二 、以菜肴的主料、配料和烹饪方法为主的菜名
1、辣子鸡丁,Sauté pork cubes with chili or hot pepper 2、榨菜肉丝,Shredded pork and hot pickled mustard greens 3、扁豆肉丝,Shredded pork and French beans
4、青椒肉丝,Shredded pork and green pepper
5、鸭翅膀,Duck wing tips
6、豌豆黄,Pea puree cake 7、馅饼,Pancake with meat fillings or meat-filled pancake
8、汤面,Noodles with soup or soup noodles 9、青豆鸡丁汤,Soup of chicken cubes with green peas wow gold 10、三鲜汤,Three–fresh soup或 soup of three delicacies
11、清汤鱼肚,Consommé(Clear soup) of fish maw
12、冬瓜汤,Consommé(Clear soup) of white gourd
13、西红柿鸡蛋汤,Tomato and egg soup
14、肉丝海带汤,Soup of shredded meat with kelps wow gold 15、素鸡汤,Clear chicken soup
16、白菜汤,Chinese cabbage soup
17、肉片汤,Sliced pork soup
18、榨菜肉丝汤,Soup with shredded pork and hot pickled mustard greens 19、丸子汤,Meat-ball soup
20、酸辣汤,Hot and sour soup
21、黄瓜鸡片汤,Soup of cucumber with chicken slices
22、豆汁,Fermented sour milk made from ground mung bean wow gold 23、冬菇猪蹄,Pig’s trotter with mushrooms 24、肉蓉青豆,Fried green peas with minced pork 25、咖喱牛肉片,Sliced beef in curry sauce
26、蚝油牛肉片,Sauté beef slices in oyster sauce
27、葱头牛肉丝,Shredded beef with onions 28、咖喱鸡,Chicken in curry sauce
29、桃仁鸡丁,Sauté chicken cubes with walnuts 30、南荠鸡片,Sauté chicken slices with water chestnuts
31、栗子鸡,Stewed chicken with chestnuts 32、茶叶蛋,Boiled eggs with tea-leafs
33、番茄大虾,Prawns with tomato sauce 34、茄汁虾球,Fried prawn balls with tomato sauce
35、蟹肉鱼肚,Stewed fish maw with crab meat wow gold
36、豆浆,Soya bean milk
37、豆腐乳(腐乳,酱豆腐),Fermented bean curd
38、豆腐,汉语拼音doufu, 或bean curd 39、冬菇菜心, Cabbage heart with mushrooms
40、冬菇油菜,Sauté rape with mushrooms
二 、以菜肴的主料和烹饪方法为主的菜名
1、叉烧肉,Grilled pork
2、回锅肉,Twiced-cooked pork slices in hot sauce 或 boiled and fried pork slices
3、炒杂碎,Chop suey,海外华人餐馆里一直这样用,已经被正式编入美国《韦伯斯特新世界大学词典》(Webster’s new world college dictionary)
4、清汤燕窝,Consommé of swallow nest
5、清汤银耳,Consommé of white fungus
6、清汤银耳鹌鹑蛋,Consommé of white fungus with quail eggs 7、清汤鲍鱼,Consommé of abalone
8、拔丝苹果,Crisp(rock) sugar-coated apple or toffee apple
9、拔丝香蕉,Crisp(rock) sugar-coated banana or toffee banana 10、炒面条,Fried noodles
11、烧饼,Baked cake in griddle
12、核桃酪,Walnut tea
13、杏仁豆腐,Almond curd, almond junket
14、银耳羹,Broth of white fungus
