• Be more patient and considerate.
• Share thoughts and opinions.
5.• Will definitely play an indispensable role.
• Will possibly outweigh men in leadership.
• Will probably become tougher than before.
• Will still face challenges and gender barriers.
Language focus——Words in use
s ic ed shing ed odation
e ble nce
Language focus——Word Building:practice
ntal ical onal tional
ce vity ty uity ity
Language focus——Word Building:practice
ity ical onal uity
vity ty ce tional ntal
Language focus——Banked cloze
shing ed e atically ison
strative s e ders
Language focus——Expressions in use
down to exception to concessions to into at
ease with both counts over d from
Structure analysis and writing ——Structure
With a more progressive approach to diversity and a greater number of women
being the leader of organizations, women today feel comfortable enough to use
their natural management style at work. Their management style tends to be more
communicative and relationship-oriented.
One example of their management style is being more communicative. Women
usually have greater verbal ability and verbal comprehension than men. Their
speaking skill is actually innate – born with it. Since they are usually more
supportive, more inclined to delegate responsibilities and more willing to foster the
careers of their employees than their male counterparts, they communicate more
efficiently. As a result, employees are happy to share ideas with their female boss
and feel excited to have their voice heard in making decisions.
Another example of women's natural management style is being more
relationship-oriented. As we well understand, women are more emotionally and
spiritually intelligent. This gives them the potential to be a more understanding
boss than men. They know how to motivate their employees with human touches
such as "get well" cards and "thank you" notes. They also know when to make
concessions and accommodate their employees' personal needs because they
are not as rigid and stubborn as male bosses. Employees, of course, enjoy such a
relationship with their female boss.
In brief, women's natural management style helps them succeed in their
workplace. The fact that women are brought up to have verbal skills and
emotional intelligence is a huge advantage. It's their strength and they need to
use it more instead of disguising themselves.
Reading skills——Practice
1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A
Unit 8
Text A
[C, U] information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may
not be true 谣言;传闻
The president has refused to talk about his private life, especially the rumor of his divorce. 总
(stung, stung)
1 make sb. feel angry and upset 使生气;使心烦
Her words stung his pride and his heart sank all of a sudden; his disappointment was beyond
words. 她的话伤了他的自尊,他心里一沉,失望难以言表。
2 hurt sb. by sticking a sharp part of its body into sb.’s skin (动物)刺,蜇
He was stung by a bee when he was collecting honey; fortunately, he was not allergic to bee
stings. 他收集蜂蜜时被蜜蜂蜇了一下。幸运的是,他并没有对蜂蜇过敏。
Some type of fish can sting. 有些鱼类会刺人。
sb. who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people 邪恶的;危害他人的
In the movie, the hero has to rescue the world from an evil scientist. 电影里主人公拯救这个世
We can no longer lend our cooperation to an evil system. 我们不能再给一种邪恶的制度提供
Many folk tales around the world feature the theme of good vs. evil. 世界各地的许多民间故事
[C] sth. that is very bad or harmful 邪恶之事;祸害
She wanted to protect her children from the evils of the outside world. 她想保护她的孩子不受
1 (only before noun) the greatest possible (程度)最大的,极度的
If you become a soldier, you should be prepared to make the supreme sacrifice of giving your
life for your country. 如果你成为一名军人,你就应该准备好为你的国家作最大的牺牲,献出自
2 having the highest position of power, importance, or influence (权力、重要性或影响力)最
The nation cheered when the Supreme Court and the Senate voted last week to impeach him.
n. [U]
1 (esp. AmE) a period of time when a doctor receives special training in a particular type of
medicine, esp. at a hospital 专科住院医生实习期
The doctor did a two-year residency at a Boston hospital. 这个医生在波士顿的一所医院住院
2 legal permission to live in a country for a certain period of time (在某国的)居住权,居留
Some states have US citizenship and residency requirements for directors of insurance
companies. 美国有些州要求保险公司的董事有美国国籍并在美国居住。
[U] a situation in which people are killed or injured, esp. in fighting or war (尤指作战中的)流
The anti-Japanese demonstrations broke out in several cities, ending up in fires and
bloodshed. 在几个城市都爆发了反日示威,最后以开枪和流血告终。
There was substantial bloodshed at the Colorado movie theater shooting. 在科罗拉多州的电
(only before noun) relating to or used for medical operations 外科的;外科手术用的
Surgical gloves should, of course, present an impermeable barrier to bacteria on the skin. 当
[C] a part of the body, such as the heart or lungs, that has a particular purpose 器官
1 move an organ, piece of skin, etc. from one person’s body and put it into another as a form
of medical treatment 移植(器官、皮肤等)
Doctors hope to transplant a donated human heart into the patient within the next few days.
