江苏省响水中学高中英语美文阅读 The coldest place on the earth
Chapter 1 Two Ships
The race began in the summer of 1910.
On June lst,in London,a black ship,the Terra Nova, went down the river Thames
to the sea.Thousands of people stood by the river to watch it.They were all excited
and happy.
On the Terra Nova,Captain Robert Falcon Scott smiled quietly.It was a very
important day for him.He was a strong man,not very tall,in the blue clothes of a
captain.He was forty-one years old,but he had a young face,like a boy.His eyes were
dark and quiet.
One man on the ship,Titus Oates,smiled at Scott.
'What an exciting day,Captain!'he said.'Look at those people!I feel like
an important man!'
Scott laughed.'You are important,Titus,'he said.'And you're going to be famous,
too.We all are.Do you see this flag?'He looked at the big British flag at the back
of the ship,and smiled at Oates.'That flag is coming with us,'he said.
'In the Antarctic,I'm going to carry it under my clothes. We're going to be
the first men at the South Pole,and that flag is going to be first,too!'
* * * * *
Five days later,on June 6th,a man opened the door of his wooden house in Norway.He
was a tall man,with a long face.He waited outside the house for a minute.Everything
was very quiet.He could see no houses,only mountains,trees,and water.It was nearly
dark.The sky was black over the mountains.
The man smiled,and walked quickly away from the house,down to the sea.In the
water,a big wooden ship waited for him.The man got onto the ship,and talked and laughed
quietly with his friends.
The ship's name was Fram,and the man was Roald Amundsen.The Fram was the most
beautiful ship on earth,Amundsen thought.
His friends were the best skiers on earth,too.One of them,Olav Bjaaland,
smiled at him.
'North Pole,here we come,Captain,'he said.
'Yes.'Amundsen said.His friends could not see his face in the dark.'Fram is
going to the Arctic.'
Everyone on the Fram was ready to go to the North Pole,to the Arctic.Amundsen
wanted to go there,too.But first he wanted to go south.His friends didn't know that.
At midnight on June 6th,the Fram moved quietly away from Amundsen's house,
out to sea.
Chapter 2 The Race
The Fram went to an island in the south of Norway.It was a very little island,
with only one small wooden house,two trees—and nearly a hundred dogs.
'Look at that!'Bjaaland said.'It's an island of dogs!There are dogs in the
water,near the trees,on the house—dogs everywhere!'
Two men came out of the house.'Hassel!Lindstrom!'Amundsen said.'It's good
to see you!How many dogs do you have for me?'
'Ninety-nine,Roald,'said Hassel.'The best ninety-nine dogs from Greenland.And
they're very happy!They don't work;they just eat and play all day!They're having a
wonderful summer here!'
'Good,good.'Amundsen laughed.'But that's finished now.Hey,Bjaaland!Stop
laughing—come down here and help me.Let's get all these dogs onto the ship!'
It was not easy.The dogs were fat and strong,and they didn't want to go on
the ship.But at last,after three hours 'hard work,all ninety-nine were on the ship,
and the Fram went out to sea again.
The men were not happy.The weather was bad,the dogs were dirty,and some of
the men were ill.They began to ask questions.
'Why are we bringing dogs with us?'asked one man,Johansen.'We're going
thousands of kilometres south,past Cape Horn,and then north to Alaska.Why not wait,
and get dogs in Alaska?'
'Don't ask me,'said his friend,Helmer Hanssen,'I don't understand it.'
The men talked for a long time.Then,on September 9th, Amundsen called everyone
to the back of the ship.He stood quietly and looked at them.Behind him was a big map.It
was not a map of the Arctic.It was a map of Antarctica.
Bjaaland looked at Helmer Hanssen,and laughed.Then Amundsen began to speak.
'Boys,'he said.'I know you are unhappy.You often ask me difficult questions,
and I don't answer.Well,I'm going to answer all those questions now,today.
We began to work for this journey two years ago.Then,we wanted to be the first
men at the North Pole.But last year,Peary,an American,found the North Pole.So America
was first to the North Pole,not Norway.We're going there,but we're too late.'
'I don't understand this,'Bjaaland thought.'Why is Amundsen talking about the
North Pole,with a map of Antarctica behind him?'
Amundsen stopped for a minute,and looked at all the men slowly.No one said
'We have to go a long way south before we get to Alaska,'he said.'Very near
Antarctica,you know.And Captain Scott,the Englishman,is going to the South Pole this
year.He wants to put his British flag there.An American flag at the North Pole,a British
flag at the South Pole.'
Bjaaland began to understand.He started to smile and couldn't stop.He was warm
and excited.
'Well,boys,'Amundsen said slowly.'Do we want the British to put their flag
at the South Pole first?How fast can we travel?We have a lot of dogs,and some of the