15、中国发糕(山西蒸馍),Steamed Chinese sponge cake 16、凉拌粉皮(丝),Cold sheet jelly (made of bean or potato starch) (vermicelli) with
mustard and meat shreds 17、鸡油冬笋(扁豆),Sauté bamboo shoots (French beans)in chicken oil 18、油焖鲜蘑,Braised fresh mushrooms
19、鸡蛋炒韭菜,Sauté eggs with leek 20、茶叶蛋,Boiled eggs with tea-leafs
21、白斩鸡,Boiled -sliced cold chicken
22、芥末拌鸭掌,Cold duck webs mixed with mustard
23、冬笋炒肉丝,Sauté shredded pork with bamboo shoots 24、米粉蒸肉,Steamed pork with rice flour 25、炒里脊丝,Sauté pork fillet shreds
26、酱爆肉(鸡)丁,Sauté pork(chicken)cubes with soya paste 27、炒腰花,Sauté pork kidney
28、熘肝尖,Quick-fried liver
29、醋熘(辣)白菜, Starch-coated quick-fried Chinese cabbage with vinegar(hot pepper) wow gold
30、干炸丸子,Deep-fried meat balls
31、红烧肘子,Braised(or red stewed) pork leg(upper part of pork leg) in brown sauce,
32、软炸里脊,Soft-fried pork fillet 33、油熘里脊,Sauté fillet with white sauce
34、瓤冬瓜,Stuffed-steamed white gourd
35、红烧扣肉,Braised sliced pork in brown sauce
36、红烧羊肉,Braised mutton in brown sauce
37、葱爆羊肉,Stir-fried mutton slices with Chinese onion or green scallion
38、烤羊肉串,Mutton shashlik 39、炸鸡卷,Fried chicken rolls
40、糖炒栗子,北京特产,Roasted chestnuts in sugar-coated heated sand
41、红扒鸡(鸭),Braised chicken(duck) in brown sauce.
42、红烧全鸡,Stewed whole chicken in brown sauce
43、口蘑蒸鸡(鸭),Steamed chicken(duck) with truffle(fresh mushrooms)
44、清蒸全鸡(鸭),Steamed whole chicken(duck) in clear soup
45、清蒸鲤鱼,Steamed carp
46、砂锅鸡,Cooked chicken in casserole 47、炸鸭肝(胗),Deep-fried duck liver(gizzards)
48、红烧松鸡,Braised grouse in brown sauce
49、炒山鸡片, Sauté pheasant slices
50、北京烤鸭,已经被编入美国英语词典(Webster’s new world college dictionary),Roasted Beijing duck
51、干烧大虾,Fried prawns with hot brown sauce
52、干烧桂鱼,Fried mandarin fish with hot brown sauce
53、红烧大虾(鱼),Stewed prawns(fish) in brown sauce
54、红烧鱼翅,Braised shark’s fin in brown sauce
55、红烧鲍鱼,Stewed abalone with brown sauce
56、红烧海参,Stewed sea cucumber 57、蚝油鲍鱼,Braised abalone with oyster oil 58、鸡丝鱼翅,Stewed shark’s fin with chicken shreds 59、软炸大虾,Starch-coated soft-fried prawns
60、清炒虾仁,Sauté shrimp meat
61、糟熘鱼片,Fried fish slices with wine sauce 62、烧元鱼,Braised turtle meat
63、烧三鲜,sauté of three delicacies(Three freshes)
64、海参烧鱼肚,Sauté sea cucumber and fish maw
65、栗子烧白菜,Sauté Chinese cabbage with chestnuts 66、油酥火烧,Shortened -crisp cakes
