the bells and their times in the bell book 在车钟记录本上记录车钟和时间
0297. While underway in thick fog you are on watch and hear the cry“man
overboard”.Which type of maneuver should you make ____D____.[1713]
A.Figure eight turn 八字形转向B.Round turn 圆形转向
C.Racetrack turn 航向在改变360度后再次把定的一种转向
D.Williamson turn 威廉逊旋回
1、 WILLIAMSON TURN:备车反舵,当船转到与原航向成60°~90°角时,用另一舷满舵,使船转到原来航向的反方向停车,基本上可以回到人员落水处。
2、A SINGLE TURN:人员落水后停车30-60秒钟后作一舷满舵并加速,当船转到与原航向成60°角时把定,对准落水者驶去。
3、TWO 180° TURN:人员落水后,向落水一舷满舵,转到与原航向相反时把定,到落水者方位在正横后30°时满舵并停车减速,将船驶回原航向。
4、SCHARNOW TURN:向一舷满舵,当航向偏离原航向240°时,向另一舷操满舵,当船首向离反航向20°时正舵,操纵船舶驶向反航向。
♣ WILLIAMSON TURN适应于延迟行动和立即行动。
♣ A SINGLE TURN 适应于立即行动。
♣ SCHARNOW TURN 适应于人员失踪。
♣ TWO 180° TURN 也适应于立即行动。
0298. While you are on watch entering port,the Master gives the helmsman a rudder
command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot.You should make sure the
helmsman ___B___.[1715]
A.Obeys the Pilot 遵守引航员的指令B.Obeys the Master 遵守船长指令
C.Asks you for instructions 向你询问指令
D.Brings the rudder to a point midway between the two conflicting positions
0299. Who may perform as a lookout ___B_____.[1718]
A.A member of the engineering watch 构成轮机值班的人员
B.A member of the navigational watch 构成驾驶值班的人员
C.A member of the Stewards Department 业务部人员
D.All of the above 以上全部
0300. You are a watch standing mate and have come to the bridge to relieve the watch while
underway at sea.The watch should not be transferred ___B___.
A.During an engine speed change 改变主机转速时
B.During a navigational course change 改变航向时
C.Unless the helm is in the“hand”mode 除非舵角是在“手动”模式时
D.All of the above 以上全部
0301. You are on watch and the pilot has just anchored the vessel.The next thing that you
should do after the anchor has been let go is to __C____.[1776]
A.Stop the engines 停车B.Escort the pilot to the accommodation ladder 陪同引航员到舷梯
C.Plot the vessel's position on the chart 在海图上标绘船位
D.Make a round of the weather decks 到开敞甲板巡视一圈
0302. You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn.The Master has temporarily gone
below.The Pilot orders a course change which you are certain will put the vessel into
imminent danger.Your first action should be to __A____.
A.Countermand the order and immediately notify the Master
B.Make an appropriate entry in the deck log concerning the Pilot's order
C.Immediately call the Master and await further orders from him
D.Immediately sound a short ring on the general alarm 立即发出一短声综合报警
0303. You are standing the wheelwatch on entering port and the Master gives you a rudder
command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot.What should you do
A.obey the Master 遵守船长命令B.obey the Pilot 遵守引航员命令
C.bring the rudder to a position midway between the two conflicting orders
D.ask the Pilot if he relinquishes control 问引航员是否放弃指挥
0305. You have orders to drop off a barge loaded with propylene oxide at a fleet.In doing so,you must ensure that __C____.
A.All wing voids and rakes are pumped dry before tying off the barge
B.The barge is moored next to the bank where it will be protected from a possible collision
C.The barge is under the care of a watchman 驳船处于值班人员的照看之下
D.A rake end is facing upstream to minimize the effect of current on the mooring lines
0306. Your ship must ___B___.
A.Reduce speed 减少速度B.Increase speed 增加速度C.Change speed 改变速度
D.Stop engine 停车