2 move a plant from one place and plant it in another place 移植,移栽(植物)
She transplanted the tree to a sunny hill-side, and before long she was harvesting a crop of
green apples. 她在向阳的山坡上移植了一棵青苹果树,不久就收获了一茬青苹果。
[U] 移植;移栽
Organ transplantation is one of the most expensive operations in medicine. 器官移植手术是
The long term results of heart transplantation are now excellent with an average survival rate
of five years among almost 70% of the patients. 心脏移植的长期效果现在情况极佳,几乎70%
1 [C] a machine for weighing people or objects 秤;磅秤
Nobody has ever invented a scale that can both assess the strength of a young man’s heart
and the limits of his desire. 从来没有人发明过这样一种秤,既能度量一个年轻人内心的强大,
2 [U] the size or level of sth., or the amount that sth. is accumulating 规模;范围;程度
My parents used to entertain friends with large scale parties. 我的父母过去常常举办大型派对
change the true or intended meaning of a statement, esp. in order to get some advantage for
yourself 歪曲;曲解
This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim success. 这份报告显示她是如何歪曲真
turn a part of your body around or change your position by turning 扭动(身体)
Tom twisted in his chair to look out of the window. 汤姆在椅子上转身往窗外看。
[C, U] a traditional story, usu. about animals, that teaches a moral lesson 寓言
To Socrates, the only acceptable kind of literature was the fable because it is a
straight-forward story for conveying truths. 对苏格拉底来说,唯一可接受的一种文学是寓言,
(the ~) the most powerful evil spirit in some religions, esp. in Christianity (尤指基督教中的)
Sometimes devils may disguise themselves as angels. 魔鬼有时可能把自己伪装成天使。
1 [U] (fml.) a limit or range 界限;范围
People are angry because these officials have no moral compass in life. 人们很愤怒,因为这
2 [C] a piece of equipment used for finding your way, with a needle that always points north
Past studies have shown that the insects use the sun as a compass to show them the
direction. 以前的研究表明,昆虫把太阳当作指南针,给它们指示方向。
[C] a member of the Senate or a senate 参议员
try to persuade the government or sb. with political power that a law or situation should be
changed 游说(政府或有政治权力的人)
After the killings on the school campus, kids in Colorado started an organization to lobby for
stronger gun-control laws. 校园枪击案发生后,科罗拉多州的孩子们成立了一个组织,专门游
[C] an action such as a protest or meeting which is intended to influence politicians (旨在对
Many groups have together mounted a lobby against cuts in hospitals. 许多团体一起发起了
(crept, crept)
1 gradually enter sth. and change it 渐渐侵入;逐渐融进
It is funny how religion is creeping into the environmental debate. 很奇怪,宗教怎么会融进有
Since it’s hard to filter the Internet, sometimes hackers creep in and steal some important
information from your computer. 因为很难过滤互联网,有时骇客就悄然进入,并从你的电脑
2 move in a quiet, careful way, esp. to avoid attracting attention 悄悄地小心行进;蹑手蹑脚地
I crept downstairs when everyone was asleep. 每个人都睡着后,我蹑手蹑脚地下了楼。
[C, U] an angry feeling of extreme dislike for sb. or sth. 憎恨;憎恶;仇恨
We wanted not only to love one another but also to eliminate racial hatred by staying together.