67、西法大虾,就是软炸大虾,Starch-coated deep-fried prawns in French way
68、汽锅鸡 就是蒸鸡,Steamed chicken in casserole 69、烤乳猪,Roasted sucking pig or Roasted baby pig
1、麻辣牛肉,Sauté beef with hot pepper and Chinese prickly ash
2、糖醋里脊,Fried pork fillet in sweet and sour sauce 3、糖醋鱼,Sweet and sour fish 4、麻辣豆腐,Sauté bean curd with hot pepper and Chinese prickly ash 5、怪味鸡,multi-flavored 或Fancy-flavoured chicken
6、五香花生米(鸡),Spiced peanuts(chicken)
7、酸菜(大白菜,中国特有蔬菜)Fermented sour or pickled Chinese cabbage
8、酸甜辣黄瓜条,Sweet-sour and chili cucumber slips
9、鱼香肉丝,Sauté shredded pork in hot sauce, or sauté of fish flavored shredded pork
10、香酥(琵琶)鸡腿,加味后,先蒸后炸。这个菜是中国驻外使领馆举行招待会时经常上的菜肴,往往在腿根部再加上一块红纸,以便客人用手拿着吃,很受欢迎。Spiced-steamed and deep-fried
(pipa-shaped)crisp chicken legs(Pipa is a Chinese musical instrument)。美国人称琵琶鸡腿为“鼓槌鸡腿” Chicken drum stick
11、椒盐鱼,Deep-fried fish served with salt pepper 12、臭豆腐,Preserved smelly bean curd
1、金钱鱼肚中的金钱是香菇,可译成Fish maw with mushrooms。 2、柿汁龙须菜中的龙须菜是芦笋,可以译为 sauté asparagus with tomato sauce
3、宫保鸡(肉)丁或花生仁鸡丁,Sauté chicken(pork) cubes with hot pepper and deep-fried
crisp peanuts
4、宫保大虾,Sauté prawns with hot sauce 5、酱爆肉丁,Sauté pork cubelets with soya paste 6、木须肉,是肉片木耳炒鸡蛋,Sauté pork slices with eggs and fungus
7、春卷,汉语拼音,Chunjuan or spring rolls。这道菜深受外国人欢迎,在驻外使领馆举行的招待会上,几乎上多少,吃多少。
8、肉龙,就是蒸发面肉卷,Steamed rolls with meat inside or steamed meat-filled rolls
9、玉米、栗子面窝头,中国特有,用汉语拼音Wotou, steamed pagoda-shaped bread made of corn flour or chestnut flour, or steamed dome-shaped bread made of corn flour 10、什锦冷盘,Assorted cold dishes or assorted hor d’oeuvre 11、什锦火锅,Mixed meat hot-pot
12、海鲜火锅,Seafood hot-pot
13、松花蛋,中国特产,Preserved eggs,或limed eggs或 fossilized eggs
14、豆苗芙蓉汤,Consommeé of of egg- white with bean sprouts 15、古老肉,就是酸甜肉,是深受西方人喜爱的大众菜肴,也能登大雅之堂,Sweet and sour pork 16、栗子花篮,是用栗子面做成的花篮,很早被外国人译成“北京的尘土”,Peking(Beijing)dust。这个译名可能是从西餐的奶油栗子粉(Peking dust)演变而来的。
17、西瓜花篮,是把西瓜加工成花篮形状,里面放各种时鲜水果,Basket -shaped Water melon
shaped like a basket filled with assorted fresh fruits
18、红烧狮子头,直译狮子的头,Lion’s head,是先炸后炖的大丸子,加注:Deep-fried red-stewed
big meat balls like lion’s head
19、芙蓉鸡片,用鸡蛋和淀粉浸过的鸡片,经油炸或油煸之后,样子像芙蓉花,Fried egg-and starch
coated chicken slices look like cottonrose hibiscus
20、黑白菜,东北著名菜肴,是黑木耳炒白菜,Sauté Chinese cabbage with black fungus
