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Java and the Internet
If Java is, in fact, yet another computer programming language, you may question
why it is so important and why it is being promoted as a revolutionary step in
computer programming. The answer isn’t immediately obvious if you’re coming from
a traditional programming perspective. Although Java is very useful for solving
traditional standalone programming problems, it is also important because it will
solve programming problems on the World Wide Web.
What is the Web?
The Web can seem a bit of a mystery at first, with all this talk of “surfing,”
“presence,” and “home pages.” It’s helpful to step back and see what it really is, but
to do this you must understand client/server systems, another aspect of computing
that’s full of confusing issues.
Client/Server computing
The primary idea of a client/server system is that you have a central repository of
information—some kind of data, often in a database—that you want to distribute on
demand to some set of people or machines. A key to the client/server concept is that
the repository of information is centrally located so that it can be changed and so that
those changes will propagate out to the information consumers. Taken together, the
information repository, the software that distributes the information, and the
machine(s) where the information and software reside is called the server. The
software that resides on the remote machine, communicates with the server, fetches
the information, processes it, and then displays it on the remote machine is called the
The simple idea of distributing information has so many layers of complexity
that the whole problem can seem hopelessly enigmatic. And yet it’s crucial:
Client/server computing accounts for roughly half of all programming activities. It’s
responsible for everything from taking orders and credit-card transactions to the
distribution of any kind of data—stock market, scientific, government, you name it.
What we’ve come up with in the past is individual solutions to individual problems,