In Tribute to You: Call for Entries
Dear all,
We, the students of [Your School Name], are excited to
announce a special writing competition that celebrates the
wonderful individuals who surround us every day. This
competition aims to express our gratitude and pay tribute to the
amazing people in our lives.
Competition Details:
"In Tribute to You"
All students from [Your School Name]
Word Limit:
2000 words
Submission Deadline:
Why Participate?
We believe that it is important to express our appreciation to
those who make a positive impact on our lives. This competition
gives us an opportunity to reflect on the role models, mentors,
family members, and friends who have shaped us into the
individuals we are today.
How to Participate:
Think about someone in your life whom you would like to
honor and pay tribute to.
Write a heartfelt essay describing this person, their qualities,
and how they have inspired you.
Ensure your essay is written in English and does not exceed
2000 words.
Submit your entry to the school office or email it to [Email
Address] by the deadline mentioned above.
Please include your full name, grade, and contact details
with your submission.
We believe that the act of acknowledging and appreciating
others is a reward in itself. However, to make this competition
even more exciting, we have arranged some special prizes for the
1st Place: A certificate of appreciation and a surprise gift
2nd Place: A certificate of appreciation and a book voucher
3rd Place: A certificate of appreciation and a stationery set
Our lives are enriched by the people who surround us, and
this competition is our way of expressing our gratitude. We
encourage all students of [Your School Name] to participate and
take the opportunity to honor someone special in their lives. Let
us come together as a community to celebrate the incredible
individuals who make a difference.
We look forward to receiving your entries and sharing our
heartfelt tributes!
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Grade]
[Your School Name]
A Celebration of the Wonderful People in Our Lives!
Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader at
Oakwood Elementary School. I have something really exciting to
share with all of you today!
Our school is putting together a very special book to honor
the amazing people in our lives – the ones who make us smile,
who teach us new things every day, and who always have our
backs no matter what. Isn't that just the coolest idea?
I'm talking about the family members who give us great big
hugs when we're feeling sad. The teachers who make learning
fun with their jokes and high-fives. The neighbors who shovel the
snow from our driveways in the winter. The crossing guards who
make sure we get to school safely every morning. The kind
cashiers at the grocery store who always remember our names.
These are the people who make our world a little brighter, a
little happier, and a whole lot more special just by being
themselves. And now, we finally get to celebrate them!
Our teachers had the brilliant idea of creating a book filled
with stories about the wonderful people in our lives. Fictional
tales, real-life adventures, funny memories, heartfelt poems –
whatever you'd like to write to express how much these VIPs
(that's Very Inspiring People!) mean to you.
Imagine how happy your mom or dad, your grandparent,
your favorite coach, or your best friend's mom will feel when
they read the amazing story you've written just for them! They'll
know that they're appreciated, admired, and loved more than
words can say.
But this book isn't just about saying thanks. It's about
capturing the little moments, inside jokes, and special memories
that make the bonds between us and our VIPs so unique and
unbreakable. The time your uncle taught you how to ride a bike
and you just couldn't stop laughing at his goofy instructions.
That afternoon your best friend's mom baked a million batches
of cookies with you for the school bake sale. Or when your
grandpa spent hours showing you the right way to cast a fishing
line, practicing patience like a pro.
These are the kinds of stories that will fill the pages of our
book with warmth, happiness, and lots of love!
I already have a few ideas for the terrific tales I'll be
contributing. Like the one about my dad, who makes me burst
out laughing every single morning with his crazy diners he whips
up – you've never seen breakfast foods combined in such bizarre
ways! Or my ballet teacher, Miss Sophie, who goes out of her
way to make every kid in class feel special, no matter how many
times we mix up our plies and arabesques.
Who will your VIP star be? The possibilities are endless!
Here are a few tips to make your submissions extra
Don't be afraid to get creative and descriptive! Make the
reader feel like they're right there with you, experiencing every
giggle, high-five, and bear hug.
Share what makes this person so exceptional to you. What
qualities do they have that brightened your day? How did their
kindness or generosity change your perspective?
If you're writing about a memory, set the scene! Describe all
the tiny details that made that moment so unforgettable.
Most importantly, have fun with it! Let your personality and
humor shine through.
I can't wait to read all of the incredible stories you'll be
sending our way. Just thinking about putting together this book
has me brimming with excitement!
Submissions will be accepted until the end of next month, so
you have plenty of time to craft your masterpieces and pay
tribute to your VIPs. We'll be putting together one giant book
filled with ALL of your entries to share with our whole
Won't it be amazing to read through page after page
celebrating the unsung heroes who make our lives more
wonderful than we could ever imagine? I can picture it already –
a huge, heart-warming collection of adventures, laughs, and
happy tears, wrapped up into one special book to treasure
This is our chance to give back to those generous souls who
shower us with kindness on a daily basis. So what are you waiting
for? Grab
A Tribute to You - Call for Entries
Dear all,
Do you have someone special in your life who deserves
recognition? Someone who has made a difference in your world?