21、樟茶鸭,熏过的鸭子颜色类似樟、茶色,Smoked duck
22、蟹肉龙须菜,龙须菜是芦笋,Sauté crab meat and asparagus 23、麻婆豆腐,这是一个类似成语的大众菜肴,最好用汉语拼音,Mapo-doufu,再加注英文:Bean
curd invented by a pockmarked woman(麻脸婆发明的豆腐) ,再解释:Sauté bean curd with minced pork in chili sauce(or hot pepper),在上菜时,再讲故事介绍
24、豆腐脑,Bean curd jelly served with sauce 25、豆花儿,Condensed bean curd jelly 26、腐竹,Rolls of dried bean milk creams
27、油饼,中国特有食品,汉语拼音,Youbing ,加注: Deep-fried round and flat dough-cake 28、油条,中国特有食品,汉语拼音,Youtiao ,加注:Deep-fried twisted long dough sticks
29、麻花,中国特产,汉语拼音,Mahua ,加注:Deep-fried twisted dough, two or
three ,entangled together ,very short and crisp
30、叫花子鸡 可以直译为 Beggar’s chicken ,上菜时讲故事。
31、狗不理包子,中国特产,用汉语拼音,Goubuli baozi ,加注:Steamed buns filled with
vegetables, meat or other ingredients, which, even in the hard days, dogs didn’t eat ,because
it wan too oily 。
32、长寿面,可以直译为longevity noodles,long life noodles 33、珍珠丸子,不能直译为Pearl balls,会被误解成珍珠做成的圆球。应该译为清汤肉丸子,Meat balls in clear soup
34、琵琶大虾,这是一个很名贵的菜肴,是把大对虾从中间劈开,保留虾尾,加上配料用油炸,外形酷似琵琶。可译为Pipa shaped deep-fried prawns(Pipa is a Chinese musical instrument)
1、饺子,中国特产,用汉语拼音,Jiaozi, 加注dumplings,ravioli。近年来,由于中国与外界的联系日益扩大,出国的中国人,到中国来经商学习的外国人越来越多,作为中华文化载体的中餐必然会随之传播到世界各地。
2、蒸饺,中国特产,Steamed jiaozi or steamed dumplings,or ravioli
3、馄饨,云吞,中国特产,用汉语拼音Hutun,yuntu ,海外华人餐馆一直这样用,实际上已经被外国人了解。加注:Mini jiaozi served in soup
4、元宵,中国特有,用汉语拼音,Yuanxiao ,加注:Filled round balls made of glutinous rice -flour
for Lantern Festival
5、汤圆,中国特有,用汉语拼音,Tangyuan,(filled balls made of glutinous rice flour and served with soup
6、八宝饭,中国特有,用汉语拼音,Babaofan ,加注: Rice pudding with eight-delicious
7、花卷,Steamed rolls
8、银丝卷,Steamed rolls(bread)look like silver threads
9、糖葫芦或冰糖葫芦,北京特产,用汉语拼音,Bingtanghulu 加注:Crisp-sugar coated
fruit(haws, yam, crab apple ,etc )on a stick.
10、猫耳朵,山西特产,直译Cat ’s ears, 加注:Steamed cat-ear shaped bread
11、包子,中国特有,用汉语拼音,Baozi , 加注:Steamed buns with fillings of minced
vegetables, meat or other ingredients
12、龙虎斗,就是蛇肉和猫肉,可以形象地翻译成Battle between dragon and tiger,加注:Stir-fried snake and cat’s meat
13、驴打滚,属于北京风味小吃,就是年糕卷沾黄豆面,如同驴在黄土地上打滚,非常形象生动,完全可以翻译成D rolling on dust- ground,再加注:Rolls made of glutinous rice flour coated with
soybean flour,looks like d rolling on dust-ground.