(~ to) give your permission for sth. or agree to do sth. 同意;允许
My aunt never married because her father wouldn’t consent to her marriage to the person
with whom she had fallen in love. 我姑姑从未结过婚,因为她的父亲不同意她跟她所爱的那个
My request for his signature on the contract met with his refusal at first, but he consented after
I explained further. 起初他拒绝了我让他在合同上签名的要求,但经我进一步解释后,他就同
[U] permission to do sth. 许可;允许
He took the car without the owner’s consent. 他没有得到车主的许可,就把车开走了。
[C] a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used in advertisements, or by politicians,
organizations, etc. 口号;标语
They are beginning to feel that shouting slogans in reaction to pollution is not enough. 他们开
relating to the outside of sth. or of a person’s body 外部的;外面的
It is only after the child has interacted with the external world that the learning of language
becomes possible. 只有当孩子与外部世界互动后,他们才可能学会语言。
Although the majority of organs are internal, a person’s largest organ, the skin, is external. 虽
[C] an organization, meeting, television program, etc. where people have a chance to publicly
discuss an important subject (人们有机会公开讨论重要话题的)论坛,讨论会,电视专题讨
Asking questions, exchanging ideas and attending educational forums over the years have
been all that I’ve done. 我多年来主要做的就是提出问题,交换意见,并出席教育论坛。
1 [C, usu. sing., U] the total amount of sth., esp. when it is large or increasing (尤指巨大的或
Pharmaceutical corporations used to dump huge volume of toxic chemicals into rivers. 制药
2 [U] the amount of sound produced by a television, radio, etc. 音量;(音)响度
Sandy stretched her hand out to turn up the volume of the radio. 桑迪伸出手去把收音机的音
Can you turn the volume up? 请你把音量调大好吗?
vt. (flung, flung)
1 push sb. roughly, esp. so that they fall to the ground 猛推(某人)(尤指使其摔倒在地)
Miss Stonehouse told how she saw her baby son flung from his infant car seat when her car
was in a collision with another car. 斯通豪斯女士说,当她的车与另一辆车相撞时,她看到她
2 throw sth. somewhere using a lot of force (用力地)掷,扔,抛
People cheered and flung their hats into the air. 民众欢呼着把帽子扔向空中。
[C] a very small living thing that can make you ill 病菌;细菌
The transmission of germs can occur by contact, breathing, and eating. 细菌的传播可能通过
[C] a group of young people who spend time together and often cause trouble (青少年)帮
He persuaded me to join his gang. 他让我加入他的帮派。
continuing forever and having no end 永远的;永恒的
In today’s dangerous world, how can we cling to the hope of a heavenly home with eternal
peace and safety? 在当今这个危险的世界,我们怎么才能坚信会有一个充满永久和平与安全
sth. that is optional is available or possible if you want it, but you do not have to have it or do it
For those students who are interested, there is an optional course in car repair and
maintenance. 有一门汽车修理和维护的选修课,供那些有兴趣的学生选修。
not include sb. or sth., either deliberately or because you forget to do it 忽略;省去;删去;
When people try to remember things, there is a natural tendency to omit, alter, and add
details. 在人们想记住什么事时,往往会很自然地省略、改变、添加细节。
1 copy sth. 仿制;仿效
They produce agricultural chemicals that exactly imitate particular natural ones, which,
however, may be dangerous to our health. 他们生产的农用化学品完全模仿特定的自然物品,
2 copy the way sb. behaves, speaks, moves, etc. esp. in order to make people laugh 模仿(某
She was a splendid mimic and loved to imitate Winston Churchill. 她是一个出色的模仿者,喜
When trying to learn a foreign language, your goal is to imitate the grammar, vocabulary, and
pronunciation. 当试图学一门外语时,你的目标是模仿其语法,词汇和发音。
1 (fml.) stop sth. that is happening or make it happen more slowly 抑制;阻止
Arresting the country’s economic decline was the self-proclaimed major task of the
government. 阻止该国经济下降,是该政府自称的主要任务。
2 if the police arrest sb., the person is taken to a police station because the police think they
have done sth. illegal 逮捕;拘捕
If he had answered the policeman’s questions honestly, he would not have been arrested for
such a minor offense. 如果他如实回答了警察的问题,他也不会因为这样的轻微罪行而被捕。
[C, U] a disease that affects a particular part of your body and is caused by bacteria or a virus
Prevention of infection is a major part of our response to AIDS. 预防感染是我们应对艾滋病的
In order to prevent the spread of infection, during the flu season, it’s wise to cover your mouth
when you cough and wash your hands frequently. 为了防止感染扩散,在流感季节,明智的做