Well, now is your chance to let the world know how amazing
they are! We are excited to announce the "A Tribute to You"
contest, where we invite all young writers to share their heartfelt
tributes to the incredible people in their lives.
Who Can Participate?
This contest is open to all elementary school students. So, if
you are a budding writer in grades one through six, this is your
chance to shine!
How to Participate?
Participating is as easy as 1-2-3! Follow these simple steps:
Think of someone who has had a positive impact on your life.
It could be a family member, a teacher, a friend, or even a
neighbor. Choose someone who has inspired you, supported
you, or made you feel special.
Write a tribute to this person. Your tribute should be a
heartfelt expression of gratitude, highlighting their qualities,
actions, or experiences that have made them so special to you.
Be creative and let your words flow from the heart!
Submit your entry by [deadline]. You can either email it to
or drop it off at your school's main office. Make sure to
include your name, grade, and contact information so we can
reach out to you if you win!
We believe that every tribute is special, and each participant
will receive a certificate of participation to honor their effort and
appreciation. In addition, our panel of judges will select the top
three tributes from each grade level.
The winners will receive:
First Place: A trophy, a 100 gift card, and their tribute
published in the local newspaper.
Second Place: A certificate, a 50 gift card, and their tribute
displayed in the school's trophy cabinet.
Third Place: A certificate, a 25 gift card, and their tribute
showcased on the school's bulletin board.
Let's Celebrate the Unsung Heroes!
This is our chance to celebrate the unsung heroes who make
our lives brighter. So, grab your pens, unleash your creativity,
and let's honor those who have touched our lives in special ways.
Remember, the deadline for submissions is [deadline]. Don't
miss this opportunity to express your gratitude and show
appreciation to the amazing people in your life. We can't wait to
read your touching tributes!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at
With gratitude,
[Your Name]
Contest Organizer
P.S. Spread the word! Let your friends and classmates know
about this contest so they can participate too. Together, let's fill
the world with heartfelt tributes!
A Call to Honor Those Around Us
Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 5th grader at
Oakwood Elementary School. Today, I'm here to ask all of you to
join me in a very special project - a project to honor the amazing
people in our lives who make a difference every single day.
You know who I'm talking about, right? I'm talking about
those kind souls who always have a warm smile and a helping
hand. The ones who go out of their way to make our days
brighter and our lives easier. They could be our parents,
grandparents, teachers, neighbors, or even kind strangers we
meet. Whoever they are, they deserve to be celebrated!
I know what you might be thinking - why should we honor
them? Isn't that just what they're supposed to do? Well, you've
got a point there. Of course, being kind and helpful is the right
thing to do. But you know what? It's not always easy! In this busy,
fast-paced world, it's so easy to get caught up in our own lives
and forget to slow down and think about others. That's why
those special people who make kindness a priority are extra
amazing in my book.
And let's be honest, how many times have we taken their
kindness for granted? How often do we say a heartfelt "thank
you" to the lunch lady who always gives us an extra scoop of
mashed potatoes? Or the bus driver who waits patiently while we
scramble to our seats? Or the teacher who stays late to help us
understand that really tough math concept? Not as much as we
should, am I right?
That's why I think it's so important that we take the time to
honor these incredible people. To let them know just how much
their kindness means to us and how much brighter they make
our world. And that's exactly what I want us to do with this
Here's what I'm proposing: let's create a big, beautiful book
filled with stories, poems, drawings, and letters honoring the
special people in our lives. We can write about that one time our
mom stayed up all night taking care of us when we were sick. Or
how our grandpa taught us how to ride a bike and never gave up
on us. Or how our teacher helped us overcome our fear of public
speaking. Anything and everything that shows how much these
amazing people have touched our lives.
And you know what the best part is? Once we've filled our
book with all our heartfelt tributes, we're going to present it to
our honorees at a big, special celebration! Can you imagine the
looks on their faces when they realize how much they mean to all
of us? I bet there will be plenty of happy tears that day!
So, what do you say? Are you with me on this mission to
honor kindness? I sure hope so, because this project won't be the
same without every single one of your voices.
If you're ready to join me, here's what you need to do: start
thinking about who you want to honor and why. What makes
them so special? What acts of kindness have they shown you that
you'll never forget? Once you've got your ideas together, you
can write a story, poem, letter, or even draw a picture capturing
those beautiful moments.