14、大丰收,实际上是西餐中的什锦生菜沙拉,这个菜名很有创意。堪称中西结合的典范。但是,只有吃过的人才知道它是什么。可以用汉语拼音,Dafengshou ,Big harvest,再加注:Salad of assorted fresh vegetables
Background information for Unit 2 Healthy eating
Western Menu Vocabulary
烹调方式 Cooking Method
fried... 煎……,deep fried... 炸(干炸)…… ,quick-fried/stir-fried... (爆)炒…… ,braised... 炖(烧)…… , 闷(炖、煨)…… ,steamed... 蒸…… ,smoked... 熏…… ,roast... 烤…… ,grilled... 烤…… ,crisp... 香酥…… ,spicy... 麻辣……, caramelized... 拔丝……
toffee... 拔丝…… ,dices... ...丁…… ,mashed... ...馅、泥…… ,...in brown sauce 红烧……, ...in soy
sauce 酱汁…… ,...in hot sauce 干烧……, ...in tomato sauce 茄汁……
...in black bean sauce 豆瓣……, ...in rice wine 糟溜…… ,...with fish flavor 鱼香……, ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋…… ,...in soup 汆…….,..shreds ...丝 ,...slices ...片 ……, cubes ...块
调味品 Condiments
table salt 食盐, sugar 白糖, cheese 奶酪/干酪, vinegar 醋, butter 黄油, pepper 胡椒, soy sauce 酱油, cream 奶油, curry 咖哩, mustard 芥茉, tomato sauce 蕃茄酱, honey 蜂蜜, gravy 肉汁, jam 果酱, cube sugar 方糖, ginger 姜, garlic 大蒜, shallot 大葱, mayonnaise 蛋黄酱, sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 汤类 Soup
clear soup/thin soup/consommé 清汤, pottage/thick soup 浓汤,broth 肉汤, beef soup 牛肉汤,tomato soup 西红柿汤,cabbage soup 洋白菜汤,vegetable soup 菜汤, chicken soup 鸡汤,creamed
chicken soup 奶油鸡汤, fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤,creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤,beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤,creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤,beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤,creamed
spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤,hot and sour soup 酸辣汤,minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤,curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤
中餐主食Chinese Food
rice gruel/porridge 大米粥,millet gruel 小米粥,steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头, steamed
twisted roll 花卷,meat pie 馅饼,pancake 煎饼,meat bun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子,
dumpling 饺子,wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨,noodles 面条,Sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面,fried noodles 炒面,stretched noodles 拉面,noodles with soup 汤面,noodles with
soybean paste 炸酱面,beef noodles 牛肉面,spring roll/egg roll 春卷,rice noodles 米线,
sweet dumpling 元宵,egg fried rice 蛋炒饭,deep-fried dough sticks 油条,soybean milk 豆浆,muffin 松糕/饼,cruller 油饼
西餐主食Western Food bread 面包,toast 烤面包/土司,rye bread 黑麦面包,bun 小圆面包,hamburger 汉堡包,bacon
cheeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包,sandwich 三明治,tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治,hotdog 热狗,biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干,pancake 烤饼/薄饼,pizza 比萨饼,meat-pie 肉馅饼,
barley gruel 大麦粥,oatmeal 燕麦粥,French fries 炸薯条,pudding 布丁,macaroni 通心面,spaghetti 意大利面条
西餐主菜Western Entrees
beef steak 牛排 (rare) 半熟的(牛排),roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排),
curry beef 咖哩牛排 (medium) 适中的(牛排) ,real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排 (medium-well done)
适中偏熟的(牛排),roast veal 烤小牛排 (well done) 熟透的(牛排),spiced beef 五香牛排,braised
beef 焖牛排,roast mutton 烤羊肉,lamb chop 羊排,pork chop 猪排,sliced ham 火腿片,roast turkey
烤火鸡,roast chicken 烤油鸡,curried chicken 咖哩鸡,roast duck 烤鸭,smoked carp 熏鲤鱼,sardine