find out what illness sb. has, or what the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations,
etc. 诊断;判断
The scientists discovered that this test can be used to diagnose a variety of diseases. 科学家
relating to or used for discovering what is wrong with sb. or sth. 诊断的;判断的
In the South, even basic drugs are a luxury for people to afford, let alone diagnostic
technologies and tests. 在南方,人们甚至连买基本药品都是一种奢侈,更不用说诊断技术和
1 [sing., U] the final solution to a problem or difficulty 最终解决方案
The lawyer’s advice led to the resolution of this problem. 律师的忠告使这个问题得以解决。
2 [C] a formal decision or statement agreed on by a group of people, esp. after a vote (尤指
People involved in the dispute wanted to achieve a resolution that would make everyone
happy. 涉及争议的人都希望达成一项会让所有人都满意的决议。
not showing that you are grateful or that you enjoyed sth. 不感激的;不表示赞赏的
Your boss is simply unappreciative of your ideas because he thinks of them as impracticable
and based on wrong judgment. 你的老板对你的想法根本不屑一顾,因为他认为它们不可行,
do sth. to try to stop sth. bad from happening or a bad situation from becoming worse 与…斗
The local government is trying to find ways to combat violence against children. 当地政府正
[U] fighting, esp. during a war (尤指战争中的) 战斗
Flying in combat and managing the complex weapons system require a considerably high
skill level and concentration. 在战斗中驾驶飞机和管理复杂的武器系统需要相当高的技术和注
[C] 臀部;髋部
[C, U] medical treatment in which a surgeon cuts open your body to repair or remove sth.
inside 外科手术
He has two options: He can have the knee surgery, or he can give up playing football. 他有两
not made properly, or not working properly 有问题的;有毛病的;有缺陷的
If a purchased product becomes defective within the time of its warranty, the manufacturer
must either replace it with a new one or repair it free of charge. 购买的产品如果在保证期内出
[C] a part of a cell in a living thing that controls what it looks like, how it grows, and how it
develops 基因
Genetic researchers estimates that as many as one in every seven people in the country is a
carrier of the defective gene. 遗传研究人员估计,在该国每七个人中就有一个人带有这种缺陷
produced by combining different artificial substances, rather than being naturally produced 合
Synthetic fibers do not come from sheep nor from cotton plants; they are derived from
chemicals or recycled plastics. 合成纤维不是来自羊或棉花植物,它们是从化学制品或回收塑
1 very great in amount or degree (数量或程度上)极大的
When they got married, they said that their love for each other was infinite and would continue
for the rest of their lives. 他们结婚时说,他们对彼此的爱是无限的,并会绵延终身。
2 without limits in space or time (空间或时间)无限的,无穷无尽的
Mankind seems to be unable to accept that we live on a finite planet –we act as if its
resources were infinite. 人类似乎无法接受我们是生活在一个资源有限的星球上——我们表现
1 paying careful attention to the smallest details 非常仔细的;极详细的
The documentary showed an eye operation in its minute details. 那个纪录片对眼科手术作了
2 extremely small 极小的
The scratch was almost too minute to see. 划痕小得几乎看不出。
[C] anything that is living, such as an animal, fish, or insect, but not a plant 生物;动物
Native Americans believed that all living creatures should be respected. 印第安人认为所有生
All living things are creatures, but not all living things are animals. 所有有生命的东西都是生物,
for this reason 因此;由此;所以
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again now. Hence a new set of policy actions will be
required soon. 贸易不平衡现在可能回升。因此,将很快需要一套新的政策措施。
Phrases and expressions
tip the scales
give slight advantages to sb. or sth. 使天平(向某人或某物)倾斜
Three factors helped to tip the scales in favor of the leadership of the Labor Party. 有三个因
cast sb. as
regard or describe sb. as a particular type of person (把某人)描写成;(将某人)描述为
Democrats have been worried about being cast as the party of the poor. 民主党一直担心被描
have relevance to
be related to 与…有关
The actions that the government is taking to increase employment have a close relevance to
a healthy economy. 政府为增加就业正在采取的行动与健康的经济息息相关。
creep in
gradually enter sth. and change it 渐渐影响;逐渐改变
Mistakes creep in and if adjustments are not continually made along the way, the mistakes
build and multiply on each other. 错误会渐渐施加影响,如果没有一直做出调整,常常会错上
persist in
continue to do sth., although this is difficult, or other people oppose it 坚持;执意
The general persisted in his denial that he had ever accepted bribes from some millionaires.