And remember, this isn't just for kids! We want contributions
from everyone - parents, grandparents, teachers, neighbors,
absolutely everyone! After all, kindness has no age limit, does it?
Once you've got your submission ready, you can drop it off
at the big decorated box in our school lobby or email it to us at
. We'll be collecting submissions all month long, so you've
got plenty of time to pour your heart into this project.
I just know this book is going to be something really special.
A heartfelt reminder of all the good in this world and the
extraordinary people who make it shine a little brighter every day.
Just imagine the smiles on our honorees' faces as they read
through page after page of love and appreciation!
So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started on this
together! Spread the word to your friends, families, and
communities - the more submissions we get, the more people
we can honor and celebrate. This is our chance to say a great big
"THANK YOU" to those kind souls who make our world a better
I can't wait to see all your beautiful tributes! Let's make this
book something our kindness warriors will cherish forever.
Thanks for joining me on this mission, everyone! I just know
we're going to create something incredible.
Kindness rocks!
A Tribute to You - Call for Submissions
Dear all,
Have you ever thought about how amazing the people
around us are? They inspire us, support us, and make our lives
better every day. Now, it's time to show our gratitude and
appreciation for these incredible individuals who make a
difference in our lives. We are excited to announce the "A Tribute
to You" writing contest!
The Purpose
The purpose of this contest is to express our heartfelt thanks
to the people who have made a positive impact on us. It could be
our parents, teachers, friends, or anyone else who has touched
our lives in a special way. This is our chance to honor them and
let them know how much they mean to us.
Who Can Participate?
This contest is open to all primary school students. Whether
you are in Grade 1 or Grade 6, we encourage you to take part
and share your appreciation for someone who has made a
difference in your life.
How to Participate?
To participate in the contest, write a heartfelt tribute to the
person you want to honor. Tell us their name, how they have
impacted your life, and why you are grateful to have them by
your side. Your tribute can be in the form of a letter, poem, or
short essay. Be creative and let your emotions shine through
your words!
Submission Guidelines
The length of your tribute should be around 200 words.
Write your tribute in English.
Make sure to include your name, grade, and school at the
beginning of your submission.
You can submit your entry by email or hand it to your
English teacher.
We believe that every heartfelt tribute deserves recognition.
The top three entries will receive special prizes and their tributes
will be published in the school newsletter. All participants will be
awarded a certificate of participation to acknowledge their
The deadline for submissions is [Date]. Late entries will not
be accepted, so make sure to submit your tribute on time!
Let's Show Our Gratitude!
Now it's your chance to express your gratitude to the special
people in our lives. Take this opportunity to let them know how
much they mean to you. Remember, a simple "thank you" can
make a big difference in someone's day!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask your English
teacher or the school office. We look forward to reading your
heartfelt tributes!
[Your Name]
[Your Grade]
[Your School]
[End of Article]
I hope this helps! Good luck with your writing contest, and
remember to express your appreciation from the heart.
To Honor You
Hello everyone!
I am writing this special article to express my gratitude and
respect for the amazing people around me. This is a call for
submissions, and I would love to hear all your stories about the
incredible individuals who have made a difference in your lives.
Do you have someone in your life who always supports and
encourages you? Someone who is always there to lend a helping
hand when you need it the most? Well, this is your chance to
honor them!
It could be your parents, grandparents, teachers, or even
your neighbors. Think about the person who has had a
significant impact on your life. They might have taught you
important life lessons, inspired you to follow your dreams, or
simply made you feel loved and cared for.
In this essay, I want you to share their story with us. Tell us
why they are so special to you and how they have influenced
your life. Remember, it's not just about what they have done for
you, but also about the qualities that make them stand out.
You can describe their kindness, their patience, their wisdom,
or any other traits that you admire. Share anecdotes and
examples that highlight their impact on your life. The more
details you provide, the better we can understand just how
amazing they are!
Your essay should be approximately 200 words long, and
you can write it in either English or Chinese. If you're more
comfortable writing in Chinese, don't worry, we will translate it
for you. Just make sure to include your name, age, and contact
information at the end of your essay.
The best essays will be selected for publication in our school
magazine, and the chosen writers will have the opportunity to
read their essays aloud during our special assembly to honor
these exceptional individuals.
So, grab your pen and paper, or your computer, and start
writing! Let's celebrate the incredible people who make our lives
brighter and better. Remember, this is your chance to say thank
you and show your appreciation for those who matter the most.
Please submit your essays to the school office by May 15th.
We can't wait to read all your heartwarming stories!
Thank you for participating and honoring the special people
in your life.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Grade]
[Contact Information]
P.S. Don't forget to ask for permission from the person you
are honoring before submitting your essay. Let's make this a
beautiful surprise for them!