沙丁鱼,fried fish 炸鱼,fried eggs 煎鸡蛋,boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋,poached eggs 荷包蛋,omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷,pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜,salad 色拉,salad dressing 色拉酱,chicken
salad 鸡色拉,French 法式(色拉酱),vegetable salad 素菜色拉,Italian 意大利式(色拉酱),ham
salad 火腿色拉,Blue cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱),Russian 俄式(色拉酱),backed potato 烤土豆,mashed potato 土豆泥 中餐主菜Chinese Dishes
bean curb 豆腐 beansprouts 豆芽 ,steamed chicken 清蒸鸡,braised chicken 焖鸡,Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭,preserved eggs 松花蛋,braised pork 红烧扣肉,red-cooked pork 红烧肉,sweet-sour pork 糖醋肉,broiled beef slices 烤牛肉片,sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋鱼, meat balls 肉丸子,fried
prawns 炸大虾,steamed turtle 炖甲鱼
甜点 Dessert
cake 蛋糕,cream cake 奶油蛋糕,ice-cream 冰淇淋,pie 馅饼,vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋,shortcake 松饼,chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋,tart 果馅饼,strawberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋,apple pie 苹果馅饼,ice sucker 冰棍,pastry 点心,yam 甜薯,sweet potato 番薯,raisin 葡萄干
软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages,coffee 咖啡 black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡,
decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡, white coffee 牛奶咖啡,coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡,instant coffee 速溶咖啡,plain coffee 纯咖啡,milk 牛奶,yogurt 酸奶,tea 茶,green tea 绿茶,black tea 红茶,jasmine tea 茉莉花茶,tea bags 袋泡茶,coca cola/coke/cocoa
可口可乐,7-up 七喜,Pepsi Cola 百事可乐,Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐, Sprite 雪碧,fruit juice 水果汁,lemonade 柠檬汁,orangeade 桔子汁,mineral water 矿泉水,soda water 汽水,fresh
orange juice 鲜桔子汁,Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料,beer 啤酒, light beer 淡啤酒,draught beer
扎啤,开胃酒 aperitif wine低度酒/葡萄酒,white wine 白葡萄酒,red wine/port 红葡萄酒/红酒,sherry 雪利酒,champagne 香槟酒,cocktail 鸡尾酒,non-alcoholic cocktail 无酒精鸡尾酒,martini
马丁尼鸡尾酒,punch 潘趣酒, vermouth 味美思酒/苦艾酒,rose liquor 玫瑰酒,cider 苹果酒,liquor/spirit烈性酒,whisky 威士忌
一提到“吃”,我们就会想到“eat”。实际上,很多情况下并不需要用“eat”来表达。如《红楼梦》中有这样的句子:“你们坐着吃吧,我可去了。”译成英文是:“Sit down and
go on with your meal, I’m leaving you. ”再有一句“你尝尝罢,好吃得很呢!你林妹妹弱,吃了不消化;不然,他也爱吃。”这句连用了三个“吃”,但英译本中没有一个“eat ”,而译成“Go and taste some. It’s really delicious. Cousin Dai yu’s so delicate, it
would give her indigestion. If it were not for that, she’d like some too.”在《儒林外史》第十一回中有这样一句:“好男不吃分家饭”译做“Good sons don’t live on their inheritance.”
爸爸,我想吃点点心,你也吃点儿吗?I’m ready for some dessert, Dad. You too? 直到吃完饭华伦才讲话。Warren didn’t speak until he finished his meal.
他们吃了一顿极好的咖喱饭。They enjoyed a superb curry lunch.
吃点煎蛋卷还是吃点别的?How about an omelette, or something? 帕格一口一口地吃饭。Pug picked at food.
和我们一起吃饭吧。Join us for lunch. 我一点不喜欢吃那个东西。I’ve never learned to like that stuff. 我不怎么爱吃生蒜。I’m not especially fond of raw garlic. 她已好多了,饭也吃得下了。She is much better, she’s got an appetite now. 他是吃素的。He takes only vegetarian food.
他请朋友们吃饭。He entertained friends at dinner.
这碗饭不容易吃。This is a hard way to earn a living. 他爱吃甜食。He has a sweet tooth.
你真是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉!You are like a toad trying to swallow a swan! 他去吃喜酒了。He went to a wedding feast. 你喜欢吃什么风味的菜?What sort of food would you like 请再吃点腊肉。Please help yourself to some more cured meat. 通过以上各个例句,可见“吃”并不一定要用“eat”来表达