production造句 -回复
1. The factory has increased its production capacity to meet
growing demand.
2. The company is investing in new technology to improve its
production efficiency.
3. The theater company is putting on a new production of a classic
4. The farm's egg production has doubled since they started using
organic feed.
5. The film studio was responsible for the production of several
blockbuster movies last year.
6. The clothing brand prides itself on its ethical production
7. The bakery is known for its high-quality production of artisanal
8. The automobile industry is seeing a shift towards electric vehicle
9. The pharmaceutical company has halted production of a certain
medication due to safety concerns.
10. The smooth running of the assembly line is crucial for efficient
11. The factory workers have gone on strike to demand better
working conditions and higher production wages.
12. The production team is in charge of coordinating all aspects of
the film shoot.
13. The production of renewable energy sources such as solar and
wind power is on the rise.
14. The company is facing a decrease in production due to supply
chain disruptions.
15. The artist's new exhibition showcases her latest production of
abstract paintings.