make much of
treat sth. as if it is more important than it really is 过分重视;过分强调
Much is being made of the number of women serving in the army. 在军队中服役的女性的数
in the name of
using sth. as the reason why sth. is done 以…的名义
Raising the investment sums which will be required in the name of global financial security will
create severe political and economic stress. 以全球金融安全的名义要求提高投资所需款项将
in one’s defense
for the purpose of supporting or defending sb. who is being criticized 为某人作辩护
To prove his bravery and loyalty for his country, she said in his defense that he had been
through a tough war and awarded the military medal. 为证明他的勇敢和对国家的忠诚,她为
be occupied with
be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
She greeted her neighbors absent-mindedly because her mind was occupied with her
boyfriend. 她心不在焉地跟邻居们打招呼,因为她忙着想她的男朋友。
in question
if sth. is in question, there is doubt about it 有疑问的;被怀疑的
Your loyalty is not in question; we all trust you completely. 你的忠诚度没有问题,我们都完全
as is the case with
in the same way as 跟…的情况一样
As is the case with every profession, nurses may have moments when professional ethics are
confused with the norms of public morality. 同其他职业一样,护士也会遇到职业道德与公共道
isolate sb./sth. from
separate one person, group, or thing from other people or things 与…隔离;孤立
Jack was grief-stricken by the death of his wife, and he slowly isolated himself from his friends
and relatives and became severely depressed. 杰克为他妻子的去世而伤心欲绝,他渐渐远离
make a contribution
give or do sth. in order to help sth. be successful 作贡献
Mrs. Shaw thanked her relatives who made contributions for helping the poor during the
holidays, in particular those who donated food, clothing and money. 肖太太感谢了她那些在节
be/become aware of
realize or know sth. exists 意识到;明白;知道
The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware of where she
had gone. 参加派对的人都在担心珍妮特,因为没有人知道她去哪儿了。
I was not aware of your health problem; I hope you’ll recover quickly. 我不知道你身体不适,
bring about
make sth. happen 引起;导致;造成
In effect, the current tight-money policy is intended to bring about a turn for the better in the
domestic economy. 实际上,目前的货币紧缩政策旨在带来转机,创造一个更好的国内经济。
Reading comprehensive——Understanding
became a children's doctor because of his love for children and his strong
desire to keep them healthy.
is thought of having no moral compass: He tortures innocent animals for his
career advancement and his experiments have nothing to do with medicine.
public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance to them,
while the senators and politicians continue to give way to the lobbying of animal
rights activists.
author does not really admit their mistake, but the tone is apparently ironic,
criticizing that the physicians were too soft to respond to the animal rights
is cruel to both animals and human beings. If physicians don't create an
animal model of the problem, they have to do experiments on human beings; or
the medical knowledge will remain static.
to cure infection will remain undiscovered, surgical and diagnostic
techniques will remain undeveloped, and fundamental biological processes will
remain mysteries.
e protection from serious sickness and drugs as well as most complex
surgical procedures were initially developed in animals instead of human beings.
the more radical members of this movement are successful in threatening
further research, their efforts will bring about a tragedy that will cost the lives of
many human beings.
Reading comprehensive——Critical thinking
1.• It helps diagnose disease.
• It develops drugs to cure infection and disease.
• It carries out complex surgical procedures.
• It employs techniques to replace defective genes.
• It stimulates development of synthetic organs.
2.• Participate in different animal rights activities.
• Make public speeches at different social settings.
• Write newspaper articles to condemn the inhuman animal research.
• Launch an appeal on the Internet to arouse public concern for animal rights.
3.• It is too cruel and inhuman.
• Animals should have equal rights as humans.
• The research result may not apply to humans.
4.• Yes, because they are ethical and justified and the public will support the
• No, because they are misdirected and they even do something improper such as
burning an animal laboratory.
5.• Yes, if animal research is abandoned, there will be almost no advances in
medicine and it will cost many lives of human beings. As compared to animals,
human beings are more valuable because they take many social responsibilities.
• No, it's evil to experiment on animals. Just as humans, all the creatures in this
world should have the right to live. They are not humans' property.
Language focus——Words in use
ing al lanted d
Language focus——Word Building:practice
erence er ic ption/consumer ion
on/invader sion
Language focus——Word Building:practice
erence on ption sion ic ion
Language focus——Banked cloze
ed s t d ng s
Language focus——Expressions in use
ted in relevance to ng aware off ed from the
name of a contribution occupied with the scales
Structure analysis and writing ——Structure
Many people will give some excuse not to keep a pet: They smell bad, they are
messy, they are expensive, or I don't have enough time to take care of them.
While most of these reasons sound plausible, there are some good reasons why
you should keep a pet to have a positive life.
First, pets can give you unconditional love and companionship. Pets make you
always feel accepted and loved. They are always good listeners and respond to
love, regardless of whether you are blind, deaf, ill or depressed. When coming
home from a long, stressful day of school or work, you see a cute animal waiting
for you in front of the door. You can't help but feel happy!
In addition to companionship, pets can greatly increase your physical activity and
improve your overall state of health. It is proven that a person who owns a pet is
less likely to struggle with ailments and serious medical problems. Owning a pet
can help people lower the blood pressure, fight loneliness, and conquer
depression. Long walks with a dog also burn your calories!
Undoubtedly, keeping pets makes you busier and leaves you more work to do.
However, pets give you a sense of responsibility. If you do not care well enough
for your pets, they will be ill or even die. Having a pet is a great way to learn the
value of responsible ownership. You will discover that life is not just about you.
Just like parenthood, owning a pet requires a lot of time and effort.
After all, everyone should keep a pet because pets provide you with unconditional
love, help you retain good health, and teach you to be responsible. Even though it
sometimes means more work and unexpected trouble, it's worth our effort.
Reading skills——Practice
, there are some facts that are actually emotional opinions. For example, the
author used some facts in Paragraph 3 to criticize her master's indifference to her:
Gradually, the rhythm of life changed as you lagged behind, spending more time
at work and searching for a human mate. I waited patiently, comforted you
through heartbreaks and disappointments, never scolded your bad decisions, and
leaped happily when you came home or fell in love. Also, in Paragraph 6, the
author blamed her master for his changed attitude: There had been a time when
you kept a photo of me in your wallet. But slowly, I went from being your dog to
just the dog, and you deducted all the money you spent on me from your budget.
In Paragraph 7, the author again criticized her master for ignoring her "rights" in
the family: On the eve of your departure, there was no internal debate — the jury
had already decided. You'd made the right decision for your "family", but I
remember a time when I was part of your family. Likewise, in Paragraph 12, the
author condemned her master for his coldness to break up the relationship with
her: You patted my head goodbye, avoiding my eyes and refusing to take my
collar and walking rope with you, the last symbols of our relationship. All these are
facts but they are actually emotional appeals.
rhetorical question "How could you?" in Paragraph 1 shows the dog's
strong love for her master and her happiness and satisfaction when she was a
puppy. The same question was used in Paragraph 11 when she was put to sleep.
It's not difficult to sense her sadness and desperation in a low cry, but obviously
it's the blame for her master who brought her the miserable fate. When this
question was repeated the third time in Paragraph 12, the dog's tone of criticism
became stronger: ... my "How could you" was not for her. It was for you, my
are some if not many: best friend, bad decision, right decision, good
home, difficult, nice ladies, bad dream, kind eyes, sad eyes, better place.
, there is no judgmental language contained in this text because the writing
style of the text is very different from a formal persuasion like Text A. In a
persuasion, the author would use a judgmental language to refute and appeal in
order to persuade readers, whereas this text is written into a story, which doesn't
require any judgmental language. However, this text still belongs to persuasive
writing which features emotional opinions and arguments through facts and
amusing anecdotes.
text has two major purposes: to persuade and to shock. Its main purpose is
to convince people to treat animals kindly. However, it doesn't directly say that;
instead, it tries to achieve its main purpose through first amusing readers
(Paras.1-6) and then by shocking them emotionally (Paras.11-12). To make the
writing persuasive, the text contains emotional appeal, rhetorical question, and
evaluating language.